Monday, August 17, 2009

Grow up... Get a life SRK

My Name is (not) Khan…..and still….

I am not Muslim. My name is neutral-sounding. I don’t have a police record. Nor any terrorist links. But I am routinely stopped, searched and questioned at airports around the world, including American ones. Do I protest, yell and scream ‘Discrimination! Racial profiling! Yankee dadagiri! Religious persecution!” Nope. I hate what happens to me. I feel angry and humiliated. I resent the questions…. But I am keenly aware of the fact that there is nothing personal about it. Those guys at immigration are doing their jobs – that’s it. What may appear irrational and sadistic to visitors is nothing more than a strict drill security agencies have to adhere to – for the overall safety of the world. Come on…. get real. These are procedures that cannot be altered to accommodate anybody – even desi superstars. Reverse the situation – imagine a Mick Jagger or a Tom Cruise lining up in front of a local officer at Mumbai\New Delhi airport. Do you really think those guys would know or care who these mega stars were?? They would be treated like any other passenger… and if for any reason, the computer screens indicated a problem they would be asked to step aside and respond to a few tough questions, too. Their claiming friendship with Barack Obama, Sonia Gandhi or Priyanka Vadra would not cut any ice with our chaps. And rightly so. Anybody can claim friendship with anyone.

The point is, each country has its own set of rules – some are more stringent than others. Tried going to Israel?? No?? Well… that’s what I would describe as a truly nightmarish experience. But, given Israeli sensitivities and vulnerabilities, it’s perfectly understandable. A visitor always has the choice to either go or not go to a destination that makes him\her uncomfortable. America is known to be super scrupulous while screening tourists. In today’s times, it is far better to err on the side of safety than make exceptions for certain individuals and protect a few fragile egoes. People going to America are well aware of the punishing procedures in place there, especially after 9\11. Thousands of tourists are subjected to this on a daily basis. Not everybody feels victimized. Most visitors go through this painful process gamely enough and co- operate with the officers. Just a few months ago at Frankfurt airport, I was grilled for half an hour over a pair of perfectly innocuous sunglasses my daughter had given me. I was even asked to produce a receipt for them!! It wasn’t pleasant and I wasn’t amused. But hey – was anybody forcing me to visit Germany??

It is time our movie stars, politicians , cricketers and other ‘VVIPs’ woke up to a few international ground realities. This is the way the cookie crumbles. The outside world is neither interested in nor impressed by any individual’s local status. It is not about fans waving and asking for autographs. It is not about claiming friendship with Hillary Clinton. You may be India’s biggest business tycoon or Bollywood Badshah. But out there you are an anonymous nobody - nothing more and nothing less than a name and a number – deal with it. The officer who asks you to step aside is least concerned with your fame or bank balance back home. It is his job to make sure you are ‘clean’ – and he has the full and absolute authority to undertake as thorough a check as he thinks fit. It’s that, or his own butt on the line. Is that so tough to accept?Of course, it is irritating – but rather this level of scrutiny than facing the risk of another 9\11, or in our case 26\11. This incident should inspire our own guys to tighten up immigration checks. But not in the childish tit-for-tat way suggested by Ambika Soni. It is because we are so lax and relaxed about security issues that India remains a soft target and yet we continue to take umbrage when others go by the rule book. Too bad it happened to SRK. Too bad his luggage wasn’t loaded in London. But hello! … he did make it to Breaking News, and was on every front page. This is the sort of publicity no amount of lolly can buy. Was it a clever promotional stunt for his next movie?? I think not. But it certainly did take media attention away from Shahid Kapur and his ‘Kaminey’, which is likely to become the biggest blockbuster of all time. Smart.


  1. Nicely written, SD! Yeah, I agree with you that we need to grow-up as an individual. And we have to co-operate with the officers who are simply doing their job. We should learn from their professional attitude. Great post!

