Thursday, January 14, 2010

Sushmita Sen - Supermom!!

Blogdosts, I wrote this a couple of weeks ago, and just this morning I saw lovely pics of Ms. Sen leaving the Mumbai High Court, with her new baby. Sushmita looked jubilant and was quoted as saying she hoped to adopt more kids down the line. Little Alisah's eyes were wide open as Mom met the media outside the court. Welcome to the world .... and the spotlight, Baby Alisah!!


It is customary for columnists to write a year- ender that reviews the months gone by (notice how EVERYONE exclaims, “How time flies! This year just whizzed past my ears.”) and come up with a report card based on supposedly dramatic milestones that define the rapidly fading annus horribilus ( thank you, Queen Elizabeth!). Frankly, what’s gone is gone and nobody really remembers or cares once the countdown to the next year begins at midnight, come 31st December. That’s my experience.So, forget journalistic conventions and read on… I want the last column of 2009 to be upbeat and peppy. Cheerful and jaunty. Like Sushmita Sen. My kind of woman! No. Why be sexist? My kind of person. I mean… look at what she pulled off recently – two beautiful, bouncy babies in one go! One, a human – Alisah, a three- month- old infant she adopted this month. The other, an important beauty pageant franchise that she bid for and now owns – the Miss Universe (India) contest. Both babies are in excellent, capable hands, and I’m sure Sushmita will mother them brilliantly.The timing couldn’t have been better. Sushmita had to wait for the new High Court ruling which earlier stated if a girl had already been adopted as the first child, a parent was not allowed to adopt another one. All that changed just three months ago, and now Renee, Sushmita’s older adopted daughter, has a baby sister in her life. The second coup of acquiring the rights to the prestigious Miss Universe title, is equally significant. Sushmita had won the title herself in 1994. Her connect to the pageant is emotional. But more than that, bagging the franchise is an important part of her more ambitious plan to train other young beauty pageant aspirants with similar aspirations, to compete for the crown and bring it back to India. Perhaps without her realizing it, Sushmita has emerged as quite a champ for the cause of women, in a society that is often shockingly discriminatory towards the gender. Both these actions speak for her larger commitments. Only an empowered woman can empower others. And let’s not huff and puff about how ‘sexist’ beauty contests are. I see them as valid career options for women – who are we to sit in judgement over their choices?

I distinctly recall Sushmita’s triumphant ‘Welcome Home’ party at the Taj Mahal Hotel,to which she’d arrived like a warrior- empress in a horse drawn carriage, grandly greeting the crowds and acknowledging their adulation with a royal wave. She was on top of the world , and there she has remained ever since, through all the turbulence in her personal and private life. Sushmita has the mindset of a born winner, regardless of the circumstances that would daunt the faint-hearted. Formidable and imposing , Sushmita has worn her successes and failures with the same degree of equanimity. This is the quality which makes her special. Which is also why when I was looking for a chief guest to launch my tween book, ‘S’s Secret’ recently, I didn’t think beyond Ms. Sen.Unlike a lot of Bollywood super novas with idiotic attitude, Sushmita has unfailingly engaged with people at all levels with the same degree of warmth and graciousness. Let’s put that down to her sensible, middle class upbringing. Today, she plays the unchallenged Bollywood Diva with aplomb ( her old rival, Aishwarya, has settled a bit too comfortably into the domestic Bachchan Bahurani groove) but continues to remain appealingly grounded and accessible at all times. This level of ‘good behaviour’ is indeed unusual in eccentric\erratic\arrogant showbiz. Her refreshing openness has set new standards in an industry that thrives on subterfuge and fibs. As someone who has survived in showbiz without letting her flops affect her standing, Sushmita represents the new breed of power women in Bollywood – there aren’t too many of them around, no, not even in Hollywood, but Julia Roberts comes to mind.Yes, it has been a charmed life for the lady. But not one without trials and tribulations.

2010 is likely to be a pretty sizzling year on all fronts and in all spheres. Who better to represent the mood than our Sush?

Here’s to awesome beginnings, readers. Happy New Year!


  1. Turely "Power Woman" suites perfectly for Ms. Sen.

    Happy New Year!

