Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Will the real China please stand up??

" Our first 'guide' ( they are all indoctrinated, robotic creatures, as we discovered soon enough) in Shanghai, was female, thirty, single and still a virgin (her version). Our second guide in Beijing was female, thirty, single and still a virgin ( again, her version). Our third guide at Xian was - you must have guessed - ditto ditto. That made me wonder whether the tourism board hired ladies who met the same set of criteria, or whether, like everything else in China, this too was a part of the Official China Story.

The word 'propaganda' has a whole different connotation in that part of the world, since the average person does not now the difference between what the top dogs want them to know - even about themselves - and what the truth is. Talking to these earnest young women, who continued to live with their parents and were not 'allowed' to date or even receive calls from males, I found myself comparing their repressed lives to the lives of our urban women back home. Their Chinese counterparts were so totally fire -walled from the outside world, they had absolutely no idea of life beyond their province. Their concerns had to do with making enough money to look after ageing parents, and perhaps, marry some day. With no access via the internet to news or entertainment, their existence was dominated by some 'shadowy' bosses they lived in abject fear of. Clearly, their brief as guides was to stick to a parroted spiel that gave the impression they were fluent in English. This mechanical hard sell came apart swiftly if the questions went even a little beyond their brief. They were totally stumped... and went blank! Obviously , their knowledge of English was restricted to memorising the standard tourist brochure. I felt rather sorry for these lovely ladies, who spent most of their measly income on fairness creams, believe it or not, and wore full sleeved blouses and sun hats to protect them from the sun ( read: tanning). They were like programmed mice, scurrying around doing their jobs... their dreams never extending beyond the next small promotion. Their parents' lives were even worse - they had endured the Cultural Revolution.... just about survived the purge. With no money, no space to live, no education, and no hope, they were dependent on the one single child the state had permitted them to bear - ladies like these guides. It was worse , far worse, than anything back in India. For the construct of their lives was based on a lie. A huge lie engineered by the State, to keep people like them perpetually servile - like obedient worker ants whose sole purpose in life was to ensure the future of the Great Country.

Frankly, I see a very grim future for China. For, not being a worker ant, I dare to dream. As do one billion Indians. The idea of China is so vastly different from the idea of India, that it is inevitable we will clash one day. And that day may not be too far.Today's China relies on illusion to project its greatness to the world. Nothing is as you see it - not even the 'booming' economy, with all those manipulated figures. Our faultlines lie elsewhere. But at least we don't feel the need to hire bright eyed virgins as tourist guides, 'conversing' in a language they don't know and telling those who ask about Tianenmen Square with a straight face that 'nothing happened .... it is all Western propaganda." And yet, before you step even a hundred metres from your hotel room in Shanghai, away from the watchful eyes of those virginal guides, you are instantly surrounded by teenage pimps offering, " girls, boys, drugs...any shape, any age, any kind." Will the real China please stand up???"


I had written this for the 'Asian Age' on sunday. Today is tuesday, and once again China and India are at the 'Who Blinks First' game. Manmohan Singh's recent pre-poll waltz through neglected and semi-abandoned Arunachal Pradesh has little meaning - a case of too little , too late. It's a miracle voters in the state showed up in respectable numbers this morning. Mumbai, once again demonstrated its indifference by treating voting day as another public holiday and cursing the government for ruining the party by shutting bars and pubs. We really do deserve the goons we get as netas.


  1. very sad to know the reality in that of land of large population.............

  2. Chinese tactics!! even though they are standing up now due to the economic revolution of mass and cheaper products, yet with many flaws to patch up. Men are machines there!! Glad our guys are comparatively slower but we are steady!!

  3. It was insightful.I never knew this was the real face of China.I was actually buying all this crap of superb development,booming economy n all.SAD
    And man virgins till 30,gosh,wat a life.
    Although,I don't live in a develpoed nation but atleast I have freedom of speech,of net,atleast m not FIREWALLED.
    And the way we exploit elections,the netas exploiting us seems substantiated.


