Monday, January 19, 2009

Natak baazi band karo...!

I really think the most condescending\arrogant thing for an actor to do is pass on his own award to another actor and hope to win brownie points for it. Whosoever advised Akshay Kumar to ‘charitably’ donate his own recent award to Aamir Khan, was so off the mark, as was Akshay for acting on that advice. Unless of course it was Akshay’s bright idea in the first place. By offering your own award to a colleague and adding you are doing that because he better deserved the honour, you are showing the utmost disrespect for the award and the organizers. Think about it – a Nobel Laureate turns up in Stockholm for the ceremony and then decides to nominate someone else after turning up and making a speech!! How fake is that . It automatically devalues the prize.Besides questioning the jury’s ability to decide who the deserving candidates are. An Aamir Khan does not need a second hand award from a non-actor like Akshay. It is adding insult to injury. If this foolish act catches on, I can visualize amusing scenarios like a Miss World tearing the crown off her head and dramatically placing it on the runner up’s bouffant . Or someone winning a Padma Bhushan and declaring pseudo modestly that he\she was unworthy of such recognition, but hey – here’s the asli person who should get it instead.
What childish games these moviewallahs indulge in – really!! Grow up, you guys. We know what big hearts you have and how magnanimous you are…. no need for such nataks. That goes for all those ‘dedications’ as well. Since the Awards’ season is upon us , may we please be spared the tedium of listening to those badey dilwaley log, praising this one and that one , right and left, while preening away self -consciously. And may we also be spared those cheap pot shots that have degenerated into slanging matches that cause much embarrassment and are totally unwarranted. Good on you, Ashutosh Gowarikar for trying to restore a modicum of decorum into the proceedings. It is one thing to be genuinely witty and make a few good- humoured digs at award winners.Quite another to mock and demean awardees. Class ka sawaal hai. Not everybody can be a Billy Crystal or a Whoopie Goldberg.

I have to hand it to her – she has done it! Pulled it off, after three years of back breaking work, and admirable commitment. I visited the Kolkilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital in Andheri with the driving force behind the project – Tina Ambani. The first thing that struck me about the place was how un hospital-like it was. I am one of those who get intimidated and uneasy in hospitals. But walking through the large, sunny, cheerful lobby of this hospital, I felt like I was strolling through a toned down version of Burj Al Arab in Dubai.But it was when I saw the state of the art O.T.s, the superbly designed pediatrics wing, and several equally impressive facilities stacked on different floors, that I realized what an amount of monumental planning has gone into getting this ambitious project off the ground . The soft launch has happened, in fact, the docs were jubilant as they’d successfully carried out their first bypass surgery the previous day, and there were several walk- ins that very morning. Since the focus will remain on cardiac procedures ( remember, this was Dr. Mandke’s dream when he passed away), Tina and her able team have concentrated on attracting the best surgeons from across the world. They are being lured from places like Cleveland and the hospital has several reputed surgeons on board already.I met Dr. Narain ( very hands on, very dynamic) and Dr. Nambiar (the bypass doc), and was impressed by their obvious dedication.Tina told me she had inherited a mere shell when she got involved. The place was stripped and remodeled from scratch. To make it a truly world class facility, she says with justifiable pride, was her big challenge. I’d say she has done so with aplomb! Tina is at the hospital every single day, working long, tiring hours just to ensure nothing is left to chance when the official opening takes place (soon!). I was delighted to discover this side to Tina – she knows every square inch of the hospital intimately, is aware and knowledgeable about all the plans and innovations in the pipeline, can discuss intricate surgical procedures and breakthroughs and has become half a doc herself! Oh…. and this is just so Tina. Not wanting the hospital to be a grim and depressing place, she has imaginatively provided other add- ons – like a fancy beauty parlour, a fine dining restaurant, an informal cafĂ©, a gifts boutique,a business centre, and heavenly rooms for relatives to check into. There are two presidential suites as well , strictly for VVIP patients. Gulp!! You almost want to fall sick to check this place out. Glad the balance is being maintained.That’s how it should be in a family – one bahu has a great school to run and is doing a terrific job of it, now the younger one has a plush hospital!! Dhirubhai would have been so proud.


