Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The heat is on.....

The heat is on... and it's getting to me! I spent most of today shuttling between Lamington Road and Elphinstone Road. The heat was murderous... as was my mood. Bholanath, my temp driver was at the receiving end of my wrath, alas. For some annoying reason, I always end up as a navigator in any car I get into. My road sense is pretty damn good ( but I don't drive !). That does not mean I spend my hours in the car giving road directions to men whose job it is to know the damn roads in the first place! Bholanath became surly and argumentative with me , saying, " But you have grown up in Mumbai - it's your hometown , not mine. Howcome you don't know this road?" I snapped, " As a professional chauffeur earning a good salary, it's your bloody job to know the roads. " Before it got into a serious 'tu tu main main' situation, I quickly phoned a friend ( no, not Raj Thackeray!), asked for precise directions and reached the venue on time - fuming - but on time! Grrrrrrrr
These images cheered me up.... took me back to my trip to Australia last year.These were clicked near Noosa, which is fast growing into an upmarket getaway. I was there with my son Aditya.... and we really had the best time.
Lemme know if you want to see some more pics.... I have cooled down sufficiently now. There's nothing a bowl of chilled mangoes with vanilla icecream can't instantly fix!


  1. Hahaha! Ya I get that a lot - "You have grown up in Mumbai, you should know the roads... Oh you should know the train timings.... Oh you must be knowing shahrukh khan no?"


  2. Poor Bholanath reminds of the story when the guru used to beat a donkey for the follies of the prince :)

  3. The pictures are simply refreshing and alluring.

  4. Why dont you employ a driver who knows his roads?
    Why dont you employ a retired traffic cop as your driver? That will solve half the problems.

  5. gaddi se utar jaana tha aur bike pe chale jaane tha - simple.

  6. beautiful pics. soothing... calm...

  7. hahaha now if you had only employed a driver who spoke marathi and grew up in Dadar or Girgaum, you would get a native born driver familiar with the roads. But then every one of them is actually in America making megabucks as a software engineer :)

  8. LOL...your post was funny! However, when you already know the roads so damn well, why don't drive the car yourself? I love driving and it gets so bloody boring when someone else is driving the car. Anyhow, the first pics is amazing. I made it my wallpaper instantly; that too on my work computer, mind you!

  9. I have only just started following your blog..........but its refreshing. The snaps were alright, they ought to be beautiful because of the beautiful things the camera was pointed. Take it easy on Bholanath, and you rock...... :)

  10. out of town corporate visitors make right impact by showing route todays era,each one of us has to be a driver.there are no passengers on worth while journeys.

  11. May be you should make your Bolanath take Marathi class or something. So that he can be able to read marathi direction properly & next time you'll reach venue on time. That Raj Thackeray one was so funny. Love those pictures so natural yet beautiful!!!!!!