  2. Strange Shobhaa, how your view on Sush is so different from that 10+ years ago when you wrote your autobiography where you covered the Taj Welcome home party of Sush and how her mum was in wannabe western attire and how Vrinda Rai was in her middle class-ness...
    But yeah I think Sush is more grounded, warm and takes hits/flops/successes and failures in equanimity!

  3. Just like views can change and thats the only things that constant... I think Sush represents "Change"- change of mindsets/cliches. She's a babe in her won league!

  4. Meanigful blog. Hope you will not change your opinion and become unpredictable again. Sush is really independent and brave girl.

  5. loved the piece.. but would like to pint out a mistake.. Susmita won her title in 1994 and not 1984 as mentioned in the post

  6. I am certain, that now under the capable SS, we will see better Ms Indias being chosen and doing well on the international scene.
    Nice post!

  7. sushmita undoubtedly...a diva...a person whom everyone can look upto!!! but apart from julia roberts...there is one more a much younger actress in the league...konkona sen sharma...who sets herself apart from the crowd as well....
    im glad ..that atleast few soulful ppl exist in this dirty showbiz...

  8. Nice blog.
    Happy Makar sankrant......
    Tilgul ghya god bola........

  9. Passionate love, bitter hatred, ruthless cynicism, wild joy.

    You are always in the extremes.If I weren't such a cynic I would have been adoring u.

  10. Did I miss the irony or was there seriously a law such as this one in India: "if a girl had already been adopted as the first child, a parent was not allowed to adopt another one?"

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. May be it may take mighty long time for " liberation of women in all aspects " .. but yes things have started for now ,,,, let the things be gng ,,, cheers ! once again ur posts are just awesome !

  13. I'm worried. It's already quite late. There are just so many things to be done! Sush should have at least come out with her cosmetics range by now....

  14. HELLO!
    And You within Ray Ban?

  15. women of substance,class and style...a cut above rest...Sushmita Sen!!!

  16. Hello Ms. De,

    Happy New Year.

    Sush is truly a diva. In spite of so many surveys and listings abt Ash, my appreciation always inclined towards Sush. I guess its her dynamic attitude that keeps her aloof.
    Have u got a chance to watch Dulha Mil Gaya...honestly its a terribly directed movie, but Sush is the only saving element to some extent.

  17. Oh I love this post. I admire Sush on so many fronts....the first being adoption.

    I am a huge supporter of it, and I hope my hubby/family will allow me to adopt a child in the near future.

    I did not know about her second adoption - I admire her even more.

    And yes, she has set a bar for Indian women...a high one too....and I hope we see many more like her!

  18. Yes this is article by Shobhaji once again proves that- "The hand that rocks the craddle rules the world".

  19. "Only an empowered woman can empower others." - liked this statement. Says alot. Loved the article. Have been following you silently for a while.

  20. Loved the line "Only an empowered woman can empower others." Its so true.

    I feel frustrated when all women around me talk about is their pregnancy symptoms, having babies, getting them admissions, recipes, sales, etc. There is never any talk about a passion in their lives.

    Also, even though a lot of people are adopting these days, not many seem to have taken to it in the middle classes. There is a lot of gossip-mongering about families who adopt and really silly concerns such as what if you have your own one day - will you be able to love the adopted one too? How can they assume that the love for an adopted child will just go away?

    Sushmita Sen has set a precedent as far as adoption and single mothers go, and she is truly to me admired for that. She is the eptiome of the modern, thinking woman - not one of those who follow the trail set by others.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Sounding a die hard Feminist!!! Though I agree upon ur views of Sush.

  23. Hey Sush Congrats!!!!

    You rock. Wish other celebs too are inspired by ur kindness n few more orphans will get a good environment 4 upbringing. This might help in reducing crime too n build a better society!!

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  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. I really feel that u change your opinions quite often,its really discoutaging as i am an avid reader of your books.i hav read every single thing u ever published and so i can't help but feel sad when u contradict ur views so often......yes Sushmita is admirable but u urself had earlier said tht she is immature and cudnt handle her sucess after miss universe.she in turn was overexited and reckless as oppose to aishwarya!