  1. The whole post is absolutely correct and I totally agree with you this time but this line "Aamir Khan does not need a second hand award from a non-actor like Akshay" made me little uncomfortable!!!
    Hey come on!!!
    We all know that Aamir is a perfectionist but please don't insult Akshay...

    And yes
    cheers Tina Ambani :)

  2. Tu kaun mein khaam khaa...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. maam... you're at it again... oh how brilliantly you malign them... the so called 'celebrities'!!

    but yeah, what i would like to ask is how do you draw the line between modesty and this 'condescending' act??
    i mean, maybe a winner ACTUALLY feels that his adversary/colleague was better !!
    i am not being naive , but i dont think we can completely ignore that possibility ... seriously..

    PS : and i disagree with the view that akshay kumar is a 'non actor' !!

  5. I wonder if most of us Indians suffer from "Juvenilia" the name I coined for the affliction that makes us react in a very juvenile way to things, people and happenings. The knee jerk reactions of politicians to every damn issue, filmstars(barring a few),the news channels, the coaching class advertisements. All examples of Juvenilia!
    Akshay,Raj Thackeray,Monica Bedi,the faceless news anchor...These types keep on passing juvenilia to the public which keeps passing it back.The fact is, Juvenilia is an escape from the bigger problems and harsher realities.The average Indian comes home tired, thinks about the geyser thats not working, watches Katrina Kaif on TV and thinks she's a fabulous actress!
    The fact is, a kid wants to do an MBA only because its advertised so heavily.
    The fact is, Raj Thackery was scared like hell during 26/11 so he did'nt come out of his house.
    Akshay Kumar probably still does not have any idea of what a fool he made of himself.

    The fact is I still prefer Bollywood to any other form of entertainment,I got a management degree because it was in vogue. I too am a victim of Juvenilia.But I am treating myself..

    Am not sure though, whether I'll be completely cured.

  6. Ebert says this of our Khiladi Boi, "I would need to see Kumar in something other than this to understand his fame. He comes across here as a cross between Jerry Lewis and Adam Sandler, but less manic than Jerry and not as affable as Sandler."...

    And I agree. Akshay naa idhar ka hai na udhar ka.. Oh god, I am tired of his 'bachhe ki jaan lega kya' act in every second movie of his.

    Sajid Khan who I actually feel is Farah Khan in trousers or is it the other way round? along with other members of Mr. SRK clan should be tied and must be made fun of till their pants n petticoats drop....

  7. Could I have your email id for non-public comment? Or some other means of reaching you?

  8. Akshay acts were really hilarious, In fact it would have been better if he had pulled off during nominations when put against Aamir. The refusal of award at the ceremony is very childish and makes him vulnerable for future awards and ceremonies. That is big time joke of 2009.


  9. Well ya this was not required what Akshay did as he has been saying that for the past 20 yrs he is working and has never got an award...he just needs to see did he really deserve an award of the kinds of films he did in the past leaving his last 3 years. To be devils advocate here mistakes can be done by anyone and maybe Akkie never meant to insult Aamir rather he wanted to slap the awards committee.
    Hospitals should be like that!!!
    It was a nice post mam!!!!

  10. What about the rates of the operations? I do not want to demean what Tina Ambani is doing. But with all that fancy equipments and great doctors, the million dollar question is will it be affordable to the middle class people??????????? We do not need more fancy hopsitals in Mumbai. The rich in Mumbai can get their treatment wherever in the world they want. Decent medical treatment in India is expensive and out of reach for the middle class people. Also is there any special facility for out-of-town patients and their families?

  11. Arrey, why is Ashutosh going on and on about being demeaned when the entire "Awards" scenario demeans cinema as an art and business. Ashutosh, get your priorities right too. What are you doing there in the first place, if you are all about the art and business of cinema? Get a grip yaar.

    The winners are the same old, same old *yawn*. The awards are just entertainment evenings that people pay good money to see. No one is actually being honored for anything. Backs are scratched mutually and awards are given to the usual suspects. Its all about networking and making a buck. So theek hai, atleast let us at least get our belly laughs.

    If I can pay 100 bucks to see a bad movie where the actors are essentially demeaning thier own craft, why cant I pay money for an awards ticket and listen to a live MC demean the actors/technical people in the movie. My money is green for both scenarios right?

