Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Dimpled Darling makes his debut

Guys, the 'good news' stories out of Pune will have to wait. This is breaking news - Rahul Gandhi made a respectable debut as the Anointed One this morning. It was his official coming out party and he delighted his admirers with a carefully orchestrated press conference which he handled deftly, even shrewdly. His candour and easy charm not just floored his worst critics but sent the opponents scrambling for cover. Their weak comebacks later in the day made their combined heightened nervousness that much more evident - let's see who or what they pull out of the hat now that the Rahul Factor has entered the picture. I am not sure whether the heir apparent went in cold or was tutored. But he won several brownie points by playing the ingenue to perfection.All eyes are now on Rahul Baba , as India enters Phase 4 of the month long elections.
Obama's Bangalore Bomb was another big one. Nobody saw that one coming. Just as I was about to switch off, came an sms asking whether Balasaheb Thackeray had passed away. Now, all that was needed was to hear yet another ghastly rumour about the BSE building being attacked ( there was a terror warning this morning). Not a dull day in India ever! Kasab's demands are as outrageous as they are amusing. The guy wants his favourite ittar, flavoured toothpaste, and permission to stroll in the balcony outside his cell. Hello?? Has someone forgotten to tell him what he stands accused of? Or is his lawyer Kazmi upto tricks?? That Kazmi guy looks like he is acting all the time - I get the feeling he has missed his true calling. This is Kazmi's only opportunity to hog the limelight and ham away to glory. I suspect he wears stage make up before every court appearance.
The other nasty rumour doing the rounds is that the Gerard Butler dude was being treated like visiting royalty by Bollywood Biggies for reasons that are very hush hush. It is not our Priyanka Chopra alone who fancied him.The asli suitor was someone else. And he was playing it coy and safe by keeping Priyanka as a decoy. You go figure...
Just to end on a happy and healthy note, Pune's best kept foodie secret may turn out to be an unpretentious restaurant called 'Mayur' - the vegetarian thali place that serves Marwari specialities like Daal Batti. I always but always stop off at Mayur's for lunch, and did so this time as well. I skipped the Daal Batti, and had 'aam ras' instead. My next stop was Fab India (another favourite), from where I bought a bitter orange facial spray. I tell you, it saved me from getting a heat stroke! It is so utterly divine, especially straight out of the 'fridge, I spray it on each time I enter the kitchen. This is my big summer discovery to beat the wretched heat. Okie...kal ki baat kal. adios..


  1. the spray truly works wonders...

  2. Rahul's speech shows how hopeless the Congress party is. How can one imagine Chandrababu Naidu aligning with the Congress? If required Naidu will align with the NDA but not UPA.

  3. Rahul is a cutie....
    hmm. Asli Suitor of Gerard..hmmm


  4. I wish every country has a leader like Obama who is a visionary, skillful, honest and passionate about his country.

    There is nothing wrong if he is trying to close the loopholes in the tax laws which affects his own country. If it hurts India, then take it on chin like a real man.

    In India we have a Sonia's puppet Manmohan Singh who is a honest but lacks leadership qualities and is more like a Robot. I don't know who advised this SIKH to go to USA and tell Terrorist BUSH that whole of India loves him. Shameful tactics I guess.

    LK Advani will soon be drafting his funeral plans considering his head wobbles whenever he speaks. I don't know what will happen if he becomes PM and catches flu.

    Rahul baba still has a long way to go. Just waiting for the right opportunity.

    If a mediocre actor like Abhishek Bachhan can become a leading movie star with the help of MEDIA and his father's blog then why can't Rahul Baba become PM with the help of those in NDTV and loads of chamcha in his mother's party.

  5. good masala post. feel i am in india, and in the heat...!

  6. Kazmi is playing the dirty tricks to provoke elements like Shiv Sena with stupid demands of Kasab. And if Shiv Sena start attacking the home of such parasites, he will get sympathy from the media (Barkha Appam C. will make sure that she is reporting live from outside the court in her tent) and they will run non-stop shows that trial is not fair.


    Hit where it hurts. Don't fall to the tricks of parasites.

  7. i LOVE the title! And you calling him Rahul Baba! Ha ha ha
    Somebody should go and kill Qasab

    Orange spray? Naaice..By the way you look just so utterly gorgeous on NDTV every night... :D

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  10. I think that Rahul Gandhi's statements about the Communists and the JD (U) and their subsequent ripostes are only going to make it even more difficult for them to join a Congress-led coalition, post-election. So, if that was what Rahul Gandhi was looking at, his statements are more likely to prove counter-productive than anything else.

    BTW, I fail to understand what a prisoner's demand for tooth-paste and permission to stroll outside his cell has to do with the nature of crime he is accused of. As far as I am aware, no law in any country prohibits any under-trail, accused of any crime whatsoever, from demanding a tube of tooth-paste and permission to stroll outside his cell.

    It should be interesting to note here that people accused of crimes much more heinous than Kasab's, are not only free men or women, but have also been members of parliament or state assemblies in India. Some of them have also been appointed ministers in the Union or State Governments.

