Sunday, December 14, 2008

Raba Raba jee karta.....

Okay guys, here's the good news - I've just come home after watching SRK's 'Rub -a- dub-dub..." and..... and ....and - I LOVED IT!! Well..... most of it. Which is saying a lot. It was a sunday evening - tickets were easily available, and as usual ADLABS (Metro), started the film 20 mins late. This has become something of a routine here, and is completely not on. A late start also means the theatre is not cleaned. I stepped over tubs of spilled popcorn to get to my seat. The ushers grinned instead of apologising and cheerfully said the previous show had also started late!! Wow! What an amazing consolation!
Srk claims he likes me (thanks, darling!). Well.... I like him ,too. But as an actor . I expect nothing less than excellence from the man, since he is capable of delivering superb performances, when he chooses to - or more accurately, when an intelligent script , combined with a good director, extract the best out of him. I still don't care what the critics say about OMO, or even that it grossed indecent amounts of money world wide. I didn't like it . It was a mediocre film. Period. 'Rab...' is a far better product, mainly because it has a better written role and a superior script for SRK to interpret - which he has. The two biggest flaws in an otherwise charming movie were the forced item songs featuring the same tired bunch of heroines doing some badly choreographed retro tribute. And there was also that utterly pointless, boring sumo wrestler sequence.Though that bit looks suspiciously like some serious 'setting' has taken place between Japan Tourism Board and the producers. It could also be SRK's brainwave to move into Rajnikant's monopolistic territory. Whatever. But the second half dragged on and on..... and I did the unthinkable - reached for my mobile phone to text away rather than watch the movie collapsing into itself after that brilliant beginning.
Why does 'Rab...' work in the first place? Because it touches ones 'cynical' heart - I even shed a few tears. Simpleton Shah Rukh was adorable and credible, minus his predictable SRK mannerisms. As Raj the rocker, he was good , too, without becoming a broad caricature. The new lassie (what's-her-face?) has a great bod, and a butt as finely sculpted as John's, but the face is far from attractive. Which makes the casting perfect - she looks like any pretty Amritsari kuddi. And frankly, I'd much rather watch a fresh face over all those over-made up creatures in the top bracket. The movie's premise is appealing if not terribly original (Simple Simon gets the girl), but the trick lies in its telling. The dialogues were wonderfully apt, and since SRK WAS MEANT TO RELY HEAVILY ON HIS EMOTIVE EYES rather than his six pack, his fans once again got to swoon over 'those' moments that made him such a huge star in the first place.After 'Chak De', this is his most accomplished recent performance yet.
And awwwww..... all you guys reacting like kids to our silly pot shots - it's okay. Really.Most movie stars can't tell the difference between informed criticism and unadulterated chamchagiri. They ,of course, prefer the latter - no dearth of that in Bollywood. So.... calm down . I do my job honestly.... and would like to believe he does his in the same spirit. He is free to call me a joke, just as I am free to call him a ham - when he hams. In 'Rab...' he was wonderful, and I'm the first person to say so - no issues.At 43, SRK is still a petulant bachcha, unable and unwilling to handle a line of criticism.Theek hai..... I liked the movie.... and him in it. End of the story.
P.S. the saree offer still stands!!


  1. shobhaaaa can i marry your daughter?

  2. Hey, I used to be a regular reader of your blogs!..... Now, its disgusting... You just blew all the respect that I had for you...

    You attention seeking ...., Dont use the emotions of my country to defame someone else... or get cheap publicity for yourself...

    I guess, you make your hubby wear your shit lingerie....

    btw, all the admirers of shobhaa de should start wearing sarees and bangles... Especially the one above...

    ex- shobhaa de admirer....

  3. you are so pathetic..
    i seriously feel sorry for you

    first you attack ShahRukh Khan for being so not active about the attacks and NOW you went to watch his movie? and for what? to post a lousy blog about how "good" it was?