    So you self righteous defenders of the film faith, make better movies first and then you are justified for being cry babies. And Ashutosh, you really arnt ALL THAT... not yet!

    Read this.

    All will be revealed if this report is genuine.

  12. Oh and I hope Tina Ambani is looking at the rate structure for the hospital. Lower and mid and upper Middle class folk need medical care just as much.

    Still, good for her, for making the effort.

    Is this a for profit enterprise? Or strictly a non profit one? Big difference there.

  13. yeah.

    But you can't compare Nobel with Star Screen! While the former is heavily based on meritocracy, the latter is just completely managed. Akshay from what I have been observing is heavily righteous and honest. He seems humble and modest to me. So to say what he did on stage to promote his modest image by that 'selfless' act that day is bit of an overstatement . Akshay might have liked the action part in ghajini and aamir's severely chisled and beautifully carved physique.

    the organisers of start screen didn't even nominate aamir in best actor category?? that according to me was demeaning to the art, to the artiste. Probably the organisers thought aamir's not gonna come to their award function so they decided to give the award to the next-best man instead.. Which according to me is playing to the dirty politics of film fraternity's 'celebrity camp' business (shahrukh's camp- includes farah khan, karan johar, etc; amitabh's camp- including aamir khan and ram gopal verma )...

    Heath ledger is dead , still he managed to win a golden globe for his performance in dark knight. The jury could have decided that against it as the actor was dead but they I think must have thought it would be an insult to the awards had heath not gotten it... Meritocracy must triumph.. And that night Akshay believed in doing just that... Because even I think that Akshay's singh is kinng performance was tard dismal in front of the thoughtful actor aamir's ghajini..


  14. I second that Shobaa - u r abs right! A non actor giving away his 'award' to an actor who does not respect an award - unless it is for his own convenience! The very fact that Aamir does not accept awards that are given in India - is very churlish and immature! He was initially intimidated by the fan following of the likes of Big B and then lately now SRK - and now he is trying to pass on his illogical views to his nephew Imran! Anyway what's the big deal about Aamir - I thought he did overact in Ghajini - you would know what I am saying if you saw - the Tamil original.

  15. Why wudnt Tina open a new hospital...all she has to do is invest her family money...and why so much hulla abt the state of art decor and facilities..does the hospital cater to the needy or the poor who cannot afford basic medicines??? does it provide free or low priced health check ups for the underprivileged?

  16. Why dont you talk about such inconsistent jury!
    When we know that Aamir was by far the best actor by the movie standards?

    All one want is a piece of spotlight! So how so ever pathetic all these awards are, there are people in numbers (unoffending friends..why friendship bias in a profession?) to take a piece of that light..

    Amidst all these unconsequential awards(includes the national awards for entertainment and arts..which takes much respect but no credibility...Saif and Maa did an Omkara mess, not long ago..), you want them to grow up!


    With that kind of "obscene" money, it would be only a shame if the hospital isnt world class :)

  17. what's the big deal about just another 5 star hospital. for the moneyed by the moneyed.

    i don't think she would have the guts to open a hospital for the really needy and give services for free. to people who need it but can't afford it.

    in a country with apparently less than 1 bed per 1000 people in the hospitals, who needs beauty parlours in hospitals?!!

    all i can see is just another hypocritical page three article while the people who really need it don't even know about it.

  18. Why are u so angry at Akshay's gesture? What is so demeaning about it? Afterall the award functions themselves demean by marketing their awards and making digs at all and sundry. As for Tina's hospital, it may be to answer back to Nita. Wish they opened a real hospital for the Dharavi residents instead of the rich who want beauty parlours even in hospitals.

  19. Now a state of art funeral place with beauty parlours and five star reataurants. Who will build it? Even dying will be beautiful for the beautiful people.

  20. earlier i was ur big fan and read all ur books, columns, but now u seem to be sitting in ur ivory tower and passing the bouquets and brickbats without knowing the reality.
    you are always demeaning some, its not necessary to degrade somone to uplift one.whatever Akshay may be, but he is a popular hero and celebrity, doesnt deserve this language, u r insulting the public, as he is the choice of common man, like u alwys demeaned Govinda.
    making a fancy hospital is not a charity, it is bussiness, so where is the question of praising anyone, its not going to benefit a common man.