  2. AMEN! I got a bunch of emails from family and friend wondering what's up with "us americans!" LOL and I said the exact same thing... the security agent was doing his job. Why are we scrutinizing him? On the other hand, a major story was hitting HT News... it spoke of some minister who "patted a tiger" when laws specifically prohibit anyone but authorized zoo officials to enter the protected species cage. What tamasha? On one hand we are complaining how this minister took advantage of his VIP status, and on the other hand, we want SRK to take advantage of his priviledged status!
    Out of the blue... I thought, could this be because USA put India in the list of insensitive nations towards it's minorities... Could that be a reason for this to be brought into the who media... to show neither is USA? Or... was it a promo thing for My name is KHAN! I am no muslim... but my name is a flagger... yes it sounds like Bin Laden... Shobha you know, right? So I get stopped all the time! Big deal... I enjoy it .. laugh at it and move on. I have a choice to fly or visit ... I do, knowingly what can happen. Agreed SRK is no different :-D

  3. De, you really feel... so much drama would have happened in real...?? Or hasnt SRK visited US post 7/11?? wouldnt have the questioning been more stingent then than now??? Why has SRK screaming off his lungs now???? I firmly believe so that this is Clever publicity For the Theme of his and beloved KJo - My Name Is Khan revolves around the same issue. This guy is a very smart publicist. He has made the film more real in the present context by just getting few media fellas to blow things out of proportion.

    Regarding racial profiling.. No one would agree that that's right. But did racial profiling really happen? that's the question. It is just a security measure. We should also be so stringent about our screening procedure.. we have a lot of lessons to learn.

    We would not even know if Hillary tai or Brad Pitt bhau had gone through some tough screening in india, because they would not create a drama. What a dramaQueen.

  4. Well, I slightly differ with the post. Don't know about SRK, but it is certainly not about 'them' doing their job. Dr. Kalam was screened by some US airline. How is that justifiable ? If the ex-president is treated that way, what would you expect for a common Asian guy. He might be stripped in the process. :| Yes, rules have been strict since 9/11, but that in no way makes the US to generalize everybody.

    Though I agree with the point of yours, as we all have a choice to visit a place which don't make us feel comfortable. I have termed this as "Self-invited Humiliation". We have invited our own humiliation.

  5. if someone was a friend of sonia gandhi, they'd have a VIP security detail at the doors of a plane waiting to escort them out without a security check.

    India is just crazy about kowtowing to power and that is the mentality they try to bring abroad too.

    At the same time, let me tell you - being held for 2 hours at an american airport for questioning is NOT funny - it can be extremely irritating, aggravating and annoying. Dont blame Shahrukh for losing his cool - blame the stupid media and people for making it a huge issue.

  6. In 2 days time, you gave us 4 blogs. All highly relevant. Every international traveller has his or her own tales. Actually, I enjoyed the experience and appreciated their concerns. But once you clear, they will not bother you and we can enjoy staying as long as our visa permits.
    When you want to write passionately and reasonably, you write much better than other bloggers. It may be because your sensibilities being a woman with lots of experience and exposure.
    Please wrte about Kaminey and your review. It seems you liked it.

  7. This I find highly absurd.

    I awaited your take on the matter but this is amazingly naive.

    It's not about the fact that this is SRK, it's about bringing this issue to the surface because of the platform SRK has.

    If without bias and only what I can call sheer ignorance you looked into the matter you would find there is a stark discrimination towards Islam as a faith and anything/anyone who represents any relation to it amongst allot of the west. There is ignorance and misdirected fear and that breeds further ignorance and paranoia.

    I wish you would use your platform responsibly as you have a reach and an opportunity to speak out constructively rather than vent out your raw qualms and estimations on public forums.

  8. Oh Please! If everyone is a celebrity, then every news paper's front page would be filled with people's 'not-so-pleasant' experiences with the immigration officers.

    Nothing against Islam, Hindu etc! Anyone who believes so is plain insecure about their own religions...Period.

  9. Ms.De You are right on point..

    SRK is no different than any other whose name would get flagged by the checking done.

    What I fail to comprehend is how the media made a big issue out of it..

    I mean-- The hindu published the news in the first page.

    Wow, Is SRK s 2 wasted hours that important 4 the society to read about...

    Nope I think thats not the issue.. I think that celebs sell...

    People sell the glam factor in it...

    The media always makes a big issue out of the celebs... Whatever the issue might be. As silly as break ups to as serious as affairs....

    & the celebs of our time have fast learned and adopted to use this to their own ends... ie to increase their own reach & popularity....