    Kasab and his comrades shot people and for which all of his comrades have already been shot dead and Kasab is in prison, but these men or women pulled people out of their homes, poured kerosene on them and burnt them alive or hacked them to death, threw infants into burning stoves or speared them, among other such barbaric acts. The number of their victims was twenty to thirty times the number of people that Kasab and his fellow terrorists shot dead.

    Does that ever outrage you, besides Kasab's demands for tooth-paste and strolls outside his cell?

  11. Ah!Rahul G for the rescue plan...if you have media with you..anything is possible...

    To hell with human rights and Kasab should be treated like how he would be treated in his country prison..uhhmm..any guesses how would that be...

    Reg Mr.O..This was expected..he was loud and clear in one of his election speeches..and i dont think he is wrong ?

    Wonder ! whats with the Butler guy ? or is it just plain fancy for anything Hollywood...


  12. Obama talks - a surprise ? Why ?
    Atleast I was sure since day one.

  13. Sidhusaheb,

    From your comment, you are indirectly telling us many things

    1. You are taking Kasab's and hence Pakistan side. I would like to know what provoked you to support Pakistan in such heinous crmie. I dont know if you are a pakistani. If you are Indian and still taking Kasab side, you are literally giving life to all myths(we believe facts) about certain community in India.

    2. You are telling that Mumbai attacks is a revenge sorts by one cmmunity on another.

  14. Thanks for the orange spray tip. Cool idea for hot tempers.

  15. i got the lemon spray.. but thats as good as well.. very refreshing!! :)

  16. Dying to know who the asli suitor is...a guy or gal??

  17. hope they close the kasab case soon... why is everything in India so slow...

  18. KaSaB....this guy sure has guts for one he is a terroist and he feels as if he has conquered his own kingdom and gives out commands....huff!!!!!!!!!!....
    I mean we need to bring in some law which punishes people outrightly....ie., only for people against whom we have a mountain of evidence...........

  19. laying the red carpet for a 39 year old B-lister from hollywood seems rather overdone. and yes the buzz is he's bent. go figure. you're so right, pc was a decoy.

  20. I think people forget what happened in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and AbuGhareb prison in Iraq. The kind of sexual torture and other inhumane stuff, the suspected terrorists went through can make one puke. Did they have any right???

    Does anyone think that US army and some British troops were offering them toothpaste and a pleasant walk in the morning and torturing them in the afternoon and evening session. Did CNN, FoxNews, ABC News, CBS News were reporting their demands as NEWS???

    There was an investigation news done by some news channel in US and they released one suspected terrorists after one year in Guantanamo Bay. When they asked this 70 (SEVENTY) year old man who was a poor vendor on Afghanistan road and caught by the American arrogance, "How did he feel now"?? His response was that I never understood why they arrested me...But he is happy that he got a new dress from the US army at the time of release.

    But in Kasab's case there is no such chance of being released.

    Saddam was a mass murderer of his own population. But BUSH was a bigger MASS MURDERER in the name of fighting terrorism and STEALING OIL from Iraq. The US Vice president Dick Cheney was head of oil company Haliburton which was given oil contract in Iraq without a tender. THEY DID THE OIL STEALING FOR 4 years before other hyenas can have their share and started the tender process. Just imagine the amount of oil pumped out by these Americans in the name of fighting terrorism.

    Our puppet's in Delhi to this day are trying to convince USA about pakistan's role. They still need American crutches to punish someone.

    When I listened to our Sardar Gyani ManMohan Singh's comment that EVRYONE IN INDIA LOVES TERRORIST BUSH...I was just ashamed of leadership in New Delhi. Bloody hell Gyaniji...Get a life.

    Just watch out how our elite channels NDTV alias Appam C. spend tonnes of energy and time on making Rahul baba as the greatest leader India ever produced.

    Just look at NDTV's VALUES

    - Shahrukh Khan is Cricket's new avtaar on NDTV and they have hooked up with him

    - Mediocre actor Abhishek bachhan is their brand ambassador.

    - Yesterday they never get tired of praising Rahul Baba and his coming of age.

    - They have added the apology of Jagdish Tytler as part of news promotion advertisement. So you hear about Tytler's apology 15 times a day and every single day.

    No news channel play the kind of LOW LEVEL TACTICS played by NDTV and jokers in it. I watch news from various countries. NDTV deserves special award on how they are fooling masses with their smiling faces and carefully crafted biased coverage.

  21. Least said about Bollywood Kulta's is less.

    Gerard Butler looks as harmless as the Scottish highlands and sheeps.

    Please suggest these Kulta's and those using these Kulta's as decoy to invite beasts in NBA to their parties...Even old bastards like Denis Rodman and Shaqeel ONeal will give them the life time of experience.

    The downside is that Priyanka Chopra and any bent personality will regret for the rest of their life and question why were they even born on this planet.

  22. not everybody have the courage to say the truth in this selfish world

  23. I dont agree with you on RG, charm...far away from it...he is a bimbo..now his sister is real smart....

  24. I know a restaurant named Mayur which was on Bombay-Pune road couple of years back. Had great gujarati thali. May be you are refering to same place. aam-ras sounds delicious. You made me hungry now :) where can I get the asali desi aam-ras here in US. Fab India is my favorite as well. Love shopping there.
