Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Need a show of hands here....

Dear, Dear Blogdosts.... I value what you guys think and say. Which is why I'm asking you a simple question - do you want to read my published columns in this space from time to time?? I post them here only after they've appeared in whichever publications I write for. Not because I am too lazy to write a fresh post, but because I want to share that column with those of you who may not have access to or read the newspaper\magazine it was originally written for. The response I receive here is immediate and direct - no filters. I like that. For a writer, there can be no better 'high' than instant communication with the readers. But some of you have protested saying you would prefer not to find a column here. Or by insisting a blog is a blog is a blog. No more columns. I am a little confused. For me it is all about reaching out and sharing ideas, experiences, thoughts. What does it matter whether that is achieved via a specially written post or through a recent column? Am I missing some vital point here?? Help me out!!
I'm off to Singapore tomorrow. It has been an unusually hectic day today, ending with an art exhibition at the Jehangir Art Gallery. I rather liked Sujata Dharap's work - it was intense and felt and true. This show titled 'The Diary' ,was an attempt to document the past year through images that captured important moments in the artist's life. There were two large canvases with huge polka dots which were very pop art-ish - playful and fun. Sujata said the dots represented windows - 'one has to first look outside in order to look within,' she explained. I nodded sagely, had a cup of sweet, milky chai and came home. Dunno when I'll write the next post. I'll probably borrow my son's laptop and 'do the needful' while in Singapore. Meanwhile - here's my message for the day - don't let the Mangalore Monsters get away. Molestors must be punished. No mercy.If we don't raise our voices against this talibanisation of our culture, we are doomed. Keep up the pressure. The chief minister of Karnataka must apologise, take immediate action against the goondas, or resign. He is the worst thing to have happened to that state. Ask the people of Bangalore - this man has totally ruined that gorgeous city of young, vibrant , pub going people, by imposing his outdated rules and absurd restrictions. Worse - he has tacitly supported those hooligans who claimed they wanted to 'protect' traditional Indian values.Sure - by manhandling defenceless girls?? Shame on those fellows. Prosecute the lot. Or face the citizens' wrath.


  1. hello ma'am....donno 'bout others...but i'm an ardent follower of ur writings...thoroughly follow ur blog...plz keep (speed) posting ur work...n happy journey...

  2. I show my hand for posting your column(s) here. Actually - you do not need permission ... you are the boss of this space... :-)

  3. hi
    Well, I like the reason why you post stuff onto here. seriously. I mean, I dnt get ANY newspaper but I'd still like to see someone keeping a good tab in her own point of view on what's happening. Like Iyer-the-gr8 says, you're pretty much the bosso fthe space.
    I enjoy reading your blog, and favour you keeping the column. Aye!
    About Mangalore Monsters (I first thought they belonged to the league of Rajastan Royals and Kolkata Knight Riders, then went on to read) is very shameful that such a derogatory act should take place that too piloted by someone who's paid to keep the order. I'd ask, on my part, that each education institute impart self-defense as a mandatory subject for every child, Boys too get to the receiving end of molestation. These cases hardly see the limelight, but yup- Break their arms before they break your limits of privacy.
    Until then, ciao. Enjoy Singapore.

  4. Hey Shobha,
    I'm from a remote town called Fairburn in Georgia, USA. I do not have access to your write-ups which is why I've subscribed to your blog. Please keep posting everything.


    P.S: Please write a detailed note on the spineless Sri Ram Sena Stupids. India needs famous people like you to stand up.

  5. Same situation as the above anonymous, so keep posting everything.

  6. I'd welcome having your columns here! I'm not a regular newspaper person and mostly miss out on the print version.

  7. i have not gone through your blog.but that is because i am very busy in my exams.
    i may go through them next time.
    i just wrote to you this time to say that i admire you a lot.and that is to say that you are one of the few women whom i admire and don't fantasise about--notwithstanding the fact that i may never get to even see you face to face.i know too much about you through your books and articles.
    next time i will write more.
    do give me a 'All d bst'for my exams

  8. Hello, I think it is always good for us readers to have all the write-ups at one location, which in this case is your blog. I am totally for this, please do post all your columns, blogs, thoughts, views.....on this blog...thanks!