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  6. This write up of yours is a slap in the face of China and its tall claims. Now they want sad faces even in Arunachal Pradesh. Wish some huge natural calamity relieves the unfortunate creatures from their miserable existence.
    India cannot be lackadaisical in its approach. We must make enough noises and enough defence preparations.
    Meanwhile, most of our so called leaders must think about their children also. The corrupt wealth they amassed will not be beneficial in case the Chinese leaders take over the country through maoists. Are the Thackerays ready to think beyond their marathi manoos and mumbai? Is not Gadchiroli part of Maharashtra?
    Your write up reminds me of stalinist era. Or is it worse?

  7. Communism is one of the worst evils- because it programmes you to not think!

    Did you vote?

  8. I hope the exotic arunachal never gets into the cluches of China... That was really a sad tale of china..

  9. I must thank you for pointing these facts about China. The rosy picture they paint to the whole world seems like a mirage. I must admit, I always believed state of women in India, especially in rural India is pathetic but reading these things make me think that we are much ahead in the game. Yes, we need to do lot of progress but I guess we are in much better position

  10. I saw the mumbai vs bombay debate last night online on NDTV.com (we the people)...it is appalling to hear some of the politicians on the show showing such xenophobia...and one participant suggesting she might need a work permit or visitors visa for Maharashtra. Thats ludicrous! No comparison with China, but how can we really stand to make comparisons, when our own house is a mess..

  11. Shobha,

    Absolute brilliant writing. I noticed though you accidentally use the word "now" for "know". Just thought of pointing it out as i read it in the last post as well. I know its easy to be a critic


  12. If the chinese get to read this, they'll probably ban your blog in China :D
    I think the reason that China is ahead is that their government can speedily accomodate to the demands of big western mnc's. They don't have to take into account the welfare of the people. It's such a pity there's no place for people in People's Republic of China.

  13. I wonder whether you've been watching http://www.natgeotv.co.in/programmes/EpisodeGuide.aspx?Id=337 .

    The episode regarding North Korea merits a special mention.

  14. oops... Is this the last trip to China ??? otherwise, blame it on their inability to read English..

  15. BTW, I wonder whether those are the questions you always ask whoever you meet for the first time i.e. their age and whether or not they have had sexual intercourse.


  16. Your description of China is a reality too. But you can find worst in India too.

    A society which is discplined and afraid of law can progress much faster than a society which has gifted intelligent educated people who can become corrupt with few bucks and have short term gain mentality.

    Just to give you an example. Our sports offcials are thinking about bidding for 2020 Olympics. With just one gold medal in last 30-40 years they will sure become the laughing stock of world but these sports offcials and politicians will be happy to make all the money which goes with it. I hope that day doesn't come until 2050 and hopefully by then India deserve to host the games.

    China has more say in world affairs and can look into the eyes of Americans even when they have a dictator like George Bush. They are way ahead of India in many respects and western countries of the world know it. I can understand you are passionate about India but you can't ignore the real China.

  17. Shobha , India & China comparison is a wee bit ackward , to me it looks like an attempt to feel happy over their apathy forgetting our own of equal size or more ... we are two different countries for centuries together , though having similar histories over last millenium e.g. China's invasion by Moslim invaders , Hong Kong's taking over by British , Japan's attempts of intrusion before war etc etc ... Chinese still are the largest no. of Buddhism followers ... socially , they have been as inward & 'dakiaanoosi' as us , over centuries , all in name of traditions ... regarding women empowerment or issues of virginity , tell me which country in the world is still not facing it , including developed western world ? The word 'Virgin' is a big selling point all over the world , don't normal families/boys look for 'virgins' preferably for marriage ? Don't gals themselves flutter their eyelashes umpteen times , pretend ignorance over sex-topics/issues during conversations , & do all types of stupid talks only to get across indirectly that they are 'virgins' , don't know about 'birds n bees' or anything ... for what ? ..they want to be desired n count it as their sharp tool ... forget 'virginity' , 70% women in cities like Mumbai still do not mind being beaten up by their husbands , in 21st century , what women-issues u talk about in China ? You go to any part/city of India ( metros/interiors ), u will find pimps offering 'chhoti gals/virgins' for a good price ( ugh ), forget alone many gals coining their husbands on first night thru stuffing 'red liquids' in their vagi..s OR many others opting for pre-marriage restiching i.e. cosmetic surgery of their hymen these days )... n I am not talking about only the weaker sections of society , even the highest income groups indulge in all these acts on individual/social levels...