    & yeah, I can understand the fact that there is a bit of Muslim related segregation is there in such checking.

    yeah, I know it sucks... But Better be careful rather than sorry...

    && I really hope SRK grows up.. I mean not all swoon @ the thought of him...

    Do they??

  10. I couldn't agree with you more. On my last travel within the US I saw airport officials pass a burka clad all Muslim family pass while they were questioning other Americans and I was impressed. This is what random checking is about.
    I feel pity for SRK his ego is too big, the same thing happened to Mammooty and nobody even knew.
    Grow UP SRK

  11. many posts in 2 days. Thank you :)Loved the Rakhi Sawant phenomenon. I believe each of us need to follow that in our daily lives. It makes life much easier. This weekend when we (me, my partner, my parents and my sister and her family) were visiting
    a locale beach in Indiana, we happened to meet another Indian family who happened to be maharashtrian as well. Hearing same language spoken in a foreign land made us (rather our respective parents) connected so we started talking. Within 5 minutes within the talking question about my marriage came up (Go were right. we are so intrusive). the other family asked why I was not married (can you believe it but people feel instantly connected to ask such personal questions). I guess I am used to it by now but I thought let's give some shocking moment to "kaka aani kaku". So in a nice manner I introduced them my same gender partner and told them that we are a same sex couple. Kaka aani kaku (who hailed from Ratnagiri) were in total shock. I went ahead and told them that next year we are planning to have a ceremony as well. Needless to say within next 5 minutes they said bye bye to us :) I guess at times we are unnecesarily ashamed or worry about "jamaana kya kahega" but we need to have a fearless attitude if we know we are not doing anything wrong.

  12. BigB recounted in his blog about how he was asked to open his bag by a no nonsense officer at Singapore airport. He has not created any noise but simply obeyed the officer and he has a bigger platform. Aamir Khan also underwent such things without any fuss. He was discriminated in his own country in Gujarat during Fanaa. I agree that media which feeds off SRK is hell bent on making front page news even if he sneezes. I rather feel for the ordinary who undergoes much more everywhere.

  13. I've started loosing interest in everything that bollywood or its nanhe sitare do ..

    i hate it when celebrities behave as if they are Gods.. even worse when people treat them like that the worst when they expect that everybody will treat them like that!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I am completely APPALLED by your views! I cannot come to terms with the fact that you consider a nation's security concerns more important than the discomfort endured by the Great SRK, a National Treasure, no less!

    I think you owe Mr. Shahrukh Khan an immediate, unconditional apology for the aggravation this article will undoubtedly cause him. If I were you I'd send him a little gift too. Preferably a pacifier. EUROPEAN makes only! Hellooooo!!!

  16. Well said. I totally agree with you.

  17. I agree wid U.The so called drama shouldn't take to happen

  18. I agree with every word written. this is exactly how I reacted to it on my blog too..
    By the way , i adore our blog Ms.De

  19. It was selfish of SRK, he just vent out his frustation,anger little realising that he has a huge fan following and it could polarise them against US.

  20. START - Grow up... Get a life SRK
    ENDS - Smart.

  21. Although i'm a very big fan of his (which is why i couldn't ignore reading your blog first), i truly agree with you on this. He's definetely over reacted and has earned himself a line of inteviews and media publicity. After knowing he wasn't the only 'asian' being questioned in that room, he should have taken it like everyone else does. This definetly shows that he wasn't a target. This drama was unnecessary.

  22. SRK's mental state is questionable.

    This is the same guy who wanted FOUR captains theory in a 20 overs match and asked Sunil Gavaskar to shut up since this theory is suppose to give result after 4-5 years. We all know that Buchnan is HURT that he is being kicked out after 6 months while the original plan was 5 years. The 4 captains theory never took off.

    Coming back to yesterday's news...

    The two hours questioning is a stretch if you take into account that someone is on the flight for 18-20 hours and is obviously tired. But one should not feel humiliated. The biggest culprits are those HARAAAM KI AULLAAD in the media who went extra step to even cover this as a news, have a telephonic interview with this mentally disturbed guy and the sympathetic comments from Ambika Soni and other politicians.

    We need to beat the shit out of these bastards in the media first before blaming a mentally challenged superstar of bogus Indian movies.

  23. Shobha Ji,
    I was amazed to see your post and the justification for programs like "sach ka saamana" and "Randi ka swayamwar" in your previous post.

