Sunday, September 6, 2009

Y.S.R. - r.i.p

Sach Ka Saamna, anyone??
The man was comparatively young. Comparitively dynamic. And now he is dead. There have been speeches galore. Tributes galore. A state funeral. But all in vain.Bad timing, bad karma and bad judgement did YSR in. Whether you were his foe or friend, there is no denying the tragedy – an avoidable tragedy at that. Of course, there will be the usual enquiries and buck passing. Of course, conspiracy theories will do the rounds. But for those with no axe to grind and nothing to gain or lose from the death of Andhra Pradesh’s newly- minted chief minister, several troubling questions may go unanswered. Apart from anything else, four other lives were lost along with YSR’s. Nobody has paid the slightest attention to the sorry plight of their families. Whose decision was it to take the doomed flight into hostile terrain in miserable weather? Do the loved ones of the pilots, group captain S.K.Bhatia, captain M.S. Reddy and the relatives of YSR’s principal secretary S. Subramanayam, plus his chief security officer A.S.C.Wesley, have no right to question authorities, demand explanations? Or are their lives less valuable, somehow?
Watching the coverage across television channels, it was distressing to note that the disaster was covered in such an insensitive and lopsided manner. Granted, a VVIP was killed and deserved extensive coverage – but to the exclusion of the others? That is the trouble in India – this is but one example of our feudalistic mindset that only recognizes and values Very Important People. We forget them equally fast, but that’s another story. In this case, the ‘Tiger of Cuddapah’ was felled under circumstances that remain unclear. After all that speculation about the chopper being shot down by armed Maoists lurking in the Nallamalla hills, there are other self-styled theorywallahs who refuse to accept that it was nothing more dramatic than perhaps a pilot error that caused the devastating crash. Such is the vitiated and vicious political climate in the country, that people are willing to believe the worst rumours. YSR was the star fund collector of the Congress party. In a way, he was also the ‘anointed one’ – a recent development that did not suit several well- entrenched members of the inner coterie. In much the same way that Madhavrao’s rapid rise in the party hierarchy upset the top Chanakyas in the cabinet at the time.Ironically, the erstwhile Maharaja also died in a crash.
This is India, boss. We can’t help it if we search wildly for clues that satisfy us when tragedy strikes. Some consult the stars – as has happened in YSR’s case (inauspicious muhurutam for the swearing- in ceremony, it seems!), others use their robust common sense ( why would an intelligent, educated , dynamic leader insist on flying into hostile territory given the hideous weather?). And then there are those who claim to be ‘in the know’. These are the dangerous ones who parade hearsay as the gospel truth and propagate malicious bazaar gossip that we so love! Whether or not poor YSR met his ghastly end on account of several collective errors of judgement rather than a sinister conspiracy to bump him off, the speculations will carry on – sorry – but that’s how it is when any prominent person suffers an unnatural, untimely death. And frankly, politicians should learn to deal with the muck that follows rather than suppress the voices of those asking uncomfortable questions. YSR’s followers have the right to know how it happened, why it happened. Plus, citizens would appreciate an honest response to the question, ‘After YSR, who?’Again, it is such an Indian thing to do when a politician dies in office – authorities promptly install the son \ widow \ daughter \ girlfriend on his gaddi. This is desi sentimentality at its ickiest. It is hoped better sense will prevail this time. YSR was a unique character, described admiringly as ‘stubborn’ by his fans. It was this trait that got the Congress its stunning tally of 33 seats in the last elections. Clearly, his 1,400 kms ‘padayatra’ in 2003 paid rich dividends. And had impressed 10,Janpath sufficiently to promote YSR - from just another regional satrap to a valued national leader, capable of mobilizing not just megabucks for the party, but mega supporters, too. Such an elevated and pampered position comes with its own risk factors. YSR was flying high – really high. But not high enough this time. The ill-fated, 11- year-old helicopter taking the chief minister to the launch of his Rachcha Banda ( village camp), crashed into a low hill and was instantly smashed into smithereens. With that ended the fascinating saga of YSR – the aam aadmi politician whose life was abruptly cut down on a stormy morning, leaving the perplexed nation wondering whether such a horrific accident could have been avoided. It’s a shame that it takes a tragedy to raise tricky questions. But going by the sms-es doing the rounds, here’s one that needs to be addressed in the spirit of fair and free enquiry - “ Billed as ‘India’s biggest ever search’ 5,000 jawans, an ISRO remote sensing aircraft, a Sukhoi, 14 search and rescue choppers, the forest department police, paramilitary forces, Chenchu tribal guides…. all mobilized within 3 short hours for a missing C.M. Was the Central Government sleeping during the 60 hours of Mumbai terror attacks on 26\11 ?”
Saach Ka Saamna, anyone??
Clearly this column has touched several chords going by the response. I was away in Alibag over the weekend - a very wet and very quiet weekend. Strangely, I had Michael Jackson on my mind . Perhaps his funeral ( finally!) re-triggered the memories, but I just had to watch something that brought him alive once more. My husband produced MJ's concert in Bucharest, recorded live, and I devoured it for two straight hours, unable to tear myself away even for a popcorn break. Just watching him dance and sing his way into thousands of hearts that night, made me vividly recall his concert in Mumbai ( thank you, Raj Thackeray!!), when he'd cast a similar spell on all those of us Mumbaikars who were blessed enough to hear him that wonderful night. Magical Michael!You were and remain the best


