Thursday, January 13, 2011

Believe it or not!!! Aarushi ki sad kahani!

Who Killed Innocence….?

There is something exaggeratedly sinister about the brutal twin murders of an innocent 14- year- old girl, and the domestic who worked for the family ( nobody bothers about his death… are you surprised?). As things stand, the case has reached a bit of a dead end and there are any number of theories floating around. While it is true that the media has been conducting its own trial night after night and pretty much stating : the dad did it, the response of Aarushi’s parents has beenpuzzling and bizarre , to say the least.Grieving parents behave in a different manner. They are broken in spirit and rendered almost incoherent with grief at the loss of a loved one. An only child at that. Not these two, though. Sorry if this sounds like pop psychology gone wrong… but the conduct displayed by Mr. and Mrs. Talwar appears a bit too calculated, even cold blooded to viewers. It conveys just one thing : Catch us if you can. There is defiance and challenge built into every statement. ‘Where is the proof? What evidence do you have?” Aarushi’s mother keeps demanding aggressively, as if to suggest, “We’ve taken care of every small detail… covered each track…so there!” For a mother of a dead girl to project such steely determination during what must have been the most harrowing time of her life, seems a bit unnatural. I have spent enough time consoling mothers who have lost their kids to say this is perhaps the first time I have observed a mom whose sole objective seems to be to put up a feisty defence for herself and her husband.Both the Talwars have a script that reads like a law manual. Their faces are stony, their eyes, strangely devoid of any emotion. When they mention Aarushi, they could as well be discussing their neighbour’s kid.
Poor Aarushi.
God alone knows what prompted this ghastly murder. Did the young girl witness something she wasn’t meant to? Did she stumble across a dark and dirty family secret? Had she become an ‘inconvenience’ to her own parents? Who was she about to embarrass – herself or her parents? The crime has been committed by skilled, educated, clever people – that much is obvious. The devious master plan behind destroying key evidence and manipulating records can only be accomplished by people who are aware of police procedures and well up on forensic investigations. The early attempts to blame Hemraj, the slain domestic , therefore fall flat. Similarly, the subsequent efforts to implicate three other domestics remain equally unconvincing ( good thing those tortured and humiliated young men are seeking compensation) .Let’s leave the bumbling CBI blokes out of this space for now. The Aarushi murder goes beyond the killings of an only child and the man servant. It acts as a mirror to our urban lives . Here are two busy professionals - parents who claim they slept through the murders that were taking place a few feet away from their own bedroom. They also slept through persistent phone calls the same night and didn’t know who sneaked into their home at that late hour and cut the internet connection! More, they had no idea that someone had helped himself\herself to whiskey after the murder, and left the bottle on the table. Nor did they hear any strange activity on the terrace even though a body was being dragged there and a heavy, blood stained mattress was being flung out. No screams… no noises associated with struggle…. nothing disturbed these parents. The Talwars blissfully slept the sleep of the dead. Ironically, it was their daughter who had died!They heard nothing… knew nothing. But were up at 6 a.m. to throw down the house keys to the maid, call her up to Aarushi’s room and calmly show her their daughter’s neatly covered and cleaned up body! Unbelievable? Perhaps. But so smartly set up that the best sleuths in the land remain baffled… and clueless!
As of now, it’s a case of the perfect murder! Not all the top brains in the country have succeeded in getting leads that nail the culprits. The Talwars can continue to sleep in peace. One thing they have proved is that their nerves are made of steel. Young Aarushi has taken many secrets to her grave. So has Hemraj, the man who was being blamed for Aarushi’s death. Even if the culprit is eventually found, and the Talwars get off the hook, the country will continue to be stupefied by their stellar performances on television night after night. No tears, no sorrow. Just icy arguments proclaiming their own innocence. Aarushi must be weeping …


  1. This one is great. I read your article in "The Week" about Aarushi. It protruded into my soul indeed arising all the feeling of anxiety. Really you are great.
    well I too write blog-
    Pls. read if you get time.