    You sounded like a cheap agent of these two programs.

    I have a simple question to ask you. In one of the episode of "such ka Saamana" a women was asked if she would like to have an affair if her husband doesn't know about it and she said "NO". The anchor did the lie detector test and said to that lady that you are lying. In that program there was her 9 year old son also and her neighbours were probably watching this as well.

    Could you please enlighten us as what would the friends of that 9 year old kids will think of her mother. Also the neighbours of that lady will look for an opportunity to have an affair with her because the anchor of "sach ka Saamana" has scientific evidence for it.

    Before you take the side of a Raand like Rakhi Sawant or some "haraam ki Aullaad" who produced and copied this program and threw it to the immature Indian society and Napunsak system...spend some time to understand the real HARM and INJUSTICE being caused to some greedy and/or vulnerable people who fall victim to the corporate money and creating a society where there is not much of a difference between a human and animal.

    Remember a bitch get fucked up on the streets with a pack of 7-8 dogs following her. The kind of irresponsible media you guys defend, without any guilt or shame will make human relationship in India similar to that bitch's.

  24. why is it that the original badshahs escape and the innocent are being trapped..??

  25. In general terms, you are right. But specifically in this case, it is more likely to be 'harassment' for having come up with his next movie, which they don't like.

    SD, you know that the Americans are smart cookies. The 'culture police' officials there would have been tipped off about the theme of MNIK and SRK. For any software developer, it is common sense that there would be a provision to 'flag' certain people based on their work - so that next time they happen to land in USA, they are 'caught' - random, it may look - it definitely it wouldn't be.
    It takes all of 2 seconds for a Google search to throw up results of who SRK is, with image. And another 1 minute to study the results. Why 120 minutes?

  26. I totally agree! BTW who is calling these so called STARS with their huge egos to the USA. Stay in India and bask in your glory. Everyone in USA is treated equally no matter your social status that is real freedom rather tan the sahibgiri that still prevails in the 21st Century "Free" India

  27. Ohh My God Miss De.. you put it down so beautifully.

    SRK is a huge name here.. does he need to do this.. I guess Yes, probably he is getting old.

    VVIPs need to get a life.. thank you

  28. @ Anil ....- stop using ur adulterous languages...i think u need security check up for ur shitty lang...i can understand how much frustrated your are from outer world..
    Y u are so much concern about eeverybody,see urself...u will come to realize how much frustrated all commentators and right now i m with u...

  29. @ Anil Kumar : Please use decent language. You can disagree with some of the views but the way you expressed yourself is very disturbing. Would appreciate if you change your language and choice of words.

  30. Shobha ji, This is not about how SRK reacted..when these things happen to any of us..we also react the same way..I have friends who are muslim and I know about all the "extra" checks that they have to go through and how they feel. They say exactly same things as SRK..only difference is that now there are people listening! Why are we blaming SRK for that? His reaction was genuine...getting asked to open your luggage (as in the case of AB) is different than being detained and not being able to make a call in the first one hour!! I am pretty sure if you had to go through exact same day you would have blogged about it and ranted about it too and then all of your readers would have sympathized with you!!! Then why this double standard with SRK? What has he done different than anyone else!!

  31. There are 100 look alikes like shahrukh khan, if a terrorist group can send them with a fake passport. what will shahrukh say to this? Every one needs to be screened who ever it is? Our country must take a leaf out of this and start be serious about security measures and start blazing long horns for some guy whose name ends with 'Khan'. Mr.SRK you are King Khan, may be not in a democratic world...welcome to realities son, here we all are equal chandrasekharan, nair, iyer or khan everyone is security checked :) !!

  32. My sentiments exactly same. The security team doing their job and rules are common for everyone. Whether it may be politician,actor or sports person. Well I presume SRK might be promoting his new movie and trying to fetch publicity. Great post!!!

  33. Those who carry super-ego in their head make tantrums. And...does this not show how much a particular religion has been degraded by a handful of culprits> Those who are making tantrums for not nipping this manace in the bud.


  35. I don't agree with your write up, SD.It's not about respecting the rules and immigration laws of the host country. SRK is not just anyone, he is THE star of India at the moment. And if there were people vouching for him then the particular immigration officer should have atleast done the minium and check it out.
    I think it is disrespectful and why should we Indians excuse bad behaviour by other foreign countries?