  1. I switch off Or change channel.
    The reason - Tough to believe He is no more. It hurts.

    Re.: Michael
    I havent seen glamour as big as better what Michael has created.
    Unbelievable is believable - That is Michael. Will miss you forever.

  2. There continues to be this undying loyalty to "dynasty" rule with all this controversy to have YSR's son to inherit the "throne" of CM.

    I think the country would be must better served if the CM and the PM would be elected along the lines of the President and State Governors of US. The people elect the individuals and not get nominated by their elected representatives of the majority.

    I imagine the rain was welcome as I heard Mumbai only had two hundred days of drinking water in reserves. I am enjoying it after 2 days of being in the Delhi oven. Nice going away present as I take leave from India tonight.

    MJ was my favorite and it has revived renewed interest everywhere. How fortunate for you to have the connection and have had him.

  3. YSR may be a rising politician and a promising leader but he was also a faction leader before coming to politics.(i wonder how many politicians are clean though)
    He was also accused as the mastermind behind many conspiracies, corruption and land accusations.but it was this YSR who played the true leader in uniting the AP congress which was torn apart by Telugu Desam.

    His pro-poor schemes and welfare programes has won congress 2009 elections by deafeating the strong Grand Allaince and (dont-know-how-strong) PRP. His popular health insurance scheme, ArogyaSRi is worth appreciable.

    The deaths and suicides of hundreds hearing 'YSR is no more' itself says how much they liked his schemes and belived in his work.

  4. I agree completely with you on the matter of death of YSR...we Indians always think that way when a tragedy strucks.

  5. i completely agree wid suddenly ppl rise to the mahatma status whn they die...n the commoners who perish wid thm,nobody cares.....its as if their life had n value....

  6. "When a politician dies in office – authorities promptly install the son \ widow \ daughter \ girlfriend on his gaddi"

    And this country's gaddi has become hereditary. Every Chota leader grooms his son to take his place. So, where did Manu went wrong and why they abuse Manuvaad!:)

  7. Here again there is an example of how the others are blatantly ignored...yr post talks about the others who perished along with YSR and how there is very little mention about them...and so does the comments..only one of them recognizes the fact...its a sad state of affairs much as it is a tragedy for YSR's family its the same amount of grief that his co-passengers and pilot's family will be going through..let their souls rest in peace!!!

  8. You are absolutely right Shobhaa... understand that YSR is one of the important political leaders... but so much of publicity was unnecessary....

  9. You people outside AP scarcely understand what this means..politics and politicians in the South are a completely different entity here!

  10. YSR was a politician in the mold of Eva Peron and her "flinging pesos at the poor" best. YSR's governance did not include the most important aspect of development... a permanent infrastucture. The "Tiger of Cudappah" mewled, not roared when it came to long term gains for his state. Perhaps it was his reaction to the topheavy governance of many years by chandrababu. Perhaps it was his own style. Either way I do not believe his is a lasting and permanent legacy unless his posthumus public image is cleverly manipulated by the high command.

