Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sweeeeeet Kangana!

This appeared in Bombay Times yesterday....

There’s Something about Kangana….

I saw a ravishing looking woman at a distance and wondered who she was. This was at Mumbai airport, weekday mid-morning.She turned around and waved. Several heads swiveled simultaneously. It was as if every single person in the overcrowded lounge had eyes for just this one person. It was only when I reached her that I recognised Kangana . Kangana Chameleon. She is such a lovely girl – lovely, as in individualistic, spunky, edgy, beautiful. There’s nothing boring about Kangana. Nothing predictable, either. That’s what makes her special. Whether it’s her choice of men or movies, she’s like Maggi Noodles – different. Wearing a perfectly filled, sporty day dress and standing steady on towering heels, Kangana could have passed for an international ramp walker. She laughed when I told her that and said she was on a crazy diet plan to tone up big time for her new role for which she has to slither into a skin tight rubber suit. She pouted, “ I have to oil my body before getting into costume. Even if I lose a few more kilos, a single extra fold on my skin will show on screen.” Dear God! All this self -punishment for a costume and a glam role! I asked about her new hair… it looked like a well- constructed, short blond-ish wig. That question was enough to set her off! She talked about having spent nine straight hours at her regular salon with her regular hair stylist, who must have been on something far stronger than coffee when she did what she did to Kangana’s hair! According to the actress, once she washed out the colour, not only was her hair grey (“not platinum blond…. but GREY!”), it was also coming off her scalp in clumps. Agitated and exhausted, Kangana ordered the hair dresser to somehow fix the damage. “ Next thing I knew, it was 3 inches short on top , with a straggly, long Chinese chhoti at the back. All this after trying imported hair extensions which hurt and prevented me from sleeping at night because of the head ache.” Several deeply interested passengers traveling on the same flight to Ahemdabad, were eagerly hanging on to her every word. By this time, Kangana was in full flow. She said she was going to Ahemdabad for an event ( she wasn’t very sure what she was expected to promote at the store!), but that she would be paid a huge amount of money for showing up ( “I’ll pick up the cheque and come home”). She chuckled with delight at the ease of it all, while two minders ( event managers? ) in shiny suits looked nervously at one another. I asked who did her clothes shopping? Kangana always displays such confidence and flair, her style quotient seems to improve by the hour as it were! Unlike other Bollywood stars who seem clueless and paralysed without their stylists, Kangana sets her own trends and often defies fashion gurus by her eccentric wardrobe choices that work splendidly for her. She replied proudly she is her own shopper and mainly buys her clothes and accessories during her foreign trips. It figures. Heaven knows where she gets it all from… I’d say, it’s inborn. Kangana remains an obstinate original. As we walked into the aircraft, still discussing “burnt and damaged” hair, “ unflattering rubber suits” and other fascinating details that define the life of movie stars, Kangana slid into row one (business class). She thought I would be seated right next to her! I laughed and showed her my cattle class boarding pass. She looked aghast and upset…. “But why?” she wanted to know. I didn’t have the heart to tell her the Sahitya Akademi does not have lavish budgets for us poor writers, and the ‘event’ I was attending in A’Bad was just a humble, national Colloquium for Women Writers at which each participant would receive an honourarium of a princely 2000 rupees. Kangana continued to look terribly distressed. I guessed she was feeling exceedingly sorry for me!! Sweet Kangana!


  1. Kangana has done well for herself and has a long way to go ,she will do a good job - good actress.i agree with you regard to her dressing sense its different!
    i liked the post.

  2. Newfound scientific fact.... like poles repel but ravishing women attract each other:)

  3. Ahem sweet kanagana with burnt hair and business class. and you a poor writer :-)

    :-) i get it.

  4. Finally you are praising self?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Kangna is an original for sure.
    Thank God she shrugged off Adhyayan Suman...