  9. ECKHART TOLLE ~ ~ "The evolution of consciousness is inevitable. It seems we are living in an age of awakening. This may not be immediately apparent when we watch the daily news and witness the violence, the warfare, the horrific suffering that humans inflict on each other. Here it seems that nothing has changed or things are getting worse. What we are witnessing in fact is the unconsciousness of the human mind playing itself out in front of our eyes. This is the world we create when we are unaware of the one source that sustains and connects us all, and instead identify with opinions, judgments, labels and mental positions. The one source, the one consciousness that is prior to and beyond any form - color of skin, gender, culture, religion, or even any thought the mind can think.

    When we witness world events on television, we are in fact seeing only the effect of human unconsciousness. However, it is only in yourself where the prime cause originates and thus can be dissolved. Only then a new world can come into existence".

  10. Well, I wouldn't mind the occasional syndicated column being re-published here, but it would be a bit of a let-down if no original content were to be produced for the blog or even if most of the space here were to be taken up by re-published columns.

    I do like reading your columns, BTW, and try to follow the one you write for The Times of India. If I remember correctly, you used to write one for the Indian Express earlier and I used to read that too.

    No offence meant, but I am not a huge fan of your novels!


  11. Would love to read your columns here


  12. Please do continue to post your columns along with regular blog posts.

    Your "written-for-blog" posts do have a subtly different flavor from the columns, and are very fun and refreshing. And I like to think I am reading original matter written for me as a loyal blog reader. So dont stop posting those at all. I like them a lot.

    I think your readers will appreciate both as long as you clearly identify your columns posts as "from TOI etc" and "written-for-blog posts" as just that.

    Have fun in Singapore.

  13. Pls continmue putting your columns here.. Its idfficult to follow many news papers looking for your columns. Thanks.

  14. Please put up your columns. It difficult to get all the news papers

  15. Please continue posting your columns here as it is the most effective way to reach all the people who want to ready your columns daily.

  16. Columns and all.. we want Shobha !! Pls put your writing here.. btw, just finishd reading Superstar India.. quite a perspective for soemone like me who has been away from India for over 5 years now..
    Wud luve to read more of you here..

  17. I study in Mangalore and this has happened before on a small-scale here. I'm glad this time it brought a lot of media attention :), and please do write your colums here too. That would be awesome

  18. Yes, please post your columns too...

    Hope your columns are as passionate as your blog posts.

  19. I think Shobhaa-ji, you should ontinue with both your columns & we can have your thoughts too, that we can share ... what say

  20. Please continue...
    Thankyou !

  21. Hello mam,

    this is the first time I have vistied your blog following the "Bhajan aur Bhojan" from Vikram's blog. While I really liked your thoughts about the satsang, I want to share that publishing your articles in this space is an extremely good thought and practice and I think you must continue doing this. This space will be a quick access for people like me who are not frequent newspaper reader and miss out on a lot of interesting stuff. Infact I have added your blog's link in my favorites list and am sure to visit them frequently...:)
    Happy Journey!!

  22. Hello Shobhaa Mam,
    well i think that you should post your columns here on this blog as the basic thing about blogs is having your thoughts, voice and experiences expressed and shared with others. Some how we do not follow all the magazines and newspapers and so it would not be possible to read the columns there. In this platform you are not only able to share your ideas but also have a two way easy communication.

    Todays world is all about customization and differentiation. Blogs give you this freedom to do why not make full use of that. If one has access to your columns here too then its great that more and more people can read your columns, otherwise they would miss it.

    I would suggest you mam, you go with posting your columns here on this blog and as a matter of fact do have polling here on some topics as it would be possible to see as to what your readers think about the topic as this facility is provided, so why not use it.

  23. please post your columns here ...

    or you could post links to your columns here instead of copy pasting teh whole thing ...

  24. I will read whatever you write:) but i will say ..the day you publish any article, give us a separate blog post also..need not to be long..just a few sentences, they will satisfy us:) what say:)

  25. I love to read your article in The Times of India - Sunday edition (Ahmedabad). So yesterday I saw your interview on NDTV or so. I am absolutely agreed with you about harming a woman or disabled/ni-shashtra persons. But I would like to ask you ONE Question also here.

    What about RAVE parties in India ?

    Is there any one or YOU specially asking for punishment for such people ? Like RAVE parties there are so many westernized bad culture which are known to all. NO ONE dare to ask or punish those people.

    Is that what we want to head for ?

