Friday, August 12, 2011

Happy (Independence) Days Are Here Again!

HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY! I loved the totem and the cactii - just so Mexico!

It's the first time I touched obsidian - a glossy, jet black stone, peculiar to the region. Would have loved to ship some of this back, but settled for a tiny turtle instead. Turtles and frogs symbolise fertility and water . Love both.

This little Aztec dancer sure knew his moves.


BlogDosts, I am in a bit of a flap. Do you think this space is like Tripadvisor? Should I be paying attention to Big B's blog and taking tips from it??? These were the two comments last week that got me thinking. Let me address the first - I enjoy travel. I like sharing images and experiences. I have asked you guys in the past and most of you have given me a thumbs up on posting both. Are we still on the same page? Do you want me to keep a travel diary here or not?

About Mr. B, there are basic differences. He is a superstar with a gigantic fan base across the world. He has a constituency to nurture. That is what stars, politicians and performing artists do. Nurture fans. Feed them regularly. Perhaps his blog is monetised... it doesn't matter. We are different creatures with different motivations for blogging. Shall we leave it at that?

I love this space because it belongs to us - both , you and me. We meet here to gup shup - no agenda. No strings attached. I am not peddling anything. I have nothing to push. Nobody pays me to be here. Just as nobody forces you to visit. That's the best part of blogging. It is so democratic! I wait to read your comments and I'd like to believe you wait for the next post with as much eagerness. But... it's time for some straight talk. And I'd like to get it from you directly...

I'll be leaving for Pune tomorrow. The camera is sulking and stays home!

Happy Independence Day.... and please Anna, forget that fast.


  1. I don't think there is any wrong in publishing what ever you it travel, fashion, photography. Its your blog, you own it your opinion your place :)
    Just be yourself, be real <3

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  4. I love reading your posts on FB and on your blog. Thank you for posting such lovely pictures of your trip.

    Reminds me of places that I would like to visit.

  5. You have your uniqueness, individuality and style that we love - no need to take tips from anyone else. You and your blog are both wonderful, Ms. De and you have humbled this fan by acknowledging my comment. I don't mind the trip info. but I have to say that I find it a tab mehhh/blehh... but it's cute I guess and it chronicles your life so it's good.. It really is your blog and you can write whatever you want to. I personally wait to read your take on social issues, high society humbug, politics etc. Most importantly I respect you since you treat your writing space as "sacred" and your loyalty is to your viewer (me...yay!)..we hang on to every word you say...You are YOU, so do whatever you feel like. I remember reading your column in TOI when I was in school in the 90s and feeling stronger as a girl - even if the topic was no relevant to female empowerment..That's the beauty and power of your words. Your devoted readers will continue to read your posts no matter what!

    And finally - Happy Independence day!!! Jai Hind!!

  6. You both pay attention to each other blogs - no doubt. Anyways, I say sometimes one should talk only through images - possible?

  7. This is your blog... your space. It is truly your choice. A blog can be a very potent, very powerful tool. Do you want to use it as a tool? Or do you write the blog as an excercise in relaxation? How do you view your very own blog and where do you want it to go? Ofcourse as readers we are bound to accept whatever direction you take.

    I like your travel pieces as much as your social commentary. Having seen a few of the places you write about, it is always fun to see them again through your eyes. About the social commentary, I see you as the ultimate insider in many circles so your take on a situation is always fun to read.

    Personally I would love if you wrote commentary on your thought process ... why you wrote what you did, when you give us article links. A little background and backstory if you will. Bonuses like that make me feel involved in what people have to say. When I read a book, sometimes an author's note, a preface or just the acknowledgements in a book tell me so much more than just the main text.

    A little tripadvisor is not a bad thing at all, and neither is a lot of gossip :) Travelling with an articulate, gossipy friend with strong opinions is probably the best trip and best read of all. As a reader my bags are always packed for such a trip.

  8. I am avid reader of your blog and also follow Mr B. very few can write as lucid as you. please keep it that way....I love the honesty and conviction in your expression and comparisons are uncalled for...

  9. Hi Shobhaa,

    I regularly read your as well as Mr. Bachchan's blog and I have never commented on yours as well his blog.

    I read both the blogs as I like how both of you write. I have noticed that as far as your relationship with Big B is concerned, you do tend to make some comment on him, mostly adverse without any rhyme or reason. Big B has never commented on you personally unless you are getting personal.Why do you need to comment!!