    Wet and wild weekend sounds good. Mumbai needed the rains. I have never personally experienced such a parched monsoon in Mumbai/Pune... ever!

    Finally the gloved one was laid to rest. Interestinly in the US, except for a few entertainment channels and the odd newspaper article and news broadcast story on a slow news day, there was little in the media about it. Papparazzos will have a hard time selling thier helicopter footage... despite the Jackson family publcity machine working overtime. The media has already moved onto the next news story. The beetles anniversary!

    Everything has a very tiny shelf life, yaar! YSR and the gloved one. Both will be forgotten when the next big thing comes around. Whats the next story in desi media?

    You can tell... desi media totally intrigued me by its wild and shocking ways.

  11. You are right VVIP's are highly valued, we have a feudalistic mindset. I think this reflects in the headlines of a newspaper that read "30 YSR fans die of shock". It is shocking and unbelievable.
    Again as to why Central Government sleeping during the 60 hours of Mumbai terror attacks on 26/11, we might never get the answer, may be people are not interested in knowing(the low voter turn out in Mumbai) because what is important is VVIP's.

  12. A "hype" is no more a hype these days. It's a common phenomenon. News channels are not to be solely blamed for it. Few indians amongst us might be "Argumentative" but we all Indians are surely "Talkative". News channels are just opportunists.

  13. A news report about one of the helicopter pilots is to be found at:

  14. Since you've mentioned conspiracy theories, it should be interesting to mention three names here. These are:

    1. Madhav Rao Scindia
    2. Rajesh Pilot
    3. Jitendra Prasada

    All three were mid-ranked Congress leaders. The first could have and the following two actually did challenge the authority of 'the dynasty'.

    Madhav Rao Scindia died in an air-crash, Rajesh Pilot was killed in a road-accident and Jitendra Prasada succumbed, apparently, to massive brain haemorrhage.

  15. YSR was not a VIP. He was a common man helping the poorest. He did not ask for such a rescue operation. It was for the people of Andhra, who wanted him desperately. Over 100 people died unable to bear the grief. Even NTR's death was not grieved that much.
    Can any leader in the present Maharashtra evoke such unconditional love? YSR did not launch hate campaigns to win elections. He was more like that Godfather of Mario Puzo's. Benevolent and ruthless.

    I remember how a posse of army people and others involved themselves for long gruelling hours to rescue a poor boy fallen into borewell. So sometimes even the poorest get the highest efforts and attention.

    Mumbai 26/11 required commandos and more commandos. An entire army marching could not have served any purpose.

    Vinashkaale Viparithbuddhi. Thats why he must have taken that fateful decision inspite of advise. Atleast, he should have cared for his companions who just had no voice. That was his mistake. Such mistakes are final and fatal.

    I disliked YSR for many of his errors of commission. But I liked one of his schemes namely health insurance for the poor along with housing. To win people's heart, you need heart and willpower.

    As for search operations. Even if it is Modi, Ashok Chavan or Budhdhadev similar efforts would have been made. And mumbai is only part of India and so every part of the country receives the right for such operations because Andhra along with other states is also a big contributor to the treasury of India.

  16. It amazes me when the theory of 'pilot error' came up. People said that it was the pilot's decision to fly, and when CM's office knew of the bad weather why did not the pilot refuse to fly? Why, indeed!! May be all these people have worked as pilots to our governmental representatives and have always been holding their grounds even when chief minister of the state makes his wishes known to keep his appointments!! And so there speaks their voices of experience, perhaps? Why, oh why we keep on searching for scapegoats to pin the faults on and do not accept truth for what it is, which in this case is a bad judgment call by the CM which resulted in such a tragic situation, and loss of so many precious lives. Why should our politicians be always above reproach, even if they are as popular ones as the Andhra CM? Why lesser lives do not matter?

  17. I am not as good a writer as you are but I have shared my thoughts in my blog..If you get time, please read it....

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. On the previous occasion, over the Srisailam hills, bad weather made the pilot successfully ground the aircraft. That experience must have made them confident of flying in bad weather. Pilot or Collector is not a half educated policeman. He should be able to put his foot down and say a firm No even at the risk of losing his job and security. CM would not have hanged him for that. Life is more important and they can always find some other job with some other airline. If the weather was really that bad(it continued to be so), how come other helicopters were allowed to join the search operations?

