Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Chicago Calling! And Kween Kat, too!

Someone, please tell me - does Chicago's most famous resident live in this apartment or not? It's a great looking building, and one of the priciest, thanks to its waterfront location. I was told the real estate developer convinced investors he'd sold a flat to Oprah - and boom! went the price. That's the power of true celebrity!

Chicago retains its unique position as the most dramatic city, architecturally speaking, in America, and even the rest of the world. The Sears Towers may have been renamed, but nobody remembers or cares . They are a symbol of the city, just as much as the early Anish Kapoor 'Bean' in the Millennium Park, that reflects not just the city's sleek skyline, but the sky, too. This picture was taken by desi tourists from Kolkata, who walked up for a quick chat. Speaking Bangla in Chicago was fun!

Legendary American architect Frank Lloyd Wright would have been proud of today's Chicago. I took a canal tour from the bridge across the famous Wrigley's building. It was informative and enjoyable, including the guide's asides on the Magnificent Mile closeby. Did I shop there? Yes. But only at Macy's, where I bought some terrific 'jeggings' that saw me through the rest of the long trip.


This appeared in Bombay Times last week...

What Makes Kat the Smartest Actor in Bollywood?

From a ‘Goongi Goodiya’ to a female superstar is no small achievement, especially for a foreigner who did not speak a word of Hindi when she got her Bollywood break. It is really quite an extraordinary story, and one must hand it to Katrina Kaif ( shall we start calling her Kween Kat?) for pulling off a major coup. Today, there is nobody in her league. And not a single person in the extra critical, highly competitive, super bitchy world of Bollywood has anything nasty to say about the desi Barbie Doll. How did she do it? Well, if one discounts the Salman factor, I’d say she’s got to where she has because she happens to be extraordinarily smart! Plus, hardworking, disciplined and pleasant at all times. Had that not been the case would she have been able to juggle her career, all those besotted men in her life, her fans and family…. why her daily routine which by by standards is exceedingly punishing? All this, minus stress , minus tantrums, minus attitude, minus scandal. Managing Salman is in itself a major feat. That she has done so even after the break –up of their intimate relationship ( something she refused to acknowledge publicly) says a lot about her capacity to handle her emotional life very shrewdly displaying rare maturity and grace. It’s amazing and amusing that she kept three guys happy on her birthday eve, with a hop, skip and jump across studios and party venues to greet ( separately, of course) SRK, Salman and possibly Ranbir. Juggler Kat and her jadoo, gasped admirers !Despite years and years of being identified as ‘Salman’s girl’, she stayed miles away from any camp. She cleverly projected herself as a ‘friend of the Khan family’ and was very visible at all the major Khan do’s in the past. To give the entire credit for her success to Salman would be wrong. But this much is true, Salman’s support for any young actress ensures two things – a great break and total protection from other industry wolves. As Salman’s lady love, Katrina had to deal with just one guy – Salman himself. Since nobody wants to mess with this Khan, Kat became instantly out-of-bounds for other heroes circling around for the kill.
She worked strenuously to learn even a few basic sentences in Hindi. Her ‘speech’ in ‘Rajniti’ was nothing short of a triumph. More recently, she managed a few , simple baby sentences in Hinglish for ‘Zindagi…” relying more on her flirtatious chemistry with Hritik Roshan ( the kiss could have lingered some more!). As of now, Super Kat has no rivals. Her personality is a big plus – whether on-screen or off it, Katrina projects a certain wholesomeness that provides a sharp contrast to the other slightly trashy, definitely fixed up rivals. And those girls can actually act!! Good one, Katrina


  1. I so need to take another trip to Chicago...for some reason, I absolutely adore this city minus the snow storms faced by Chi ppl every year.
    Kween Kat...must give it to this girl! She sure knows how to keep a firm foot in the industry. The way she used Salman as her ladder is clap-worthy! Lol... ;)

  2. Good pictures-- The first photo looks like leaning tower of pisa remade :)

  3. I agree with you! By reading your view, it remind me how my mom preaches all this gyann on how we've to be strong & insensitive about our rivals or friends. And it seem as I grow up the way how my mom guide us changes, as kid I was restricted with who can be my friends but as grown lady she cares less & taught me to be friends with everybody but never trust any of them completely besides the family, & clinging with one girlfriend & trusting her completely is def no no now! But I was taught to never bother with their small personal mistakes as long as they don't cross the laxman rehkaaa. Since nobody is perfect in this world & I adore people who can manage to keep everyone & including themselves happy & successful! So much yet to learn in this world & loving every single change as we grew older & wiser! Really enjoy your blog!

  4. no, Madame O does not live in this building. It is a landmark, but terribly old and dated. Definitely not a "desirable" address. Absolutely not one of the most expensive buildings in Chicago, probably not even in the top 100! Great views, though, even from the lower floors.

  5. M'am, seems you are having fun! Prices are going up everywhere Oprah or not!
    As for your Kat article, so very true and all credit for her success. Dont you think the other 'foreigner' superstar in India has done just as well? Soniaji? Just change a few names and the success story could have been written for her as well! No offence-love all your writing!

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  7. you are right a greatlooking building great picture.
    Intially i thought the same that she made it because she has salman's haath(hand)on her ,you are right salman is one of the important backup she had in case of any problem(as stated by her salman is her 4am friend)but her hardwork and discipline also played an important role in putting her in the top slot-quween kat ,a true cancerian being one of the leading sign of the zodiac she made sure she is also the leading queen of bolloywood she deserves a pat on her back for that.

  8. Katrina is super smart. I really enjoyed watching her with Salman when she was guest at the game show. They were both very playful, but Kat also made her displeasure clear when Salman egged Neil Nitin to mimic SRK.
    I would say some credit is due to Salman Khan too. He didn't blow his top or create a ruckus when Aishwarya broke-up. Perhaps he has mellowed or maybe Kat handled him sensibly.
    I simply loved her in Zindagi...

  9. Your first picture is Lake Point Tower on the Chicago lake front. Oprah lives there, her apartment/condo was featured on her show a few years back. She also has a large farmhouse nearby in Indiana.

  10. Blue may are you a chicago resident? Oprah does not, and never has, lived in this building!!! She used to live in Water Tower Place but is not there now either. Also long since sold the farm. This is such an old and musty building!!!

  11. Nobody is perfect in this world & I adore people who can manage to keep everyone & including themselves happy & successful! So much yet to learn in this world & loving every single change as we grew older & wiser! Really enjoy your blog!

  12. I learn more about India to-day(I live and work abroad) from Shobhaa De's blog than any other news source on India.
    I first met Shobhaa in the early 1980's.
    She is just as stunningly beautiful now as shw was then, and a more brilliant writer than ever.
    Farah Beal

  13. saravanan
    This is really nice and famous apartment that one one really nice.


  14. I learn more about India to-day(I live and work abroad) from Shobhaa De's blog than any other news source on India.
    I first met Shobhaa in the early 1980's.
    I learn more about India to-day(I live and work abroad) from Shobhaa De's blog than any other news source on India.
    I first met Shobhaa in the early 1980's.