  2. The way you have written has opened all the raw wounds in us. I have rarely seen a mother behave like that. When a child dies, the mother also dies an emotional death from which she rarely recovers. Aarushi deserved better.

    1. O really put yourself in talwar familyz shoes and rethink

    2. O really put yourself in talwar familyz shoes and rethink

  3. Nice story Shobha. But all this (the way the Talwars, esp Nupur has reacted) makes sense when you discover that Nupur is not her biological mother. Not that being a stepmom takes away from the love you would feel for a child, any child... But yes, this is a fact that the Indian media has kept under wraps till now. Don't know why.. Na Jaane Kyun..?!?!

  4. Hey...wonderful insight...but right now taking away from the blog...i am a producer from times now news channel and we're doing a show on the LIMCA BOOK OF RECORDS. would want to talk to you about it. whats the best way to get in touch. FB denies me a friend request cause your requests are overflowing.
    waiting to hear from you. been an ardent fan of your non-fiction pieces.
    cheers!!! akashi

    i can be contacted on

  5. I read ur article that is a good one....plz visit my blog

  6. If I were to say that these points have been nagging me too, it might sound like replicating you. But this is a fact. I remember watching the news when this happened and used to be in tears. It was a ghastly act and the look the parents' face was disgusting - cold and indifferent! Hats off to the air conditioner that alienated them from the outside world when their only daughter was being slaughtered! That AC definitely habituated them to sleep like a horse while the world trembled and collapsed around them (or did it!!??)

    1. And hats off to people like you who think beyond the confirmed investigation of cbi.. that tje ac was actually so fauly and voice actually were not reaching in their room... what more pity for the grieved parents that they actually couldn't even realise what was happening with their daughter.... theu muat have not even thought of this in their wildest dream...

    2. And hats off to people like you who think beyond the confirmed investigation of cbi.. that tje ac was actually so fauly and voice actually were not reaching in their room... what more pity for the grieved parents that they actually couldn't even realise what was happening with their daughter.... theu muat have not even thought of this in their wildest dream...

    3. And hats off to people like you who think beyond the confirmed investigation of cbi.. that tje ac was actually so fauly and voice actually were not reaching in their room... what more pity for the grieved parents that they actually couldn't even realise what was happening with their daughter.... theu muat have not even thought of this in their wildest dream...

  7. Ms. De,
    You've shown a completely different point-of-view. All this time I was thinking that the media and the country is blaming the parents but with your facts, my thoughts took a complete 360. Currently, I'm not in India, so I don't see the news portrayed on news channels every single day.

    Yest, I saw NOKJ, and both of these murders have one thing in common which is corruption. Wiping out all the evidences... Justice will not be done to Aarushi, just like it wasn't done to Jessica. Even though Manu Sharma was found guilty, he was released on bail for his sister's wedding. What the hell? A common man cannot get visa for his sister's wedding in a different country, but this bloody culprit can live a king-size life even when jailed for a murder. Ridiculous

  8. I think the post is very one sided. WIthout knowing all the facts. The parents might be guilty or might not be. As media/ jouno's its very irrensponsible to make them guilty when the courts cannot.
    Here is my retort line by line for this post.

    1. Very true.. we have rights to make our perceptions but no right to put them accross to entire worldz mind without knowing the complete truth.. hope this lady knows that in case they are proved as innocent she still has to luve with the same face

    2. Very true.. we have rights to make our perceptions but no right to put them accross to entire worldz mind without knowing the complete truth.. hope this lady knows that in case they are proved as innocent she still has to luve with the same face

  9. Am a little confused as to what stand to take...parents murdering their own daughter (the only one) seems to me unbelievable but considering the facts you have put in, am at a loss for words....cannot help but wonder will the truth ever be out??

  10. I sometimes wish we had a team of really good forensic psychiatrists, or someone who's done a course with Paul Eckman. You know.....a real life Indian version of Cal Lightman. Except the real deal. We need an Indian Paul Eckman.

  11. nice post... aarushi and hemraj have indeed taken a lot of secrets to their graves...


  13. When a talwar cuts, it doesn't see whether it is a servant or a daughter :(

  14. No i do not agree to the assumptions made here.Assumptions are made to reach any theory and it is wrongly done here! At the time of murder.parents must be in so much grief with police all around and different relatives hovering-doing to the place of murder,whatever they felt like!

    1. Hope one day she looses someone and 9nnin very moment of grief she is taken behind bars saying she is the cause of death... we need to see then.. if she cries or demands proofs... can we imagine what the poor parents would be going through in the entire 7 years they are not give a minute to mourn for their daughter in peace...

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  16. Only God knows the truth..hope we will know that some day.

  17. look..i know there's no the first thing that comes to everyones mind is that her parents did it..and then they, like you,assume reasons for why the parents killed her..if they ever killed her,that is..but no..there is this strong feeling in your heart right,that drives you and many others to blame the parents..and as for "how" their behaving "nerveless", "determined" and however you described them to be..people like you,who add fuel to fire and then blame the fuel,should no..but this is genuine concern right so i am not supposd to say anything..when aarushi died..her parents who you,in the most kindest way possible,describe cudnt even moan their daughters death because of people like u who are concerned out there "genuinely"..there were jounalists all around like wolves cornering a lamb..two lambs in dis case..and then you blame her parents of killing her when they turn a cold shoulder to you and people like blame them for standing up against your cruel nosiness..and that to at your provocation..i mean how did you think they would react..give you a cup of tea and cookies?..all they wanted was some grieve,to weep..but u didnt give them that..ofcourse your more concernd right..than her parents..i am not saying anything about who killed her because even i know..theres no evidence...but i am sure your ,blamin her parents,is out of concern for aarushi...and is not at all shallow....for christ sakes...their behavior is because they were deprived of being able to even feel sad for what happend..and i feel it is natural and has nothing to do with your accusations...i mean if this were to happen to your children...what would you do...are'nt you a mother?people like you for your own social benefit...say what you want to when what you say is not even asked for...its not only aarushi who's's even her parents...and they keep dying everyday as a result of what you people do to one wants your insensitive views...let the talwars be.

    1. I totally agree with you... and urge this lady to search for something better to speak on... youbare fre to walk but atelast see your foot doesnt land up on to someones heart soul or life altogether. ..

    2. I totally agree with you... and urge this lady to search for something better to speak on... youbare fre to walk but atelast see your foot doesnt land up on to someones heart soul or life altogether. ..

  18. more than being sorry for her we are all interested to solve the mystery..

  19. very sad to hear arushi's story. poor kid lost her life by brutal and insensitive people.

    i would be happy that you read my blog. the link is will be waiting for your comments and response.

  20. All this dramebaazi strikes a ruthless question - No One Killed Aarushi?????

  21. I am sure, no one killed Aarushi. Sometimes, as in our folklore, people - especially maids in love - get killed without any motive. The story ends there and that makes it so melodramatic. Here too the parents have gone through hell, having lost their only child and seriously compromising their business interests. Poor guys these. Nobody sheds a tear for them. Yes, Hemraj the poor has to die unsung. No film will be made on him; he is too drab a subject.

  22. Its true that Mr.Talwar is the prime accused and might just be the murderer but whatever the reason...why should he murder his daughter in such a gruesome manner? And a mother witnessed such cruelty or atleast protected this man? I really wish the case is solved and the culprits are brought to justice.
    This news article does point to more evidence which makes Mr.Talwar more suspicious:

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  24. It does not behoove you or anyone to declare any one correct way of grieving. Characters differ and so do their ways of expressing deeply personal emotions. Judging a person based on the feelings they choose to display in public is superficial at best. As a mother and public persona you ought to know better than to issue character certificates to people you 'know' merely from gossip columns.

    Those smart commenters who rant about Mrs. Talwar not being Aarushi's biological mother can have very little understanding of the concept of motherhood.