  20. “ Billed as ‘India’s biggest ever search’ 5,000 jawans, an ISRO remote sensing aircraft, a Sukhoi, 14 search and rescue choppers, the forest department police, paramilitary forces, Chenchu tribal guides…. all mobilized within 3 short hours for a missing C.M. Was the Central Government sleeping during the 60 hours of Mumbai terror attacks on 26\11 ?”

    No, they were not sleeping. These Neros were playing fiddle when Taj Mahal & Oberoi along with their customers & workers were burning.
    We see sniffer dogs accompanying unknown politicians to make people understand that they are VIPs. Whereas in Arushi murder case (& all the other cases of aam aadmis), no investigation takes place. The victims are harrased instead. Had there been a sniffer dog, we would've known whether there was a 2nd deadbody on the 1st day itself. Shame that we do not know that for all the sniffers were busy acting as status symbols for the unknown VIPs. It happens only in India.
    And the news channels ! Even they didn't give enough attention to the aam aadmis, the voters who died with YSR. We are making these 'rulers', 'Lords' ignoring other lives. When we don't attach any value for them, Why blame the politicians ? We only get what we deserve !

    As for MJ, yes I'm a great fan of both ARR & MJ & it is so bad that we won't be having the album that MJ asked ARR to compose with him on global unity.
    Great minda think alike !

    Click the fol links to know more about the admiration of the 2 musical geniuses for each other.
    ARR's last lines about MJ brought tears to my eyes. (Rahman's official website)

  21. Swine flu is silently killing people in India. Media has stopped making noises because it got flak doing that during the initial stages. An ordinary person with little or no means will prefer to die of this inexpensive killer than suffer from costly diseases like cancer, kidney failure,heart attacks and others which will wipe out his entire savings making him and his family penniless. Healthcare is an expensive thing. This is the cruel reality faced by millions.

  22. death brings the good to glory! I dint know much of YSR as much until his death.

    the really worshiped people often, are the ones dead. We don't respect people when they are alive as much. (No! im not referring to YSR, but am making a generic comment)

    I would be very happy if YSR name is kept alive with social welfare initiatives in his name, rather than mere statues (which is now zeroed to a form of disrespect)

    Yes! what about the others who acompanied. I had seen NDTV focusing on them too... and acknowledging their contribution.


    I heard almost 140 odd people have died of shock hearing YSRs untimely demise. Though I cannot comment about the ones who died of shock. I definitely feel that the ones who committed suicide brought a great deal of disgrace to his death.

    He has lived up for his people and their upliftment, we should not work against his intent, that too, in his name.

    Mumbai has a chalta hai attitude!

    And Mumbai attacks dint have any Neta or Abhineta trapped.

    I do feel the Jawans did a great job during the Mumbai attacks, much could have been averted... even if one more life could be saved, it SHOULD be saved.

    I still get calls and emails from some relatives of those who were trapped there. Most of their lives would be dented in fear.


  23. Isn't it strange or may be a pure coincidence that any Congress leader apart from the Gandhis who begins to ascend is tragically killed.

  24. The media coverage was poor, but then its ALWAYS poor anyway.

  25. You make valid points about unequal coverage, but your points would have held much more validity if you wouldn't have titled the post "y.s.r - r.i.p". Your title itself does not reflect the fact that 4 others also died in the crash. Plus, even your article has only a couple of lines about the other four.

    Subconsciously, even you concentrated on YSR despite wanting to mention the others. That's exactly what the media did. Infact, the local media did give coverage to the other families too. National media has a lottt to learn from the local media's coverage is what I feel.