  7. Sorry? May be not!!! In my opinion she just got hit by reality that doesn't really seem to be taught in her glamorous, shinny & colorful movie business. Hahaha it should be the other way round that yourself being the well known sophisticated & well traveled lady has just opened her eyes. :-) About Kangana being different & beautiful that's for sure no doubt. By the way Shobha De I've once read a funny made up story about you on Internet. It's about your husband getting mobbed & kidnapped by some Jew thugs, it made me laugh in good way! Hehehe you're blessed, looks like so many people are jealous of your fortune. Too bad for them! Hahaha

  8. I too love kangna for her originality. In this world of clones its always refreshing to look at her and more so for a woman to have a i-live-life-on-my-own-terms attitude is something that every woman looks up to.

  9. I wish I was like Maggi Noodles.

  10. Sorry for you ? Or did she feel sorry for herself for talking to a cattle class passenger ? I have my own doubts. Anyway, 'Tanu weds Manu' is the lousiest flick I ever saw in my life. I wonder how the otherwise wise Maddy fell for it. He was not an idiot in 3 idiots but in agreeing to do this film he was. He shouldn't have agreed to do it even at gun point ! There is a difference between a good lover & a 'bondu'. I'm sure his fans would've been disappointed.

  11. why do you write always as a snob?
    sahitya academy is not to distribute money around.....you should feel good about attending a well intended event. Money ,i am sure should not be an issue for this.

  12. World Control by India

    India needs to be in control of the world so that Indian citizens can enjoy respect all over the world. There are many things to be done to achieve the above mentioned goal.
    1. The first thing to achieve is agriculture supremacy (I am not naming corruption as number one priority because eating high quality food is more important than anything else). Also, the high quality food should be available at cheap prices. The Indian and the states government should invest the most in agriculture. They should bring in enough technology in this sector so that the work doesn’t get stopped/slowed down due to natural or human impediments. In the end, we eat food so that we can live and that’s why we should the most and heavily in this sector.

    2. The last thing is to plant young people (people who have just completed under-graduate courses) in other countries so that they or their off-springs get into their government system in future. They should “actively” try to get into the governance of these foreign countries. These people should be given scholarships by the Indian government. Indian origin people who are already living in foreign countries should be encouraged and supported by the Indian government to join active politics/governance of the countries where they reside. The Indian government should never withdraw its support to these people unless it is a matter of national security and interest.

    3. The next thing to do is to invest heavily in Ayurveda and Yoga. Western medicine is good but it does not have solutions to many common diseases found in India (like Diabetes) and also, western countries are already spending money on medicinal research and hence we can save our money and do research in Ayurveda and Yoga. A healthy population will make our country more powerful and more confident. Healthy population will also counter the threat of China. China is slowly laying claims to adjoining areas, so it may not be long before it tries to lay claim on some more property owned by India. Ayurveda and Yoga will have cheap and easily available solutions to many problems plaguing Indian people in every part of India.

    4. The next thing is to counter the threat of China. The good thing about China that works in our favor is that it is alienating western countries. So, it will create lots of enemies. We need to work on our ties with Russia and other countries of former USSR, so that Russia can support us against China.

    5. India should always avoid housing crisis like the one in USA. An individual puts the most in buying a house/flat. The amount one invests in this sector is much much more than his investments in stock market / national savings scheme, etc. Even his combined investments in all other areas cannot exceed his investment in the housing market. After all, the house gives a person and his family a place to live (and start own business if needed), without paying any money. An individual only needs to pay for food after this for sustaining basic life. This kind of security is not offered to an individual / individual’s family by the stock market, national savings scheme, etc.

  13. Wow. I dint know people famous like you would show up to an event if they had to fly in economy class. Love you a 100times more for your humbleness !!!!

  14. I completely comprehend your point of view over this scenario. hahah she looked hilarious with that hair! but to an extent, she can actually carry it off, she's an offbeat,eccentric appeal to her.

  15. I like Kangna as she is not connected to any star family and looks like a very frank and honest lady to me. She has made here on her own.
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