Sunday, May 17, 2009

It's back to dynasty as usual....

It’s back to dynasty as usual…..

Jai Ho!! The Ulta Pultu Party pulled it off!! As Confucius famously advised centuries ago, “ Confuse the enemy….” That’s exactly what the Congress did - either by default or through design. And with this remarkable win, the ‘kamzor’ prime minister Manmohan Singh unambiguously provided the answer to the question - who’s the boss ? It’s Sonia Gandhi! And sorry Rahulbaba , but the real star of this dramatic election remains the Indian Voter. Just look at how the country voted, and one can safely tell all the self-styled experts , exit poll-wallas and armchair analysts to go to hell. Gyaan givers should now go into hiding and hang up their brains. This has been a a daal chawal election, in that the voter opted for comfort food - when the offer was for an exotic eight course menu… or, if one were to look at it more crudely– an unappetizing khichdi. There couldn’t have been a more emphatic ‘No’ to the sort of bogus change that was being peddled. It was a straightforward vote for maintaining the status quo.
What did the startling results tell us about ourselves? For one, scratch the surface and we are creatures of habit. For another, we like the familiar and the predictable.Our relationship with the Congress Party is like a slightly boring but essentially stable marriage. The seven year itch is a thing of the past. We have settled into the senior citizens’ shaadi slot, in which mild flirtations with exciting new partners offering fresh thrills are permitted, but both parties know that these are dangerous liaisons that can’t last…. and may damage the marriage permanently. By now, we have made peace with the in-laws, accepted bratty relatives, and got used to the partner’s snoring… along with other bad habits. The marriage is on solid if uninspiring ground - no great expectations, no major disillusionments. It carries on with rough periods and health scares, till the very bitter end, which in this case, isn’t yet in sight. It is this strange love-hate relationship voters share with the Congress that puzzles outsiders. And it is precisely this dichotomy that makes it impossible for analysts to crawl inside the mind of the Indian voter and make even a semi-accurate prediction as to how that bloody ballot will be cast.
The Wow Factor this time was provided by Rahul Gandhi, and it would be petty and mean to deny him his glory. The Dimpled Darling worked hard and sincerely , totaling up a record number of rallies addressed by any leader, to successfully swing the vote in favour of Mummy’s party. Between him and Princess Priyanka, they managed to inject the necessary oomph into what was turning into a hideous , immoral slanging match stripped off any decorum or dignity. These two young people demonstrated their class ( give or take a few boo boos), in the face of cheap mud slinging indulged in by the veterans. From this point on, Rahulbaba can rightfully write his own ticket – Mummy can persuade the reluctant debutant to join the cabinet ( portfolio of his choice), take over from her and run the party, or simply wait it out till Manmohan Singh gracefully moves over ( health reasons cannot be argued against, after all) and hands over the gaddi to the heir. Yup. It is back to dynasty as usual – and who is anyone to protest? The numbers say it all.
From Shining India to Sensible India , is one way of looking at these results. Clearly, the voter was in no mood to opt for either the Right or the Left. It was a clear mandate for continuity, for better or worse. Religion and caste came second and third, when everyone expected both to be the biggest issues.In a way they were – India voted against their exploitation by political parties trying their luck by playing those cards. The BJP got nuked ! And Narendra Modi exposed himself as nothing more grandiose than a fire breathing local satrap with no national support or following. Behind some of the surprising wins and losses, the one thing that became abundantly clear was the mood of the nation – it was a loud and clear signal to fundamentalist forces that the party’s over for them.It was an equally resounding slap in the face for jet setting commies a la Karat who looked whipped while addressing the press .And a sweet(almost touching) assurance to the Didi of Kolkata that she rules the hearts of her loyaltists.So, who do you think came of age in this election? You might say it’s Rahul. I’d say it’s the voter.


The euphoria continues.....I consider this election a great win for democracy itself! I am not a diehard Congress supporter and have been critical about various aspects of the party at different times. But the people of India have delivered their verdict and that has gone in the favour of the Congress in unambiguous terms. So be it.

The key thing now is to be vigilant, hawk eyed and persistent - watch their performance closely. Ask questions. Demand answers. And keep those guys on their toes every second of the way. The formation of the cabinet will see some hard bargaining, but with the Commies out of the picture, it will make Singh's life that much easier. Mamatadi may get Railways. And Pranab will be the Finance Minister ( hope he hires an interpreter).But I am pretty sure the average age of the cabinet will come down this time with Rahulbaba inducting his key people and rewarding loyalists by distributing the portfolios shrewdly. Not a bad thing, India is a young country, and we need young leaders. Though I have to confess I felt really, really bad that the old socialist\trade unionist George the Giant Killer had to suffer such an ignominious exit from political life - Fernandes lost his deposit!