  26. Well, it doesn't matter to us either way. You can of course continue writing whatever you want to. But my friendly advice is that you stick only to things you know about: parties and high-society gossip.
    We are yet to forget that you went and watched a pirated copy of Slumdog Millionaire, after all your bombast of "enough is enough" after the Mumbai attack!
    Regarding the movie itself (which had you reeeeeeeling!):
    Scenes of poverty and squalour may appear romantic to Westerners and to our snooty elite but for us ordinary Indians they are nothing new. They are an everyday reality. However, one wonders what sort of mind can find such images aesthetically pleasing. Party-hopping socialites like you who are distanced from such reality may find this film an "eye-opener" but for us it IS just poverty-porn. Leaving that aside, I have eight other objections to the film.
    1) The director seems to RELISH showing violence. Some of it (like the police-torture) is quite needless. And why was the boy arrested in the first place? On what charge? Was it realistic?
    2) How can a boy growing up in slums speak such accented English? Even if one assumes that the language he actually uses to communicate with the game-show host and the police officer is Hindi (granting the director the creative license to use a language better suited for international audiences), there are 2 instances where it is stretched too far: (a) when the boy becomes a ‘guide’ for foreign tourists at the Taj Mahal & (b) when he becomes a substitute-operator at the call-centre.
    3) When the boy uses his ‘lifeline’ during the game-show, his friend discovers that she has forgotten her mobile and has to run back for it. This is plain Bollywood masala! Did the director HAVE to make it so melodramatic?
    4) How did the boy know who invented the revolver just by watching his brother use it?
    How does his friend know about Benjamin Franklin?
    5) “Darshan Do Ghanshyam” is NOT written by Surdas. It is written by Gopal Singh Nepali for the movie Narsi Bhagat (1957). This song is also credited as traditional and originally written by 15th century poet Narsi Mehta, whose life that film is based on.
    6) After winning the game-show, the boy sits on the railway platform and nobody recognizes him! Considering the popularity of the show, is that realistic?
    7) Two glaring omissions: To get invited to the show one has to answer several GK questions over phone or Internet. Even after making it to the show, a contestant can reach the hot-seat only after qualifying through “fastest finger first”. All this is conveniently forgotten in the film.
    8) And of course the greatest flaw in the storyline: programmes like 'Kaun Banega Crorepati' and 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire' are NOT telecast live. As a result the entire structure of the film becomes unrealistic. For a film that boasts of being realistic such a flaw cannot be overlooked.

  27. Dear Ma'am,
    Please do continue blogging, whatever content you use. Because English Newspapers (in which your column being published) are show-piece in offices, Majority people doesn't read that. Even I read only your blog from my Google reader, so whatever content you use, it will always fresh for me.

  28. ya..any such breaking of law calls for a stern punishment..u hit the nail..

  29. I agree with Sambit.
    Stick to just what you know.
    High-society gossip.
    Writing smut.

    And STOP calling yourself a columnist.

  30. I disagree with Neha.
    We all need a good laugh every now and then. Shobhaa posing as a columnist is the biggest joke I have come across.

    So carry on crapping in public!

  31. Hey people...would you just stop it!!

    I know Shobhaa De maybe a bit over the top but that doesn't mean she cannot write!!

    I won't lie...I am not a fan of her..but still she deserves to write..everyone does!!

    So what if she is scandalous!! I agree that some of her posts are a bit hard to swallow...but that's her way of need not call her a joke..If I didn't know much, I'd say you all are jealous of her!!

    Ok she may not be oozing with talent...and she is not sugary sweet...but do you really need some one like that??

    Yes I'd like to read your columns...and Shobhaa if you could turn your voice a li'l down...just a notch then maybe you'd not meet with such words!!

    But I like the frankness and rawness you present!!


  32. If I didn't know much, I'd say that she has offered her skinny physical charms to Jaideep Bose (TOI editor-in-chief)in order to be allowed to continue her column!

  33. Yes, "Give Her A Break!!" (why 2 excamation marks, btw?), she is not a joke - she is an embarrassment. For herself, for her family, for TOI, for India.

  34. Yes, "Give Her A Break!!" (why 2 exclamation marks, btw?), she is not a joke - she is an embarrassment. For herself, for her family, for TOI, for India.

  35. Stop the expletives, guys.
    Why are you all getting excited about Shobhaa De of all people? She isn't worth that much.

    What I don't understand though (Sambit raised this point) is how she could support piracy? Isn't that supporting corruption. And after she did that, doesn't she deserve to be blacklisted?