  36. By the way, who is this lamb Shahrukh Khan? Never herd of him. Baa Baa Black Sheep Have You Any Wool......

  37. Statistics are not on SRK's side for no fault of his. But the fact holds true- statistics are not on his side!!

    @The Panorama: Talking of behavior, dont you think that we fail to imitate their politeness?

  38. Al Gore was driving at 90 mph in Oregon in a 65 mph speed zone. A State Trooper stopped him and issued him a ticket. This was just after the election that he lost to Bush. Common.. there are many people here in the US complain including Senator Kennedy that they are stopped because their name is showing up in the Terrorist list. Any one get a passport in the name of Sharukh Khan and travel from India or Pakistan. The officer was doing the job. About Dr Kalam, he was already in the international zone. The reality is: They just wanted to get some free publicity for the movie.. 'My Name is Mr Khan' They got it!!!

  39. Here comes another liberal. Liberals have a problem of not seeing any problem. There are few things that should be noted in this mega episode. Do we have an Indian pride? Can we allow other countries like US, UK, Australia, etc. to keep hurting our pride just because of their paranoia? It is easy for liberals to just pass judgement on anything with who cares attitude but try to feel like an ordinary musilm who is being continiouly looked down and procesuted for the things he has no relation with. What American did with Dr Kalam and Shah Rukh Khan is unacceptable in a civilized world? It is not at all about celebrity ego. Can you imagine how do they behave to an ordinary Muslim? Thank God because of Mr Khan we now know what is happening to the commoners. Americans may have accepted the lower standerd of living and freedom over security but have we also accepted the humiliation. Paranoid Americans without any knowledge of history, civics and geography, they just don't know their own stars, Bob Dylan was questioned by a cop for one of the resident reported of a suspicious man, though he was just walking down the lane. How can you expect them to respect other people's sentiments.

  40. We have to take somethings in perspective. He has the right to be frustrated, especially since his paperwork was in order and he had been in the US a month prior.

    The US has gone overboard in this security check business. A few years ago I made a big issue out with the Mayor of my city as I along with some other darkies were singled out for detailed questioning at customs, while the foreign whities were whizzed through. It was uncomfortable and discriminator. The Mayors office had a conference call with me and the airport officials and it was hilarious to hearthe explaination of the head customs guy. He was comparing Portland to Miami and said that I would for sure be subject to more humiliation and checking in Miami. I couldn't believe my ears.

    Suddenly with the onset of 9/11 custom agents were roaming around the baggage area questioning elderly folks in wheelchairs as if they were terrorists. Some didnt speak English properly and were put into secondary inspections. I am american, returning home, and I was subjected to this foolishness as well. Some of my pune employees were put through the same hell. They had no muslim names just because they were Indian..even though most had lived in the US for a few years and just returning for a business visit. Two years prior to this Delta cancelled flights to Asia from Portland, because Japanese passengers were being stripped searched and they stopped using Delta and it created an uproar in the media. I threatened to do the same thing and that is why I got the attention and things got better after that.

    I recently went to Canada for a visit with my kids and the customs guy had the nerve to ask me "if you are the CEO of your company how can you leave your office for a week". I told him CEO's need vacation too...

    We do live in the Stupid States of America and these customs agents do try to do their jobs, but I also feel they racially profile people and if something odd comes up forget common sense and will ask questions that have nothing to do with the price of rice. In my and the case of the elderly folks there were no security issues. Just harrasement.

    So while SRK should not complain about being pulled away, at the same time I can feel his discomfort. He is not the Bollywood Badshah in the US, but it brings out a lot of issues. Security being compromised at airports in India, if you are rich, famous or politically connected.

    I have the same stress when I go through customs in Mumbai when my luggage is scanned while all the white people are whizzed through, even though I share their nationality.. What irony!

    Anyway, the positive out of the SRK episode is that it receivd a fair amount of press and attention and hopefully the US customs and border security will work on fixing some of the problems they currently have in their systems and train people to be more courteous and treat people with some respect and intelligence like they do in Singapore.