    ShahRukh wouldnt reply to your silly blog if it hadnt really hurt him badly, he never talks back to anyone that attacks him and he showed that clearly even before he reaches the age of 43! so no De whatever, he is MAN enough to be patient about lousy articles and blogs like yours and let them pass but i think like you said "he likes you so much" that he talked back at you, does it hurt you now that he said those things about you? cause i really HOPE it did, just as much as it hurt him!

    keep writing more blogs and make sure the title of them has his name, because thats the only way people would be interested in reading them!

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  7. Okay I am just back after seeing Rab ne Bana di jodi. What did I think? I will tell you on my blog in a bit. Right now I am pulling on my warm fuzzy socks and pajamas, pouring myself a frosty glass of nimbu pani, and then I am going to sit down and eat the left over Samosa Chaat that I bought at Intermission.

    Why didnt I finish the samosa chaat while watching the movie?

    A hint... I was eating too much Ham during the movie.

    Come by my blog and read all about my ham sandwich... errr my review of the movie!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Well, I think you are right. Criticism ought to be taken in good spirit. It is great that a few among us have the courage to express what is on our minds, and not simply rely on that which is merely politically correct.

    You didn't like his lukewarm reaction to recent events, he attacked you in a more untasteful fashion, I suppose you guys are just rolling with the punches.

    Don't get too swept up in this storm. It seems that SRK lovers are taking personal offensive to all and any bits of criticism. Oh they can deal with it, I'm sure they'll live :P

    Take care,

    - Sydney

    P.S. I seem to have deleted and reconstructed this comment a million times. I'm so tired that my fingers refuse to type coherent sentences. So I will now retire, my apologies for all the previously deleted comments. I had to edit my comment until it had some semblance of logic :P Looking forward to future posts.

  11. You know, many Bombayites toil many years without getting an accolade like 'Cynicism in a designer sari'. I would claim it with pride, honestly.

    But also, a question: Ms De, you were disappointed by most Bollywood stars' responses to the events in Mumbai. Fair enough - they weren't hired for their brains, but for what it's worth I believe that they do have a social responsibility to fulfill. But then Sanjay Dutt starts getting involved, and you don't like it.

    So what should Sanjay Dutt do, Ma'am? He's damned if he doesn't and damned if he does.

  12. LoL ... is it the best u got SRK fans ... specially the third one *ex-admirer* aka *loser* ...

    U know when u try hard for it to come out naturally in the morning but doesn't come out ... and after taking a pill there is an outburst ...
    lol yeah! ... well this is what is happening .. Shobhaa De has just given u a pill to talk Shit ...

    Go to town man .. learn something ..

    P.S.: Sorry for sounding grouse .. but i guess this is the way these jerks are to understand.

  13. I HAVE to watch this movie now :)

  14. SRK as a future politician ?

  15. hey what was SRK's retort?

    Anyways, ur seriously pathetic - if this is an attempt now to offer an olive branch, it's seriously lame.

    ur bitchiness is soooooooooo 20th century...

  16. Wokayyyyy... my review of Rab ne Bana di Jodi is up on my blog now. So folks, come by and tell me what you think too!

  17. I loved your view of SRK trying to sumo wrestle his way into Rajni's Japanese fanbase. HEHEEHEHEHEHE.

    Actually I do have a tamil malay friend who happens to be married to a Japanese man and living in Japan. She once described the hysteria that Rajni invokes amongst his loyal fan base in Japan. What she described can hardly be believed. What can they see that I cant????? Sheeesh, Wait while I to polish up my chashma to look at Rajni in that light. Nope, that didnt help... I still dont see it.

    This same friend told me about how bitter the arguments got and the controversy in Malaysia/Brunei when SRK was given the title of whatever. That decision has left many, many ordinary citizens with a bad taste in thier mouth.

    I have to say though SRK looked super hot in the traditional Malay outfit when he accepted the (supposedly undeserved) honor.

  18. i partially agree with you about srk's vexing acting, which is at times over the top and a tad bit weird. however, i think as a human being he has given much to india. he is the embodiment of hope and success that the people would be lost without. it is one thing to criticise him, which he accepts wholeheartedly, yet it is another to simply talk unnecessarily...may srk continue to serve us oh so loyally.

