Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Prague at its prettiest...

It was love at first sight! I got here a few hours ago, checked in to a beautiful boutique hotel close to the main square, and hit the road running! Must have walked at least 5kms ( which is one hell of a trek for someone like moi), and feel like I belong to this vibrant and overwhelmingly beautiful city. It is not as 'imperial' and grand as Budapest, but it has its own unique beauty, as we discovered while eating onion soup across a building that was glistening like burnished gold in the rays of the late afternoon sun. But when I looked over the cobblestones carefully, I discovered the manhole covers in Prague are nowhere near the works of art they are in Budapest! Really!! Budapest was known for its exquisite ironwork over centuries and that is evident at every turn - the grills, railings and yes, manhole covers are total eye candy. Over a long and lingering breakfast at the historic Cafe Gerbeaud ( established:1858), sitting under a mulberry bush with noisy, chattering sparrows feeding bread crumbs off the marble top table, sipping hot chocolate and feeling sad about leaving Budapest, I vowed to come back soon and spend time at the magnificent opera house.
To make me feel better, as soon as we arrived in Prague, my husband booked tickets for Don Giovanni, and other Mozart arias, which will be performed in a gorgeous Spanish Synagogue tomorrow night. Unlike in Budapest, there are thousands and thousands of tourists thronging the picturesque square here. And there are no war scars to be seen - Prague surrendered to Hitler without putting up any resistance whatsoever, remember! I'm told the local cuisine is a little iffy, and the wines somewhat dodgy. Shall give you the full report tomorrow. We are planning to eat at a charming restaurant close to the hotel and then walk across the square for an after dinner coffee. My children tell me it is pouring in Mumbai. Well, I am relieved to be dry, cool and comfortable in Pretty Prague. I shall keep you posted!!


  1. real happy tym for keep posting the outcums of ur restuarant meal..and of the dodgy wines...:D

  2. What a life... yours

    Its pouring down here at mumbai yes, marine drive's stormy, tide was absolutely high this evening... and some huge trees on my lane at cuffe parade were falling down.

  3. woww Shobha, u r having a jolly time with hubby!!! am JJJ....

  4. I love these posts better than your desi dirt of shiney and bollywood. Love your crisp descriptions and snide remarks @ Hitler.
    And pls, I requested earlier too; why not add some pictures of the city or anything you fancy.
    Love your post. And sending your way my best wishes for the grand tour. Have a blast. Nothing in the world is better than travelling that too with family.
    khuda nazar na lagaye.
    keep posting. will be back.cheers..!!

  5. I've heard that towards the end of World War II, Hitler withdrew quickly from some European cities, just to ensure that no close quarter combat took place within those cities and, therefore, to protect the works of art.

  6. why can't you post post photos?

  7. Ummn! can feel the taste in each bite

  8. Glad to hear you are enjoying Shobhaa. I have never been to the places that you are visiting but now I might think of visiting. And yes I agree with others - post some pics. of you and your loved ones having good time. We would love to see those pics. Happy travels.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Nice to hear from you. I'm surprised to learn even manhole covers are a work of art in Europe. In India you find the manholes are'nt even covered sometimes, forget about finding any art thing in them. Have you seen the new idea cellular advertisement, it suggests to walk while you're talking on the cellphone. I think they are giving a very wrong message, it is dangerous to talk on a cellphone while you're walking. Once my sister almost fell in an uncovered manhole while talking on the phone, that too in a place like IIT Bombay, luckily her friends saved her. I never step on a manhole cover, you never know when it might break (the concrete ones) and fall.
    Have a great time:)

  11. Seems very Very Majaa maaaa... Che *hugs*

  12. you are the best...i just love your blogs..

    Mohit Valecha
