Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Chauffeurs on the catwalk.....

Sunset over the archipelago
In conversation with Anita Sethi at the Hay Festival

Book signing, post- Lit Fest session

Arrival st Soneva Gili, outside Villa 11
This appeared in Bombay Times yesterday....

Star chauffeurs on the catwalk next??

Strange… and not so strange! I received a longish text message from an international bon vivant, one of India’s sharpest dressers and a total man about town. Of course, he shall go nameless. This was a day after one of the countless fashion weeks ( I have lost track). It read : “My driver wants to walk the ramp ever since his friend who works for a big star, was told by his boss that he’d give him a chance at the next show.” The longish sms expressed anguish and concern at the mockery that is being made in the name of fashion. His lovely and lissome wife agreed. Both these individuals take fashion – international couture in particular - most seriously. They are regulars at showings in Milan, Paris, London and New York, so one can take their word for it when they say what passes for ‘couture’ in India is nothing but a bridal collection…. with a great deal of tamasha and drama thrown in for good measure. I love tamashas and dramas, on and off the catwalk, so I am not complaining. Designers who jump into the pool with their models, others who roar on to the stage on vintage motorbikes…. why not? How dull fashion would be if all we saw on that ramp were great clothes ! Fashion in India is like a headless chicken or a riotous carnival, take your pick. And that’s the way we like it. Ditto ditto for our amazing Bollywood films which make no sense ( two senseless biggies coming up soon ). This is us – illogical and absurd. I told our morose fashionistas the same thing, but they remained unconvinced. ‘Why should we attend couture collections that feature Bollywood stars and not professional models? Is Bollywood that bored?” the nattily dressed gentleman demanded. I thought he was pleading on behalf of the professional models who are facing pay cuts and even joblessness because of the influx of Bollywood on the hallowed catwalk. It doesn’t matter whether those starlets on impossibly high stilettoes stumble, fall, giggle, wave, blow kisses or pop out of their gowns. They still receive catcalls, taalis, seetis, even a standing ovation from their cheer leaders in the front row.But no, my friend was not pleading the models’ case, he was merely stating the obvious – designers who rely heavily on their Bollywood buddies to bail them out during these killingly competitive shows, display nothing more than their lack of creativity. When there is an ideas -crisis, get your glam pals to strut the stuff, is how discerning people are beginning to view these occasions. But frankly, I rather like the idea of star-chauffeurs on the ramp. Some of those fellows are better looking than their employers and throw serious attitude, too. Bring them on!
Now that the Common Wealth Games are behind us, we can start planning for the festive season ahead in right earnest . The endearing Indian ‘Jugaad’ came to our rescue yet again, and deserves a huge gold medal to itself! Our ability to improvise in and adjust to any and every situation , has been lauded by the world. Pulling off these Games with only a couple of minor hitches, has been nothing short of a miracle. That we also managed to collect a respectable number of medals , is another miracle. But let this remain an important lesson for us before we get carried away and start bidding for the Olympics. A sober assessment of what exactly we gained, and whether those crores of tax payers’ money that were spent on what is after all a great big party, were worth it in terms of returns. Are we saying India’s pride comes with a 73,000 crores price tag??


  1. `But frankly, I rather like the idea of star-chauffeurs on the ramp. '

    After all, they are also AADMI KA BACHA :)

  2. U replied me to unfollow you. cant u try to be little sensible for yourself.. u r 60 still u talk as u r someone who have to learn a lot of things. I am 21 but still I am enough mature to know that whom to criticize and whom not to but you keep on criticizing.. show me your one blog post which dont have any criticism... U can't .. I know.. u r the lady who should be thrown into the cell and beaten up like anything. grow up ... Mrs. Shobha or God will see u nicely up at the time of Qayamat.. u r really sick...and u need a tutor.. come to me... I am ready to guide you..

  3. Completely agree w/ the jugaad line. We Indians are the best people when it comes to jugaad. CWG was no different than preparing for a wedding in our desh. At the last moment, family members get a panic attack but still, somehow they manage to complete all the rituals w/ a tag of 'subh vivaah'.

    Wonder what the auditors have to say about the gadbad ghotala! Golmaal hai bhai sab golmaal hai...! :)

  4. I loved the sun set picture very beautiful!
    Education to muslim women is a must it will help in uplifting their status in society and also making society a better place to live in - there is a saying if u educate a woman you educate the whole family , this step will go long way in the their development as well development of our nation.
    CWG- guilty should be punished !we should concentrate not on "why" but "how "we can teach the people (responsible for the mess) a lesson they will remember for the rest of their lives.

  5. Grab the joy of all celebrations by sending gifts and flowers from www.giftsflowersmarseille.com.

  6. Why is that 'Ruhela' weeping? :D

    to some extent what your friend said was true, seeing the way Shatrughan Shina's daughter stumbled and fell on the ramp. Some stars feel that they can carry themselves on stage without practice, as showstoppers...

    Love the pictures!

    Looking forward to get my hand on your latest Shobha at Sixty soon.
    I remember having seen you at a book signing at the Book Fair at Pragati maidan once, when our school took us for a tour...

    Its nice to see you are writing for teenage children too!

  7. Hi Abhishek Ruhela:

    You seem to be too arrogant for your age. Grow up kid and learn to respect elders. May be your parents haven't put any manners in you.

    We all love Ms.De for her criticism and of course if you care to read the blogposts, there are lot of articles appreciating people.

    You are the one who needs some guide and probably a psychological counselling and may be some nice spanking by your parents..

    Tch Tch Tch.. I pity you. You seem to be very narcisstic.

    Bade ho ja bache..


  8. Well I went to see "Robot" just because of this drop-dead beauty.
    This woman is a turn on that "Elle creve l'ecran"
    yet another dumb role.
    Seen the video clip of Action Relay.....she danced a la Beyonce+Shakira+Pussy Cat Dolls+Lopez...all in one shaker.....sad isn't it.
    She just like Julia Roberts ...I run to see every one of their movies. Only thing J.Roberts makes more sense.
    She speaks intelligently ....she's sexy glamour...with beauty and grace....yet she still crys and dances...
    So what I'll do like I always does....I'll go to see A.Replay....and Gulzaarish....and to see what new plastic surgery she done to her face.....hope she doesn't end up like "Jocelyn Wildenstein. :)))))

    Amit/Khan/Roshan on the cat-walk
    Yup Amit was handsome and classy.
    But gosh do they need the dole?
    "Narcissism" is too small word to describe them.
    They couldda left the place at some struggling new comer.

  9. Hello Shobha Mam,

    Ur thoughts are like mirror. Jo hai so hai, just like that.

    Lots of love.
