Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Jaipur chalo!

Guys, I am off to Jaipur for a couple of days, so this is going to be a short post ... and a short goodbye. Have had a fulfilling day on the whole. I did get worked up on Arnab Goswami's Times Now show.... but then, the debate warranted it. Exactly 6 months ago, at this very hour, Mumbai was reeling. But all too soon, 26\11 has been put on the backburner as the nation rejoices over how splendidly it voted and didn't all our 'Boys' play brilliantly during the IPL. As the cliche goes, Public memory is short indeed. Collective amnesia has set in - who really gives a damn what happened and how many were killed during those terrible 60 hours?? Well.... I certainly do. And I refuse to 'move on' or forget. I said as much on the show, and expressed my absolute disgust at the thought of Shivraj Patil being given a cabinet post. Not that it matters what Mumbaikars feel about the issue. It's a done deal. I am glad Arnab chose to focus on it.... if for nothing else, it may jolt the memory of a few callous politicians and force them to revisit the trauma in a more constructive way. As of now, nothing has changed. Mumbai remains a soft target.

Those were my fears at Amitabh Kant's low- key book launch ( 'Branding India') at the Taj last night.... I kept looking over my shoulder and at all the exit points of the magnificent Crystal Room. With reason. Ratan Tata was the chief guest.... there were several corporate VVIPs present..... all it would take was one evil traitor to walk into the room and destroy some of our iconic business leaders . I know it is a morbid thought - but it was there!! I couldn't wait to get out - and did, as soon as the formalities were concluded. What an irony. Here we were, lauding Brand India.... but there was fear and suspicion in our hearts. Such are the times we live in.

Okay, chaps. I'm off.... I shall bake and broil in Jaipur. But what the hell.... all for a good cause. More on that when I return.


  1. Enjoy!!! And it is ok to bake and broil once in a while!!

  2. Enjoy your trip in Jaipur, I hope to be there in Dec..

  3. Enjoy and have fun. i know you would, needless of me saying it.
    Amitabh kant: i remember him as district collector of my home town, calicut in kerala somewhere during my tens, in 90s. I guess he later was the tourism secretary.
    Ciao, take care:))

  4. Njoy ur trip ..!

    I salute your spirit to not to forget n not to move on.

    but I dont know if it affects anything...changes anything...
    to whom who lost, the lose hurts kinda forever...

  5. I can understand. I haven't forgotten, even after 24 years.

  6. Have a nice journey...

  7. :( :( and one more :( - except all the symbols on the keyboard can not begin to describe how sad I felt after reading this post.

  8. yeah...saw the show yesterday....suhel seth was bang on target....

    People are one selfish lot!!

  9. It's so unfortunate nothing has changed :(

  10. जयपुर में स्‍वागत है आपका

    राजीव जैन

  11. Feel the same about 6 months after 26/11. Visiting Mumbai has never been the same. Living in a 5-star hotel on official travel is the new challenge these days.

  12. hmm... you are such a hypocrite... i also saw the show yesterday .. even u just got reminded of the tragedy because you were called for the show. In how many blog posts or in your real life or through your articles in newspapers, have you tried to remind the tragedy to people or raise the questions to government? You, being a known person, could have actually stimulated this topic? but you were also busy partying in other people yachts and arranging fashion shows and if nothing else, then discussing Gerard.

    All of you talked about spirit of Mumbai.. what so great about it? every city in the world revives back from any tragedy. Even New York came back after 9/11. Delhi came back after many bomb blasts. Kashmir is going through much bigger hell than you can even imagine. you were debating because Mumbai got attacked, not because India was attacked.

    Times Now definitely made a wrong choice of Panel for this discussion.

    One should speak only if aware, knowledgeable, concerned about the topic in its true sense. Not just for the sake of blabbering something. Blabbering will make you like Mahesh Bhatt or Suhel Seth who can just go off on any topic without putting any brains behind it.

  13. Repeating Shivraj Patil again would be suicide for UPA.

  14. Oh jaipur.. Could you tell me where are you gonna be? I promise i won't be an annoying stalker. In case you are speaking, i'd like to be in the audience.


  15. lol... i think you are being paranoid.

    Do they have a name for the phobia of terror attacks??

    If you are given a chance to speak before a distinguished audience like a PM or a CM who are likely terror targets will you chicken out and run away coz a terrorist might be lurking around??

    Let me warn you jaipur has also come under terrorist attacks.

    @honestinjun was traveling through airways a challenge because of 9/11 and other airplane hijackings??? next time you visit mumbai go for a four star or three star hotel... you'll save some money.

    Okie we have been appalling with our chalta hai attitude even when security is a big concern we have not acted decisively. But spreading fear is exactly what these terrorists want. let us act not in fear but with love, courage and understanding.

  16. Do enjoy--by the way I finished
    the following article 'Kashmir is dying. Are you listening!!!' that has been produced for all those who feel that everything is alright in Kashmir.

    "Arif, now dead, was not meant to look like this. His rosebud lips, long face, bright and clear complexion that gave him a truthful air bumps with the monster reality of how he was shot...."

    Read full at: www.umarblogs.blogspot.com


  17. Mr. Ratan Tata is one of the magnificent business men/ industrialist that our country has produced.

    Certain out of mind, out of sense jihadis can batter, bruise but cannot do the most difficult- to create and construct.

    I haven't been to Taj mumbai, but am sure that Mr. ratan Tata would have it built prettier than before :-)

  18. BTW...Hows your Jaipur trip coming along? Baked and broiled yet?

  19. 26/11 or whtever was dramatic though tragic. Mumbai had terrible train blasts which were also equally tragic because it involved ordinary hardworking people who travelled by the most pathetic train service just to earn their bread. The other crowd who perished were just enjoying high life spending money like water. They include corporate bigwigs who enjoy multiple privileges than the hassled shareholder who gets a pittance while the lion's share is being enjoyed by the top people. When special people go on and on about 26/11, ordinary people like me wonder what is so special about that event?
    As for aids, it has become a high society affair. What is so brave of the socialite's granchildren hugging aids patients? I will appreciate if they fight the enemies at Siachen. I will clap if they keep leprosy patients for a month atleast in their rooms sharing everything.

  20. Landed here while blog-hopping... Took me sometime to confirm it was really you... Lady, you got some gunpowder.. Rock on!

    Will keep coming by..

    P.S. Nothing much on Mumbai. I am from Assam. How many times did you hear Mr. Arnav Goswami (an Assamese btw) talk about the blasts in Assam? And how many times it was Mumbai? Ever wondered why? I have given up on the TV...

  21. Hi Shobha, hope you enjoy Jaipur. Try to visit, or even stay at the treehouse resort there: http://www.ashextourism.com/treehouses/treehouse_jaipur.htm

    Btw I tried emailing you, couldnt get through. Pls email me at my email address on file, it is a matter of interest.

  22. wish you a nice jouney ... wonder how many times will you remember the 26/11 during your stay...

  23. waiting to hear more about the visit

  24. there is a nice pic of yours in here from the good old days..check this out..