    - Sudhir

  26. Undoubtedly, YSR was one of the greatest leaders of Indian history. He was a politician with a genuine doctor's qualities, always wearing an infectious smile, always ready to help AAM people tirelessly. He was a person who believed and dreamt. He wanted to transform Andhra Pradesh into Shanghai. Only people of AP know what he was for AP. He was soul of AP in true sense. I am staying in Hyderabad for last 4 yrs and have seen changing it drastically; International airport, ring road project, wide roads, Harita Andhra Pradesh scheme (green Andhra Pradesh) and what not. He was like a demigod, especially for rural masses because of his schemes like free electricity for farmers, Rs 2 per kg rice, tuition fee waiver, housing and irrigation schemes and much more. It really feels AP has become "anath" after his death and there is no real substitute for him. I am not surprised that more than 200 people have lost their lives in shock, but media has also played a key role in this toll. Only news channels were running as a mark of respect after his death and the way local news channels were showing their programmes on YSR with piercing music and all, it was natural for people already in great grief to loss their hearts and lives. Today when I walk in front of his camp office, which is in my way to office, wearing a deserted look, my heart really aches. In retrospect, people used to stand their in queue with their problems. His success was result of his passion and genuine hard work. He had all the qualities of a great leader, which India is running short of in today's time. May his soul rest in peace. As Oscar Wilde wrote "Death must be so beautiful. To lie in the soft brown earth, with the grasses waving above one’s head and listen to silence, to have no yesterday and no tomorrow, to forget time, to forgive life, to be at peace." YSR deserves peace and heaven, but I wish it had not happened so tragically and so soon.

  27. sad about the untimely death of those that have so much promise. it is so shameful that the media coverage moved on to other stuff soon enough.
    i suppose the 1 cr/ foot statue is going to be a reality soon, since the police force has been given some new toys and rides as appeasement. i hope some extra money was spent on the bullet-proof vests. the families of the victims of the next terrorist attack will be ever so grateful.

  28. Shatrughan, what a beautiful tribute to a beautiful human being! I feel for the people of A.P. who lost their support system. He was the leader who did not depend on Delhi, but Delhi depended on him.

  29. One more thing that I have observed is that the eulogizing of YSR is sometimes crossing normal limits. I don't deny that he has done good to the people of AP, but to potray him as the only person who has led the transformation of AP from nothing to where it is now, is totally unfair.

    People like Shatrughan have to realise that a lot of us owe our jobs to the vision Naidu had, and the minute we all have settled into cosy jobs in air conditioned rooms, we simply forgot about Naidu! We suddenly developed this uncanny instinct towards "YSR did a lot for farmers", very conveiniently forgetting that we owe our jobs to Mr. Naidu's vision.

    4 years is no time to understand the politics of AP, especially the rivalry of TDP and Congress. Andhra Pradesh was lucky to have two visionary Chief Ministers in Chandrababu Naidu and YSR, and the demise of YSR created a huge gaping hole.

    I am not denying that he was great leader, but every leader has his/her own good and bad facets. To eulogize him/her for what he/she is not, is something that I don't think is appropriate.

    - Sudhir

  30. Also, to answer Shobha's question,

    a. We had a nincompooh Home Minister during 26/11 whose response to crisis situations depends on the suit he wears on that particular day.

    b. Maybe our establishment did learn something from the horrible response time of 26/11

    c. And more importantly, all this hulla-gulla was actually started at around 4pm, about 6 1/2 hours after the chopper went missing!

    So, don't worry, our start-up time to respond to crises still remains the same.

    - Sudhir

  31. The politics of Andhra Pradesh is as complex as it can get. There is Rayalaseema, Coastal Andhra, Telengana each have their distinct accents not forgetting other smaller subregional flavours. And then the caste equation. The powerful Kamma and Reddy communities apart from Kaapu, Raju, Komati not forgetting brahmins, christians and muslims. To win elections and to become a mass leader requires a lot of strategy, money and a passion. It is nice to see 2 chief ministers from the parched lands of Rayalaseema which have Chittor, Chandragiri, Madanapalli on one side and Cuddapah, Kurnool on the other side. Chandrababu's Telugu Desam did not launch any throw out the outsiders campaign. They should be careful in dealing with the ultra Telengana movement for short term gains.

  32. Sach ka Samna: "Oh! The Snake Crawls At Night". That lovely number rendered by many artists and Charley Pride in particular.

    True the Aussies are racists to a certain extent, while the Kiwis are worse off.
    However we Indians give them plenty of opportunity to do us in;

    A few of the reasons given below.

