Sunday, November 15, 2009

Ma da Laadla Bighad Gayaa

Manu Sharma and his Maa ke values …
Thank God I am not Manu Sharma’s ‘maa’!! I am sure millions of mothers across India are also thanking the Almighty for sparing them from such a curse! Jessica Lall’s cold-blooded murderer wrote a maudlin’ letter to his precious ‘maa’, before crawling back to prison earlier this week. The contents of the letter are priceless. After raging against the media for being so mean to him ( poor, little killer boy!), he thanked his mother for teaching him the right values!! We’d love to know what those values are, going by Manu’s track record. Do they include murder,bullying, cheating, lying ? Not only did Manu fib about his mother’s health while applying for a parole that should never have been granted to such a person, but his supposedly ailing mother Shakti Sharma, compounded that lie by brazenly attending a press meet in Chandigarh, looking perfectly hale and hearty. The grandmother , whose religious rituals, Manu claimed he was required to attend, has been dead for years. Meanwhile Manu himself was busy attending to ‘neglected’ business matters at various bars in the Capital. Who let this dangerous man out??
Sheila Dixit is in deep ….err…. trouble. Her ‘executive discretion’ in the Manu Sharma parole case is being questioned. It is shocking that someone of her standing and stature should look the other way and shrug off what has been a clear case of preferential treatment and blatant discrimination. Such double standards can only be labeled an abuse of privilege, power and position. Authorities are being accused of ‘bending the rules and procedures.” And, guess what? All this bending and twisting of rules has come to light only because of the aggressive stand taken by the media ( same lot that will not let bechara Manu live in peace, as he cribbed to his maa). Or else, it might have been another instance of business as usual for Manu and all those involved in organising his Delhi picnic. Had Sharma not misbehaved at a popular club that night and got into a scuffle, this convicted killer would have continued partying and lap dancing well after Happy Hours. Who knows - another young girl might have ended up with a bullet through her head for refusing to serve this obnoxious guy a fresh drink after the bar closed. Meanwhile, a so-called ‘tycoon’, Samir Thapar, flew into a rage because the bumbling Delhi cops had the ‘himmat’ to pick him up even though his only ‘crime’ that fateful night was to rev up his sportscar’s engine . Come on, guys, give him a break - it was only 3 a.m at the time –and too bad if sleeping unclejis and auntyjis in the neighbourhood got disturbed by the ear- shattering growls of his fancy Ferrari!
Everybody agrees the justice system is being taken for a ride here. Given the scarey statistics ( 60% prisoners flee while out on parole), there is obviously something not just very wrong, but terribly fishy about the granting of parole to the favoured few. In Manu’s case, the weak official explanation was that a parole gives prisoners the chance to reform and renew ties with family. And with drinking buddies? But in reality, most jailbirds use this as an opportunity to escape, knowing the chances of getting away with it are exceedingly high.Bitti Mohanty, son of a top cop, jailed for rape, has done the skip ( same excuse as Manu – ailing mother) and has successfully evaded arrest for months. Several other hard core criminals are out there on the run, safe and secure in the knowledge that nobody is serious about going after them. The list includes murderers armed with deadly weapons. And this worrying information comes from just one source - the Amritsar central jail which shows that more than 8,200 deadly prisoners are on the run , waiting to strike again. All prisoners are supposed to be equal in the eyes of the law. Obviously, some lucky ones are more equal than the other suckers.
The rest of India describes what happened with Manu Sharma that night as the ‘Delhi Syndrome’. Translated, this means, if pappaji is well-connected ( Manu’s father is a powerful Congressman , known for his closeness to the top leadership) , moneyed (the Sharmas are seriously loaded), or an influential cop, Pappu’s derriere is fully covered. He can do drugs, booze, arms, prostitutes – no problem. Why, he can completely lose it if his drink doesn’t reach him fast enough, whip out a gun and – bam – kill the bar tender. He can rape, assault,mutilate, pimp, kidnap, terrorise,blackmail… you name the crime …he’ll get away with it. After all , what is the point of having a politico as a Daddy-O if he can’t bail him out and save his butt ?Perhaps these are the ‘values’ Manu was referring to in his letter to his mother as he whimpered, “ Maa, I assure you that I have done nothing wrong, maybe it is my fate….”
Just as it was Jessica’s fate to get shot dead by Manu ? What did she do wrong?
Any answers, Sheila Dixit??
I love Mahesh Bhatt. He is passionate, well read, gutsy and impossible. So... when he called me on Friday to talk about my tweet on his son Rahul ( yup, same guy who has landed himself in a spot in the David Coleman Headley case), I was all ears and most interested in his take on what had gone wrong. Mahesh must have really worked the phone lines with the media after the story hit the headlines that day, as is clear from the front page coverage his version has received this morning. " They are making a villain out of a hero," fumes Mahesh in his son's defence. While Mahesh's daughter Pooja reserves her rage for my tweet where I had called the Bhatts a 'dysfunctional' family ( the Bhatts don't exactly exemplify the average Indian family, and that's what makes them unique) . This is a real hot potato - it is a highly sensitive and complicated case, and I do sympathise with Mahesh for having to deal with yet another crisis in the family. Pooja says she has seen her dad age in the past two days. As a daughter, she must feel for him. I understand. But the case won't be solved this easily. There are far too many investigating agencies involved in what has become an international terror investigation, with the FBI leading the war against Headley. It is indeed a pity, if a gullible young man called Rahul Bhatt, has been drawn into the mess because of odd circumstances . Alas, we live in odd times.