  25. Ohh my god, what an inconsiderate piece of trash. Seriously shobha, you have lost all your wits. "Grieving parents behave in a different manner". Give me a break from your pseudo psychology. A couple's young daughter has been murdered cold blooded, the media and irresponsible dimwits like you are cooking up imaginary theories and the CBI is charging them. How do you really expect them to behave ? If they would have shouted/cried/ committed suicide, would your soap opera mentality be satisfied ? Every person handles grief in their own way. Infact if someone is not habitual to pervert mindless & ostentatious displays of superficial emotion such as you are, he/she would behave exactly in the manner the Talwars are behaving. Their whole life has been turned upside down, I cannot even imagine what they must be going through just now, and you expect them to behave in the imaginary/filmi rules of behavior set up by superficial egoists like you. It's not everyday that your 14 yr old daughter gets murdered and you are charged with the crime, so please leave the talwar's alone.

    And what's with the conspiracy theory -- "Did the young girl witness something she wasn’t meant to? Did she stumble across a dark and dirty family secret? Had she become an ‘inconvenience’ to her own parents? Who was she about to embarrass – herself or her parents? ". Do you have any proof of what you are saying. Does anyone has any proof of this. This mindless, irrational speculation just makes my blood boil.

    And read this - "The crime has been committed by skilled, educated, clever people – that much is obvious." . How is it obvious that the crime has been committed by educated, clever people. Your sherlock holmness just completely baffles me. Either you are omnipotent or a retard. I will place my bets on the latter. And again the key evidence on that day was destroyed by nosy journalists and the super incompetent UP Police who did not even had the mind to cordon off the area. I can just totally imagine a totally illiterate, tobacco chewing, UP bhaiya pretending to do an investigation and then by virtue of his extremely keen sense of observation arriving at a conclusion that the parents murdered their daughter.

    You are sick & bad women shobha. As punit rightly said - a fossil getting no action.

    1. Very true and this female.has super powers to check beyond the investigations and confirmations of the fact that actually with their ac going faulty no voice could be heard in... it's really ridiculous...

      Can she help me understand one thing that if at all they were to do this honour killing then qhy would they do all this scene... could have easily shook off hemraj from job and killed their daughter (as in honour killing) somewhere out of city far from knowns and easily declared as accidental death... if and only if they were to plan it all.... why this way then which trapped them only... hope shobha the psychology queen has the answer pl..

  26. Two points.
    1. The parents may or may not have killed Aarushi. The case is too mysterious to prove them guilty even if they are. But I would prefer them to be guilty & free, rather than innocent and convicted. So lets hope, true justice is done.

    2. I am in mourning. I cry and wail all night at home, and i am suicidal. But when i am with people outside at work, i behave nearly normally, sometimes i even laugh at a joke. I keep my feelings with myself. So one can never say if the Talwars are really so fake or perhaps they are protecting their grief an sorrow inside...

    Lets be kind in our assumptions, rather than cruel in speculations.

  27. Shobha,

    Can you please do us a favor? can you please quit writing? please?

    Also while you are at it, quit being a gossip monger and get a life.. I mean where you actually say something and people care. Can ya?


  28. It is interesting to see how the Media steps into the shoes of Legislature, Executive and the Judiciary - all at the same time. It is undoubtedly true that they (media) are at an advantageous position because of information asymetry and the access to data which we, as common man cannot get. However, displaying a black and white version of a "STORY" of an ongoing case is highly irresponsible. Presuming without assuming that the parents are guilty, I think they should leave the task of decision making to the Judiciary and restrict itself to projecting and providing Information and not doing down the slippery slope to draw Conclusion. To summarize, Inform and don't conclude. I hope you will understand the need and demand of the society and stop acting like Dementors - living on people's happiness and sucking out souls from living bodies.
    Disclaimer: This comment is not meant to insult the author personally. It was a general observation and request to the fourth pillar of democracy.

  29. It's a shame really when writers like you make such statements, you know! "There is defiance and challenge built into every statement. ‘Where is the proof? What evidence do you have?”" you say. Tell me, what would have you done if you woke up one morning to find your only daughter's dead body splayed on her bed in a pool of blood? You have a cloud of guilt in your mind that numbs you from reacting? And then your husband is whisked away by the police and detained for the murder of your teenage daughter? They tag it as incest, honour killing and everything shameful for a respectable family like theirs, how would you react? Everything that they built up for years was being molested by the policemen and media alike. And you are sadly, no different!