  36. Shoba,

    Please keep writing and publish your columns here as well since some of us do not have access to all the megazines that you write for esp. the ones only in India
    thanks ;)

  37. please comment on the Padma Sree awards,do u think that some of the awardees really deserve it?like Akshay Kumar,a non actor.....

  38. It's started to jolt the freedom that we are so used to...this intolerance that has been exhibited over the last few months.
    I sincerely wish that all this provocation & the rage following it doesn't fall into a vicious circle that will let us forget the root cause of this nonsense.
    I would like to go a little off-track here & emphasize the need to introduce compulsory moral science & value education right through the junior college level.
    I must admit that it's been easier to adopt an understated approach in all my social endeavours...although I'm not one bit proud of it!! This has however not shaken my confidence one bit because I know that it is better to be wise than be assertive.
    It's foolish on our part to expect justice & demand our rights from an already tainted administration.

    Just play it safe. Life is still beautiful.

    Nandini Rao.

  39. Well, consider this in Bold n Capital; Write which you do not get published ELSEwhere. Period.

    P.S. Wan me to elaborate on that? I can though!!!

  40. You're doing a great job. This is your space, you are free to do whatever and your readers (like me) will gobble it up. If people don't like your writing, its style or content its upto them not to visit this page.


  41. Hi Shobhaa..

    I like your articles a lot. With everything that has happened over the last few months, I find it hard to gather any inspiration to vote. What will prompt you to go out there & vote this year?

    Nandini Rao.

  42. But how can a person who is herself corrupt (as she has proved by supporting piracy) - to whatever teeny degree she is capable of - take the "holier than thou" attitude that she feigns in her writings (not counting her smut, of course)?

  43. That's a valid point: who is Shobhaa De ('porn writer' as Sonam Kapoor said) to take this "holier than thou" attitude?

  44. Her writings are a bit silly (as she herself said that when she tied to endear herself to the west by writing her so-called "bold" stuff they didn't take her seriously) but that doesn't mean she should give up.

  45. Oui, Please do continue to write columns .. Thank you,

  46. Even though it was not pertinent to the present topic: can someone answer the points Sambit raised about Slumdog Millionaire?

  47. bitchy gal is right.
    Don't know if you all have noticed: she is always trying to put someone/something down! Even when she is praising somebody/something she does that by making comparisions and nasty comments about somebody/something else.

  48. Hi everybody,
    if you want to see Shobhaa being made to crap in public (my mind boggles to imagine the sight:o]) by Karan Thapar, watch this link:

  49. Yes, yes.
    Loved that interview on Devil's Advocate. Karan Thapar simply took Shobhaa pants off her! I specially like the ending where he gets with the "Mumbai or Bombay?" question.

  50. How is Raj Thackeray any different from Pramod Muthalik? What are Shobha's reasons for supporting Raj, as she clearly does in the interview mentioned by Sanchayita?

  51. I guess the last few responses are digressing a bit. The fact that Shobhaa De is a shallow, smutty slut is as well recognised as the fact that slums (and dogs) do exist in India.
    The point is whether she should continue to write.
    I think she should. As long as she writes about the only things she knows about (rave-parties, high-society gossip & pornography) and stays away from socio-political issues, I have no complaints.

  52. @ The Mangalore Violence: Indeed if the public could whip themselves up to that kind of wrath, as the media portrayed it out to be, after it all happened, it would not have happened at all!

    How does one educate the public on responding to similar instances which surely will recur... Drowning PUB culture is what party lines across the board are now focussing on!!!

  53. my hands for freedom..India is already being ##%¤%& by problem of diplomacy. Everybody wants to play safe..and some freaks who r bold enough like thakreys n all are ¤%%%&&ing india harder.

  54. Sanchayita,
    Just watched the Karan Thapar interview.
    How can this lady (if one can call her so!) go around in public after this? She is as bad as Raj Thackeray and Muthalik.
    Worse: how can she keep writing such high-sounding stuff (full of vitriol and meanness) and continue posing as a "columnist"?

    My advice to Shobhaa:
    1) forget writing
    2) dig a deep hole
    3) or find the one Jamal uses in that "rivetting" crap-scene in the film which left you reeling
    4) hide yourself in it, for the rest of your life

  55. Shobhaa De herself admitted that she "watched Slumdog Millionaire on a pirated CD". Check out this link:

    My question is was the "reeling" bit an effect of the film or of the rave-party the night before?