  41. Lets stand back a bit and get a perspective on this...forget about Ambika Soni, does anyone actually believe that a career diplomat like Shashi Tharoor, and a normally circumspect Chidambaram would actually go out of their way to condemn American security screening of a matinee idol??!!...This isn't about SRK at all. This is about United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) placing India on its "watch list" for religious freedom. Its just a subtle way of getting back at and reminding America of their double standards...the Chinese do this all the time diplomatic tit-for-tat...and now we are learning...I strongly believe that if it hadn't been SRK the Indian government would have just picked up another cause...I just find the whole thing hilarious.

  42. Who made the fuss Mrs.Dey?I heard SRK's Tele conversation with one of the News channels,he seemed to be very cool,media gave a rather huge coverage for that....

    and comparing you with SRK is .....

  43. I am not sure it was a 'strategic' move or an 'intentional take all glory away from Shahid Kapoor for Kaminey' but it sure was an over reaction. I still feel like we judge too soon and we learn to treat, question and criticize moves. Which is good too. Because we are sort of doing the exact same thing then. Over reacting to his over reaction. Just human to do so. That brings us all on the same playing field.

  44. I think its bloody well the idiot got stopped at immigration.

    But i also think its bad that the idiot who stopped him, stopped him!.

    dont get me wrong, its good to see that even the biggest stars are just human after all, gives us hope that we too can dance around tress with beutiful women and sing stupidly irritating songs.

    but it sux becuase it shows how we east asians are being discriminated against.

    i cannot comment seriously, because it hasnt happened to me in the US yet, nor in any other country save for INDIA!. Considering i hold an indian passport, the only place i've ever experienced harrassment is in the indian immigration, and not because they were truely interested in finding out if i was a terrorist/drug dealer/smuggler etc, but more because they had to show that they were doing something, which would justify they're extremely redundant jobs!.

    i guess what i'm trying to say is, good on that immigration officer for giving the badshah of bollywood a kick on his behind, and making him realise that outside INDIA he is nothin more than a chain smoker with a bad haircut and a kissass possee.

  45. Initially I thought the guys were humiliating SRK (I am no fan of SRK), but hey...i thought he is a esteemed citizen of our country, can they do this to him? (Again,...this was only because they had questioned his 'identity'). But hey...I think you are right.

    I agree with you entirely on this shobhaa.

  46. @ Kaya

    Excellent, now you drag the Islamic angle to this. How convenient, why didnt you do the same when SRK was honored with a top civilian honor by Malaysia, only because SRK is muslim,famous and a global glam face(atleast in Asia, a bit of Europe and North America). Do you think he was the most deserving for that honor? Couldn't you see a clear Islamic connection in this episode? Or you didnt comment that time bcoz SD didn't think it big enough a news item to write a post? I guess all muslims need to grow up, stop ranting about discrimination, it happens to you for some reason even if let's agree it happens in the first place, 9/11, London bombings, numerous terror attacks in India, who can deny muslims are not involved,and 'only' muslim terrorists are involved (India is still wasting it's precious public time in trying kasab).HANG him!!!!

    Regarding this post, I agree SRK is not worth so much of wastage of public time. US authorities were doing their job, I read somewhere even ex VP of America Al Gore couldnot take a short cut to security drill in his own country, he bypassed the queue but when authorities came to know abt it, he had to go thru the drill. SD is right it's better to be a crushing a few inflated egos than be sorry for terror spread,which manages to injure lives,sensibilities,social fabric and resources.

  47. I am an SRK fan...
    But yes, I agree to whatever you said...

    It seemed like asking - expected attention like he got used to over here in India, Anyways drama continues as long as there are viewers....and media to project it..

  48. You are absolutely right Shobha... our so called "VVIPs" are so accustomed to "not questioning" they get irritated when somebody questions them... it is time they realise that they are nothing once they are out of their constituency.... very disgusting of SRK... compare the same with our great Abdul Kalam... he never opened his mouth in the entire episode of he being frisked...

  49. SRK you are much admired by the Indian daispora but that does not mean why will be given some special treatment.

    The US is subjected to many acts of terrorism across the world.

    Do you think your 2 hrs is more important than the thousand of lives in US?

    Is this love you have for the fellow human beings?

    I thought you are a good human being!!!