    I'm not trying to justify her actions. But there are so many people who don't express their emotions easily, isn't it possible she's one of them? Since she is from an army background, I believe it's a strong possiblity.
    "Their faces are stony, their eyes, strangely devoid of any emotion. When they mention Aarushi, they could as well be discussing their neighbour’s kid." Really?! Now it's a crime that they did not turn this murder case into a dramatic K-serial! Right! What did you want? The mother to beat her chest and cry while the father bangs his head on the wall?

    "The crime has been committed by skilled, educated, clever people – that much is obvious." I would like to know what prompted you to make this statement. Cause the last time I heard, she was hit by a blunt object and then her neck was split open by a sharp instrument. Since when do we need an education to use a sharp object is unfathomable for me.

    And it's so obvious that you have written this article without much thought and without a strong research! I suggest you check up on the following points: 1. The sound check test carried at the Talwar's houses. 2. The CBI closure report which blamed the parent's as murderers. 3. The first CBI report which claimed that Krishna had confessed to the murders after the narco-analysis test proved him guilty. 4. The alibis provided by the seravnts in the recent CBI report. 5. Ask why CBI is denying a Touch DNA test? 6. What was the flaw with the first CBI report? Why was it suddenly replaced by a second group?

    And you claim-"good thing those tortured and humiliated young men are seeking compensation" Who should the Talwar's turn to compensation for? The mental torture that they have been subjected to? I see you have an assertive point about Rajesh being the killer. Sadly "an interesting and unpredictable package" is just one off the crowd, I gather.

  30. Shobha, I commend you for speaking out fearlessly in public. There are few like you, I wish there were more. You have hit the nail on the head. All those who think otherwise are either parents guilty of not doing enough for their children and are defending Talwars to absolve themselves of their guilt or dimwits who need to take a course in human behavourial patterns. I wonder if the dark and dirty secret belonged only to Talwars or some other powerful, influential person is working hand in hand with them.

  31. Your observation is very right. Now when the final CBI report is out, I think there is little doubt left regarding who is the main accused of two murders. I read a Tehelka story which prompted me to write a post on how India media treats certain court cases with biased approach. Here is the link to the post:

  32. I agree with one of the previous posts of sneha. As a woman you should encourage women to be strong and face the world like how Dr nupur talwar faces. On reading your blog i feel like you expect the indian women to sit and cry in front of the media if anything goes wrong. An educated well- bred women especially a doctor from an army background will definitely behave or should behave like this! Her daughter has been murdered but unfortunately instead of helping her get justice , if the media tries potray to paint her husband himself as a murderer what will she do? What will you do if a similar incident happens in your life. Sit ,cry bereave for the dead daughter or protect your husband ? Grow up Indians!

  33. you have diarrhea for words and constipation for ideas - M.Twain.

  34. It would help to read this article.

  35. Mr. Anis Khan:
    (FYI. Your blog is closed for comments.) However, you say:
    Some arguments are so silly such as the father wore the same dress in the morning that he had in the night, so why there was no blood on his dress? Well, does this prove that he did not change the dress in the night?

    Do you agree that the murder was not pre-meditated by Rajesh? If so would it be possible that, Rajesh Talwar, seeing his daughter in a compromising position, changed his clothes, committed the murder and changed the clothes back again?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Roffl. . Mr anis if he was wearing the same dress in the morning without any blood stain clearly proves that he is innocent. . I think you have taken classes from shobha de

    3. Roffl. . Mr anis if he was wearing the same dress in the morning without any blood stain clearly proves that he is innocent. . I think you have taken classes from shobha de

    4. Roffl... mr anis if he was wearing the ame day without any blood stain clearly proves he is innocent.. inthink you have taken classes from mad shobha de

