Friday, October 31, 2008

Hey Bhagwan! Now it is Assam's turn...

The saddest aspect of the unabated violence exploding all over India is the buck passing that takes place after each blast. I watched in disgust as a clearly agitated Arnab Goswami tried to get some sane answers out of an annoyingly calm Mani Shanker Aiyar, and other 'experts' from the North East on his nightly show. We have stopped reacting with horror to the sight of mangled innocents, blood, carnage, dismembered body parts..... violence itself. Isn't that scarey? Terrorism is robbing us of our humanity. We are blase about blasts??? We look up idly at the tv screen from whatever we are doing and say tch tch before moving on.
Misplaced sentiments, on the other hand, come into play when mediawallas decide to take over the job of the courts.Press guys are questioning Mumbai cops for shooting an armed man who had taken over a public bus. What should the cops have done? Let him shoot the conductor? Passengers? People on the street?? If the cops act, they are damned, if they don't, they are also damned. Rahul, the dead man who lost his way while locating Raj Thackeray, represented danger to the public. Now he is being converted into a martyr. He has become a political pawn in death. Money is pouring in for his family. CM's of other states are busy cashing in on the shoot out and pointing fingers at Mumbai. I am sick of Mumbai being defamed. If it is such a terrible city, why do people from the rest of India continue to flock to it? Pardon me if I sound over sensitive. But there is something seriously wrong in civil society if we are asked to show sympathy towards Afzal, who struck at the heart of India itself ( the Parliament attack).... and now Rahul, who waved a loaded gun at innocent bystanders before the cops shot him dead. Perverse, is what I say...


  1. It feels so bad to look at such gory pictures everyday on TV.
    Media these days sensationalize any small piece of information they find. It has become the battle of TRP for the news channels. Media is solely responsible for making heroes out of idiots like Raj Thackeray and Rahul.

  2. so true ....we all have become insensitive to bomb blasts that is taking away so many innocent lives ....what is that we can do ? i have no clue !

  3. well said..but can u,me,we...what can we do??
    I don't have the resources to make an impact...if someone like RAhul try to do something they shoot them.
    I agree what he did was wrong ..but tell me how does a common man(unemployed) make himself hear in this corrupted system.

    You are placed high in this society ..the luxuries u have ..everyone doesn't have them.

    Rest i have always said..
    Was there any incident in USa after 911..was their any incident in spain after 3/11 ..was there??

    you know y there wasn't any incident there..coz the govt there care and they system is good,low population they value lives..Here it doesn't matter...
    People die or get killed everyday..
    Do we really care...
    we are lost in our own burdens...the responsibilities..
    who has time for the others,...
    i don't.. Do you??does anyone...???

    take care mam

  4. every one is on a TRP trip... they bank on gory for glory... and that's really upsetting. I mean the mediabazaars. I am willing to see the mental state that the boy Rahul was in, as I would with any wayward psychopath... but not consider him a Hero... he has been compared to Bhagat singh... They feel like the courts, they feel like the messiahs...

    I heard a comment by a politico "Rahul toh ek makhi bhi nahi maartha tha..." I wonder then, if Rahul's Gun was the latest edition from Leo Mattel...

    well, i also feel the police should have waited before forcing on the trigger. they should've waited till a couple of people are gunned down by rahul, or a few die of anxiety. They say, he might have just done this JUST to scare people. But I wonder if the same people who are defending his moves would say the same if they or their kids were at his gunpoint in the fateful BEST bus.

    We need to understand that police are people. With families, egos. Beating up culprits. Speaking Foul.Dealing with Dongi's Devi's and Whores... yet expecting to be untouched, sacrosanct and sane... I dont believe that any society or any person could be 100% bad, and neither could someone be a thorough thorough saint.

    and as a trend, we all persevere to be perverse. and persevering to preserve our sensitivity is no fad... behaving outlandish is in vogue...

    Assam blast, seriously, I now care not. I simply flipped the page, and surfed channels... to watch my soon-to-be-ending beloved soap Kyunki Saas... I have turned shamelessly selfish and indurate. Anyways, what do we know... i might die in a blast tomm... let me live my today to the fullest.. hai na?

