Tuesday, February 14, 2012

V-Day Greetings, Blogdosts!!

My dil is going 'dhak dhak', 'dhak dhak'. I am off on a date with my husband to watch Bebo romance Imran. Hope it's a fun, light hearted, no-brainer of a movie. It's just what I need after Karachi - a place that really and truly provided serious food for thought! More on that tomorrow. For now, it's ciao!

Will you be my Valentine, Yuvi??

When a national heartthrob makes it to the headlines for a medical condition, it isn’t the best news. Last week, our dashing South Paw and World Cup hero, Yuvraj Singh , dominated news coverage across various media, after going public with his condition – a rare form of cancer identified as ‘Mediastinal Seminoma’. Since that shocking disclosure that led to a tidal wave of sympathy, Yuvi has issued several upbeat statements that reveal his fighting spirit and determination to win this tough battle and get back on the field. His exclusive interview to the TOI (“Why this Kolaveri di over my illness?”) was not just amazingly brave, but it displayed his grit and determination to reclaim his life.He was honest enough to admit he was initially ‘angry, confused and repentant’ ( a fairly common syndrome with patients diagnosed with the Big-C), but has emerged from the ordeal, a stronger, more determined man. This makes him India’s Number One Sweetheart on Valentine’s Day. Yuvi has always had a huge female fan following, being single, charming and handsome. This crisis is bound to double that!
But on a more serious note, I was talking about the issue with Vandana Gupta, the dynamic founder of V-Care which celebrates 20 years of providing help and support to cancer patients in 2013, and she expressed a few valid reservations about the misrepresentation of Yuvi’s condition in the media. Considering V-Care celebrated its 19th Survivor’s Day just under a week ago, Vandana ( a survivor herself) wants to clarify that India does have some of the most competent oncologists in the world, working tirelessly to save lives. One does NOT have to believe such treatment is exclusively available in Boston( where Yuvi is being treated), or at a fancy international hospital. Yuvi is fortunate he had the resources to travel abroad for his ailment. But others in a similar position need not despair! Our docs are as good as the best anywhere. Further, too many half-baked theories about Yuvi’s cancer have already done the rounds ( excuse me, it isn’t lung cancer he’s suffering from, okay?). Vandana points out that it is misleading to claim chemotherapy alone will ‘cure’ a patient. She knows what she’s talking about. So, while we all pray for Yuvi’s speedy recovery and send him the biggest heart ever to say, ‘Happy Valentine’s Day! We love you!” let us also stop any careless speculation and leave the man alone to fight on valiantly and come home to a brand new innings.
Mithu Alur is another extraordinary woman, like Vandana. Both have dedicated their lives to the service of others. Mithu called me with a fantastic perspective on Valentine’s Day. “ Do those suffering from cerebral palsy, for example, have no right to nurture romantic feelings?” she asked. Frankly, I had never given this subject a thought. She went on to add that love can and should be celebrated on several levels on such a special day. Valentine’s Day is not just about physical love. What about emotional, intellectual and spiritual love? