Monday, September 26, 2011

Paris Hilton: Famous for being famous?

Our OTT coverage of PH in Mumbai is still on. Why we are treating her like visiting royalty,remains a mystery . Agreed, she's fun and glam.Hamarey liye yehi bahut kaafi hai, it appears. The lady turned up for a party in her honour at 1 30 a.m. when the invite read 9 p.m. Did guests leave or crib? Naaah. She made up for it by dancing on sofas with our local glam gals and blowing kisses from the dj console. Swwweeeeet or what????
This appeared in Bombay Times today....

Paris: the Candyfloss Party Girl….

Paris is a social phenomenon. Rather, she was one. Paris is sort of over and so past tense in the West … but that doesn’t matter to us, here in India. So long as the person is blond, cute, sexy and considered ‘hot’ by a handful of socialites and fashionistas, everybody will flock!Good for Team Paris. Paris is no bimbette. She is smart and on the ball. Paris is primarily a businesswoman who shrewdly cashes in on her brand equity, which is fast losing its value in her original markets. Which is why she goes to China these days to flog her products.Which is why she came to India. Which is why she’ll go to Africa. These are the only markets left for fading celebs, and frankly, it’s a clever move.We provide a huge dumping ground to them. Whether it is her or her managers, they shrewdly picked a suburban mall to off load her handbags. The price points are ridiculously low, even by desi standards. So, the marketing team is obviously hoping to woo buyers who are happy enough to settle for a foreign label, even if they’d never heard of Paris Hilton till last week!Ironically, the supposed A-listers who made it to the ‘Paris Party’ wouldn’t be caught dead with one of her bags! That’s what sharp marketing is all about! And Paris sure as hell knows a trick or two in that department. She is hugely photogenic and has made a career just out of being photographed jetting from one party to another (she gets paid serious money to party with strangers). She has given everything a shot – singing ( critics claimed it wasn’t her voice in the first place!). Acting (that’s a laugh, since her worldwide notoriety comes from a sex video called ‘A Night in Paris’). Hosting reality shows in which she, the richie rich girl about town is exposed to the lives of poor people, and surprise, surprise, she survives!!
The Hilton surname does not hold much of a cache these days. That leaves Paris with her catchy first name. She should be eternally grateful to her mother for that ( the second option was China). The girl knows her P.R. as was evident in Mumbai, where she went the whole hog doing her ‘Namastey Mumbai’ act, and talking about her love for sarees, bindis and all things Indian. Then there were the standard clichés about India being a ‘magical’ and ‘spiritual’ place. We lapped it all up and begged for more, as chefs gushed about the 60 dishes that been prepared for her (does she eat?), and designers fell over backwards to offer free clothes. All this, for a woman who has no known talent ( she isn’t Lady Gaga, for God’s sake), and appears dangerously plastic. So what? We need our distractions, especially those that come packaged in baby pink. Welcome to India, Paris-ji. And don’t forget to courier a handbag to India’s number one Bag Lady, Mayawati.
Why is the audience referring to ‘Mausam’ as a case of slow poisoning? Is it really that awful?


  1. A nice post Ma'am. Enjoyed reading it!

  2. What the hell! Paris Hilton HAS talent. Has nobody seen 'One night Paris.'?

  3. The visit was useful. Content was really very informative. From

  4. Paris will Hil for a Ton loads of dollars! That's why she is Paris Hilton. We Indians are easy to fool and throw our cash for dirt in the name of Phoren Hai!


  5. Hahaha what a meaningful post! Thats absolutely true. and ihad a look at the bags she wanted to endorse ( they were hugely inspired by other notable designer bags a la LV, Chanel, etc). she probably thinks indians are uneducated. An yeah, i have seen mausam: its Xtremely Thanda. Boringly, tiresome watch! Khichdi of events and a really lame love story.this movie is so OTT.Headache providing! Easy skip. 0.5/5 Sonam needs serious dialogue delivery lessons and Shahid needs to learn to correct his dad while making such an epic fail of a movie.

  6. hill-dull ke , ban-tan ke hilton aayi...and she is like gone with the wind.

    i wonder why people are so obsessed with anything foreign. i mean, now flying to singapore is cheaper than flying from bombay to dilli. still foreign is foreign.

    there is a certain degree of "awe" and "wow" that the insipid gori chamdi invokes. and it is like "blonder the better".