  5. In reports I read, it was not mentioned that Rahul was carrying guns... Media flaw?

    If he was indeed pointing the gu at people, cops were just doing their duty..

  6. well its good that people have actually noticed the assam blasts...because this is not the first time that it is happening there. it has taken the delhi, bangalore and gujrat blast to shake up the country. other wise any blast in the north east is just another blast..blasts have become such a common affair that truely one doesn't know what to do...but when so many blasts happen in a serial the police is definately to be blamed....

    as far as media making a sensation out of it i feel no job is noble any more..not even the doctor's

  7. de, You are a Bombay elite, you are spared. So you won't die such an untimely death because of such untimely acts of terror. Second of all- who in the World watches Kyunki Saas these days man?! And that Ba would now be what?180 years in reel life no? -- 77

  8. Mr. 77,

    you have no right to be so unkind to Ba.

    For your kind information she is 300+ okie... how dare you think she is just 180...?? huh

    (kidding mate, jocular vein )lol

    and in the eyes of terror, i dont feel anyone is spared... It doesnt matter if you travel by a local train, a maryuti or a mercedez... anything could happen anywhere...

  9. Hi Shobhaa, which blogs do you check out? Would be interesting to know! :)

  10. God made men, men made boundaries.

  11. Oh **aham** bhai-
    You just made a mockery out of your own self!

    Well- with all due respects **aham**-
    I think Kyunki Saas tv show is now emerged to become the biggest disgrace in the history of television the world over!!
    I can go on and on, but for the interest of not spreading its popularity any further I decide to keep it numb and bland!
    Ba at 300 looks as ridiculous to me as Spartans of 300!

    Peace Mate.

    Double Seven

  12. Oh **aham** bhai-
    You just made a mockery out of your own self!

    Well- with all due respects **aham**-
    I think Kyunki Saas tv show is now emerged to become the biggest disgrace in the history of television the world over!!
    I can go on and on, but for the interest of not spreading its popularity any further I decide to keep it numb and bland!
    Ba at 300 looks as ridiculous to me as Spartans of 300!

    Peace Mate.

    Double Seven

  13. When will this end?
    Its a question i've asked many times. . . None have answered.
    God seems to be a mockery of sorts now.
    To me, and to all those innocent people who lost dear ones for no personal fault of theirs.

    Loved your post.
    Am an amateur poet.

    I'll write about this soon.


  14. YES I am sympathetic to Rahul and I will be, till the day Raj Thakray is shot dead too. Raj is a mass murderer. Of course I want to see him dead and I hate all Maharashtrians, despite being one of them. I mean, my mother tongue is Marathi, yes and I live in this f****d up city Pune for over half my life, but how I HATE the sick Maharashtrians who think they're doing a favour to the rest of the world by letting them live and work in Maharashtra. Crooked, nasty little self-pity wallowing tribe!

  15. Oh and don't worry. With that abusive freak Raj Thakray guarding the entrances with a gun you Mumbaikars can REALLY enjoy lots of peace and privacy. But tell him to guard his filthy tongue! My dad served the Armed Forces - I have great respect for India and Indians from every corner of the nation. DON'T you get funny ideas about Mumbai being your personal property, you stupid Mumbaikars!
    You're a part of India and owe your success to AS MUCH to people from other parts of India as those who were born in Mumbai or other parts of that Oh so great Maharashtra.

  16. wow.

    this is less like a comment section.....and more like a forum

    care to reply to comments once in a while?

    oh, and the blogger shobhaa is much more spunkier than the paper shobhaa

  17. the first perverse non-conformist in soveriegn india: maharashtrian called : ghodse...

    their jihad continues with Bal and Raj... and visionary supporters of your ilk...

  18. It is really sad to see that someone can be that cruel. The pictures seem to be like some high action packed bollywood blockbuster. Perhaps these movies also inspire the terrorists to make it bigger than the last time.

  19. Agree with you that the attacks are sick. But the question of Afzal is a bit problematic, because of a lack of evidence. You can't sentence someone to death when the evidence is so sketchy. The SC itself is unsure-read the judgment.

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