    The projections of China are as glorious as of India , though they are trying hard to cut away competition ( read – India and Brazil ) in world markets thru their low prices n capacities of production , not to forget abundence of natural resources they have .. I myself am from Indian Industry interacting often with buyers/markets worldover n getting to know of their expectations from India or the projections they get from Indian firms/marketeers , I can say we master in art of blowing our trumpet severely out of proportions .. we are the people who like to hide away our inefficiencies & lure for obsene margins covering our flaws thru over-the-top-sales-talk .. and this symptom envelopes our entire industry , not just one or few segments .. Only segment we Indians score over China is in our proficiency over English language giving us a little better access to western markets , but then we refuse to understand competition coming in from China & Korea and stick to our greed that kills our chances mostly... gradually with media & internet explosion in China as well , day is’nt far when they will be better equipped with english n our days of doom will begin...

    ... contd./

  18. Indians have had bitter experince with China in 1962 , but then did we ever understand that our country is rich in resounrces n will always attract eagle-eyes .. Chinese ( then leadership of Mao Zedung i.e. Mao Tse-tung ) needed resources and our leadership was naïve enough to give 'Hindi-Cheeni bhai bhai' slogan and not analyse the capabilities of then Chinese leadership... so was our intelligence which woke up only when Chinese army was at our border... Mao was ruthless 'red emperor'.. he did not spare even several millions of Chinese n caused them death , what were Indians before him ... but we still remember 1962.. despite China bent before Rajiv Gandhi , welcoming him during his trip to China in late eighties and expressed their willingness towards new relations with India as Mao’s regime had ended in China itself and it was completely different set of people with different ideologies of 'economic reforms'.. we , in later years , emulated 'economic reforms' but did our diplomacy cash in on 'bilateral relationship' grounds instead of wasting another 20 years toying with 'touch it or touch it not' ?? No wonder , Chinese also started getting cold and now it is competition on the 'market-pie' on world-business level … why has'nt any Indian politician attempted friendship with China in last 20 yrs ? ( wonder if Sonia'ji' herself remembers her visit to China with Rajiv ? ) .. all our netas remember to do is to either make free visits to Shanghai to take inspiration on how to convert Mumbai into Shanghai in next 10 years or so , or to worry about Arunachal borders in a span of six months before the elections … and after elections are over , they forget about it again till next elections..!! Even now , does Indian leadership realise that China war-capabilities are three times than India’s defence capabilities !! Our media media one fine day wakes up n cries on intrusions in Arunachal , our majoirty of politicians keep quite 'jaise saanp soongh gayaa ho', few days later our PM urges nation not to give China-Arunachal issue much importance and let it be where it is … admist this , Arunachal keeps burning & growing more n more Anti-Indian in it's public sentiments.. did any of these utter a word on resurrecting Indo-China relations ? Why not ??

    ... contd./

  19. If we consider one good thing that China did was to try for controlling it's population-explosion thru adopting single child policy in 70s-80s .. India tried suggesting 2-children policy in late 70s, but the govt. was toppled resulting into 72 crores of 1982 becoming 120 crores by 2009 .. till date , politicians hide their heads in their collers the moment you want to know about their plans on population-control .. who wants to risk his 'chair' / political career by indulging in such 'henious' acts , no matter how essetial these may be for the country & future...

