Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mommie Dearest loved 'Badmash Company'....

This was my Mother's Day treat. After an exceptional lunch at Busaba ( sizzling Vietnamese fish with tamarind sauce!!!!), it was time to head to Inox and catch 'BADMASH COMPANY' with the girls. They loved it... I loved it.... but found the ending totally illogical in an otherwise well scripted film. I mean... come on.... this was about a guy who wakes up to the 'goodness and truth' within himself, after being a successful conman. Great! So what does he do to establish his credibility and woo back the pregnant girl friend, make up with his men friends, regain his estranged father's respect, console his long suffering mother and impress a distressed Maamuji? Does he virtuously stick to the straight and narrow? Does he demonstrate a genuine change of heart? Does the sinner become a saint? Naaaah. Naughty, naughty Karan indulges in some pretty obvious, pretty devious insider trading ( in America, at that), and everybody cheers!!!
If one can possibly overlook this major plot flaw , the rest of the film is pretty watchable and all the performances are above average. My favourite was the guy who plays a Sikkimese constantly mistaken for a Chinese, with such ease , plus oodles of charm . I also lked Vir Das playing a lecherous, oily Sindhi bijnessman forever chasing blondes. Shahid is Shahid ( more than competent). He puts in a convincing performance.... but here's a request from his young female fans - please visit a dentist asap and get those lower jaw, hopelessly discoloured front teeth fixed, they look truly awful in close ups. As for Anoushka Sharma pairing up with Shahid, this is one jodi Rab definitely didn't make. Though their on screen chemistry works just fine ( forget the clumsy kissing-wissing), she towers over Shahid and looks Amazonian in most scenes.
Will the film crack the 'Housefull' record? Unlikely. It is almost intelligent.
Oh.... I possessed several Bleeding Madras shirts and skirts as a teenager, so that was a great touch!


  1. Happy Mother's Day.
    And Yes, chasing fish continues...
    arree wah wah
    arree wah wah
    arree wah wah

  2. Happy mother day De!! I always go to watch movies after reading your reviews as they matches my interest...

    U have saved lot of money of mine:P

  3. haha...thats exactly what i thought..insider trading..was bleeding madras actually real?? im from there so i wonder...also, shouldnt only the darkest shade of the shirt be the only one selling :P ..cheers and happy mothers de (pun intended)

  4. HI MA




  5. i liked d movie but i din feel even a little bit of adrenaline rush into my body,i mean their love starts very simply,they start kissing wit no excitement n again they reunite with no should've been more better

  6. wow what a movie to treat ur mom on mother' day with. Wish my mom was here so that i could take her out too.

    I just exchanged sweet nothings with her over the phone and blogged and told her about it:)

    A little tender-love n care to ur mom does not hurt and my mom loved it:)

  7. thnks for sharing...
    happy mothers day is wished to all lovely mothers in the world, thought about mothers who lost their children ....then again a mothers day with no one to wish them ....rather love them...
    be it mothers day or not....

  8. Dear Immortal Mrs Rajadhyaksha,

    I know this mail is a day late, but mother you are not just yesterday but forever. I know I have not met you, I dont even know your name. But it is not difficult to write to you, for I have seen you, I have felt you, felt your remarkable presence though your genes. Thanks to your open-minded upbringing, your thoughtful ways, your modest nature, your innate loveliness, it has all rubbed on your progeny. thank you for giving me such a wonderful blogdost :)

    Love you,

    Respects :)

  9. good review! i loved Badmash company too despite the stupid bits. And i'm still wondering how Houseful could set a record in all its senselessness :s

  10. Hey, me too..........watched Badmaash co only because of Shahid but it was a decent movie, can't say i loved it but good work for a first time director and all the newcomers as well. Not a big fan of Anoushka's though she was quite ok. But Houseful takes the cake for being utterly silly.........I really feel Akshay needs to stop looking so dumb!!!

  11. One thing is for sure that no matter what your expectations Badmash Company will pleasantly surprise. Marking the writing and directorial debut of actor Parmeet Sethi this caper drags a little in the second-half but on the whole is surely worth a watch. But it’s the screenplay that could have been better

    Fun Events and Entertainment Bangalore
    Hindi movies in Delhi
    Hindi movie Badmash Company review

  12. Very Good website. I like the contents. From

  13. If the movie flops, another Hindi film heroine would've worn a bikini in vain, like Amrita Rao.

