Saturday, May 1, 2010

I am an Indian. Jai Maharshtra!

“There are only Indians and non-Indians….”

“ I am as Maharshtrian as ‘varan bhaat’ – which I love. Everybody loves varan bhaat once they taste it, even those who are not born Maharashtrian. It is the best kind of comfort food – bland, unspiced, velvety and filling. I like to think most Maharashtrians are like varan bhaat – mild, easy- to-digest and likeable. Left to themselves, they prefer to mind their own business and get on with life. And there lies the key – ‘left to themselves’. Unfortunately, the time has come to admit that perhaps they are not being left to themselves.Opportunistic politicians have swiftly jumped in to profit from their discomfiture and frustration. The minute an ambitious, misguided chef takes it upon himself to add heavy- duty masala to varan bhaat and modify its taste, it ceases to be varan bhaat. He also loses his job!
So… let this be a given – Mumbai belongs to all those who live here and love it. That’s non-negotiable. A zero debate topic.Therefore, the question of keeping anybody out of this magnetic metropolis does not arise.Several manipulative attempts have been made by politicians to reclaim the city and rid it of ‘outsiders’. These attempts have failed spectacularly, simply because people have seen through the hollowness of the movement.Maharashtrians themselves have questioned the selfish motives of parochial political parties and rejected their narrow minded agendas.The ‘test’ is simple : Any politician claiming to help the ‘Marathi Manoos’ must begin at the beginning - first improve the lives of the local people through education and employment, dedication and sacrifice. Give the people better health care, roads, schools, hospitals, water…give them better governance on all levels.And stop this nonsensical ‘outsider-insider’ talk which is dangerous, divisive, undemocratic and anti-progress. In short, only two categories can be allowed to exist in our democracy - Indian and non-Indian. That’s where it begins and ends. Jai Maharashtra!


Anonymous said...

So sweet.
Is this your first speech as an upcoming politician?

goodluck said...

This is to celebrate Maharashtra Day's 50th anniversary. Goodluck Maharashtra. The rest of Maharashtra apart from Mumbai are treated like step children. Mumbai is swallowing the happiness and well being of its poor cousins in the rest of Maharashtra. Its thirst is insatiable. It wants every inch to construct ugly highrises. It consumes almost all the electricity. It is too greedy. Money making machines have invaded Mumbai by droves, impoverishing the rest of Maharashtra. The glitter of Bollywood, the construction business hides ugly underworld belly. Add to it the recent IPL. The wealth created by Ambanis and Tatas is false gold. It has only created a selfish middleclass and the class divisions have become too deep with healthcare and education and even security catering to the richman's well being while the poor have to lose their entire lifetime savings to afford one surgery. Both insiders and so called outsiders are plundering like there is no tomorrow.

Digistrom said...

I am a Parsi and have lived in Bombay all my life. I obviously disagree with the narrow Maharashtrians-first stand that certain parties are taking, but a point that's getting sidelined is that Bombay is indeed going to the dogs... over-development, pollution and an infrastructure that's stretched to bursting limits.

Digistrom said...

I wish someone would take a stand to preserve some sanity in the city and keep it livable without diluting their cause by taking an absurd stand that just favors one people in a city as diverse as this.

Unknown said...

Completely agree with you Shobha jee... "Mumbai belongs to all those who live here and love it. That’s non-negotiable. A zero debate topic." Kash!!! Everyone thinks like this... :) I have always admired your candid nature of expressing your views.. Nice article keep it up.

Sparkling said...

Simple and to the point. C'est tout! :)

P.S: I prefer varan bhaat with a wee bit more spice in it tough.

सुशीला पुरी said...

bilkul sahi likha to arajak aur faltu logon ke dwara failaya gaya hai.

R said...

I have had this experience often that when told that i am a maharashtrain, the first reaction of people is relating me to a political party & other hooligans & almost equating all maharashtrians to terrorists.

Political Parties do not own us, we speak a language & belong to a culture that is over 2000 years old & nobody can take that away.

The other day I heard someone say 'I won't speak marathi, i hate it because i hate Thakrey'
This is unfair, This is insulting, this is ridiculous.
People need to learn to separate the language & the culture from the politicians. Specially the youngsters.