    The fact is , we all common people - whether in India or in China - are opressed people having same evil in our lives - bloody corrupt politicians - who drive our lives hell thru wrong policies , ineffective administration , corruption / siphuning off public money , devide & rule strategy & complete non-will to find practical solutions to problems .. u know why - agar problems solve ho gaye , to inke khud ke career, income ka aur jo fokat ki baadshahat ki khandan bhar ko aadat padi hai , uska sabka kya hoga ...??! Dont worry , like Kashmir , even Arunachal problem will hang forever ( some national problems should exist forever to give netas excuse of not doing enough on other fronts ) .. at times I feel all these politicians are 'ek thaili ke chatte-batte' , they all understand the 'problems' of their 'neighbouring counterpart' and help each other ensuring iner-countries-issues are never resolved …

    We or Chinese , the common people , are mere pawns , trying to survive in 'gandaa badboodaar gutter like' system created by politicians in our respective countries , all to suit their own interests & to conitinue their 'rulership'... we victims should rather look at each other with sympathy & consideration rather than having cruel thoughts of one-upmanship...

    - Malay Manglik ( malaymanglik@yahoo.com )

  20. China is now exporting huge number of its uneducated population to Africa. I found this post on CongoBlog entitled: Kinshasa: Chinese, investors or invaders?... The post shows a picture of two young Chinese women living in the slums of Kinshasa and earning their living making and selling doughnuts! A portion of the informal sector of the economy that helps poor Congolese households supplement their meager revenues...

  21. you dunnit again, mz de! everyone is screeching about china vs india and have completely missed the point of your post - how virginity is a govt approved condition! in our beloved nation it is a society approved condition. can you imagine all those girls on Perfect Brides (starplus offering) NOT being "untouched"? i would love to have our tourists ask the girls on the tourist buses who give a running commentary - ok, so that is the taj mahal, but first are you a virgin?

  22. Our population is our strength and weakness. Indians prefer sons, even the impovershed sons. What type of sons are we producing? Malnourished, undereducated small time workers who constitute the floating population. This population is needed by our builders, factories and households to get cheap labour. These people also have dreams. To fulfil their dreams they become thieves, cheats, terrorists and gangsters. The impovershed girls also end up in red light areas. Population policy is resisted on religious grounds apparently, but if it is implemented, profit margins will decrease and also we cannot get enough forces to implement violent bandhs. We flaunt our poverty and exploitation without any guilt pangs.Can Indians get rich without these twin evils? China is trying to solve its problems by dehumanising means, while we are doing it by our apathy.

  23. Anil,

    I am sure you mean "respect for law" vs "being afraid of law". Certainly good fear is a learned behavior that develops a sense of respect for rules and regulations so we can function well as a society.

    In China such rules are imposed by "fear" and tyranny. I think in India there is a mixed bag, but most of it is the "chalta hey" attitude which create opportunities for the corrupt to foster and thrive. It is this duality and contradictions that make a mockery of India, and perhaps prevent India from really achieving where it could be, which in my opinion is nothing but being the greatest nation on earth. I struggle with this duality myself being American and being Indian. Imagine the contradictions my/our children suffer of desis abroad.

    Perhaps in a generation or two, and perhaps with inspiration from writers and thinkers like Shobhaa De and perhaps new leaders of India, there is a building movement that will not be silent and create more and more forums such expressions that thrive and creates an opportunity for conversations about India. Such awareness can spread so we remain on a path where introspection and self correction is vital to create a better society for us, right in India. Then we have perhaps rightfully earned the right to put China in its place!

  24. China....one child and the entire family is dependent on that child.

    India....dozen children, all trying to earn. In the process left in the darkness of illiteracy and of course poverty.

    Don't know which one is worse!

  25. Hi,

    I am not sure if I really get the point you are trying to make. That aside, I dont know why you think the China isnt what it seems or projects itself to be, just because you met some 30 something, Single and Virgin guides. There are 30 something, Single and Virgin population here in India too. Why bring up the chastity issue here?

    China may pretend to be lot more than it actually is, I agree. But I believe that indicating more relevant reasons that go with your post title would have been appropriate than the issue of virgins. And pimps and drugs are global issues and not only China's.

