Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Pond's Cold Cream

If there is something more elusive than McKenna's Gold, it is Pond's Cold Cream. It happens to be my personal addiction.... and I am in serious withdrawal without it. If I could, I would eat the stuff - that's how bad the dependency is! But for the past few months, the product is gayab! Missing from shelves. I have searched far and wide with little luck. Pond's may have introduced a new range of even better creams, but I am a loyalist (like Amar Singh). I like the cold cream. And I want it bad - real bad.As badly as Vidya B wants a hit. Would appreciate immediate intervention and help. Beauty is definitely skin deep, don't let those pageant winners fool you with all that rubbish about inner khoobsurti . Without Pond's my skin protests and threatens to resemble parchment. So... treat this as an SOS, folks. If you've got it - flaunt it. The jar, that is. Top buck guaranteed.
I watched 'Mama Mia' at Gloria Theatre in Stuttgart. It was in German. Did it mar my enjoyment? Heck, no. Meryl Streep lip locking with Pierce Brosnon might sound gross to some, but believe me, they worked their magic on screen and left the audience (Germans), screaming for more. I sang EVERY song (I was the only foreigner present plus, the only one who knew the ABBA lyrics!)Mama Mia was pure Bollywood - songs, dances, romances.It is bound to do well when it releases in India.Remake anyone? Hema and Dharam?With Esha thrown in? Remember, you read it here first!!


  1. I know what a wrench it can be when you can't find even a small tub of what you have been using for ages.

    I do remember seeing it in Chennai when I was in India last time.

    I have grown up listening to ABBA,and this song is one of their best!

  2. Ponds Cold Cream.. Hindustaan Unilever Limited needs to concentrate on distribution channels rather than just priyanka and Neha and Saif.

    ~ Aham

  3. More than a hit, Vidya B needs a stylist. Or a couple.

    Maybe a whole team??

  4. Mamma Mia rocks. I saw the musical in NYC a couple of years ago and was on my feet the whole time (what a waste of 150$) singing along to all the songs.

    My personal favourite is to watch some overmuscled straight studboy at Hawaiian Shack shrieking along to "Dancing Queen".

    How much fun.

  5. VIsit
    and look up for Ponds Cold Cream in
    the beauty & health section.

    i hope they deliver as per their promise.


  6. Ponds cold cream..... i did see it lining a shelf in Gurgaon :-)

    ABBA songs still work like magic... esp the not so famous ones like "when all is said and done" and "Head over heels"

  7. Hey this is really cool. The site does work -

  8. Nope, will not tell u even if I knew. Those people have ruined their credibility by making tht stooopid ad.
    Now there's no difference between them & Fair & Lovely:-S
