Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What kind of a disgusting ad is that???

When a respected and respectable newspaper carries this offensive, yucky ad on it's entire front page on a Sunday, and nobody protests,it's time to worry. Come on, guys. Show some basic decency.
The other television commercial that gets my goat features Dhoni(what's the bet he's Bollywood- bound?) and a little boy who wants to pee. Dhoni picks up the kid and takes him to a kennel in the garden and makes him pee into the chained pet dog's food bowl!!! This is apparently to teach the pet dog not to pee on Dhoni's car. Disgraceful!
The ad I like stars Neetu (" I know EVERYTHING!") Singh.This one is clever and wonderfully executed. More Neetu, more! Now that Rauf Lala aka Rishi Kapoor has walked away with all the acting awards, it's time for you to strut your stuff - solo!


  1. Questioning about an ad through re-publication is a protest or promotion?

  2. Hello Shobhaa Ji...Yo have again stirred my mind as usual...This ad issue nvr caught my eye..Again u brought to our notice....It is absolutely necessary that basic levels of decency are maintained. And ads influnce the society at large. The ad-makers and media (newpapers, tv channels) should definitely re-think the after effects of airing or publishing such distasteful ads..

    @Tushar- This re-publishing was necessary..So that the readers who have missed out on the ad in the newspaper come to know wat is being talked abt! So it is definitely a protest..not a promotion..

  3. Agree with you for the 1st two ads...They r gross and makes no sense to the product nor communicate a message.

    Reg Neetu Singh' ad "I know everything". I love the actress and was looking forward to this ad when someone told me Imtiaz Ali is working on it..But the actual ad downplayed my expectation and I felt that they wasted neetu singh there.

  4. There is a thin dividing line between journalism and yellow journalism and when that is broken we do not know when the colour will change :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Seriously. didnt check the papers on sunday... else how would i have missed this?

    and what do they mean to say with the copy "Whats your size? "

    do they mean to say that men in india have different penis sizes and they would custom make their underwears basis the size? thats definitely not the brandpromise!!!

    i did my research. found out that RUpa Eruro was managed by O n M kolkatta in 2011 and now the account is with Scare Crow communications. article : http://www.afaqs.com/news/story.html?sid=29951

    Scare Crow Communications :

    i am writing them an email asking them what exactly is the idea behind this advert.


    i find this advert http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHTB-KUXmdo of kellogs very very very offensive. extremely sexist.


    Dhoni advert.. ufff.. that one was sic. we should unleash a whole kutta union behind the agency to bite their arse.


    i long for the cadbury's cricket wala "Kuch khaas hai hum sabhi mein"...

    i long for the stupid yet cute "sabsse achaa ek drink hai.. s o s y o.. yeh hai sosyo yeh hai sosyo.. yeh hai sosyo...

    i long for the direct "kyun naa ho masterji.. main apna daath dabur laal dant manjan se joh saaf karta hu"

    and that pan parag "yeh leejiye pan paraag... PAN PARAG"

    and the "ek chidiyaa.. "

    and "tree of unity"

    ******************* koi lautaa do mujhe beete huee din...

  7. The ad is bordering on obscenity but in today's world,much worse stuff is being thrown all over the print and other media.Perhaps too late to call a stop,since the horse(s)have already bolted the stable.

  8. The ad you photographed is silly and very juvenile but not all that offensive. Perhaps, placement of this ad on an entire front page of a newspaper is not in good taste. However, is it different from the "respectable" Indian newspapers (TOI,Hindu, HT times, Express) showing very big and very graphic closeup photographs of mutilated bodies and stomach churning violence in the name of "news".... on the front page? Indian newspapers seem to specialize in front page gory visuals. Only difference now it is male cheesecake!

    'Mid-day mate from whatever page" becomes "respectable"newspapers front page. Anything that catches viewer eyeballs (mostly violence or sex) is probably too lucrative to resist for the editorial/business teams of a slowly dying print media.

