Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Bechari Oprah! Who will marry her....?

Blogdosts. I am off to Karachi tomorrow. Am a little excited. A little nervous. The programme sounds fascinating. But to be at a session titled 'Superstar Author' without dying of embarrassment ( secretly tickled !), will be a major feat! I may or may not blog from Karachi. Tempted to take the iPad, but would rather people watch and ahem, this time I am definitely going to attempt a bus ride - I love the public transport in Karachi. The buses are moving works of art - delightfully kitschy and colourful. The last time I suggested it to my local hosts, they nearly fainted and locked me up!!
This appeared in The Week.....

A ‘Suitable Man’ for Oprah…

Strike me dead for saying this, but who will marry Oprah??She is larger than life, physically and metaphorically. She is , perhaps, the largest woman on earth. While I’m sure it’s tough being Oprah, it is well nigh impossible for anybody to be Mr. Oprah. I cannot think of any man in the public domain who could play that role. Oprah is seriously scary. Her personality is overwhelming. And she definitely does not carry all that weight, that baggage, lightly. Oprah is exceedingly self-aware. She knows she is Oprah Winfrey. And she wants you to know it, too. That’s a pretty tough call to take in a meaningful relationship between equals – which is what a stable marriage is all about. And it is not just her formidable size or reputation. A ‘suitable man’ will have to deal with much more. It’s called the ‘Oprah Package’ – the entourage, the fans, the roadshow. Because, the fact of the matter is, Oprah is blissfully wedded to herself. And to her life- long show. There is simply no space for another. At least, that was the impression conveyed during her breezy stay in India, during which she managed to pack it all in – from seaside mansions to chawls, widows in Vrindavan to socialites in Mumbai.Which is fine. Perhaps, she is not really looking for a suitable man any more. Perhaps, she knows another human being in her life would crowd the space which is designed to accommodate just one person – her. And she is perfectly happy not having to share even a micro second of her fishbowl existence with another, especially since she herself belongs to the world – to those millions of global fans, who believe implicitly in the Oprah Magic.
Oprah, of course, is unique. But she’s not alone in experiencing such a life. The other woman who comes to mind is Mother Teresa – who was also appropriated by her followers during her lifetime, and had consciously ‘married’ God, devoting her hours to the service of humanity. Both women display similar traits and characteristics : charismatic, magnetic, powerful, giving and hugely influential. Both reached out to people across continents in a way that no other contemporary could or did. Both remain adored, revered figures capable of moving masses through their words and deeds. Mother T. is no more. But her legend lives on. Oprah continues to exercise an overpowering hold over her flock. Having met her, albeit briefly, it’s easy to understand why. Oprah, Like Mother T. instantly connects to the person she is talking to. She exudes unadulterated love and concern. Her emotions are out there… her eyes are kind. Occasionally, they brim over. But mostly, they dance with joy. It is her exuberance that is most infectious. Combine that with a spontaneous touchy-feely attitude, and what you get is an irresistible human being you have to fall in love with – as most people do. But that’s different from marriage, right?
The only other female contemporary world figure in a similar league, who has been married to the same man for a record number of years, is Hillary Clinton. But then, her husband, Bill Clinton is no ornery fella! That’s why the marriage has endured, despite scandals galore.Oprah has more in common with Bill than Hillary, including a rough childhood. Early deprivation combined with an astonishingly high I.Q. have made super heroes out of both individuals. Rising magnificently above adversity has toughened the two , taking them to dizzy heights in their public life. But the biggest common factor has been the undeniable people skills they possess in abundance.These outweigh any other attribute. Reaching out in remarkable ways and touching countless lives is a God-given gift. For an iconic talk show host and a much reviled yet, equally admired former President of America, it is this very gift that has found them a permanent place in history. Oprah is the richest self-made woman in the world. I wonder what those riches mean to her in real terms. Despite all the fame and glory, there is still a hint of loneliness in Oprah’s expressive eyes. For a woman who grandly claimed her ‘whole life is a Taj Mahal ’, it does seem a little ironical that there is no ShahJehan in sight!


  1. Oprah is a wonderful woman. The circuitous itineraries in her life made her a tough woman who's self made, generous and endowed with marvelous heart and love. Oprah really doesn't need anyone, her world of followers and fans is her family and even if she needs someone, than that fortunate person couldn't be more happier....

  2. Who can bell the cat?

    She seriously did not try so far. Many proposals must have come. She might not have found Mr.Right. It is not too late. Somebody who is not intimidated by her weighty presence may still marry her Afterall marriages are made in heaven.

  3. We have 542 shahjahans sitting in Delhi. She need not go to Agra. Oops

  4. You are CONFUSED.. first you said "Oprah is seriously scary. Her personality is overwhelming." and later "her eyes are kind. Occasionally, they brim over. But mostly, they dance with joy. It is her exuberance that is most infectious. Combine that with a spontaneous touchy-feely attitude, and what you get is an irresistible human being you have to fall in love with"..


  5. Why would she need a man or even a woman?

  6. You forget to mention the existence of her long time friend and companion Stedman Graham in her life who she stays with and spends her life with. She is not married to him but for a woman as herself who is so accomplished and larger than life and has dedicated her life to giving to others, what more can marriage give her.

  7. I agree.. how could you forget about Stedman Graham. She's been with him for the last 26 what if they are not married, they've been committed to each for this long, that's more than we can about married couples these days..

  8. I did my homework about Oprah winfrey (from astro and numerological point of view) an Aquarian sunsign,but born on a difficult number "29" not much luck with opposite sex(as the number states considerable grief and anxiety caused by members of opposite sex)i read about her in wikipedia and its quite true- sad story from relationship point of view with are right about her...but thats her destiny!
    The post about oprah winfrey - i liked the way you look at different angles of the celebrity..good one!Happy Journey!

  9. she is the the one who love herself and devoted herself totally for others pleasure. for such persons there is no need of PLUS ONE in life. nothing is incomplete when You are there

  10. Off-topic, Can you think of a man of that stature. A man who is married to himself.

  11. Isn't Oprah happily hitched ?? Not spouse per se but her partner from 1986 . ? it came as a shock to me .

    If it was another I would have taken this article as speaking in metaphor. But Mam you really don't seem to be well versed in current affairs of the world

    I came to this conclusion after reading your article supporting Palin . Say anything respectful or remotely meaningful towards Palin is same as supporting, glorifying Ilse Koch . if the article was written supporting Hillary Clinton in democratic primaries we would be in the same boat . I was supporting Hillary over Obama as presidential candidate . it was high time America had a Women as a President

    If I have come as rude or crass I do apologize. if you’re looking for Inspiring contemporary female politicians

    I suggest look up on Yulia ( ) Not only did she do a great job , she looked good while doing it

  12. Mrs. De, great article but I'm just wondering why does she need a partner/husband? Why can't a girl live her life alone and be successful? it's odd that this thought must have striked millions of ppl but I think she accomplished a lot w/o marriage and still is very happy!

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  14. Your title and article sound so different. Title says-Bechari Ophra as though you are pitying her and in post you have glorified her to a saintly figure. She is indeed larger than life and use of words like Bechari for The Ophrah just to make your title catchy makes you sound stupid.

  15. its really a tough job to oprah's better half. I wish her all the best.
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