  21. - SRK has been taking cheap potshots at everyone and anyon at the award functions since many years now - where were you shobhaa????? or r u scared of him calling you "saari"s and all that stuff? this sajid, farah, SRK - these 3 khans are B*****Ds who earn the money from FILM INDUSTRY and in return...SPIT on it....SHAME.

  22. REF. - your review of GHAJINI

    SD can't accept the fact that GHAJINI has earned 250 cr worldwide and except few morons like herself - everyone has liked the film....Ha,,,,Ha,,,,,Ha......FRUSTRATION! THY NAME IS SHOBHAA "DAY", or "NIGHT" or WHATEVER........HA HA HA.....ROFL, ROFL, ROFL

  23. this article absolutely correct, but this line "Aamir Khan does not need a second hand award from a non-actor like Akshay" this was not good for everyone.
    We all know that Aamir is a good actor but please don't insult others...

  24. So Tina Ambani has done a noble deed and she's sealed your backing!- Excellent stuff; so I take it this world class hospital with all the mod cons is available to the millions of poor people that are dying of some disease or another on YOUR street for free?? -What a noble cause....well done Mrs Ambani and an even bigger congrats to you my dear for endorsing her good deed to the poor of India!

  25. Lolz no comment on Akshay
    But Yeah, the act of passing of your award to Aamir Khaan is one hell of a naatak.
    Respect the judgement of the jury please. Aamir needs no such nautanki :)

  26. Your blog should be renamed
    "On the Art of Kissing Rich and Famous Ass"

  27. The very thought of building a hospital is noble. So why is a good deed not bringing about a change for the better. I still fail to understand how it's going to impact the lives of the 'needy'. A beauty of positivity & progressive minds!!! Service is justifiable only when there is access to the same. We are going nowhere with this...let me tell do not need to think hard & wide to come up with something noble...just look around you...its the simple solutions that are needed to help simple lives..Extravaganza is just not a solution in times of need!!!

    Nandini Rao.

  28. The on-stage drama does not surprise me....ur on stage and there is bound to be an act..a classic example of how we behave...Now, who says education & success brings with it a certain degree of civility & decorum. If ur in news, ur in news...that's an achievement by itself. The economic boom over the last couple of years has managed to provide every tom, dick & harry the oppurtunity to board flights,stay at luxurious resorts, get a feel of the spa life, manage to afford more cars than are needed, order service of any kind at ur convenience...basically allowing us to buy leisure. So, also it brings with it a certain air of 'why me?' attitude...which means that you do not want to wait in a cue, cannot stand the other person entering before you do, demand a quick appointment with the to air-hostesses about everything & anything under the sun,given the DAMN OPPURTUNITY!! And lots of other stuff...SO Y IS AN ONSTAGE DRAMA SO SURPRISING...ITS THE TYPICAL INDIAN MENTALITY...A DIRTY ONE AT THAT...AND THAT'S INDIAN CULTURE FOR U...
    Now, don't hope for a change because I myself wudn't want to change...afterall 'WHY ME?'
    P.S.: for those of you who fail to realise or understand this...just board a domestic flight...u will get to see all kinds of cartoons.

    Nandini Rao.

  29. I love your blog for writing the truth.ah i posted on karan johar's blog and criticized about his stupid dimwit "dostana" and he rejected my about double standards.

    i hope you will also accept your critcism.anyway,nice post "natak bazzi band karo".tinsel town is filled with hypocrisy.

  30. akshay deserved the best actor award..for singh is king....roshan did not deserve the award....jodha akbar was a flop awards r to be given for flop movies..then akshay should get it every year!!!
    akshay just threw the award back at the organizers

  31. He accepted the 'Padma' award with more this piece perhaps... :D

  32. Roger Ebert saw Akshay and thought low of him, an actor that he knew is a money-making machine in India -- I think that'd tell him a lot about our profoundly trashy society.

  33. Two word for u Shobha.....

    SHUT UP...........

    u r on-one to comment like this on someone's performance....if u want publicity by making this comment then do something NICE......u know what I mean............

  34. I have one suggestion for you Shobha....

    TRY to get a role of Maaji in any movie (lucky if u get one) and then see how you go.....

    I think Filmfare have to create new Category called "Worst Performance ever in Bollywood History" and guess what you'll definitely win that Whom will you hand over that award Mrs De?????

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