  50. Shobhaa, nice piece of advice to SRK and our powers that be.

    Frankly Speaking, there is something seriously wrong with our Indian mind set.

    A Prime Minister first delinks terror from talks with Pakistan in joint the statement, tries to justify it in the houses of Parliament and now announces from roof tops about Pakistan planning terror attacks. Is it something new. And should a PM give out such warnings to the common citizens on the public media. Should he not be calling the meeting of crack team responsioble to take care of internal security of the country and call upon them to make fool proof arrangements to meet such attacks. Or is he only reflecting his helplessness in doing so hence warning the common man.

    But then is Pakistani terrorists a real threat when a former minister has threatened the government that he will launch a militant movement to get a separate state. And he is still not behind bars.

    This SRK episode reminds me of my security checks at Frankfurt airport back in 2002. I was made to pass through a Door Frame Metal Detector(DFMD) several times only because after having emptied my pockets of all he metalic objects, the DFMD still gave out a beep every time i passed through it. It was only when i took out my small match box size telephone diary from my pocket which had tiny brass corners on its cover that the DFMD gave me a silent entry. I did not raise any hue and cry. But then i am not a film star and more so, i understood their security concerns.

    I don't blame SRK because he is a film star who has to win some publicity and a load of sypmpathy, but i was surprised at the statement of our union minister Ms. Ambika Soni who announced tit for tat. What is she trying to gain. Some browny points from public for the next elections or some role in SRK's next film?

    And tehn we have these BJP leaders who keep falling head over heals for one man that is Jinnah giving rise to controvercies within their own party.

    What has happened to our leaders if at all we can call them leaders??

    I think this comment has gone too long and i will put it up as a separate post on my blog.

  51. hy thr........ god this post has attracted handfull of comments...srk is indeed a take is as clear as yrs dear...its as simple as abiding by the law...and its not at all necessary for us to impose our V.I.Ps on to the world ths being silly to the core......Mr khan wud hav been tot he us zillion times hes aware whts in store for the wht fret over it now.......and the worse statment made on this account was by Miss Soni...( being close to the gandhis surely helps) done with this story.....hey whts yr thought abt the new ambani battel( the ads in the papaer are quite thought provoking wann hear yr take.......

    P.S chk out hell of a moive .....whts yr take on it .........



  52. Dont miss today's cartoon on HT where Ambani brothers and every other VIP(sic) wearing swineflu masks and keeping their mouths shut for a while. The lighter side of this deadly flu.

  53. Now Shobha I agree n disagree wth u…. agree on the fact no one is inviting u so either deal wth it or do not travel…but c thr rdifferent set of rules…SRK was allowed to call all these PARROTS back home n then was allowed to leave …so it is still hypocricy…

  54. i think ...mam, u have to paste another post on this issue most of things still hav to discuss....

  55. I completely agree with you.
    The post "notes to the terrorist" - The judgement was worth reading Thank u.
    you know your job well. SRK reminds me of the time when you had slammed SRK (with regard to 26/11)and he reacted ( i did not like his comments about you, i have known you, of course through your books mainly non- fiction and through your blog ...good 5 to 6 years)i remember your column calling him the future of India , applauding his leadership qualities when his IPL script failed miserably and that you liked the way he handled AAmir khan( when both were at war)whenever you found something nice about him you have said so may be SRK did not notice them , even after his comments which were not in good taste, nothing has changed ,u go on with your work unperturbed , if you wanted you could have settled the score but No u did not do so, at that time Rab ne bana di jodi was released and you gave him credit for his good work ..and so far in all your post(with regard to SRK) i did not find you biased, its amazing i really admire you and there is a lesson about professionalism ,.you have nothing personal against anybody but at the same time do not compromise with your work , Keep it up!

  56. I just watched SRK's response video... It is the sponsor crew that made this news; once your name shows up in the US List, there is a process to clear name, which takes around 45 minutes (a cousin of mine, a well respected scientist in the US goes thru this, every time he returns from a conference)... There are thousands of people crossing the immigration line at any point of time, even a 10% match will delay the process for the central command to clear. Simple... Again, as I said before, any TERRORIST can get a passport in SRK's name or Aamir or Salmaan or Kalam or Ratan or Ambani or any VVIPs names in India/Pakistan and travel. Imagine, if a terrorist landed in the name of a VVIP and media wrote about it, then we all would be talking about a flaw in the system, I can't believe this happened in the US, yada yada... The officer did his job and serve his country. Let us move away from SRK issue and ENJOY OUR FREEDOM !!!