  1. Power game! Misused mercilessly..sad! If they would have fathomed...

  2. "he thanked his mother for teaching him the right values!!"

    May God keep all mothers away from giving such values to their children and make this world happy and worth living.

  3. The whole process of Manu's coming out by whateversoever the means speaks bad of the administration and judicial system.Like wild west filmy style one can shoot and go inside the prison , come out thorugh some judicial loophole; great lawyer who also came in private channel and justified his coming out. All this shows glaringly the existing system as something double standard , one for the poor and one for the rich.

  4. Wot is happening is true whether correct or not, Dunno if its the moral values tarnished or political preferences polished or media spoke with transparency... now ots the use if even Manu is back in Jail??? Parole was granted and the purpose for the same (which we are not sure)is being achieved... U blog and the rest of us comment.. that's it...
    The game is always played leaving back only a topic for discussion and some space for us to write how one feels.... Feel defeated though u write blunt...
    Ah! Rahul... wot I heard in news is that the 'caught' scenario may be going on for years now... Possible or not? Wotever! another theme for Mahesh Bhat's upcoming I guess or more news will be which producer comes up with the closest make of Rahul Bhat's movie...LOLz!

  5. Manu sharma case is an example of what money and power can do (take justice for ride)as you mentioned in your post his father is a congress man and Delhi is under Congress rule dont expect much from Delhi CM.
    I read about Bhatts in the news paper ,i did not know it was you called the Bhatts family dysfunctional family as your name was not mentioned but i agree with you it will not be easy for Rahul Bhatt.

  6. Ms De, you posts seem like columns in the editorial section of a newspaper, though more engrossing and informative. I really enjoy reading watever u write. Ur blog is proving to be a great help for my CAT's preparation. Thanks..

    Neways,regarding the corruption in our systems-I think everyone shd watch the movie "The Hurricane" to get a glimse of the level of corruption & perpetration in US.

  7. Indian mothers cosset and protect their boys so much that some brats think it ithey own the world!

    Looks like Manu Sharma's mom might be someone like be honest, it is true children learn values from their family.

    God knows what kind of values these two regressive parents taught him!

  8. people say the media over-hypes every piece of news. But when people like Manu Sharma misuse their parents 'connections' they need to be reminded of what sort of heartless crimes they are being punished for... the letter he wrote was so unreal as if it were out of an afternoon daily soap! Do they think the people of India are so stupid to actually believe these crazy gimmicks?

  9. I think any 'unique' family that too of a Bollywood icon doesn't deserve a word like 'Dysfunctional'. Mahesh Bhatt has chosen to raise his family the way he thought was correct. Dysfunctional is incorrect particularly so in case of Bhatt as the entire family has come together in support of Rahul.