    You are a celebrity in your own way. You can criticize his performance, but why get personal and pass unnecessary comments, which ultimately shows you in poor light.


  10. your own thing. Readers are free to lap it up or leave it. Chill.
    Welcome to Amche Pune!

  11. Love your blog! It's so simple, fun, & joyful @ times. No, we don't need only up tied blogs like big B, I got no time for that. I've done that enough in school library where we don't have choice on what we want to read; but to read some serious, dull books & topics in terms of trying hard to make ourself important in our future/present life! I wonder how did I missed reading her in my 90s? Even, though by accidentally I didn't miss her up to date/ attractive shows like Swabiman which many of us can relate to. Old wealth, new game, new spouse, new gf, surprise baby & ofcourse greedy enemy! Love that show!!! So as her blog, full of action. You can't compare dull big b to her! Not fair! One who writes from heart is the best writer to me, & this is certainly her own space where she can pen down whatever & however she likes to do. That's what makes who she is!!! The only&only Mz.De! If people starts pretending & lying to themselves on blog just meet other people's expectation then that's not fun & ethically unfair to readers!

    We love you just the way you're! No need to change but so humble of you to reciprocate someone's concerned! More pros to you!

  12. I do not want to receive reply from you for the simple reason of that making me your sycophant as it is happening with many of the bloggers on B's blog.

  13. i loved the picture of little azetc dancer so sweet,nice to know about mexico via pictures.
    keep your travel diary here i dont see anything wrong its very sweet of u to share your experiances ,pictures ,i want you to continue the same way,dont get perturbed.
    About Big B blog i really dont know i follow only your blog.
    Its best to follow the path of one's own personality and the messagesfor the success that follow. i liked this line wanted to share it with you somehow it fits the situation.
    Dear capricorn chill and camera is not meant to sulk but to store great pictures to be shared with blogdosts!
    Happy Independence dAY!

  14. As for your blog, you give complete freedom and never ban anybody and no moderators lurking. That means you are not insecure like others and you believe in freedom of speech. And it is so refreshing. And when you analyse, you really do very good job of it.
    We love you for what you are.

  15. Nice...........! Visit my blog and follow me back........! :)

  16. Dont be a copycat! Ur good as Dey and dont try to become knight by imitating anyone, however big he may be. Your travelogue gives us glimpses of places which we may be able to see or travel to. So stick on to original.

  17. Hello, Ms de,
    Please continue blogging about u r travel experiences, they are a refreshing change from the daily rut of corrupt indian politicians and breaking news with which we are bombarded everyday on telly
    By the way.. i hope you are reading this.. but i was hoping u could do a small blog on the restaurant u ate at in London a few months ago called "DINNER" (chef heston).. i guess you forgot coz it was the same time as the babaramdev tamasha happened.. Hope u will do a blog on it in the future..
    P.S.. Also hoping for a blog on the london riots!!!!!!!

  18. HI,
    Shobhaa...all ur trips piks and their description(which is certainly given by u)are real and fascinating...i have a huge crush on ur writing skills...:D

  19. Shobha,

    You said it. Your last para says it all. keep it as it is.
    The Big B is very artificial. Anyway he has his own to fan his ego...



  20. Hi Shobhaa,
    Dont let any comments make you change your style. Bachchan is bachchan but then you are Shobhaa and we love you as you are, bold and so natural.
    You are a star to many. May be most of us do not respond by way of comments, but that doesnt in any way mean that you are not as much read.
    Please keep blogging on travel and whatever you feel like sharing, we love you.
    With lots of regards

  21. Imitate Big B's style - good God, no!
    Your is so much better.

    The travel pieces are fun when they are blunt and critical. Good words about people who hosted you are less interesting.

  22. this is ur space & u r right, we come here to see what you have posted.. keep posting the pictures & do take your camera to Pune with u....

  23. Shobhaa don't change a thing about your posts and pls keep a travel and restaurant diary.
    Ps in Pune at the same time as you with girls

  24. Your blog is way more readable than Big B's. He is so verbose and "correct". Absolutely do not imitate him!

  25. And oh, about the travel writing, fewer pictures maybe? (You are primarily a writer.) And no "everything-was-so-good" pieces like the Bhutan one.

