Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Eid Mubarak

My darling dost Raisa Husain always sends me the best sheer korma in the world on Eid. Being a Bohri, the food arrived yesterday, and was there on the dinner table when I got back from Delhi. I blessed Raisa and her family ( including her father, the illustrious artist M.F. Husain), before tucking in.She had also sent that delcious but hard to cook preparation, Nalli nihaara, which was devoured instantly, with crisp Bohri rotis. We phoned several friends to wish them Eid Mubarak. The mood was somewhat sombre. Understandably so. Driving back from the airport, I was enchanted by the sight of so many Devis making their way to city pandals for their brief sojourn on earth before leaving for their heavenly abodes on Bijoya Dashmi.As the noisy processionists danced and sang on the busy highway, I thought how simple it really is to co-exist harmoniously, if only politicians would let us. Raisa will be celebrating Dusshera with us, as always.So will several other friends representing all faiths. That is the way it has been .... should be.It is one thing for a Kripashanker to invite SRK to a well publicised sehri function and derive a photo op from it. Quite another to free your heart from narrow biases that are divisive and destructive.Right at the junction of Mahim Church, leading up to the ancient mosque close by and the historic Siddhivinayak temple down the road, three of the world's most important religions have found equal representation through the years. That's Mumbai. Please note: present tense . Not past. Give peace a chance, the Beatles once urged the world. They were ignored... rather, their message was.We cannot afford to ignore it this time. I'm predicting a war. The third World War. The world will get nuked. Whenever America faces an economic crisis, the war machine is activated to get the country back on the road. Why should it be any different this time?? Dire foretelling of doom and devastation? Well.... don't worry... we'll all go together. Cockroaches shall inherit the earth.


  1. Eid you and yours too.

    Eid and a doomsday prediction? Guess thats how strange the times are.

  2. eid Mubaarak to you and the complete De parivaar. Yes the America's and bachchans of the world react, and react vehemently, erratically and kitschy only and only when they need to uplift their brand image.

    BomB Bay is the crucible of religious harmony. Though incidences of terror does leave a negative impact. The Bombayana heart is all accommodating and genial. As rightly put in one of the recent flicks... this is a place where people wouldn't have met their immediate neighbor but would bond straight-out with a complete stranger in the local train or the taxi driver.

    yes the issue arises when we abuse the palsy-walsy emotion that the city nurtures, and work against the very manifestation of the city's nature.

  3. "cockroaches shall inherit this Earth"
    Wow! that was quite extreme. Why? Are you alright?
    Afterall it's not thaaat bad also as you are figuring it to be. US has in the past and even this time come out of such dire situations. People here have hopes, at least here in Southern California people rather seem optimistic and upbeat about their future and thereby, the World's.
    Well now- even though I don't believe in Islam but ok just for the sake of it; Happy Eid!!




  4. From a Columnist to a Fortune Teller... You got it all De'. First and foremost, EID mubarak to you as well. I am looking forward to my Halwaa/Kheer Puri treat at the wrong side of Devon (across the LOC) from a restaurant called Tahoora. Apparently, they make the best of it all for the celebrations! Unfortunately, religions have not found a peaceful co-existence here in Chicago yet... but who cares. Khaney ke liye kuch bhi karega ;-)

    As far as WW3... naah! America can't afford that either! What goes up, has to come down! Law of Gravity! After a retarded President for 8 years it's ready for a change, a drastic change! Fingers crossed. I am optimistic. And, ewwwwwww no cockroaches, please!

  5. Hello Hello Hello!

    Thanks for remembering me!

    Are you sure all is forgiven? Is it safe to come back yet? Have the missing posters been taken off the telephone poles? Is it safe :)

    Anyone seen the Marathon man? Remember Dustin Hoffmans character constantly and mysteriously being asked, is it safe, is it safe? If you havent please see it. Quite a movie. Just dont see it before you are scheduled for a dentist appointment. See it and know why!

    But I digress...

    I am back after days spent tending to a sick family and trying to get some real work done during periods of supposed respite! Those giant
    petri-dishes also known as Elementary and Pre school, ensure that all kinds of germy bugs come home to nest in the bosom of the family. I have been soothing fevered brows and cleaning up vomitus. I know.. TMI. But such is life in the slowlane of mommyhood.