    Because, Shobhaa, you have chosen a miserable film to rave about!
    It may win as many Oscars as you wish, but awards won't make it a g-r-e-a-t film.

    I suggest: answer Sambit's points and then go dig that hole.

  56. You are so much like the "aunties" shown in Page 3 by Madhur!!!
    duh!! duh!! duh!!

  57. Slumdog Millionaire, despite all its merits/demerits, may still be a hit. But that will be simply because of all this controversy surrounding it. There is no bigger publicity than controversy, as we all know.
    And the first people scrambling to see it will be these "auntie" types!

  58. I'm new to your blog but do read your columns in "The Week." They have the "kick" a regular reader needs to either start a day or end the night. Enjoy Singapore!!

  59. Dear De'
    I show two hands! Yes I would really appreciate you posting your published writings as well, as I am lazier than you and hardly go hunting for it unless mentioned in a particular blog or comment. But please don't change your blog "attitude" for the blogs, as they are completely different from your publishings! I feel more of "YOU" in blogs than in publishings. So, YES YES YES and please YES!
    Enjoy Singapore.... While I go off to working like a darn mule. Lately, work has been pouring in and I cannot seem to catch up :-(

  60. yes yes...Yaar! BlogDost. please please continue to post your published articles here... you know, we readers feel crippled when we feel like communicating our responses to readers. Please continue to paste it here.

    Wish you great times in singa... Last time you had a lot of fun... visited teh bollywoodish pubs at orchard road then... I suggest you visit the zoo there now... (ohh! you have seen so many wild animals here... with no civic sence and absolute lawlessness). Talibanisation of India is On. Yes. Let them molest more people. Let our sisters and motehrs be molested too. We will react then. NOW IT IS ONE ISOLATED INCIDENT IN ONE CORNER OF THE WORLD, WHY BOTHER.

    Thats the attituide, We indians need to keep it up.

    We are a reacting Nation. Not an Acting nation. Let more damage happen... and see how we react!

    Kudos India.


    I am ashamed. I am apalled. At Being A silent India.

    India is a country of shameless people...


  61. (i meant jingoism... ewww.. * pardon my typos... i need to go to school again)

  62. A strong 'aye' from this corner in Kolkata!

  63. hi maam , as i said in my last comment that although i had read your article in the SUNDAY TIMES, but i still loved it and thanked you for publishing all that stuff because i usually dont have access to so many publications...


  64. Yes, we need you to continue shitting in public! Who else but Shobhaa who can do that?

    Psssst. What do your daughters think about you?

  65. Hi Shobha,
    Yes we definitely like to read your articles. Yes we want to see how people feel when they see their own supported hooligans kill and rape and harass people.

    We want to see how you justify the death of a person by logicaly seperating yourself from supporting the cause of Raj. When people like you support him by articles and money, thats how he get the courage to ask his goons to kill people.

    Thanks for all the deaths and goondaism you are promoting.

    Yes I want to read your article.

  66. a blog is a blog is a blog, and that's precisely why you have the freedom to do what you like on it (read posting articles that are already in print). i, for one, would like to read your articles here a) for the sheer convenience of it and b) i may not even know some of the newspapers/magazines you are writing for. paN, mi kaay mhaNtoy...i was always curious about this: i know you are fluent in marathi; but do you know it well enough to orate in it?!

    and yes, i'm still confused as to why *you* might want to "support-support" raj thackeray?? i mean, for someone who is as intellectual and cosmo as you are!


  67. Kepp writing in.I would love to read your views on Akshay Kumar and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan getting the Padmashri Award and not the sport persons who performed at the olympics. Do you think that these actors actually deserved it?Common we all know, Akshay kumar's movies aren't worth receiving such a huge honour and Asihwarya only promotes herself during her foreign visits.Also she hasn't done anything that commendable last year. So, why? I'd love to read your views :(

  68. heya..i certainly dont mind reading ur "columns" here....

  69. sobhaji,

    keep on blogging...i belong to scores of others who dont have access to your publications and writings..

    take care

  70. Well, since someone asked about Shobhaa De's daughters:
    I don't know about my sisters, but I AM continously embarrassed about Mom. Not so much by her silliness or her sluttiness as by her meanness of spirit, which Mr. Pawan has mentioned above.


    "By living through mental definitions of who you are, you desensitize yourself to the deeper aliveness of who you truly are beyond your thoughts.