    Respectable Indian newspapers of yesteryears are all tabloid like now, so why the hue and cry? Literally every story is no more than 2 inches of column space. If it is not a photo of a "neta" illustrating the story, it is graphic of a showbiz person or attractive female in a low neckline blouse illustrating the story. No analysis except for the editorials (if that). Personal views in regular Columns make up more than half the papers in any case. Objective reporting is at a minimum. So how are any newspapers respectable?

    I think they should make huge billboards of this not very clever ad and hang them up everywhere ala David Beckham's underwear ads. Evens the playing field a bit for women who are usually the ones portrayed as sex objects. I just wish the graphic department of the ad agency had done a better job on photoshop! The bodies on these men have been photoshopped so much that their heads look disproportionate and tiny. Microcephaly anyone:) Perhaps that is the sex appeal...hahahaha. Good body, pin head and no brains. Now I am thinking like the stereotypical male that marketing people make advertising for :)

    I have not seen the Dhoni ad, but cruelty to animals and others who cannot defend themselves (Anil Kumar...color of skin for example) seems intrinsic to desi culture.

    I remember the vividh Bharti jingles for "Rupa bayaaan and underweeeear". So cheery, fun and sweet. The new age Rupa advertising is silly at best. The business departments of newspapers are just plain stupid.

  9. Finally that Dhoni ad got a shout out! I despise the idea that Dhoni is advertising. It's simply a bad idea for an ad. Ad sense has gone really down.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. funny indeed!!

    you are absolutely right in expressing this issue. I don't know why anyone dont protests against these filthy ads.

    Great finding!

    Harjeet Kaur

  12. Anil Kumar
    Your comment expressing filth hidden in your mind. my suggestion is that, think about ur sisters or other ur family women. Dont think about other's.

  13. @Anil
    Your expressed your views in a crude way, but there is no doubt that your views are reality in this country. The truth of the matter is that this country is hijacked by few people who are bringing the worst things from western world to Indian society. Indian democracy is neither a mature democracy - where majority of people are occupied with meeting ends means and neither this country has the system in place to protect the innocent people from these ills which are spreading because we have loads of Vidya Balan, Cheap talks from bollywood stars and so on. Just look at the latest case where a girl from 10th class in Noida was forced to drink Vodka and raped for 4 hours in a car in the city and on top of that our police officers quickly disclosed the identity of that minor girl and termed her having loose character. We all know nothing will happen to this culprits because the drugs are spreading like anything and media is making woman a sexual commodity.

    When the system of state can not protect common man, its CRIMINAL ACT to spread the menace of nudity, vulgarity in the name of entertainment. Because this creates LUST amoung men and which in turn creates a monstor society which preys on women. Foreigners will not understand the realities of this country - whether BLACK or WHITE or YELLOW or even BROWN.

    Thats a lame excuse that it's in an individual's mind. As you know the history of India is that they avoid solving the issues and because they dont confront the issue when it's in its infancy, they end up paying the bigger price and get humiliated every single time. The history of this country is full of this. If you look other way and don't confront those who are degrading the society for cheap money and entertainment, then this will confront you and your dear one some day. Thats a universal truth.

    I hope there are more people who have the courage to speak the truth - although I do agree it should be little less crude.

    You need to come back with better arguments, stay away from shit.

  14. mr. unknown,
    It is very funny to say that, +This country is hijacked by few people who are bringing the worst things from western world to Indian society.+

    If we want to throw away westrn culture, first of all we have to wear Dhoti and Bandi in lieu of pant and shirt.

  15. @Unknown
    I have no choice but to use crude language since I dont have patience to go Gandhi or Anna Hazaare way. If I have my way, I will beat the shit out of the corrupt politicians, people who are spreading filth in the society and showing woman as a commodity and using cheap filthy language in TV programs. Once I beat the shit out of their system, I will hang them upside down on major intersections for public viewing and let the eagles have a feast.