    I have been reading your blog posts and the comments too.

    Bengaluru and Dilli and returning to Mumbai seems to have been kaafi delightful, all things being considered. 3 hours to the airport? Aiyooooo. In my day there was only one terminal called Santa Cruz. Colaba to Airport used to be a quick 30-45 drive. Oh, that was a time long ago and far away. Or perhaps it was really a long ways away even then but to my excitable childhood self all wound up for a "plane trip" time flashed by faster. Who knows... only the Shadow knows... dundundun.

    Eid Mubarak and Greetings for Rosh Hashanah and Dasara for whoever celebrates. I am looking forward to Eid feasting this weekend at a Masjid in Queens. The congregants are Desi Kutchi Muslims of Tanzanian Origin and I am looking forward to thier specialities. I will be going with dear friends and it promises to be a great time.

    Meanwhile planning for Diwali Party goes on. Taash hojaye? Oh my! What are you planning for your Dasara do? Anyone with ideas to share? Recipes on your blogs? Anything? All this ofcourse pales in comparison to your wedding planning. Wow! That is quite the undertaking!

    To "dont mess with the Yohan". Loved your marwar-sur-seine observation. Hehehehehehe. Somethings never change. Marwar-sur-Seine-ubersur-Hudson is another peculiar bemaari! Now I cant wait to see the mess that is Taj Lands end. Though the food in the restaurants seems to be quite delectable no?

    So did you read "A Case of Exploding Mangoes"? My library is holding it for me. I cant wait to read it.

    Now that I have used up considerable bandwidth, I shall slink away, disinfectant and mop in hand and clean up my germy home and restore order! Bah!

    Another Kiran in NYC

  6. Oh and about the US nuking all and sundry. Naheeeeeeeeeeeeee! Naheeeeeeeeee! Naheeeeeee ho sakta! * she shrieked, anguish writ upon her face. A solitary tear running a sad rivulet of mascara down a dewey cheek. Identically dressed village belles meanwhile danced and sang in unison behind her*

    Okay, silly screenplay jokes apart, I dont think it is going to come to that all. Economy is cyclical and the basic economic structure is strong in that it is supposed to sway this way and that without breaking down. Bailout didnt happen, perhaps some lessons will be learnt. But no, the war machine cannot boost the economy. It is a different day and age now. The stakes are higher.

    We will all survive and well. Things will do well again in time. Time is not of essence right away. As an investor I am staying in the market though diversifying more. I am optimistic.

    However I dont envy whoever becomes President this time around. Either one is screwed for this term atleast.

    Another Kiran in NYC

  7. @Another Kiran in NYC - Welcome back woman! I was so missing your humor :-D Not to worry, I have called off the rescue missions and rerouted them back to Florida for Hurricane... who is it now? I loose track these days! Age I say :-(

    Also, all SOS calls on Blogspot have been de-escalated. Hope the kiddos are doing well. Cheers, open up some Champagne for the master is back. Now only if I can track this *Aham* down!

    I have a dentist appointment on Monday Oct 6th for a crown on a chipped tooth! So, off I go to Netflix streaming to watch Marathon Man :-D Lucky for me the tooth chipped!!!

  8. It's nice to know that there is so much unity at grass root levels unlike what the politicians what us to believe. I was in Hyderabad for sometime and what I remember about Eid is Haleem that you get during the fasting month.

    With regards, to the impending WW 3, it's kinda scary but I guess it is imminent what with the current economic situation.

  9. another kiran in nyc, aapka yaha par lautne ka hardik swagat! Well what were you saying about that Marathon movie? What is safe? And what is safe? Well... Let me know something until i research about it myself first from imdb.
    but only after i done with my forty winks of this my whole sleep cycle is now f****d! ,). Wow by the way!! what a weather here in Los Angeles dude!! Well im sure it wouldn't be thaat bad also at your place?? Well enjoy your Eid delicacy do at Queens... Khuda hafiz! -- 77

  10. Ma'am,

    Do check out this link for an ad written by me and created by my ad agency, Words'Worth advertising, Vadodara on ban on smoking:


    Prakash Gowda

  11. I wish I was a cockroach...

    Scribblers Inc.