    What arises then is a conceptual identity: I’m this or that. Once you’re trapped in your own conceptual identity, which is based on thinking and image-making by the mind, then you do the same to others. This is the beginning of pronouncing judgments on another person, and then you believe that judgment to be the truth. It’s the beginning of desensitizing yourself to who that human being truly is."

  72. Arre, mujhe toh maalum nahi tha Shobhaa aisi cheez hai!!! Raj Thackeray ko support karti hai tu??? Ek baar aa jana Bihar me. Phir hum dikha denge - jitne cock chahiye tujhe mil jayenge!!!

  73. I think you should go beyond posting in this blog... You should have a searchable site wherein you can collate all your work. your work is what you are!! Future, generations can refer your work.. who knows someday some one would like to get a Ph.D thesis about your work... Good Luck.. Have a nice trip...

  74. Even your daughter has spoken against you! This must be a sad day for you, Shobhaa.
    Have you heard of sportspersons retiring while the going is still good?
    If you have, then you should try ("meanness of spirit" notwithstanding) to emulate them.

  75. Kedar,
    You asked:"and yes, i'm still confused as to why *you* might want to "support-support" raj thackeray?? i mean, for someone who is as intellectual and cosmo as you are!"

    Well, I guess the answer lies in her "meanness of spirit" and in intolerance. She is unable, like many others, unfortunately, to see beyond the interests of her own community. This is what is pushing our country and the world further into the whirlpool of hatred and intolerance.

    So Sobhaa, we will be better off without you, without "Danny Boy" (to use your own laughable epithet), without Raj Thackeray, without Pramod Muthalik.

  76. Good observations, Sambit.
    I must admit I did not watch the film with such a critical eye, but I did catch a few of those goof-ups.
    Do you really need to analyse the film so much though?

  77. seems to me that i am quite ignorant here, Does Shobha support Raj thackerey?

  78. See this interview, Renu, and decide for yourself:
    She tries to defend Raj and gets thoroughly grilled by Mr. Karan Thapar.

    To answer Agnosticlown's question: this film is being analysed so much only because of the pretentious claims of the film-makers of having made a gritty, no-holds-barred, realistic film. Nobody would do that with a David Dhawan or Manmohan Desai film.

  79. Please write anything you feel like writing about. If people are complaining about the columns being here, that obviously means they look forward to your columns and want to read more new stuff from you.
    Thats not bad in any way.Its a compliment bogged down by the anticipation and expectation to see more of your writing.

  80. Even if Shobhaa De continues to write after all the criticsm here (she is shameless enough to do so), I'll wager that she won't acknowledge Sambit's objections to her favourite film.
    I have seen the film AFTER reading Sambit's comments and I must admit I do not have any answers to his observations.
    I wonder if all those critics and pundits who are raving about the film will be able to answer his points either.

    My advice to Mrs. Shobhaa De: prove all the people here who are calling you "mean" (btw, is Avantikka really your daughter?) by acknowledging that you have goofed up in praising Slumdog Millionaire.

  81. Even if Shobhaa De continues to write after all the criticsm here (she is shameless enough to do so), I'll wager that she won't acknowledge Sambit's objections to her favourite film.
    I have seen the film AFTER reading Sambit's comments and I must admit I do not have any answers to his observations.
    I wonder if all those critics and pundits who are raving about the film will be able to answer his points either.

    My advice to Mrs. Shobhaa De: prove all the people here who are calling you "mean" (btw, is Avantikka really your daughter?) wrong by acknowledging that you have goofed up in praising Slumdog Millionaire.

  82. Please keep up your postings.

  83. I dont know about others you current approach is correct and i feel no need to change. You may though clearly classify what is what. In other words just mention would suffice that it was originally written for so and so publication, reproduced here for your "blogdosts"


  84. It seems to me that Sambit and Nadeem - both of them need some good education.

    1. Sambit's attempt at criticism is nothing more than fault-finding. His review of the SM speaks more of his creative blindedness than an attempt at insightful writing. My advice to Sandip, stop thrashing SM as if it were a "real documentary drama". SM is a work of fiction. What elevates it from other fictional romantic stories however is its setting in "real surrounds" – the underbelly of Bombay captured brilliantly on camera and enacted with equal brilliance by supposed non-actors, particularly the "real" slum children. So stop being so myopic in your supposed critique of the film. Appreciate cinema at a bigger, broader level than getting into the nitty gritties of whether or not KBC is telecasted live.