At a swish dinner party last night, the mood was giddy with top bankers and industrialists greeting one another with lusty cries of ''Jai Ho!" I guess it was a delirious moment for those capitalist pigs - the Congress had won - imagine what might have happened had the Commies done better and called the shots?? There was much clinking of glasses in anticipation of the BSE opening on monday with a 1000 point jump. Unlikely scenario. But the mood is bullish and upbeat on the whole. The money men's palms are itching!!!


  1. You MUST interview Sonia, Rahul & Priyanka... Looking forward for that from your pen... This is the perfect time!!!

  2. Rahul Gandhi is good human being like his father Rajiv Gandhi.

    He will lead India to the next leval as his father did in the past. Wish Rahul all the best.

  3. Shobha ji namaste,,

    Well take on the green Indian politics. Green coz its flooded with an overall regime and smell of the youth...the youth power...and confining overall growth to an Indian..and not to a sector....

    No parties to be blamed.. but ..verdict is just a tight slap on the so called over going politics of "divide n rule".....

    Congrats...Young India.....Congress is back.... A request if someone hearing...why not give a chance again to Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam to again kindle the thrown of Indian his visions are very clear and laid down for further editing the Indian tag of yet a " country"...its time now to make it into "ED form"...aka ...developed nation...

    As the tune goes...Jai Ho...

    Cheerz to all...

  4. Ladies & Gentlemen & all the rest of us (me included am remarkably unladylike at times) India has done it again! As of now I'm just thrilled we've managed to put caste & religion aside! but a most emphatical yes we must monitor what's being done.

    I'm an eternal glass half full kind of person so I do hope we have been jolted out of our stupor. I know I have! We need stability reform accountability & most of all security. Let's hope Rahul baba & co can deliver once the honeymoon period is over.

  5. I think this is a flash in the pan..let's wait and watch!

  6. hmhm.. the poll results truly were unpredictable....

    but Like you said I think India voters are more dynamic than they are pot rayed Ms.De.

    after all what India needs is a stable government.

    And congress is always associated with a stable government.

  7. Incredible win Shobhaa :)I loved the way you've compared the people's relationship with the Congress..yes, it is a comforting factor(give or take their quirks!) even for NRI's like me to know that our country is in safe,intelligent,rationale and secular hands again.This election has definitely made Indians more aware and questining of the process and they should keep on at it and not let the Congress become complacent.
    It would be foolish to make Rahul PM at this early stage, but I look forward to seeing a young,vibrant,intelligent cabinet.people we can be proud of when they travel overseas, who won't make asses of themselves :)
    Beautiful article, you are always excellent, but with this one, you've outdone yourself.. jai ho!

  8. A perfect article for a perfect victory. It is between a blind date and a comfortable relationship, as you thoughtfully put it. This simple looking sardarji, the dynamic Rahul and the mother worked this miracle with the help of confused fronts and miserable opposition.

  9. Looking forward to more stable, secular and young government and most importantly more progressive and open minded mindset. Couple of my friends from gay community in India have approached various political parties in India to talk about IPC 377 and gay issues in India. I heard Congress party representatives were the only ones they could meet and convey their message. So, hopefully we will have more progressive and open minded people in the cabinet over next few years. I am very disappointed with CNN for such a little coverage of Indian elections. After all, it was largest democracy at work, wasn't it?

  10. yes it is back to age old system of dynasty . bas ek question and doubt. next in line of dynasty rule are all ready, Rahul and if Priyanka agrees also to join then ok but afterwards what? who after them? Priyanka'c Children or Rahul baba's ( provided he gets married)?

  11. Shobhaa, Your comments reek of urban elite, of people who lack for nothing and hence can nit-pick about policy minors, so to say.

    At the start, let us agree that the biggest and most significant voting demographic in India is the rural Indian.

    Anyone who has even half-seriously analyzed assembly and Lok Sabha results over the years will agree that Lok Sabha elections are NOT an aggregate of state elections. They NEVER have been, at least starting from 1965 onwards and never will be.