    Some of us still believe that a photu with any imported celebrity is like jannat. they need to know that our Ash has seen more duniyaa than the vilaayati chamiya... though they could contend for the "Miss Plastic" competition. anyways both have ghusaaoed in madam tussauds.


    I loved the tichki in the end. lady gaga has got it all. from balls of steel to the zest and zeal.. everything... and she sings not for an audience. If we listen to The lyrics of her songs, we would realise they are self created orgasms for herself... and the worldly appreciation is just by-the-way.

    long way to go before we really appreciate inner beauty, than innerwear beauty.


  7. Paris is surely gone with the winds in West. Infact, Amerikkans are going totally ga-ga over the Kardashians! They are everywhere...and believe it or not Kardashian was always spotted a side girl with Paris Hilton. You can see the graph of both the ladies.
    India is always open to any and every firangi! Gori chamdi is all you need to woo our desh! I'm sure she created enough hoopla about her self in Mumbai! Hope she's able to make some money from India/China/Africa because here in US no one even knows or cares if she's in the states!

    Mausam - very bad reviews. I don't know if I should go or wait for the pirated version on

  8. Any phoren cheez is attractive to us even if she has a criminal record and had jail yatra.

  9. Hahaa..

    at my sister's wedding in India, some of her white friends were invited. Some Indian ladies could not stop sucking up to this one white girl. At one point this girl comes up to me and says," can you keep those ladies away from me. They keep insisting that i marry their son, i like them but i dont want to marry any one of their sons."

    this white girl complained about everything, traffic, people, food. She is incidentally married to a filthy rich Indian man in US now and has wonderful things to say about Indian culture. she loves yoga etc.


    Paris hilton has a perfume i forget the name....the perfume is not all that bad.

  10. Website is very comprehensive and informative. I have enjoyed the visit. From

  11. Celebrations and events bring you the opportunity not just to discover the meaning of relations in your life. In fact, it gives you the opportunity to accessorize the relations as well. And the ever charming appeal in its gift stuffs that keeps delivering for your close acquaintances is just the right move that your celebration deserves.

  12. Paris is a very "shahani" woman who totally understands (or atleast her team does) what works for her! Pretty too in a languid, unthreatening and sexy way. Clever management and a great marketing team. What else do you need!

    She totally gets that, the "appearance" of being a good time party girl with halwa for dimaag is a very good thing in her line of work. It does not raise the hackles of business negotiators and her carefully (I think anyway) orchestrated escapades make her interesting to those of us with cash burning a hole in wallets. This woman needs to be a case study and a learning tool for marketing students!

    Paris Hilton brings to mind Pooja Bedi somehow. Both seem clever in untraditional ways. Only, Pooja needs a better team and a couple of well orchestrated escapades which I guess Bigg Boss will supply her with, and then she is all set to capitalize on her image :)

    As for why everyone was fawning over Paris? Not so much gori chamdi but because it suited Bollywood's interest to be seen at the bash and around her. In semi blase Bollywood it probably was more self-serving than just curiosity. Did you see how many photographers and online publications covered the party? If that is not free publicity for the guests what else is? Win-win for hosts and guests.

    Her bags are very derivative and nothing I would spend money on, but her perfumes are really quite good... take away the cheap packaging and her perfumes give the pricier brands a run for their money. At their lower price point and high sales volume, they are some of the most profitable fragrances ever marketed.

    Glad you decided to go to the party, but where is the gossip from the party... about the other guests? Enquiring minds want to know.

  13. Simply loved the Mayawati bit :)

    Paris speaking on sarees n bindis?? she sure could have spoken on her relationship status, n who she's dating as of now.. that would have got the media drooling..

    We Indians simply love any 'white-chamdi' be it natural or 'plastic' :)

    But m not so sure if her products would do as well as her PR activities.. We Indians after all have mastered the art of bargaining n depend on the imports from china n bangkok :)

    Think Paris will have to make more rounds to India for making her presence felt may be this time with her rat that looks like a dog :)

  14. Please, please review Mausam . Would'nt want the ghastly Ms. Kapoor to think you're playing it safe...

  15. I don't see much difference between Paris Hilton And Shobhaa De, in particular.

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  18. i am not her admirer she is famous for wrong reasons. I have heard she is also going to add pollution to the already polluted big boss series.
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