Friday, February 19, 2010

Jaya O Jaya....In praise of the other woman

First, a little note on the pics. Those pitch black elephants you see aren't born black - they are painted black!! Why? " To look better in tourist pictures," our honest guide in Angkor Wat confessed unself-consciously, adding sweetly, " If you rub them hard, they are grey-brown - just like your Indian elephants." But let's face it - black is beautiful - and these guys do look a whole lot better. More photogenic for sure!
Those gorgeous bachchas are as used to the cameras as the elephants. Not only do they pose like absolute pros, they charge like them, too! No money, no pics!
The Jaya Jaitley column evoked mixed reactions.... but the one I cherish came from Jaya herself. So.... for whatever it's worth, here it is.....

In praise of the other woman…

I don’t want to beat around the bush with this one – my subject for this column is Jaya Jaitley – why resort to silly alibis or anonymity? Jaya is not the garden variety ‘other woman’ in any case. She is a special woman with several extraordinary talents. It is indeed a pity that she has found herself in the eye of an ugly storm that focuses on just one aspect of her multi-dimensional life – her over three decades long relationship with George Fernandes. Come on, all you moralists out there. Jaya never made a secret of their friendship, so what’s the fuss about? I’ll tell you what – money and property. George is too frail and feeble ( physically and mentally) to be in a position to conduct his daily, routine affairs.But there is a lot of lolly at stake – more than 12 crores in assets if one goes by the records.All eyes are on Jaya, his faithful companion, and most fingers are pointing at her. Why? Because she is the ‘other woman’, and there is a wife on the scene. Never mind that the wife was nowhere to be seen for all these years. I won’t go into the reasons for her absence , mainly because I don’t know them! Does an outsider ever really know what goes wrong in a marriage , or, for that matter , even what goes right! The factually accurate position is that George was wife-less all this while. But all of a sudden, he is not. While he struggles to stay alive, his estranged wife has chosen to come ‘home’, along with a son who has lived overseas for a long, long time.
These things happen. Especially when twelve crores are involved. George, the old socialist\trade unionist who was rarely seen clad in anything more fancy than shabby pajama-kurtas in coarse khadi, is now being viewed as a wealthy landlord! What irony. And it is Jaya who is being castigated, even though she has challenged her critics to prove a single charge of misappropriation or manipulation. Nobody wants to hear this. Jaya has been pre-judged and condemned as a conniving female out to exploit a weakened lover, now that he is in no position to clarify or defend his lady. Yup, the same one who has been by his side and seen him through thick and thin, while his legit family was busy elsewhere. Those who have witnessed this awful drama in Delhi, are shocked at the viciousness of the campaign launched against Jaya.Yet, legally there is little anybody can do at this stage. Jaya is a strong, capable woman with her own set of loyal supporters. But given our hypocritical society, the odds are stacked against her – she doesn’t stand a chance in hell of exonerating her tattered reputation, once her detractors are through with her. For starters, nobody even knows her exact status vis-à-vis George. Were they lovers? Or just ‘good friends’ ? It really shouldn’t be anybody’s business, but you know how it goes. Assuming they knew each other intimately, the only person who had the right to object would have been George’s wife Leila Kabir. Perhaps she did object – but that’s another story.
As of now, it is not a fight over a man – but a fight over his money. And he doesn’t even know it!Jaya has been denied access to the residence that was as good as her own home for such a long period of time. I am sure, as and when the time comes, Jaya will not be given the chance to say her final goodbye to the man she looked after and by whose side she faithfully remained. Once he’s gone, the vultures circling overhead, will descend ferociously to attack the rich pickings.
Jaya Jaitley really doesn’t need George Fernandes’ money. But she alone can claim the right to his legacy. I doubt she’ll be allowed even that.


  1. A new shobhaa within post.

  2. Children look cute, money or no money. They have learnt the ways of the world !
    Painted elephants & tainted reputations ! I think we have to live with it.
    Money sucks! (sometimes)

  3. I think I was in my mid-teens when I first heard about Jaya Jaitley. I did not follow politics back then. Don't exactly follow it even now. So I heard about her in a completely different context. It was when cricketer Ajay Jadeja married her daughter that I heard about her. And I was a huge Jadeja fan. And from then onwards, whenever Jaya is on TV, I would pay attention to whatever she says. And like u said, I think she indeed is a smart, articulate and poised woman. And poise and politics rarely go hand in hand!

  4. It is just one of those stories where the woman had no real legitimacy in the man's life and has no rights in the end.

  5. My absolute empathy with this lady Jaya.

  6. Ummmmm Jaya Jaitley is a big girl and has had 30 years to think about and secure her position and her memories of someone she loved as a friend/lover/whatever. And all this legacy stuff is bakwas. There is no contemporarily relevent legacy to inherit. Politically or ideologically atleast. And yeah estranged or not, legal heirs are exactly that... legal heirs. And besides why should'nt it be about economics for his legal heirs?

    Is AB over his patriarchal, chest thumping and anachronistically misplaced rant about "defending" the helpless women in his family? They are all big girls with more socio-economic advantages than I can count. They will do just fine.

