Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Paradise is biryani

Biryani is to Hyderabad what foie gras is to the French - a near-orgasmic experience that can never be taken for granted. The good news for gourmets and gourmands is that the famous Paradise Biryani is now available at the spanking new airport, ready to travel long or short distances, in neat vaccum-sealed containers that keep the heat and flavours sealed in for hours! Priya, the pr girl (with the largest and most sparkling irises I've ever seen on a human), was kind enough to book the treat for me, well in time to catch my evening flight home. The new airport is seriously AMAZING. I mean, it is WOW and how!! Even as I was gasping and pinching myself while muttering, " Am I really in India?" iI spotted Kamalhassan greeting fans like a visiting emperor. Well, given the thanda response to Dashavataram, where the megalomaniac plays multiple roles ( like a schoolboy in a fancy dress contest), Kamal should have been bashful, not boastful. But that's the guy. And God help us.
I concentrated on the biryani and mirchi ka salan. The flight was late and bumpy. Had I allowed my mind to wander from the biryani, i would have been nervous. An Israeli defence consultant (spy!!), on the next seat was getting annoyingly chatty. And worse - receiving text messages in the sky! Didn't he hear the announcements asking passengers to switch off their mobile phones before take off? He breezily told me to relax - "you only die once," he added by way of reassurance. There were vile thoughts raging in my head about the varied uses of mirchi-ka-salan at that point.Then I figured, why waste the salan on this turkey? More tonite. Inshallah.


  1. Hi there,

    Its amazing how yoou media and filmi people eat like us and dont look like us... i mean how is it possible to look elegant even after eating biryani and all.....

  2. I've lived in Hyd for 5 years, and to be very honest, the best way to enjoy Paradise grub is to buy it at the cheapie counter (they have 3 outlets within the main building - the cheapie one for truckers, a non-AC eating room and an AC one)...Also heard about the snazzy Shamshabad airport...if only it weren't so durn far from city.

  3. hey shobzzzz,
    saw your pics all over newspapers...... lucky girl. you bake the cake and eat it too...

    someday, I would call you release my first book. ( kindly come if possible )

  4. I've read ur books but never ur blog... since i quit my job, i've been treading this unknown path a lot...yup blogs i mean... and the first i come across, i.e is after updating mine, is yours.... and wat do i see.... praises for the city of pearls where i lived a nawabi life before moving to this non-stop city called Mumbai... oh man, how I miss the spicy biryani, masaledaar mirch-ka-salan now that u just mentioned it (but next time get it made from a localite - they make the best Andhra food at home)... you know one always feels connected wen u meet someone who is either from the homeland or has just been thr...I miss my city so much! its fu reading ur blogs... Rock on!