    Thank You,

  26. Thanks to your book SuperStar India the book gave detailed picture of china and other countries and how our India is better than other countries.After reading the book one thing is clear(must read )if you dont love your country you cant love anything.You have analysed people,situations ,economy and other important aspects of our country and other countries very well and very wisely put i loved the book.

  27. At times, it's funny to see yourself in mirror which reflects all ur flaws.. N we think we are the only ones with whom everything is going wrong. Reading this article of urs, is quite a bit of an eye opener. We would always read "China" as the next super power.. but readin ur piece, i feel india n china are standing at the same level. the problems here are ther as well, probably worst... of course things lik pimps, drugs, etc is a global issue... but china is always made to seem lik this next, upcomin U.S.A, not that the U.S of A is doing very grt now... But still..
    Another thing,
    i had emailed you earlier but dint get a rpy so am posting it right here. Sorry !!(Had no option)

    I wanted to invite you for my English musical play titled "Da Dating Truths". well i hav been an actor, did tv n stuff, but this is my first stepping stone in theatre. It would be great if you come. Please accept this invitation. The show is on Fri, 30th oct, 2009 at Rang Sharda, reclamation, bandra @ 7pm. It's a grt play, n u will def hav loads of fun..
    Awaitin for a positive rpy...

    Thanks & Regards,
    Sumona Chakravarti.

  28. But Shobhaa, frankly speaking, what i feel is that nothing succeeds like success. China has been able to succeed not only in selling their cheap goods to the whole world but also the idea that they are the next superpower. They did it during the last Olympics and again on their 60th National Day.

    It is another matter that like their cheap goods, their superpower position also may not last long enough as their educated population is fast graying, owing to the one child norm that they have been eforcing since some time now.

    But we still can't forget 1962. The very fact that they have built tremendous infrastructure along the border with India, reflects their intentions. They have started making the noises again. We have to forget critical appreciations and get down to Brass Tacks NOW.

    Thanks for sharing your experiences.

  29. Madam,
    The article has been nice shift from your typical apolitical ones.

    But why do we Indians take joy and assume high looking at the ass of others ? We cant accept the agony that is palpable every where in the country and one every average Indian. We are a failure as a nation in every front, and please make people accept it and than trying to give a loophole that China's development is not organic or that it can't sustain. The World bank and the IMF are not stupid organization that are projecting the raise of China as next military and economic super power.

    Strange to see the comments that we are happy to see the dwindling chinese young population.
    Guys, Please get the facts clear. The Chinese population growth regulatory body in the mid year report project that from 2040 the population of young China will be declining. And they are already taking measures to being in 2 kids policy. By 2040, China faces problem, by that time India would be fucked up which is already messed up...

    I conclude, why Shobha ji, we are like this? We expect other to slowdown so that the world can see us as running fast!!. Remember what happened with India in the recent Champions Trophy. (We were miserably looking for Australia to fail.).

    Wake up India!! The world wont stop for us.

  30. Move on.
    So Mukeshbhai has taken 66 percent cut. Can he manage with 34 percent? Can we see him in a one room with Neeta struggling to manage making trips to neighbouring ration shop?
    Will Anil follow suit with Tina trying to find a flat in Boisar?

    Will some naughty shark try to unzip our Blue hero?

    Bigb is busy with a mop to clean up the dirt spots appearing one after another courtesy his adopted brother.

    Snails and tortoises are running faster between the wickets and getting more runs than our axed Rahul Dravid. So BCCI is on snail hunting after finishing off with witch hunting.

  31. Hello mam, I read somewhere...chinese are machiens...and you know, i am engineer by profession & i am always stunned with their efforts, quality& technology. Its not only about selling cheap product...infact making a cheap product is also a huhe huge achievement. Although, i am not only referring to their products which are cheap, i am also reffering to the things that are very usefull & reliable. If you ask me example, see your laptop charger...it would be either made in korea or taiwan. If you read properly the manufacturer name, ask google.com you will come to know its the product designed in chiana & technology transfer happed to these countries. Its like huge achievement.

    I regularly meet indian scientist in various organizations, they seems to be simply helpless in front of chinease, USA, & Russian guys.