  19. hi, shobha..

    just want to say in your blog that why just bollywood, where are our Corporate czars showing any compassion for the victims? Why no response from the mighty Ambani's Birlas etc?

    For that matter why is it that we have not heard of any philanthrophy done by the Ambani's?

    Except for the lone eliti'st school? Should we not expect them to give back to society in general & Mumbai in particular ?

  20. "Double Seven", quiet simply you are a narrow minded fool, who is obviously non progressive. wtf, srk wasn't defending his religion, he was simply stating fact. the moderates will rise up and kill the fundamentalists.

  21. Double Seven stop having a bitch fest about a spelling error. i'm actually probably smarter and more successful than you bloody are. i don't care enough to argue again. btw, srk doesn't drink.

  22. If SRK did NOT comment about 26/11 - then teri....hmm..aapki... i go....aapki...gaand mein khujli kyun ho rahee hai ?

  23. To Anonymous #1-

    First have some balls, enough to show your identity.
    Secondly- "actually" or "probably"?
    Can not be both right?

    So verdict is that I am still smart enough to f*** your case and successful enough to have so much confident so as to not to keep my identity a secret. :)

    SRK drinks BY THE WAY.
    For your proof- go and watch the making of Devdas. There is one scene when Paro (Aishwarya Rai) comes to take him away from the brothel. And Shahrukh Khan lies there completely out of mind and drunk up his ass. Sanjay Leela Bhansali, the director of Devdas says that, that scene was actually shot while Shahrukh Khan was completely out of his mind.


  24. Double seven, my name is romulus.i don't know why you are yelling in hindi, i don't speak or understand it. my comments were the ones that began with me stating double seven.

  25. oh wait, the hindi was for the noob after me.

  26. additionally, just coz you bust my balls over wording and spelling - "to have so much confident" hey? anyway, i think this is getting out of hand now. so, my apologies uncle.

  27. Yes, Romulus.

    It's a pity that being an Australian you can't speak proper English.

    Well, keep sledging!! That's in your blood after all.
    Racism, bigotry and arrogance as well. :)

    India is gonna kick your ass the way it has been doing in the past and also with the English team these days.

    India at #1- COMING SOON!! :)

    PS: M.S. Dhoni is already #1.
    Don't say now that you don't follow Cricket and that you just follow Rugby. Lol. Such a twat. Twat-ness redefined by Australians. You the man. Romulus Maximus Meridius- Commander of the Aborigines Regions. Citizen of a racist country; student of a fucked up University. And I will have my vengeance in this generation or the next. Keep trying. :)

  28. seriously, don't you think this has gone too far? i just like the politics, not the bitch fights. my mum is half indian and my dad is romanian, so i have been brought up with moral compass thank-you very much. you seem to know quiet a lot about Australia. Our taxes go towards maintaining an adequate life for aboriginals, who are happy living like nomads. also, melb uni is in g08.

  29. i don't follow cricket.

  30. Yeah, I have done some research about it and know how the native Aborigines have been atrociously denied of their basic rights. It was their land and those Europeans snatched it from them; quite disgustingly unfair to hear.

    GLAD that you are "quiet" an Indian.

    So please if you don't know with authority whether or not Shah Rukh Khan drinks alcohol then kindly don't "nose around" with spreading false myths here. Because there are enough knowledgeable fully-informed people who are here to discuss the issue that is in the minds currently of all the Bombay people. You are living not so close by from Bombay so kindly don't indulge yourself giving hasty comments about Shobhaa De or her reaction to Shah Rukh Khan's remarks about the Mumbai attack. He was caught naked trying to defend his religion at the time when he was supposed to say something for the loss of human life. Sure thing- how could he "act" about mourning or anything right? So that's why I am saying that he should have kept his mouth numb till everything got settled down. It was clearl that he was speaking the minds of those countless Muslims who are moderates and think that "all terrorists are not Muslims" and vice-versa. At the same time however, he could have chosen a better time to go about his preachiness in front of that minority-Indian bias Barkha Dutt.