    P.S Why do successful maharashtrians have to be so critical of other public figures e.g Sunil Gavaskar, Ashutosh Gowarikar.

  10. If we can trust in the law of our land, I don't think Mahesh Bhatt should worry about his son. Rahul himself went to the police and gave all the details about his acquaintance with Coleman (this should speak something about him!)and it definitely wasn't the police who tracked the trail back to him, hence, for now, we can all give him the benefit of doubt and stop the unnecessary furore where Rahul Bhatt is concerned.

  11. Shobhaa,
    Are you saying you are taking back your word on that particular tweet.. Because I agreed wholeheartedly on that. When I look at the movies that come out of Bhatt camp like Murder, Raaz(es), Kalyug, Paap, Jism... I do think the Bhatt's are twisted. frankly speaking I am not surprised. But on that note, I wouldnt be surprised if everyone in the industry was related to some "gang". Don't we know enough of filmstars and their decent ways already?
    Manu Sharma and his kind are a curse to Indian society. About the overall judicial/police system in India, I think its time we increase the number of courts, police force in India. I feel considering the population, the forces fall short.

  12. The parole granted to Manu Sharma, apparently, was a reward for the efforts that his father made to ensure the return of Congress to power in Haryana.

    I am not sure whether the letter was written by Manu himself, or by one of his lawyers, in order to limit the damage done by adverse news-media reports and to improve the chances of getting parole in future.

  13. This is my first visit, but I'm very impressed with your blog. I have a blog myself that provides inspiration and guidance to millions of people around the world. I was wondering if we could do a link exchange to spread some traffic around. Let me know if this is cool.


  14. Unfortunately such values are there to stay, as long as the theme of our society revolves around money.

  15. It never ceases to amaze how people will justify the wrong that they do - never! And to make themselves appear the victim.

  16. i wouldnt be surprised if i see Manu playing for Man U. He anyways has been treating our law as a football and India as his playground. Funny.

    Parole for him? Kaiko? Congress ka haath Manu ke saath!!!

    Manu is India's indigenous Kasab. Why do we waste time and money with such negative energies languishing in our jails?

    for arguments sake, in a view, Kasab could be seen as a victim of poverty and brainwashing... (not that this would "justify" what he did). but our own desi Kasab doesnt even invoke that sympathy.


    I love @MaheshNBhatt too. I have several issues in my family too, like most others who do.

    I trust the family. I admire the fact that he so brazenly speaks about his personal life. And yes, it might be perceived as odd or OTT. It takes a lot of gutts to live life - inside out.

    Yes... we live in odd times.. all looks straight from a film script.

    Ajeeb Mumbai ki Gajab kahaani

  17. Shobhaa, i would say that credit of getting Manu Sharma back to his cell goes to you and the media chanels like Times Now (i had watched that 'News Hour Debate'). Please accept my congrats for the same and keep it up.

  18. From the perspective of a woman who has lived in Sadi Dilli and Mumbai... Dilli is culturally and morally a desert. Manu Sharma is but a symptom of horribly feudal and misogynstic social underpinnings. Nuff said.

    About the self styled newsbyte providing "sage" of everything from Peace on earth, to how to use a potty... Mahesh Bhatt... if you put your story on celluloid many times over, and refer to all of it as semi autobiographical... you have no leg to stand on and protest.. if anyone calls you a dysfunctional family and makes judgements about you. So Pooja Bhatt needs to reconsider her own protests about our perceptions about her family. I will call it as I see it. And I have seen enough in film and media, apparantly all endorsed by Mahesh as the Don of the Family Bhatt.

    So Shobhaa what is your reasoning behind the veiled apology? You did not pass judgement on whether Rahul was a terrorist abettor. You said something about what has been indirectly portrayed by the Family Bhatt themselves. I dont get it.