  26. sushmita sen--------trying to be Angelina Jolie of India??????
    I would like to point this out, i dont want to offend you, but i have been reading your blog for quite sometime now. You have your preferences sushmita, Kareena kapoor(regardless of her bad personality, smug nature and over acting) you never say anything against her...also u hate ash too much, u never miss an opportunity to put her down. Try being a little more unbiased.

  27. If only she was good at her profession.

  28. "Do You Know that the Life of a Human Being is 125 Years, But Most of them die much before their 80's"

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  29. You seem biased towards Sushmita; always looking for a chance to say something good about her. She is adopting children because she wants to; good for her. People can't be forced to do that.
    There are a lot of better ways of empowering others than preparing them(women) for beauty pageants (not saying this is bad; just nothing to go ga-ga over). Why feminist and not just humanist?
    Any girl would be on-top-of-the-world after winning the pageant. Regarding her 'good behaviour', she rather comes off as too 'full of herself' in her interviews.
    And she does not have any stand in Bollywood whatsoever.

  30. No bigger cynic than shobha herself...can anyone (incluing sush) explain this to Ms De

  31. Very nice, except for the Sushmita Sen-Julia Roberts analogy. I can't recall Sen ever having been as bankable a star as Roberts has been (over an extended period of time).

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Well I absolutely agree with Shobha on her views about the SENSATIONAL MISS SUSHMITA SEN. SHE ROCKS!
    I would like to CONFRONT certain people who have talked about Sushmita's "standing" in Bollywood and her comparison with Julia Roberts.
    It is unfortunate that an actor's success or "standing" as u say is based upon the box office success of the films they do. TOTAL NONSENSE!
    I completely disagree with someone who said that "If only she was good at her profession." Sushmita Sen according to me and also several renowned critics including Taran Adarsh is one of the FINEST actresses of Bollywood. In fact I rate her as one of the very best today along with Tabu, Shahana Goswami, Vidya Balan, Kangana Ranaut and Konkona Sen Sharma. There is a difference between being "not good or unsuccessful" at what you do, in this case, acting, and the box office success your films enjoy. As I said it is unfortunate that people write off certain amazingly talented actors and actresses just because their films don't do business. UNFAIR!
    As for the comparison with
    julia Roberts, well the comparison was, If Im not wrong, because of their attitude or personas not because of their "bankable" status which ofcourse Julia Roberts enjoys because she has been "LUCKY". Thats all! Sushmita Sen is no less talented than Julia Roberts for that matter!
    In my opinion, a more appropriate comparison would be with Angelina Jolie and that is certainly not because of the adoption factor. I think both women are incredibly strong women and live their lives according to their own wishes and do not care about what others say or think. Each of the two women has such a strong persona that even men get intimidated. Apart from that obviously both are GORGEOUS AS HELL and have hearts of gold as we have got to know to various people based on their experiences and our own knowledge through the media.
    Lastly, someone mentioned that Shobha, you are fond of Kareena. Well you may have had a good experience with her, personally, but honestly speaking it seems "success" has gone to her head. I used to like her not too long ago but now she seems to act fake and basically flaunt a "diva-like" attitude and a diva she is DEFINITELY NOT!
    I watched this program on TV where she was in the UAE with Saif for a show. There at the press conference she showed how DUMB she is, not being able to comprehend questions, giving inappropriate answers. Not just that but then there was this segment where she along with Saif had to meet this fan of theirs who had won a contest to meet them. She was so COLD. I can imagine how Sushmita Sen would have reacted there had she been there instead of Kareena. Im sure she wud have been really warm as always and as u said Shobha.
    BAsically, KAreena is very talented however she has been somewhat inconsistent. But her ATTITUDE recently has been utter RUBBISH!
    Anyway, Shobha I admire your guts to say anything you want to because honestly most people are diplomatic. And as for your changing views about Sush are concerned, Im sure that they changed as u got to know her better because it happens to all of us. We might not approve of somebody at first but then we get to know that person better and our views change completely. And in this case I can safely say they changed for the better because Sush is SENSATIONAL!

  34. can anyone tell me the name of the case in which Sushmita Sen was allowed to adopt another girl child.Plz help me.