    SO, i dont know what sucks being virgin for 30 years...you must focus on much more importanat aspect as you are a role model & very nive to read. You must ignore if someone is virgin nd such trend is face or whatever...mam one thing i see is achievement. Nothing one achieve without ignoring the fun in life like sex, etcetcetc...

    i hope i may be correct at some point...anyways...chhallo challo..happy diwali to you and all you friends thr on this page....cya

  32. @ Riaz

    " oops... Is this the last trip to China ??? otherwise, blame it on their inability to read English.."

    Lol....amazzing hihihihihihihi

  33. just tell me one thing,how did you got to know that your female tourist guides are virgin or not?
    I mean what did you ask?

  34. I remember a host on mi marathi channel asking a young devadasi blatantly "Are you a virgin?"and no one in the panel appeared even disturbed.I can't believe the Chinese girls used the word virgin in its real sense.May be they meant 'unmarried'which also is an unnecessary declaration in the given situation.

  35. @ Shobhaa De..

    well, your insight on the plight of the local Chinese population is true...but certainly not alarming...it's an age-old open secret...& we only have the privilege of dragging the issue...because come what may...they have a permanent seat in the Security Council, & r going strong on the political front. When Obama can win a peace prize, everything else considered unlawful or unjustified will be swept under the carpet. I think we r just wasting our time.

    Do you know the situation in our country? Well, here woman are forced to lose their virginity! So let's not call MERA BHARAT MAHAAN!
    We are as hopelessly in disguise as our neighbours!

  36. Now David Beckam is fuming at LA airport security. And he is no Khan.
    I read your Sunday Toi about mithais and mithas.I read all the other blogs as well. I am surprised that there are zero comments except for Akbar's piece. I liked the one written by Santosh Desai about the 11 lakh pen in the name of Mahatma Gandhi.

  37. Hello Shobhaji

    Plz accept my belated Diwali wishes. Hope you had a blast.

    When i read this post title i was wondering what it is all about. I used to have an impression that China is a very prosperous n developing country. One thing i could not figure out is why their Govt. is emphasizing so much on virginity. Do those guides tell in their intro that they are virgins?
    M bit confused how you discovered this fact bout them....

    Comparing our country wid China i think we are living a superb life n still cursing country n politicians..........

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  38. Respected Ms Shobhaa De
    I am writing to you with reference to your article on China published in the Asian Age on 11 0ct. I share your views however most of us come back totally impressed by all round development made by China as well as the hospitality shown by Chinese to outsiders. It reminds me of 1978 when a senior officer who visited China was so impressed by the Chinese that for a month, he spoke nothing but of beautiful China. We as young crowd were surprised how he got so impressed or brainwashed'. I got an opportunity to visit China in 2003 and i was there attending a symoposium along with 50 odd officers of many countries.I was also totally impressed by them. Similarly my wife who joined me for 10 days were impressed by them. Although many of their acts were artifcial but they did it very well'. i also visited Shanghai and so many other places and observed what you had observed in Shangai.
    One apect, we all might like to agree that is Chinese can act very well whether it is in politics or on any other issues'
    With regards
    Yours sincerely
    Ranjit Borthakur.

  39. It is easy to judge a country we have a 'touristy' experience of (China), compared to the country that is we know intimately (India). For every of those 'virginal tourist guides' in China, one could bring up a rural woman in India who is expolited exploited day-in and day-out, working both in the house and in the fields to support her husband and his (extended) family.
    And how likely are tourist guides to be the insight of any country, anyway? On my first trip to Mysore, I remember a KST guide whose knowledge of Tipu Sultan's history seemed to be worse than what I learnt in high school.
    I am not saying your experiences are inaccurate, but maybe this doesn't show all there is to see about China.

  40. Everyone has their favorite way of using the internet. Many of us search to find what we want, click in to a specific website, read what’s available and click out. That’s not necessarily a bad thing because it’s efficient. We learn to tune out things we don’t need and go straight for what’s essential.