    Given the above two, 2009 vote is
    1) A Vote for Manmohan and ONLY Manmhan. It is a vote for his clean image, one of no-hassles individual who treats the PM's job just as any other (WHICH IT IS),and tries to deliver with honesty, sincerity and due diligence, just like the aam admi.

    He has almost made it fashionable to be an Indian and a humble, self-effacing one at that.

    2) It is a vote against extremism. Both against religious extremism (read Godhra and BJP) and ideological (read LEFT on the nuclear deal and every other policy)

    The first Manmohan factor has contributed around 60% and the second has contributed around 40% to Congress success.

    To credit this election to ANYTHING other than the above two factors is the surefire recipe for disaster.

    While history will agree that Sonia called the shots during the first five year term, it has and will be ONLY Manmohan going forward.

    Remove Manmohan from the Congress calculations and the party will collapse like a pack of cards.

    Do us all a favor and spread the word instead of calling random wannabes Yuvraj, Prince Charming and want not.

  12. I wouldn't go so far as to say that the party is over for fundamentalist forces.

    After all, Varun 'Hatred' Gandhi won from Pilibhit and the BJP improved upon its 2004 tally in the highly communalised and ghetto-ised state of Gujarat.

    In other parts of the country, it is more than possible that with recession in the global economy and Taliban next door, many voters decided to don their secular hat for the time being.

  13. Pranab as finance minister and mamta on railways? i am sure that poilitics is not your cup of tea..

    I hope by now, you must be knowing that Montek Singh Ahluwalia is a strongest contender for finance dept. and Rahul might be roped in for foreign affairs..

    Politics is not your cup of tea so please stick to page 3 kind write-ups.. or atleast do read and gather knowledgeabout the subject.. as they say little knowledge is a dangerous thing...

  14. hehe...u always manage to add that spiced up twist to an affair coz affair it is between congress party and indian voters, a long standing one at that...its a comfort cocoon that we like to fall back upon in d hour of uncertainty and dilemma...i mean c'mon, all we wanted to see was how different it would be without congress, everyone likes change after a while and look at how it blowed in our faces. what did we end up with? even though BJP might not have been responsible, it foolishly endorsed it, making itself the brand ambassador of hindutva. Pray which sensible and intelligent citizen would rate religion over a stable economy and safe environment...Its time for them to choose between fundamentalism or existence.we chose the latter and a well timed choice it was.
    As for rahul, he has potential to be obama of india, the indian voter has given him the go its upto him to make the best use of this opportunity...JAI HO!!!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Do u really think indian voters are really dat stupid? BJP sole campaign was based on weak PM and Sonia Ghandhi being the real power behind the throne. How are the indian voters the real stars when they got confused according to you? LoL

    Dr. Manmohan Singh is quite capable of taking decisions on his own see nuclear deal risking his own government. I think ur unfairly undermining his leadership.

    does the definition of dynasty politics start and end with the gandhi family? read dmk, shiv sena, ncp, even bjp see dushyant singh, yeddurappa's son

    Exit Polls were far more accurate than they were in last elections. ndtv predicted near abt 240 seats for upa so also cnn ibn. it is immpossible to give the exact figure. they even predicted dmk alliance is going grab more seats than admk which is remarkable given the fact dat everyone were predicting clean sweep for admk. ditto for AP. Elections analysts got it right this time.

    Sorry Shobhaji, but I have to say very disappointing article.

  17. Hope india does well !Millions of people cant be so wrong & stupid to vote for congress !Its a good verdict..well deserved!

  18. all the channels claimed that UPA and NDA were very much neck to neck.........a difference of 15-20 seats. Now we know that result, and lo and behold every channel is claiming that their prediction was the correct one !!!!

    there is a difference of close to 100 seats............god..!!!!

  19. Did these children, (Rahul and Priyanka) come into this world knowing and believing that inevitably maybe even unwillingly they would influence the fate of the world's biggest democracy.....

    A country that has shown the world the true spirit of democracy is actually being ruled by a dynasty for several decades now.

    But Id anyday prefer Rahul's dimples and naivette to the senile harangue of the septuagenarian, Advani!

  20. Still lot of lessons to be learned in Tamilnadu as for as Congress is concerned. Look at the way Manisankar Iyer, EVKS, Thangabalu lost and Chidambaram narrowly escaped. If all these people set aside their group politics and concentrated much on the welfare of their constituencies, Congress would have gained few more seats.