Jai Maharashtra!

Tandarin Nike said...

Dot on. Well said.

Delhi Goon said...

I really liked your article - crisp, short, to the point & makes a statement. Turks in Germany, Hispanics in US, non-Marathis in Mumbai, rest of India in Delhi and Indians around the world - Can people really do without the outsider in this day and age? I think not.

You rightly said that politics should concentrate on development and not division. One day these divisions will eat those who created them - How long can you keep blaming the outsider? When there will be no real development people will turn on you Mr.Politician. Better start working, the people are more militant than ever.

FrankieGoesToHyderabad said...

Yeah, elegantly said. Sad that we still need reminding not to be taken in by the old 'us & them' nonsense. But we do, and often.

Sidhusaaheb said...

The Shiv Sena's and MNS's politics could actually be given a positive twist, I think. If they love and wish to help and work for the betterment of the Marathi Maanoos only, let them do that, but let them not attack non-Maharashtrians in any way, physically or otherwise.

goodway said...

People should focus on development and improvement.

1: Maharashtra Gov can start a less profit making organization for example gov should start a business for cold drinks or water bottles.
( It will create an Employeement for thousands of people. )

2: Government can improve education system

3: Like online social network , people can form social network and improve in skills , people should not form group only for debatable subject.

4: Gov can start computer centers where students can use computer for learning purpose. Now money might be a problem so make a Rule , any organization which is giving hint about Black money can get the whole amount if it will be used for social purpose and one monitory body should be formed to keep a track on these activities.

5: create Awareness of internet and it's usage at root level. Internet is a Source of Information and knowledge so let people should use it.

6: create a business opportunity for bottom level people inside a society. ( Agriculture is the one of area , lots of scope for improvement)

7: we have lots of other things to do ...

8: Try to help minimum one person to get improved.

Sudhir Kekre said...


That was a beautiful post. This outside inside debate sure rankles. am i a non resident maharashtrian or an outsider?

Unknown said...

I am a NRI but I am a Maharashtrian first then an Indian. My birth, my motherland is my state which is part of India. People come to this rich state for their survival. All are welcome but don't even think of taking over state as all Marathis know when kick whose butt.

On the topic of politicians, they could sell any idea for votes so don't even listen to what they say.

Jai Maharashtra, Jai Bhavani, Jai Shivaji, Jai Hindustan.

Sidhusaaheb said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

amchi mz de! heard that aurangabad (heart of maharashtra) has been hit by naxalism. the rot has finally set in, everyone should head for them hills! i recently came across an article by some wall street person in which he claims that india's terrible condition is due to national apathy - indians don't like india. seeing the current motormen mayhem, i am starting to believe the wall street accountant. poor mumbai! the moment it changed its name it has drawn all negative forces, the underworld, the floods, the terrorists, lalit modi, IPL and now kasab/kabab verdict. once they revert to good ole "bombay", prosperity will smile upon them again! "varan bhaat" over "paav bhaji"? non!non! mz de!

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Ariana said...

As a woman, who is an engineer and survived on my own in the US throught school and work as a single woman, I am appaled at that comment you said about Sunanda pushkar. I am not divorced, but you are, you have children from your first marriage and yet you didnt think twice before taking a swipe at her a single mother (you also married a much married rich dilep de second time around). Not that there is anything wrong in that. To each thier own, but to deride another woman with so much bitchiness and derison just shows how opinionated and dumb our lady journalists are. Shame on you and Vrinda whatever who wrote that article. Instead on focusing on what wrong in India (so many things on so many levels), you guys swooped down to the level of a catty, snooty harridan. tsk..tsk...
Disclaimer:I dont know sunanda puskar and had to google her.

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HARSHA said...


ShemaleJasmin said...

Indian cities, school, streets everywhere, it is dirty! ? whats about the Indian government?
IPL money-laundering scandal threatens Indian government ??

ShemaleJasmin said...

Indian cities, school, streets everywhere, it is dirty! ? whats about the Indian government?
IPL money-laundering scandal threatens Indian government ??