Thursday, May 5, 2011

Sick of Obama and Osama...

I can't take in any more details about 'Operation Geronimo'. God alone knows what exactly happened on that moonless night. But whatever did, it's over and we want our old lives back. My interest level in the capture and killing of Osama Bin Laden, now begins and ends with Osama's Yemeni wife - the youngest one, 27-year-old Amal al Sadah, who was brave enough to take on the SEALS. I'd rather see her photographs than grisly, even doctored images of her dead husband.
And I definitely don't want to look at pictures of Baba Ramdev - whether starving or eating. This whole hunger strike nonsense is getting to me. If every disgruntled VVIP decides to use his\her stomach as a weapon, we are going to get a lot of size zero martyrs floating around, trying to send the rest of us on a guilt trip.
Go starve, you guys. And see if anyone cares....
Oooof.... feeling so much better having said that!
Do enjoy my pics - those beautiful islands near Yao Noi are dramatic rock formations which play host to the birds that create that delicacy known as Bird's Nest soup. There are seasons and quotas in place for the adventurous rock climbers who risk their lives to climb the rocks and retrieve the elusive nests which are then sold to gourmet restaurants world wide. Nope. I have yet to sample the delicacy myself.
The other image is of the famous Erawan shrine in Bangkok, which attracts hundreds of people daily. The Thais were celebrating Songkran ( New Year), the day I shot this image. Looking at it just now made me feel mellow and calm. You can keep your violent footage of a notorious mansion in Abbottabad. I'd rather stick to a peaceful shrine in Bangkok.
And while I am in nostalgic mood, let me go spray myself with the world's most divine fragrance. It is called Acqua di Santa Maria Novella. And I found it in Bangkok! It goes back to 1612 and was originally produced by Dominican Friars when they arrived in Florence in 1221, and started growing herbs in the monastic gardens. It is now run by the descendants of Cesare Augusto Stefani and sold through their outlets in several European countries, as well as in Japan and Taiwan.
Trust me.... one whiff.... that's all it takes. I'm hooked!


  1. iam lucky to have you as friend(blog dost) through you i have known about new places,their culture, people and also pictures,I feel good about the knowledge gained.
    i loved picture of island simply beautiful!
    completely with you with regard to baba ramdev , osma and Obama.

  2. And I definitely don't want to look at pictures of Baba Ramdev - whether starving or eating. This whole hunger strike nonsense is getting to me. If every disgruntled VVIP decides to use his\her stomach as a weapon, we are going to get a lot of size zero martyrs floating around, trying to send the rest of us on a guilt trip.
    Go starve, you guys. And see if anyone cares....
    Oooof.... feeling so much better having said that!

    What anger? I like that.
    For a change, we can have a food festival around Jantar Mantar.

  3. Ms. De,
    You seem not to be liking the whole hoopla about Obama-Osama. However, you probably don't understand the feelings of people residing in US. For them, 9/11 was the biggest ever attack on their land. They are celerbating the demise of OBL like anything... Which is understandable because being an Indian, I can understand what terrorism can do to your motherland.
    As of now, the irritating factor in US is lack of knowledge about the 'mission'. It is hard to digest that OBL was found and murdered and buried somewhere in the sea.

    Madam ji - Obama/Osama ka kissa itni jaldi peecha nahi chodega...

  4. Shobhaa, This blog of your's is a medley of thoughts and impressions from Osama to Obama to Baba Ramdev to rocky formations, to a Bangkok shrine and finally to a fragrance with an exotic name.Kudos for mauling so many birds with one stroke of your quill.

  5. Recommendations here for a new De, and beginnings of new nothings :)
    The fact to the matter is that we are living in digital times where there's so much information available in real time, and its all being lapped up in quick time or at least there's this attempt to absorb all of that in short time, a behavior well within human nature, but much beyond mental capacities. Mental fatigue is natural consequence and is bound to set in at some point, depending on every individual's capacity. From time to time, people will try escaping from that state in order to avoid the fatigue. The secret lies in making a sincere attempt at finding the right balance, and for every individual the constituents of that balance will differ. There's a state of relaxation that the mind and soul derives by doing nothing. And as doing nothing is generally associated with a state of uselessness and therefore its importance is highly underestimated. Its benefits can be felt a great deal in the current times. So go try doing nothing today !!!

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  7. Party Party Party

  8. Yes I am also sick of this Obama-Osama thing..too much non sense!

  9. Geez What have you got against Obama?Can't you just be happy that justice has been served.You don't have one kind word to say atleast about the victims.Shame on you.

  10. @Divya Virmani, I share your feelings because we also have had our share of terrors like the Coimbatore bomb blasts, Malegaon, Victoria Terminus incident where scores of innocent lives were lost for which justice will never be done until Hafiz sayeed is caught alive.

  11. It was my worst thing of the day that I came to your blog. I am thankful to god that i don't know you. World's most wanted 'terrorist' is dead and not by you hypocrite indians (rather so called thinkers) but brave Americans. you guyz don't even have balls to kill kasab. When you had that balls to do something that baba ramdev did and doing? Its easy for you hyprocrites to talk like parot in a cage and go out and do something really appreciative. Sucker S.D. you suck a big time.

  12. My sentiments exactly Barkya! Shobhaa just needs to take a BIG chill pill about her ignorant remarks on Obama. We are tired of Shobhaa's whining on Obama-OBL media coverage...may be there should be media coverage about the new fragrance she has discovered. That's news that will affect a lot of lives!!!!

  13. Hi, Shobha
    I nowhere find a responsibility in your writing.All insane and useless remark over a serious issue.Why do u wish to end "Obama-Osama" in a minute ?You make cheaky excuses as if you want all white house camera's to be focused on you and ur heroines of bollywood.Why are u so cynical ?You have interest in Osama's wife do you wish to cast her in a film or bring somespicy Idea's to film Industry to win some laurals.If u donot have a pragmatic view about serious issue's stop writing for them ..It looks you are freaky glamour crazy.National n International issues mean nothing to you.You act like a typical Indain women who is self based .

  14. C'mon now..give Ms De credit where it is due. We were made to believe all these years that Osama was playing hide n' seek with the US. Now that US claims to have nabbed him, why do we Indians need to go gaga over it. I'd much rather tune to Lady Gaga for a change :)
    For people who feel so encouraged hearing US's claims, and have testosterones reaching their head to think we should pursue Masood Azhar and Dawood in a similar fashion, take a moment and think of the Sandalwood king and the way our administration went about nabbing Veerappan.
    The Osama story has outlived its shelf life, and the lukewarmish response from all over the world is an indicator that the Osama brand and global terror politics played by the US and its allies does not have weight significant enough in the dynamics of the current world order.