  57. one thing toh I agree.

    shahrukh khan is definitely popular. 56 comments.

    im not a great fan of his, but he is someone who exudes confidence. Though he couldve been easily dismissed as brash and arrogant when he got his first filmfare... (He walked up the stage and said "he'd be back for more")

    and he was back, again and again and again... his controversies were very well managed... every affair would always be preceeded with the word "Alleged".. (juhi chawla, divya bharati, karan johar). so well managed his space is. A flop producer in Phir Bhi Dil hai hindustani, one two ka four.. hit gold with farah khan and stuck on... so will be the case with Kolkatta Knight Riders, we might see him with another team for all that we know. But he is definatel someone who has managed his faliures, learnt from his mistakes, and perfected his actions. I dont find him to be a class actor--- but my view doesnt matter in teh chorus cheer for him.

    If it was not the film My Name Is Khan... this would have not been in news at all.

    Shahrukh is a religion by himself. What racial profiling of a man, a man who is a race apart!

  58. Racial profiling does exist. intentional or not, dark skin gets a second look.
    The point here isn't about SRK. It is about a guy who travels to a million countries in a year, who has been doing it for several years, so why the issue now.
    And more importantly, why on earth was the ex-president of India stopped and searched? Anyone remember Abdul Kalam. Muslim. President. India. Racial Profiling? Insult to India? I don't care. But why isn't anyone outraged at that?
    That was a real insult.

  59. hats off to you, mz de! you said it! it is time someone had the courage to put all celebs in their proper place! what do you think about the moronic minister who was roughly beating the poor tiger cub on its head? to show his bravery - he should have enlisted in the army and begged for a border posting.
    please, how do you cope with all this stupidity and still have time to write up the brilliant review of "kaminay". i saw it too and was entertained and loved the music. frankly, i thought it was better than all the gansta and cop movies on display. maybe different actors would have made all the difference.

  60. Oh please. If Tom Criuse comes to an Indian airport he will never be made to stand in line and he will be treated as God. That is India. We r good to our guests and are dissapointed when they r not.

  61. Religious Profiling exists in India as well, but Shahrukh has probably never been subjected to it in this country, despite being a Muslim, because of his being a film-star.

    I've recounted a personal experience at .

  62. Mam' indeed a worthy edit piece after a long long time. It seems celebreties like SRK, emran hasmi wants some incentives for being Muslim. Their religious brothers in Pakistan and Afghanistan, namely Taliban, have spread so much 'love' in the world so they also would have to pay some price !!!

  63. mz de, please remove anil kumar's offensive comment. the man starts with shobhaaji and then uses the most foul language. please read the comments or ask someone to do the same. it is very traumatising for decent folk to realise that violent monsters have followed us home via the internet.

  64. i think its not we who need to grow up but "our dear VVIPs and spoiled politticians" who need to.

    Whether SRK did it intentionally or...unknowingly He only knows. I just have one question "Was he going there for the first time?" He is a frequent traveller then how could he commit such mistake?

    Healthiest Regards
    Movies in Chennai

  65. Kickass I tell u....I meant ur post!!!

    Keep em coming;-D!!!!

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. I blame the media for this..they need to know what qualifies as "Breaking News". I was shocked to see SRK's face in every website I went to that day. Its sad and pretty annoying that in the middle of bad politicians, inhuman incidents like the one that happened to a woman in Patna, Swine Flu or the price of vegetables everyday, we have clowns in the media industry who report nonsense.

  68. ofcourse it was a publicity stunt! duh! :P

  69. I am a Patel and I am not a terrorist.
    I am a Joshi and I am not a terrorist.
    I am a Bose and I am not a terrorist.
    I am an Iyer and I am not a terrorist.
    I am a Menon and I am not a terrorist.

    Gosh. SD, you just eloquently drove in a point.

    SRK gets away with a lot of rubbish. He feeds on 16 year old vaccum-head girls.

    His detention was staged.

    I am reading your article 3 years too late. I should read you more often.