  26. Hi Shobhaa,really surprised that you take such comments so seriously. Your post on Mahrashtrian festival in Chicago was an excellent write up. You are a writer with a distinctively original and racy style. your blog on Dhoni's mother was superb ,the narrative laced with genuine emotion.Only you could have woven that tapestery with your artistry. you're one of a kind and every woman with a mind of her own will be proud of you.Keep marching ahead.May you keep growing.Love and best wishes.

  27. Hi Shobhaa, please continue blogging. I, along with a majority of your die hard fans love reading you sassy, direct, honest and straight forward blogs. There is nothing. As you so rightly put it, no one is forced to visit this blog site. So don't even think about these naysayers and their comments. We love you and love reading your blog. Love, Pam

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Hi Shobhaa, i just love reading your blogs and all about your travel adventures. Very informative too. Please do not ever think about giving up writing your blog. It is truly one of the highlights of my day like my morning chai. Even in a space so virtual, there feels such a sense a familiarity and bonding. I also follow Mr.B's blog and also admire his style of writing. But you are unique in your own way. And please feel free to post the pictures from your travels. I really love them. Those who dont like them always have a choice to not visit your blog. Looking forward to many more...Happy Independence Day !!

  30. i simply love your have a rare penchant and a free flowing pen.we terribly miss the column whenever its not there.please carry on D without any are expressive and highly impressive and gem of a person.

  31. Oh Oh! I hate it when blogging becomes duty bound. Blogging should be without any obligation, that is why I have put the blogging without obligation logo on my side bar! ( You can borrow it an put it on your blog too, if you like)

    I Looooove reading anything flowing from your pen..uh...fingers here I guess!

  32. This is your space and place...write about anything and anyone...we love what you write...for me blogging is therapeutic and I am sure you feel the same way when you interact through this forum....your travel blogs are not necessarily just always tourism blogs...they include info. on local food, culture and most importantly your views and perspectives on that paryticular city/country -- and I like that. So, don't worry...keep writing. Blogging should be relaxing, fun and a place where you let your hair down and just speak up your mind and relax. and there is no need to compare with anyone else's blog. To each his or her own. Ok, now waiting to hear on your trip to Pune :)

  33. Hi Shobhaa,
    well, i really enjoy reading your posts... even if they come from your personal experiences... it'll always be a thumbs up from my side!!

  34. I love ur blog Ms.De,no comparison. I guess very very few people can have the style of writing like this. Readers cant afford to miss one line. I have Mr.B's too, but I think its bit hypocritical. U r two diff people,n we cant compare ur writings.
    n Yes love ur travel posts too!

  35. n yeah the fact that the comments are not moderated is what makes sense in ur space n where as the other has got moderators :D

  36. Certainly, you should continue to post your travel experiences. Everyone has his/her different style and blog provides the opportunity to do so.

  37. I think what prompted this entire thread is just one comment about AB's blog and its comparison to yours. Stay your course Shobhaa..thats what brings me (& I guess ..all of us) here.

  38. ANNA Team should reform BRIBE takers instead...!!

  39. very true.

    so democratic.

    and de. i tell you, i love travelling with you everywhere with your blogposts...

    i mean, this is the real you.. vivacious, globetrotter and with an attitude that's sexy like hell (lehhh! did i flatter you? NAAAAAH.. you know i mean it!)

    Big B's blogs are so different. I mean, de comparing your blog with his is like comparing chalk and cheese..

    he is very systematic, everything he writes seems planned... and if i may use the word - doctored. it looks like he consults wren and martin for every post...

    and here is your blog.. ekdam dil se. with a "this is what i am"... attitude... So no comparison.

    as i type this...
    Anna must be on his way to Tihar...

    UPA needs a PR manager.

    quoting Pari from twitter..

    @Pari_S12: Dentist to Manmohan Singh: Atleast open your mouth here!

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Nice collection. Same wishes to you. Jaiho.


  42. Nice article on this topic.


  43. saravanan
    This is great post and nice trip pictures even little Aztec dancer nice picture.thanks for post on this topic.

  44. You have your uniqueness, individuality and style that we love - no need to take tips from anyone else. You and your blog are both wonderful, Ms. De and you have humbled this fan by acknowledging my comment. I don't mind the trip info. but I have to say that I find it a tab mehhh/blehh...
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