    2 Indians held for molesting sleeping girl on a train from Melbourne...TOI 7th Sept. 2009.

    During the alleged Indian Student bashings earlier, one of our guys was caught at a shopping mall on the coast feeling a young girl. He was caught on camera, and easily traced after the girl complained to the authorities. (this did not reach the Indian Press) Later he complained that he was beaten up, and we indians were up in arms, cursing and swearing.
    You see they do not want such insults/pawing of their women folk.

    Here in India these characters (sick) get away with murder, as they have uncles etc. and money....

    I have personally witnessed a few of these guys being picked up for some reason or the other.
    Yeah it could be only a FEW, but these are the ones giving us a bad name.

    The authorities should ensure that each and every Student leaving the Country for Offshore Studies attend a 2 day course on Behaviour patterns and what they should expect at the other end......

    For instance in Kiwi Land, there is a group of Kiwis who throw 5, 10Cents on the road, then wait and watch the bakra pick it up. They shoot the whole scene and even send it for screening on some of their TV programs, like 20/20...
    I do not have to spell out the .....

    This is Sach ka Samna we have to face and think how it should be curbed.



  33. haa i forgot, rajesh pilot and jitendra prasada. ihave a plot on my blog.
    please help me pool somemore material for my next fantasy.

  34. Tribute needs to paid where it is due..... We all do agree that it was tragic, the way it ended but one must keep in mind that along with YSR 4 other lives were lost. Who gets to make the decision that one life is better that the rest. Is it the media!? Certainly does appear so. And also pertaining to the fact that the crash was the pilots mistake. If at all anyone has to shoulder the blame it must be YSR`s office. Pilots are under intense pressure to deliver VIP`s wherever and whenever they demand. The pilot can only do as much as to suggest as to the nature of the whether they might face ahead but is most certainly overlooked. With all due respect to YSR and all the reforms he has brought about the fact remains that he was not god-sent. He made his way up the political ladder just as any other leader did.Anyway its all buried now and the fact remains that he is more of a legend in death than he ever was alive. Respect!!

  35. It is true. YSR lost his life due to his interest in procuring gas right to Andhra Pradesh. To under stand the conspiracy we should understand economics surrounded with oil exploration and its magnitude. Mukesh Ambani's KG basin actual explored gas reserves easily cross 5,00,000 cr Rs, while projected is less than 2,00,000cr Rs. He has shown wrong expenditure on exploring gas reserves as morethan 50000 cr Rs, but actual amount hardly cross 10000 cr Rs. Last year there was a news and debates on Oil ministers involvement or support to ambanis. There was difference of openion between Reddy and M ambani on sharing of gas and Price in A.P. YSR promised Rs 100/- gas connection to every house hold in A.P, since gas is explored in Andhra Pradesh. When ambani's took U turn on there promise supported by Oil minister backed by Sonia Gandhi. YSR has not bended to this pressure from central and money offered by them and initiated and started a New Oil exp Firm by AP govt in technical support of British Petrolium. All these did not auger well with central and ambani's. Few manths back there was a news that Mukesh is planning a new pipeline from Kakinada To Gujarath via touching some part in khammam dist. Event Telangana agetation trigered by TRS Chief KCR is fully funded by Ambani's to cut gas rights of Telangana region and Hyderabad both accounted to more than 75% of AP Gas consumption. By doing this they can save more than 1,00,00 Cr Rs. Try to study the need for secong Gas Pipe line when it is not at all feasible for 2,00,000 cr Rs gas res proj by ambani's. KCR receved an exp Car worth more

  36. Thank you Shatrugan Sinha for your rich tribute to the greatest leader of modern India. If only he was alive for a few more yrs, Andhra Pradesh would have been the envy of the rest of India.

    Mr. Kiran from newyork you do not have a clue about what is infrastructure and want to talk about what YSR accomplished. Go and check the internet, your library(if you have not been to one lately)what infrastructure means. BTW also check whether building a 11KM flyover comes under infrastructure that too in just 5yrs. On the same note please check if building an international airport comes under infrastructure. By the time you cross checked these facts you would have a good understanding of what infrastructure actually means and then you can follow up on other things like polavaram project, veligonda project, etc...and yes THAT IS INFRASTRUCTURE...LOL.

  37. There are other self-styled theorywallahs who refuse to accept that it was nothing more dramatic than perhaps a pilot error that caused the devastating crash. Such is the vitiated and vicious political climate in the country.
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