Friday, April 16, 2010

Bikki Oberoi rocks!!

I have known and interacted with Bikki Oberoi over the years and always found him an exceptionally charming man. I don't say this lightly for his is not a switched-on, 'society charm'. This soft spoken, dapper man has to walk into a room to take it over - yup - just like that. Effortlessly. And, mind you, he is a compact package, just over five feet in height. But you can't miss him . Even to this day, he works tirelessly for his hotels with the same level of energy, shrewdness and passion that once defined his legendary father, Rai Bahadur Oberoi's style of functioning.
So it was no surprise when he sent out a personalised invitation to announce the re-opening of his Mumbai hotel - the same one you probably saw on television screens when the 26\11 terrorists devastated the posh premises and killed several guests ( we lost five friends ourselves). What makes this invitation rather extraordinary is the genteel, discreet wording. Bikki isn't merely inviting his friends to a grand opening night party - oh no - been there, done that! He is inviting them to stay at his refurbished hotel - not just for that one magical night, but for as long as they like!!!!
How's that for class??
Is this a first in the luxurious world of international hospitality?
Wonder how many well-heeled invitees will take him up on this super extravagant offer???
I am tempted....


  1. you are one of the lucky few to receive the invitation grab the offer

  2. Bod bless the likes of Bikki... only few are left on this vicious globe.

  3. WOW!...that's one hell of an invite! ...a few days!...that place has so much history!

  4. He is a visionary for sure. No doubt.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. He sounds like a most gracious man and I am sure he put together the list of people he invited very carefully. I am certain it would make him happy if you accept.
    Best wishes from Los Angeles.

  7. Tat Invitation shulds be for the Guests that Survived the Ordeal in that Hotel(those Present tat Moment)..Not Page 3/Friends....Tat is clearly his Publicity Stunt..Wen he does the Foemer..i will definetely go Hip- ip Hooray on the Moment.

  8. Tat Invitation shulds be for the Guests that Survived the Ordeal in that Hotel(those Present tat Moment)..Not Page 3/Friends....Tat is clearly his Publicity Stunt..Wen he does the Foemer..i will definetely go Hip- ip Hooray on the Moment.

  9. 26/11 i have lived the terror from my fone, where people called continuesly for 3 days. a chill runs down my spine everytime i think of it.

    wish one could choose ones death and life.

    when i first read bikki oberoi, i thought it was vivek oberoi pe some dig. now that he is "prince" (once upon a time) charming


    o m g..

    id go for any party where i see that the organiser has taken pains to draft a personalized invite. be it a dhabhaa launch or a college do. :) yeah printed invites seem very "aaneka toh welcome- nahi toh bheed kam" types.

  10. Take it shobhaa.. its the opening of the Oberoi I presume. Yes Bikki is a classic gentleman. I met while we stayed at Udaivilas a few years ago. It was my birthday and I had made a passing comment I wanted to meet him. A meeting was arranged as as surprise at the bar. He was so gracious, he even invited an american customer friend of us to joing in, and then he invited us to have dinner with him after that. He told us how he visits every property and reads every comment from customers and makes sure the quality of service is par none. I promised to get him a pair of new frames (eyeglasses which is in my line of work), but it never happened and then my whole world fell apart. Please tell him hello (if he remembers me), and I do have IOU for him - perhaps the next trip.

  11. mz de, it will be like a wake. you know, how the family gathers around the dear departed to party one more time. but, a business is a business, life goes on and tomorrow is another day. so, i have armed your conscience with these aphorisms. go forth and maximise.

  12. Go for it Shobhaa...I mean personalized invite and all....if you are not taking it, give it to partner and I can use that for our honeymoon getaway :) (Yes, finally we are tying the knot after 7 years).

  13. Ma de,
    have fun and have a good time.
    Read your article on taroor liked it particularly your views on women in the workforce.
    one more thing the article appeared in Bangalore times (sunday times) the alphabet 'h' was missing from your name - it was sobhaa de make sure they dont repeat it you know it affects numerological vibrations of your name.

  14. I wish Bikki utilised this opportunity to feed and house one night, the street children of that would have been a change.!!