    Don't read it if you cant digest it. Its a disgrace to respond to you.

    Your lack of understanding of India as a country and what it was 10 years back...You cant understand the scale of problems here. The kind of things you take for granted are non-existent here. The western way of life is very good for few rich people here but has drastic affect on poor people of this country. Just ask Oprah Winfrey and she can educate you better. Forget about people being racist here, majority of population is still caste based if you understand it. Being racist is not a bad thing as long as someone doesnt harm people from other race. Caste system is in India for thousands of years in India and its not going to go away in 10-20 years. I know 95% of people in USA only know that world begins in east coast and ends in west coast. Your mouth only spits shit. Get it checked from doctors as facilities in your country are excellent. And Negro may be racist word in your country, but its not here.

    There are lots of wonderful things in the western world which we can adopt. And there is no harm or shame in doing so. Pant shirt is one of them since in fast paced life no one has time to keep a watch on lungi/dhoti and that lungi might get stuck in Metro.

    The ills of western world are spread of lethal drugs in the society from Blacks in Nigeria, portraying of woman as a sex object, beaming of filthy language on TV news channels in the name of entertainment, showing women in provocative dress and so on.

    Showing women as a commodity works ok in western world because they have tough laws on what is legal and what is illegal and everyone is aware of their rights and law has very big hands. So you dont see the kind of scenes you see in India where rape of 12 or 14 year old girls in moving car by 4 - 5 or even 15 men is becoming normal. And these are not isolated cases...they are happening every other day and these culprits know they are not going to jail at all. Woman get into prostitution here because someone tricks them. They lure them with job offer or marriage and none of them come willingly.

    The good things from western world and specially people in media can do a great service to this country is to teach the uncivilized Indian society about how to become good citizen. Teach the people about basic manners, how to be a good human, how to keep surroundings clean, how to be environmental friendly, how to respect other human beings and be honest. The list goes on and on and all these good things are practised in western world. Take their good things but our media run by MONEY HUNGRY, GREEDY SOULS only focus on showing the desi and western woman in two piece bikinies, using them in movie songs or they have stooped to such low levels that now they talk dirty during awards ceremony.

    So broaden your horizon before you blindly follow everything available in this world. Countries like China, South Korea and even some muslim countries try to preserve their culture and be modern citizens at the same time. In India the elite and educated class' mentality is that they are all VIP and Kings and other people are here just to serve them.

    The message from media and other avenues to youth is that make money at all costs cheap or dirty or dishonest, exploit people if you can, commit crime and you will get away with it.

    If you expect that Indians will get respect in the world...FORGET IT. The world will know their TRUE IDENTITY AND UPBRINGING SOONER OR LATER.


  16. Anonymous..LEts see
    you say"So you dont see the kind of scenes you see in India where rape of 12 or 14 year old girls in moving car by 4 - 5 or even 15 men is becoming normal."

    and yet you have no problem when Anil kumar says quote "I wish Shahrukh Khans little daughter turns 18 soon so that I can put my finger inside her and let Shahrukh Khan watch her daughter enjoying the finger and lets see if he could maintain same smile."

    you think it okay to talk about somebody little daughter like that just because they are rich, a different color, religion or nationality? Raping a minor should be punishable with the death penalty, I think. Whats worse is in India a victim is always victimized further.

    Whats wrong with the world is bad things happen because too many good people do not speak up when they see bad things happening.

    Thank you @ Mr.Pulaskar. The world could use more people like you.

    read this article about the rape you mentioned and was disgusted.
    What a sad,shameful story.


  17. @ mr. unknown,
    Funny guy! who gave u rights to decide good or bad for people? let people decide this.

  18. yes, there must be preapproval board at state or national level, a govt body. All the new advertisements must be screened before they go live in newspaper or radio or television. The basic intention of this body must be to give the freedom of expression, while not compromising on the decency level or cultural values of Indian society. Is there such a body already ?