    2. And Nadeem, stop plaguing this space with your worthless rants and cries. Advise yourself to read better to be able to advice better.

    3. Finally, De you needn’t worry about whether or not to blog columns published elsewhere. Its all about making a point and you for one, are surely not missing out on any.


  85. KSH, like Shobhaa De, seems to have made up his mind that Slumdog is a great film even before seeing it! Because if you can suspend your emotions and see it critically (as it, being an Oscar-contender, has to be seen) then you will find that (though technically excellent) the film is a very average one. No film with as many flaws in the basic storyline (including the major point of KBC NOT being a live show) cannot be called great. And more so if its producer and director goes around bragging about showing "reality".

  86. Please post everything here.

    Re Mangalore incident; glad that you're taking it up. Looking at the widespread reaction from women all across the country I have to say that it's a bit like all Indian women suddenly feel under threat. and are therefore angry - sort of the way Indian Muslims react to similar incidents (Gujarat) involving them. How's that for a minority to minority insight?

  87. hii maam i read your columes and blog regularelly your blog adress is always in my favourite and bookmark list whether its my home pc, iPhone , ofice PC etc..... whenever i get any free time to read i get a time out to read your Blog !......... what would i suguest is keep your blog they way it is and keep bloging there ......... and make another different blog where we can Read your coloums & Articals of newspaper,Magazines etc............Best of luck for the Singapore trip !

  88. Hi Ms. De,

    Please keep writing in your blog. I've recently started following your blog and would love to find all your writings here.

    Would request you to read my writings and give your valuable feedback to this wannabe writer.


  89. I see a lot of people don't treat Mrs. De with a lot of respect, which is sad. If you don't like the way she writes, don't read. For example, I don't subscribe to the STOI anymore.

    @Shobha: Do learn to string together a sentence, dear. All these ellipses are rather irritating.

  90. I can understand why Sambit, CRITICAL EYE & Nadeem are getting irritated. Slumdog is certainly not the worst film in 2008, but the way the film-makers and these "high-society aunties" go on about it does get on one's nerves.
    Problem is: now that Shobhaa has already praised the film, how can she admit that she has made a fool of herself?

    P.S. Don't be surprised if the film does win the Best Picture & the Best Director awards. The people lobbying for it are in pretty high places.

  91. i suggest post ur columns here too. it will help u in getting better reviews for ur work, i think....

    of course the molestors should be a law student, i know how little laws help the people in our country....its a shame...

  92. Plz keep writing here coz its one window where we can read whatever u have written at diff places
    Plzzzzzzzzz continue here

  93. Madam De,

    Here in BLOGS, just forget what you really are(Your social status or existance doesn't matter is what i am trying to say). We do not particularly care about who is writing but what is being written.

    For once as many have pointed out, just make decisions for yourself. Do not try to see if you have enough "FANS" or not here. Try to be honest to yourself forgetting about being a celebrity or whatever you think of yourself. In other words, be your own boss!!

    I do like your point of views sometimes and do not agree with many others. If you feel you should add your other published work here or NOT, it doesn't bother me one way or the other.

    If you haven't got it yet ... Bottom line - Just be your true self. Enjoy life and everything that comes with it because in all respects, you deserve it.


  94. I dont think it really matters if you post a column here or any article... As long as your view comes up on the blog it is perfect. Wondering why people dont like it...And I am not sure why anyone should have a view on whether a person blogs or not....


  95. Hi ma'm

    Please keep posting ur colomns here because there is no harm in it. people who don't want to read it or have already read it, can simply avoid it. I read your colomns here in hyderabad in deccan chronicle and times of india, but sometimes I miss it due to different reasons. In fact, I will be happy to read some parts of your books here also. Please give it a thought.



  96. Shobhaa De exposed by her own daughter!!! I've got to mail this to all my friends!!!

  97. Hello Shobaji! I totally agree with you that it is all about reaching out, it doesn't matter if it is through column, blog or whatever other means. I am very impressed with your stand on social issues and the way you convey your ideas. I was particularly quite impressed with the peices you wrote on Mumbai Terror Attack and now on Padma Awards. You are blessed with a very special gift for using words so effectively to convey your thoughts and the gutsy stance you take on issues is quite commendable. Keep it up!