  21. Indian Memsaab Italiana and Safedi Ki Chamkaar Yuvraj... what a sweep... WOW!

    I sent an SMS to aamchi very own Meera Sanyal, thanking her for the initiative and for giving Bombay someone to believe in. She replied promptly "many thanks for your support!We will fight again. This is only the first step in a long journey"... what an enigmatic lady.

    I should add that even Milind D responded to my message... Which is nice.

    You know this is the basic of e/tele etiquette - to respond as soon as you get a message. And im so happy that Meera, Mallika and Milind are quite grounded and well mannered at this.

    Im happy that Young India is on the top :) I wish Safedi Ki chamkaar yuvraj stays out of the cabinet and works for the welfare of people from the outside... I feel once you become minister, you invite a lot of wrath, as you need to stand against many things as much as you stand for...

    He could make a lot of difference if he is on the stands and not in the field for his party and also for india.

    i must say, I admire Simple Gandhi (memsaab italiana) and Dimple Gandhi (yuvraj). They seem too genuine. Are they really??? only time will tell.

    This time if they dont perform... they they would have it! they will have a dismal performance in 2014 if they donot perform.


    BSE rocked! and wow! tumhaara anticipation Bang On! sach ho gaya de.

    :) Recession... what the eff? i dont see any real effect in India (as of now).

  22. Dear Shobhaa,
    I loved the way you put it all together! A brilliant piece indeed!! From India SHINING to India SENSIBLE...I always wonder (and truly speaking, am jealous)how effortlessly you pick your apt!
    Love you :-)
    -Aparna Velankar

  23. Dear SD,
    I liked your article JAi Ho..(it appeared in sunday times) well written.

  24. Yeah....its finally happened!! A free hand for the Congress and the Nation awaits the best hand job ever!

  25. This Dynasty needs a face like Manmohan singh for respectability and total acceptance. People came and listened to Rahul but they voted for Manmohan singh's leadership. Rahul must not be rushed into something as fatal as a cabinet role which will limit him and tie him up. Dynasty is dead, but its role is not over.

  26. I have much to say, but only after I get back from kickboxing and vent my ire on a poor weighted bag and then spar with a Vinny type from Brooklyn with a gold Italian horn necklace and a scar under his eye! Rocky he aint, but Rocky ka baap... in jabbing and crossing and uppercutting... he is.

    A few punches by him and mera head thodasa clear hojayega, maybe enough to see Desh Ka Ladla in the "safeedi ki roshni" that you see him in. Right now I dont at all!

    Maybe Vinny ka jordaar punch will let me see ki kaun "pasta ka pasta ya parantha ka parantha ho gaya hai"!

    Ciao tab tak!

  27. just wait and see what happens to india in next 5 years :)
    Ma'm you can enjoy all the cocktails in your high rise at the win of Dynasty and your "fav" Modi getting a beating these elections..

    But just wait, before you know what comes out of those Madarasas in Uttar Pradesh that got 3.2 billion rupees from Rahul Baba last year to "upgrade"

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. it's a great win for democracy but back to dynasty?? is it democratic-aristocracy?

  30. Dear Shobhaa,

    Happy to read that your happy that democracy has kicked in to a good verdict this time. But you also mention that though it may have gone for a party that is against your views and line of function to minimum levels. A question pops in. Do you feel that even if 250 million people think on similar levels wherein we compromise on values and beliefs and blindly practice the process democracy grants we would have a just verdict. what are your views on the same? Is this healthy according to you?



  31. AMAZING-AMAZING & AMAZING, the way you have written about the recent election results and our to be leaders:) cos of you, I have started showing interest in Political of the blogger said, you need to interview the mother, with Priyanka and Rahul!!! will be fun!
    Wishing our Manmohan singh all the very best for his new term!

  32. Now its high time... India need young Team not only in cricket but in politics too... many hopes from Rahul.

  33. You mentioning Capitalist Pigs ? And you ? Dining at Tetsuma, comparing prices to Wasabi ? You who wanted to be photographed with Naomi Campbell to prove that you were with her. You who throws all Page 3 names all the time. You who loves her own children and gives names like Cadbury Eyes, Honeymoon lips but does not hesitate to hit others below the belt. This is socialism ??? Shobhaa, please look at mirrror before you shoot your pen off !!!!

  34. I don't know how can you say that two third of India's people (and a chunk of them under 35) voted blindly in favour of a dynasty.the Indian electorate for the first time in the history of Indian politics showed such a remarkable maturity.