  36. Dear Ms. shobhaa De,
    I find too many similarities between the Madeline McCann case and this case.
    In both cases:
    - Parents doctors
    - Victims: IVF (In-vitro fertilization)babies
    - Crimes: on Thursday nights
    - First reactions: “they have taken her”. “See what Hemraj has done”
    - Family & friends arrived before police were called
    - e-mail account hacked in one, mobile phone hacked in the other
    - Some mobile phone messages allegedly deleted
    - Touch-DNA figured in both cases
    - Alleged lack of emotion shown by parents during interviews
    - Both parents: Say they were allegedly instructed by police not to appear for interviews or show emotions
    - Madeleine disappeared on Thursday, 3 May 2007 evening a few days before her birthday; Saturday, 12 May 2007.
    - Aarushi killed on Thursday (early morning, Friday) 16 May 2008 a few days before her birthday; 24 May, 2008 Saturday.
    - Aarushi case: Parents slept through the crime. Madeline case: The twins slept through the crime and the ‘hysterical’ wailing of Kate MacCann.
    - Madeline’s parents started a famous fund-raising campaign to help find Madeline.
    - Aarushi’s parents started the website “Aarushi’s legacy”

  37. I will be very obliged if you could spare some time to go through my on-going discussion on the Hemraj-Aarushi case at:!/pages/GIVE-Aarushi-Talwar-Justice/120005688069229
    Thank you.

  38. Details of the Madeline McCann case can be seen at:

  39. One more resemblence;
    Gerry MacCann, father of Madeline said that Portugal is a "Banana Republic".

    Dr. Rajesh Talwar said that India is a "Banana Republic".


  40. Yet another resemblance....

    In either case, one close relative is an anesthesiologist (Madeline's mother and Dr. Vandana Talwar-Aarushi's aunt).

  41. Summarizing some of the other comments, I'd say you are a retard and should seriously consider about quitting what you think you do best. One family is ruined and you think you have the right to pass judgement and crucify them.!

  42. it is really sad....may her soul rest in peace....i dont know what happend with her..but she was innocent girl

  43. Just by the look of somebody's expressions how can you frame a person guilty,,,and talking about the facts i think Tehelka did more research than you,,here is the link,,

  44. Everyone is pointing to the TV show scene. I feel that's a weak evidence. The story which CBI/police says: Father kills servant and daughter seems very unlikely. A real murderer is smart, and will hide evidences: the bottle, the servant, bloodprint on the terrace door handle. Cant the murderer is showing such evidence intentionally?Isn't a murderer more intelligent than this? He has diverted all attention, first to the servant then to the father. I wonder why CBI is buying in to this story? Is it just to safeguard their own initial claims?
    Dear Indians In worst case, if Aarushi was murdered by her parents/relatives, it will still be a loss for them. Not for us.
    But if the above story has been made up by corrupted CBI officials and police, each Indian , each of us, we are in the hands of an unreliable protector. This could be our case too. So lets up take the case FOR Aarushi, and FOR OUR future

    1. Also shobha de would and mr anis would have checkd that the bloody hand imprint also was ensured to be put on the wall of someone elses hand by the talwar couole right???

    2. Also shobha de would and mr anis would have checkd that the bloody hand imprint also was ensured to be put on the wall of someone elses hand by the talwar couole right???

  45. Shobha De, the nation should be ashamed that it accepts you as a writer. I say this not because of the content of the blog, nor due to the views you have expressed. I say this because you sound more like a semi-literate teenager scribbling her raw thoughts at the back of her notebook than an author. Please do us a favour and give up on writing or our nation will go down in history as one that celebrated mediocrity.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. an extremely insensible piece of writing. devoid of any cogent arguments whatsoever.

  48. Shobhaa, you should restrict your writing to frivolous bollywood reporting only. Anything else makes you a laughing stock.

  49. Its sad when seasoned journalists like you treat an child the same way you would a film actress. Shoba De stick to writing smut. That is what you are good at. Yes it is possible for a mother to remain calm and composed after the death of a child.

  50. Now that this piece is in news again, we wonder if Ms De has had any time to reflect on her viciousness of thought and words and grown up since then?