    And Rahul Bhatt, wants to be a gym trainer and a real estate agent with "contacts"? Hahahahaha

  19. In School we studied a tale of a boy who grown up to become a thief and murderer. He committed heinous crimes and one day was caught by law and order and sentenced death stmt. His last wish was to meet his mother. when his mother was called, he hugged her and chewed her ears. Everybody was aghast to see that. On being questioned he replied- His mother was responsible for his downfall. He got into bad habits like stealing etc since childhood. She never corrected his mistakes nor taught him to be a fine human being. And because of her over protection n wrong encouragement, he landed himself there today!

  20. This is one good example of exemption to claim against "Govt doesn't do things well!". When it comes to issues like Manu Sharma, they act fast and do it better than expected! There is no point in blaming Sheila Dixit. When they setup a Democracy structure, they purposefully left a pillar, called ETHICS and they let these politicians to interact with other four pillars; no wonder why today even Press doesn't exercise Ethics! The solution: PEOPLE should form Ethics Ministry. The funding should neither come from the Govt money nor should be appointed by the politicians; this should be a body at Union Cabinet Minister or Chief Justice level elected directly by people and funded directly by people operating as a PRIVATE entity; They must provide ethical and compliance certification for elected politicians as well as public servants; they should monitor physical assets as well as ethics for these politicians. Imagine Rs 100 per head by interested citizens like 10 Lakh citizens, paying per year for a pillar like this! or Rs 10 per head per year around 1 crore citizens. I presume some one is listening and talking to Dr Singh or Madamme Sonia or youth Rahul Gandhi to setup a Ministry of Ethics and let PEOPLE fund this. Then we can ask people like Dr Kalam or so many good people are there to run this pillar in this great country! I can fund a Lobbyist Group to push this with New Delhi! Any takers... ???!!

  21. Ooops... I forgot to mention about Mahesh Bhatt.. Mr Bhatt is a good man and UGK liked him! I am sure that he is missing UG in this difficult moment!

  22. My second visit to this blog....Shobhaa,your style is entirely gripping! Your posts here are on par with your newspaper columns! Way to go :-)


  23. the coming out of manu shows the condition of administration, the corrupt administration. First the attitude of politicians should change..
    My Blog

  24. And the saga of 'MERE PASS MAA HAIN...' continues ...I think it happens only in India...

    thanks to our contitutional liberties and to the people who know it inside out to turn its liberties/loopholes to their advantage.

  25. hii
    why is the media forgeting that headley always spoke about rahul bhatt in his conversation wid the terrorist...and th whole thing about rahul meeting headley 2 yrs ago doesnt arise....had they been just aquaintances y wud he mention rahul bhatt(who i guess is a muslim defaming hindus with a hindu name)every time with the terrorist...cnn ibn ,rajdeep surely know how to cover up the and pseudosecularists at their best to save "son of the god..err soil"....

  26. What will you do if you are in Manu's mother's place? Would you like him to be hanged or imprisoned for life? Or you will shoot him Mother India style? Mahesh Bhatt also used to condemn when it came to other people like this fugitive Manu. When it is his own son...So much defensive.

  27. Truly interesting post and was shocked to see the number of laundering criminals in India aka 8200. Sahi hai parr atleast the number is still countable..lollzzz

    Its really very disheartening that all are blaming Mannu's mother. I do not think so any parents around the world teach their kids to become a terrorist or murderer but still they opt for and in IMHO the path he/she takes all depends on an individual's perception....

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  28. The system & law is taken for ride in our country is in itself a system now. Though media has blown up the Manu Sharma case, it even blowned up Laloo's case while he was in Patna jail, but to no effect. The law, the so called pinal code doesnt have any effect on these politicians, celebrities, big shots & many many more. We the pity proud citizens are held in clumsy, highly unhygenic police chowkies for hours together, just for the sake of investigation. Its pity on us as Indians. It therefore gives us the feeling that we as a country would never improve....
    I sound sad but truly its my mind thats uttering all this.

  29. Ah "dysfunctional family" I relished that comment Shobhaa.

    Don't feel apologetic calling a spade a spade. We suffering Indian public had enough of Bhatt Sr. pontificating on many non-issues

    Yeah! The issue is not brawny Rahul. It is the classification, which is apt

  30. Hello Shobhaa,

    I totally agree with your comments.. it's a mockery at our judicial system.. after all we live in a democracy who is to blame..

