Friday, April 8, 2011

B'kok.... when I should be in Mumbai!

Blogdosts, just to let you know I may be MIA for a few days . You may not despair, but I certainly shall. Feeling cut off.... isolated. Disappointed I can't be there. Hoping and praying Anna drives more and more people to speak up and make themselves heard. This is our last chance .... a wake up call.... tipping point.... call it anything! Once we turn our backs on this momentum, we may lose another 43 years. Satyagraha is indeed a sophisticated weapon, as Kiran has pointed out. But potent and deadly when deployed well. Forget those clumsy attempts to malign Anna and call him an 'agent'. Yessss.... he is an agent! An agent of change. Be foolish, naive, gullible and trusting if you have to. Listen to your heart. If your heart is with Anna .... that's it! Ciao for now.... Hope to reconnect from Phuket soon... Love you guys!


  1. Indians have short memory. Times Now, NDTV and the entire media blacked out nira radia tapes for more than a week. And now they are trying to take out on UPA. Their strategy. blackout all other news, project this tamasha as nationwide movement and call the usual suspects(including you) for support. And suddenly Cricket, Dhoni, Sachin have becomes villains overnight for playing cricket. Whereas you, after appearing on TV for some time, is out on one of your foreign jaunts instead of proving your support by participating in morchas in the hot April sun. This movement has turned jingoistic frenzy, blind and Hitleristic. Why these bunch want to have extra constitutional powers when there is supreme court doing its part without fear? Those who dont support this jingoism are called corrupt and traitors. Bachchan is forced to come out openly like Aamir Khan. Is this not pressure tactic and arm twisting? I wonder what is the exact agenda behind this media tamasha?
    I am reminded of Peepli Live watching this media updates.
    I think they want Tahrir Square for their trps.

  2. `Hoping and praying Anna drives more and more people to speak up and make themselves heard'

    Let the blogger and face bookers et al stand up with one voice with Anna Saheb.

  3. I feel sad for 71 year old Anna. Even if he wants to breaks the fast, his supporters wont allow it. Reminds me of Dev Anand in Guide.

  4. Atleast 2 credible supporters should have fasted along with Anna so that even if one cannot continue, the others can continue. Not one day affairs but a continued fast until the demands are met. Anyone can easily fast for 1 day.

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  6. my heart and prayers are with anna for our nations sake , yes its a wake up call you are so right miss this opportunity and miss transformation ,Anna ki jai ho!
    suniel shetty the leo called Afridi a Coward i know he meant it and its true you have chosen the right word for Afridi the loser . Sangakara - i like him and i like srilankans i dont feel negative about them my heart feels good about them i cant say the same about Pakistan.
    old Players must quit to make space for new players it does not happen in India i hope their respective conscience gives them a wake up call and say its time to say goodbye.
    you are right about urmila i wish her luck!
    to you dost keep writing and have fun!

  7. “I have nothing new to teach the world. Truth and Non-violence are as old as the hills. All I have done is to try experiments in both on as vast a scale as I could.”
    - Mahatma Gandhi

  8. Looks like what we feared has come true. The rogue politician has won hands down, by giving the people false promises. To make matters worse the IPL is diverting the public attention.
    Something like in like a lion, out like a pussy...
    Anyway thank God a precious soul/life (the kind old man Anna)has been saved, as we would have lost the only MAN for nothing.
    India needs him for...

    Have a nice trip. Pray that there is a change for the better when you return. Normally I am an optimist, but....


  9. Incredible! I am doing my bit as well. Pls have a look:

    A Seeker

  10. Have fun & lots of kisses to the King of dragon Bhutan: HH Jigmey Sangyal Wangchuk<3

  11. HAI

    I am a socialist by nature by mind and by heart from kerala living in is disheartening to see fellow supposed to be socialists ruin my motherland lag it by 5 years when i see neighbouring states like tamil nadu and andhra karnataka sky rocketing.i am a sports professional who have travelled to all nook and corners while living in india.west bengal is the biggest gunda ruled state in kerala these fellow socialists are more gunda in nature than democrats i have personally experienced the hard end with them since they dont even understand freedom from others perspective.

    You cry for people who destroyed 2 states who had most no of intelligent people in call them democratic how deceiving are you then how away from true or how much are you hiding the truth.the congress though corrupt atleast does something for are bunch of self obsessed prs who does not understand peoples passion and the spirit of india.

    it is just not this high end parties with cricketers or bollywood angels where you have a village where you sit with a crowd gazing beautiful moon enjoying home made food and witty jokes thats where the spirit of india is not your social mockery pr parties.
    Atleast do a favour each individual is free live their lives like they want but please stop speaking for poor since you and your bunch doesnt even understand the innocence of a poor man or a woman you are too shallow to find the subtle depth they have.

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