Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Obama-Osama aftermath....

This is an image I shot on a recent holiday. I felt like posting it today because I am sick of watching horrific pictures on television - fake or otherwise. Osama is dead. Do we need to crow about it in such an unseemly fashion? Somehow, all that strutting and posturing by the President of the United States of America, looks immature and ridiculous. Like a school boy bragging about some victory on the cricket field. Grow up, Obama. Or get a better speech writer. All that "I,Me,Myself'' chest-thumping reflects rather poorly on your position. Let's face it, you had a job to do. You've done it. Now.... get over it, dude!
What do you want as a reward ? Another Nobel??


  1. M'am, I so agree with you! There are much more important things to take care of in this world, which the US Pres should do as well. Thumbs up to you!

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  3. Bear in mind, this was a situation that Obama inherited, and not of his making. I'm sure, he'd use all his skills and time to garner as many domestic and global brownies as he can. Mind you, the Americans will play this to maximize returns, and therefore, while there will be plenty of Osama & Pakistan stories that'll do the rounds, the trump card that the Americans will bank on heavily to maximum effect would be the so called captured Osama wives and kids, as claimed by the US. Plenty of concocted stories will tumble out from those captured, to get the world into believing the unbelievable. :)...and the world will be made to thank the US for a marvelous feat achieved, and help rescue it from the clutches of the Osama flavor of terror !!!

  4. so goes the saying...The soldiers fight, and the kings (Prez) are heroes :)

  5. Nice pic. Felt calm on seeing it

  6. Shobhaa

    I have to disagree with you on some things in this post and the previous one.

    1. He spoke past 11:30 p.m. Eastern Time Sunday - definitely not prime time

    2. I watched the speech and he certainly wasn't crowing - he gave credit to the troops.
    Where did you hear I me myself - other than the I ordered .... That I was about taking responsibility for putting American troops in harm's way.

    3. He also isn't strutting around - his body language is just not what you said it was.
    Now if you had used those words about George W. Bush - sure - he always smirked and had that cowboy swagger.

    4. His speech writer is just fine - did you hear the speech he made in Tucson, AZ in February when a nut case shot the Congresswoman and killed a judge?

    Sure - there are a lot of open questions and they need to be answered but lets not get personal for no reason.

  7. Shobha Ji, I am so glad to read this post an admire this picture for 2 reasons.
    one the very reason that you mention.
    2- Last ight I watched regional news where one man walked alongside railway track lost in his talk over his mobile and was killed by the running train. Wanted to write a post with this as another bane of todays gadgets addictions but was so terrified with only terror news all around.

  8. ms de,
    As much as i like u r blogs.. i would definitely disagree with you on this one.. obamas speech was made late at night not at prime time.. and there was no bragging or chest thumping whatsoever in his speech.. in fact i was quite moved when he said that " the unseen images are more oainful, like a empty chair on your dinner table or kids who grow up with out their parents embrace"..As far as the killing itself i think at least it was done.. better late than never.. Our spineless indian politicos need to learn a lesson or 2 from the americans!!!!!!!!

  9. He has really took the the bull by the horns. Why do you feel so put off by him? He is much better than your cricket heroes Sachin and Dhoni whom you praise endlessly and your silly bollywood heroes and heroines.

    Dont judge everyone by your standards.

  10. I loved your column on Kiss very intelligent and intresting!
    Osma is gone ...hard to believe if its true good for the world.
    Obama is a leo sun sign thats reason behind his "I, Me, Myself" Leo,s just love being praised if that doesnt happen much they dont wait for anybody and start praising themselves and they do it so dramatically its fun ,just enjoy DE!

  11. I disagree with you Shobha and so agree with Pratap on this one. Obama's speech was one of his best ever and we are talking about someone who is a great orator. He addressed not just to the Americans but to the whole world.

    Please do not make comments like getting another nobel prize cause death of any human being, may it be Osama, doesn't call for celebration. I agree it was a big win for the Obama administration but lets give them credit for their efforts and for once be happy for some one else's achievement.

    I recommend Fareed Zakaria's analysis for a profound view.

  12. I also disagree with Shobha De. certainly it is a time to celebrate. When Obama announced the JUSTICE HAS DONE then I Jumped on the ground from my bed and started celebration. Now we should shoot Dauod, Saied, Iliyas kashmiri in the same way.

  13. I disagree..with shobha..the people who lost their lives ...and kids who lost their parents during 9/11 ...still have the pain ..
    Obamas speech ..if you had heard you would never say that! He is such an articulate person...plz check your facts before you post blog ..it can hurt somebody's sentiments,,,
    We had lost families !! you are making fun ...for no reason!

  14. Shobhaa Kakima,

    Ek Shalik dekhale tumi? This bird has superstition attached to it. The limerick goes like this:

    "One for sorrow, two for joy,
    blah blah.. "

  15. Shobha,

    Sorry, did my comment upset anyone?

  16. I totally disagree with your comments on Obama. Your ignorance and mean spirit is shining through because you surely did not hear what he said!! There was no "Me,I or bragging" and even if he did he is allowed. He had the b****s to make a decision and mission was accomplished. This is not a small achievement which is what you make it sound like...show some respect and have the guts to call it what it is or at least retract your ignorant comments.

  17. Hi Shobhaa,
    You really should takes back your words on this one. Obama deserves all the accolades for this one. Even if it took ten years, he got the job done...and that too on foreign soil. That takes guts and he and the American intelligence have them. If the Indian politicos are so smart, how come they haven't been able to nail down Dawood as yet or people like Hassan Ali. Obama has every right to take credit and feel a sense of pride and joy for himself and on behalf of his troops and intelligence services. And there was no I,me , myself in his speech (if you heard it that is). He spoke like a true commander in chief.

  18. obama's broadcast sounded like a science project succeessfully implemented.i think there are more osama in the world than solitary obama.nostradamus prediction that twin brothers(twin towers) will be killed and massiha will rule the world may still hold good.

  19. If only our politicians could finish 'Hafiz sayeed' who was responsible for 26/11 the way Obama could finish Osama & George Bush could Saddam Hussein. Those people take responsibility for the goings on in their country unlike our "leaders" who don't get any time to do anything than amassing wealth to stash in foreign shores & bring down the rupee value compared to those countries.
    Look at Mohammed afsal guru who was responsible for the parliament attack to finish India for instance.

  20. Very immature thing to say about Obama.It is admirable the way he took the decision about this navy seal operation. You should give him credit where it is due. As for his speech- one wrong intonation and whole army of media will go after him.. he cannot get away like Bush- color of his skin gets in the way.

  21. I agree so many jobs yet to be take care of. But the coolest thing is Hitler & Osama both died the same month & date.....1st of may!

  22. no1 agrees with u on this1? well i don totally.. but sort of do. wen i saw obama making the speech, i said to my mom, whats wrong with him?? why is the whole thing made upto the standards of our hindi drama serials... it sounded so made up...

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  24. Ms. De, Atleast Obama did the job that he was supposed to under his presidency... What about our politicians?

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  29. Shobha, your anti-americanism is, most of all, annoying. Obama has probably done the best job of underplaying the whole incident. It is the press that is making it a bigger deal than it should be.