    My worry is that you do not possess enough ground-zero information about Mumbai and even then you come up barking on this forum for no rhyme or reason. I think you have lost your identity in the bewildered racist land of Australasia and you love Bollywood stars just like those countless NRIs all over the world. Seriously man you guys are crazy over Bollywood- I don't even know why. Hrithik Roshan stays next-door to my house and I don't even know what's "soooo special" when I tell my ABCD friends about it. They get mad excited!! lol.


  31. whatever man. i've been going to india for basucally every summer of my life. feb 2009 i will be with you. till then my love cya.

  32. sorry, just one last thing my friend - i couldn't sleep. hrithik roshan is ur neighbour? omg, nicole kidman and kylie minogue are my neighbours. pfft, you need to get laid or something.

  33. * inclusive of Yash chopra, Hema Malini and the two daughters, Dharmendra and the two sons, Gayatri Joshi, Amitabh Bachchan and Hrithik Roshan.

    I love Kylie!!

    Cheers. Australian for beer. lol.


  34. yeah, she is brilliant isn't she? but then again do you like those that engage in "Racism, bigotry and arrogance". geez man, ur disputation is enthralling. cheers, you are a smart guy. no hard feelings man. i must sleep now.

  35. @ romulus-

    Read through some of the comments made by the fellow bloggers. Essentially, make it a point to read what 'Another Kiran In NYC' had to say about Shahrukh Khan.


  36. Drifting away from the Shahrukh Khan topic (Shahrukh you are absolutelty loved by this nation, and talking against you might have led this De lady to loose whatever respect less than 5% of India that knew /had heard of her had for her!). Its funny how your eyes never see beauty in any other woman. You have been vocal in expressing your comments on the lack of beauty in the leading bollywood ladies/deepika phaduoke/and now the poor newcomer opposite Shahrukh.
    Thank heavens your gorgeous daughters dint venture into Bollywood. What with the perfect beauties that each of them are (afteral you have passed down your genes).
    And besides Bollywood stars did industrialists express their concerns over the mumbai attacks? (did anyone hear a certain Dilip De utter a word? anyone? )

  37. Well, I think you shud-a put in a line that aesthetically the movie is nothing but bull-crap but in the face of so many other movies of today, it is tolerable. Dunno why you had to be kind... don't!

  38. Give it up Double Seven- and to think i was begning to form some semblance of respect for you. Don't patronise me. you truly underestimate my intelligence. i have my own opinion, which will not be swayed by you. what do you have against the prosperous? srk is a mere dancing monkey and i do not "love" him as you claim.he is not a political spokesperson. do not expect much more from an entertainer. politics is not in his job description. it is people like you who arouse issues such as this, via forming so much dependance on actors to speak on behalf of the people. therefore, it is you who is "crazy" over "bollywood", not me my friend. frankly speaking, i find hindi films dull the mind.

  39. Dude
    You know what?
    Amitabh Bachchan was supposed to stand for President in 2007!
    There were speculations that many Rajya Sabha MPs had endorsed his name for the post of President of India, but he blatantly denied that it was true. But many people still believe in India that if Amitabh Bachchan would have stood for Presidency then he would have won a landslide victory. What is it that I am trying to say now?
    I am trying to say that such A-listers of the Indian film fraternity (including Shahrukh Khan) are propbably more famous than any other politician or public speaker around. They are respected and worshipped. Politicians are not. Their words can not be taken for granted. People look upto them as inspiration. They play real- life roles in reel-life which make them real people in the minds of the people. What they say in the movie deeply affect their admirers and what they say in public life also does the same to the same.

    Hope you understand how it works in India. It doesn't matter if you follow Hindi films or not.


  40. i understand that well. inturn, i have nothing to retaliate with. in order to be progressive, one must lobby politicians for their actions and words, not actors.

  41. in such situations usually ppl start blaming all Muslims, thrz often a backlash, i think SRK was jus trying to prevent that in his own way

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