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  52. Raja Sen's movie review of Talwar had your blog link. I have no clue as to who is guilty or not. The only things I do want to say is
    * I too had a servant (happened to be from Nepal) who was very-very-very chalu. I too was 15-16 year old. And like Arushi's parents, mine too were innocent/naive/clueless of the chalu man looking at me with such disgusting/lustful eyes. Fortunately NOTHING happened but WHAT if BOTH my parents were working long hrs at job and I was alone at home? I shudder.
    * The concept of child sexual abuse (CSA) doesn't exist in India. Male servants are BIG no-no.
    * When you are 13, and servant approaches you it is NOT an affair. It is ABUSE
    * Horrified parents MAY have done something when they went to her room to turn on modem or internet connection and there COULD be an accident where she got killed in rage/outrage. Parents should be educated about child abuse (CSA).

  53. Now Dear Sobha,
    Watch the well researched unbiased movie by Meghana Gulzar, and shut your mouth about being loical

  54. BBC News | Was Aarushi Talwar murder verdict a miscarriage of justice? -

  55. Hope less work done by police Media and CBI ....just read the real article on BBC...if they parents would have been guilty why would they oppose the closure of case by CBI .. Why the narco test come clea

  56. Hope shebfeels the shame too one day... and wonder how she qrite no one is concerned about hemraj.. hope lord gives her some brain to understand the meaning of double murder as in the title of this case...

    And for the public ofcource the names of talwars and arushi remain on top as compared to hemraj because in the entire scene it is clear that the poor chap has lost his life because of the whatever was to happe with aarushi and now talwars are being convicted fr the same... so madam to prove the concerns for hemraj in your eyes do we start blaming his family also like the talwars... n start a new side and new thing as the police and media and shobha de are doing ao that the pity for him is also k own to you

  57. Hope an apology article is soon published by you... if required you can take our help in writing it.... with immense curse you are getting ever moment from the souls of the dead and the innocents behind bars and the hurt hearts awaiting justice. . I still don't pity you

  58. Hope an apology article is soon published by you... if required you can take our help in writing it.... with immense curse you are getting ever moment from the souls of the dead and the innocents behind bars and the hurt hearts awaiting justice. . I still don't pity you

  59. Hope shebfeels the shame too one day... and wonder how she qrite no one is concerned about hemraj.. hope lord gives her some brain to understand the meaning of double murder as in the title of this case...

    And for the public ofcource the names of talwars and arushi remain on top as compared to hemraj because in the entire scene it is clear that the poor chap has lost his life because of the whatever was to happe with aarushi and now talwars are being convicted fr the same... so madam to prove the concerns for hemraj in your eyes do we start blaming his family also like the talwars... n start a new side and new thing as the police and media and shobha de are doing ao that the pity for him is also k own to you

  60. If you really and objectively observe, you will realize that her true objective of writing this piece has been met! Interestingly, we continue to help her achieve the true goal after 4 years of her writing the article. People like Shobha De and Ornab Goswami belong to the league of people who would stoop to any level to write / say things which incite disgust in people so that they get disgusted and rebutt them, which will eventually give these people the opportunity to again get media attention which is what they truly want. Because as individuals, they do not have any talent left. I would sincerely urge all my fellow country men / women to ignore these idiots which is the best way to punish these people as any words we say will only help them get more attention! Ignore Ignore and Ignore..!!

  61. Such irresponsible comments. Different people react differently to grief. Just because someone doesn't cry and appear distraught doesn't mean they aren't grieving. Comments such as these made by Shobaa De probably contributed to two possibly innocent parents spending the rest of their lives in jail. Even if they were the killers, no judicial system can convict someone without evidence.

  62. I have always admired your writing but today after reading this very biased and callous piece of writing by an acclaimed journalist like you, I am truly appalled by your sheer immaturity and blatant pompousness. No longer a fan! Dont judge anyone is all I can say.

  63. How difficult must it be to be you?

    With a head so full of mud and crap and what not. Looks like you referred to the holy dictionary of how to react when you lose a child. Doofus.

    May you find happiness and peace atleast in your next life dude!

  64. Please read the book Aarushi by Avirook Sen, to get another perspective.