    I am sad that women and men alike dont give women more credit for having thinking minds and concrete purpose.

    I think I need some garam garam chai to warm my cold hard womanly heart :)

  7. Both Jaya and George deserve their respective fates. I will always stand by the legal wife and legal children legacy or no legacy. What type of legacy a person who tried to bomb Baroda espress which would have killed innocent passengers just to avenge himself and the murky defence deals and that 2lakh episode. Filth is filth.

  8. Well, since he didn't get divorce from his wife, i think the wife has every right (at east legally) to come back when ever she wants.
    Ethically...arre yaar, since when did ethics come to play a role when it concerns money?

  9. whom are you holding a candle for? A woman who was nothing more than an illegitimate companion. And werent there allegations of corruption. What do you mean standing thick and thin with George for all these years ? for what? Are you sure it was not for the money ? Atleast you should know better shoba...

  10. You rooting for Jaya...?????!!!I thought I knew you better !!!Visions of the infamous Tehelka episode broadcast some years ago is still fresh in our minds.For a person short on morals Jaya's come a long way.I only hope that she doesn't get away with whatever she's hatching.The legits have full rights to their legal inheritance.

  11. Reminds me of the other Jaya, Jayalalitha who had to undergo humiliation when MGR died. she rose like the proverbial phoenix to rule the state. A woman I admire a lot.
    Now, Jaya Jaitely, my support is always with you. You stuck to him, in sickness and in health ( unlike the "wife".)
    Hope the other Jaya , Jayaprada doesnt get into such a mess later. Im no political gossip follower, but I guess Amar Singh is like her brother for the record.

  12. Krishna Tirath wants lower tax rates for females. This is the feminist version of gender equality!

  13. I don't think Jaya Jaitley was eying for George's property.Where was Leila all these years if she is so concerned for him? One should not support people like Leila irrespective of legality.

  14. money wont be there with you when you get difficulties in your life....kind to people either poor or rich ...especially help to poor

  15. Excellent work Mam. You have once again proved that you're the best. Keep writing. Awaiting to read your next blog. Cheers!!!!

  16. @Kiran, you are like a dog with a bone. WHy do you keep mentioning Big B in all your comments and falsely accusing him of being regressive each time? Hmm, you seem to have your own personal "issues".

    AB is not being sexist with his statement about being the head of the family. He considers the oldest member of the family to be the head - male or female. Here is a quote from AB:

    "I am the UN Representative for the Girl Child in India and work hard for its cause. The ‘head’ of my family before me was my late mother. The Bachchan family discusses and acts as a collective of equal individuals of equal value and voice."

    People need to chill and stop projecting regressive traits onto a man who is progressive. The guy is always being accused of something or the other and usually unfairly.

  17. i m not sure, what will happen to jaya for sure...,whether she will get pie of"12 CRORES!!!" or she will be ignored or she will remain a topic of hot discussion on the news channels increasing their TRP's or some debate topic...
    but one thing is sure bollywood will be watching it closely to launch a new movie!!!may be from there she can earn her identity..

  18. Does it really matter ? I think in George Fernandez drama no one is right or wrong .. everyone is/was opportunistic/selfish.

    I hope you write about more burning/serious issues like Telangana and leave this to gossip magazines.

  19. If Jaya is not for money, then what if she takes care of George at the needy time and George's family clinches his wealth. Isn't it a good idea??!!

  20. If you are only out to get a mans wealth, I dont think its worth hanging on for 3 decades. 3 decades is a lot of time. Any woman is more intelligent than that. Its sad to see how people can get so righteous about things they have no clue about. Its immaterial whether she gets his wealth or no- what preposterous is being denied the right to spend your time with a person you want to care for.

  21. While you maintain that Jaya has been pre-judged, you have also subliminally pre-judged Leila Kabir. (I know neither).
    And I think any woman who chooses to fit into the role of 'the other woman' in our society is destined to meet the same end, for right or wrong reasons. Jaya perhaps knew it would come sooner or later. The Other Woman first gets scorn and later sympathy. That is all. No money, I am afraid.

  22. Mam it’s nothing new…this sort of things transpires around the world…Many big wigs on the daily basis indulges in immoral activities like corruption and all that…why do you consider them different after all they are also a part and a parcel of the politics…And of course there’s no such thing as a perfect marriage or a perfect spouse’. ..A sublime, divine and idyllic union, a true meeting of two bodies, minds and soul…

  23. I salute you , Shobhaa, for the stand you have taken on this very issue. One needs to be sensitive enough to UNDERSTAND things, at least sometimes.....

  24. I am moved by the plight of mind of the lady Jaya, who despite being a constant companion to one now being discriminated owing to the money , what ever the amount by his legal heirs.No smount of consolation is enough for the lady at this time.
    My prayers for her.

  25. three decades, is a lot of dirty linen to wash, it does public :( lets hope georgie has priorities right, whatever he thinks is right and may every judging man and his wife respect it.
