Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Bingo! The internet is behaving this evening and I could upload these three images without suffering too much! In fact, I took several biz calls while I was at it.... thereby saving precious time. I am feeling extraordinarily virtuous right now. Indulge me! In that spirit, let me share the sweet moments you can easily discern in these pictures. The beautiful little girl dressed in a Kandyian saree posed for Arundhati right outside her sunday morning religious class close to the Buddhist temple you see alongside. There was a magnificent Bodh tree in the courtyard, going back several hundred years. Our friend Shyamalee Tudawe was kind enough to spend her sunday with us, even though that is perhaps the only day of the frenzied week she has entirely to herself and her wonderful family.
My picture was also taken by Arundhati in Bentota as we waited for our chauffeur to show up. He'd disappeared without a trace, leaving us pretty stranded outside a gorgeous antique store crammed with amazing Dutch Colonial furniture. I'd do anything to acquire one of those gigantic teak chests - large enough to host a party in!
I have some more lovely, lovely images that tell a vivid story about our many discoveries in and around Galle. Especially the one which saw us wading into thigh high water in order to get to our stunning lunch destination at Taprobane island. It is the only way to access this incredible, lush and gorgeous property, which miraculously survived the Tsunami without any damage. While we timidly and gingerly made our way through the very waters that had caused such devastation, we half-wondered what our fate would be if there was another Tsunami at that exact moment. Morbid! Well, the terrific Sri Lankan repast served on a balcony kissed by a Flamboyante tree in full bloom, made up for all our fears. And then some. When it was time to wade back to the shore, we thought we'd become absolute experts at negotiating the swirling waters. Perhaps we had.
If you still want to see those funny pics of us holding our flip flops over our heads - you know what to do. Same drill - just raise your hands.


  1. Each of us raising hands invisibly.
    Now we are suffering...
    Please jaldi

  2. Maa de,
    yes more pictures please ! i liked the beautiful( sweet) girl pic . Maa de your skin is very good ( well maintained ) if compared with mine you will win even though iam half of your age. i remember you said soon you will be coming up with book dealing with taking care of body.... though i remember few tips from your books i have read - keep your skin scrupulously clean , excercise tones muscles i follow both.

  3. the girl's gorgeous
    her saree even more
    the best thing are the carved arches supporting the roof in the background

    please get me some with your chest ... the arches that is ... happy holidays !!!

  4. u are damn hot yaar! i envy your hubby.i told u so in twitter as well.your age seems to be diminishing day by that a positive sign or negative? only u
    can feel ur husband accompan ying u on the tour? if not,he's unlucky like me!

  5. You gotta tattoo!!!

    I love that country......and yes I've raised my hands! :D

    Why I support suicide-

  6. Hands raised! Would love to check out the fun you had in Sri Lanka. The little girl looks cute in her outfit...
    And for the above comments, I'd like to tell everyone that she was a model back then and still very well maintained!!!

  7. The girl looks lovely. Look at her eyes ! There is a smile too.

  8. both my hands are up . . . Ma'am

  9. lovely pics Shobha.!! That tattoo on your hand really Rocks..!! seems you have so good time..

  10. its been 'some' time since your last post......waiting.........(dont say i dont have any other option :) )

  11. Interesting.....there are many followers but only a few comments

  12. Here s another hand raising....Gorgeous pictures de...

  13. all hands raised.........will love to see ur pics........

  14. Love the picture of the little girl.

    Have not seen an Esso sign in years! Nostalgia.

    Ofcourse we want to see more pictures. We travel vicariously through your descriptions and pictures.

  15. Dear Shobhaa mam, i don't understand wy you are so much obsessed with yesteryear don Haji Mastan. Right from the day one, Ekta kapoor announced her ambitious project on Haji Mastan,Once Upon a Time in Mumbai (Should have been "Bombay", since the don lived before the name-change) you have been constantly writing directly or indirectly, either about don or Movie. is it a gimmick to promote the movie ? percolates from Ekta to do so ?

  16. de's, lovely pics...

    what is this tattoo? zooom in naa.. im curious curious.