  98. Shobhaa,
    There seems to be a lot of resentment building against you. The issues are:
    1) your meanness of spirit
    2) Slumdog Millionaire
    3) Raj Thackeray

    As Nadeem said: you should reply to all that. In fact, the best way to prove your critics wrong is to take up those issues. Not by haughtily shutting yourself up in your ivory tower.

  99. Hi, please do blog and even if the are articles that you have already written for a magazine or newspaper.
    Here in US, it very difficult for me to even get those articles online or paper.

    Thanks again, keep up the good work.

  100. Since people like Shobhaa De like big names, here's what Salman Rushdie (who, along with Amartya Sen, are the only 2 Indians in "Prospect" magazines list of smartest people alive)says:
    “I’m not a very big fan of ‘Slumdog Millionaire. I think it’s visually brilliant. But I have problems with the story line. I find the storyline unconvincing. It just couldn’t happen. I’m not adverse to magic realism but there has to be a level of plausibility, and I felt there were three or four moments in the film where the storyline breached that rule.”

  101. Being a student its not possible to be buy each and every newspaper and magazines..
    Looking forward for your posts

  102. I would like to read your columns in the blog. Please mention the date & publication of the
    column. Please let me know in which newspapers & magazines your columns appear regularly.

  103. seems there are enough sadists in the country to watch you humiliate yourself in public.
    So carry on slogging, oops blogging!

  104. Shobhaa, very frankly your writing is worthless and people who read your books are of below-average intelligence.
    But if TOI is not embarrased to publish your zilch there's no reason why you shouldn't keep producing it, is there :o)?
    And regarding your blog: as some guys have said, perhaps you can prove that you are not as mean as they say by continuing blogging.
    After all, your public image can't possibly get any worse than what it is already!

  105. Publish your columns here on the condition that(See this is the problem when you ask dosts like us!!)…..You will continue to blog like the way you always do here.
    Your published work won’t overtake this page( No excuse of laziness or busy Schdule..for copy pasting your published works)

  106. 'bitchy gal' and 'tipsy' clearly should not be here, as they do not appreciate the intelligent work of shobhaa. why not go and dabble in something that you actually like instead of bringing your utter stupidity to the blog.

    as for the column(s)- Great idea!!

  107. On the contrary, Romulus, it is the "bitchy" and "tipsy" people who belong here. Because our beloved aunt Shobhaa is like that!

  108. i always read ur writings on DECCAN chronicle.But it would be too long to read in a PC screen if u post them in ur blog.

  109. Whether we like Slumdog is not is immaterial any more. It is going to win the Oscars this year. Just as that book by Aravind Adiga ("The White Tiger") won the Booker.
    Sad part is we can't even judge a film/book ourselves on its own merit. We end up calling something very mediocre as "great" in blind imitation of the West.

  110. Good point about Slumdog & White Tiger, CRITICAL EYE.
    I fully agree.
    Neither is bad, of course.
    But both are overrated.

  111. We read this page every day, please do share column with us....

  112. Do write here..yours is one of the place i frequently visit.

    stay and enlighten us

    take care

  113. I don't touch the newspaper or the magazines...
    Please continue this. It's way easier. Both for you and for us.

  114. Please, please, please, please do not stop blogging. I think the reasons are too obvious to be stated... After all, you are also just another person, expressing herself by way of blogging and reaching out, isinit? In fact, that is the way I see it. And I think that is enough, and there isn't any need to complicate it further.
    So many care -- including me --, others don't, so blog for those who do, eh? :)
    PS bas dil de likhiye, aur apne dil ki hi suniye

  115. Ms De,

    My vote will go for being able to read all your columns together. I love hearing what you have to say.

  116. I was in class five and the teachers had started cooing us about the importance of reading newspaper... my dad gave me some tips, and I was on with it... six months on, and I had graduated from reading the comic strips to some 'real' stuff... when my dad saw me reading your column in The Indian Express. "That was not what I wanted to see you reading at your age", he said with a sarcastic smile... I didn't get it then, but by the time I did, I had graduated to a tougher life where reading wasn't too high on priorities... and now when I am writing myself, I come across the easiest way to read all that you have to write... Pleas e keep the blog going!

  117. OMG. Im a little aghast at what people have to say...guess anonymity helps when u gotta say unnecessary mean things.

    Im guessing your taking the high road - ignore. :)

    And, continue pls.

  118. Please do continue to post your column/s along with regular blog posts.

  119. I just recently discovered your blog and I think it's so refreshing to read your no-bull approach to writing. Would love to see your columns on this blog.

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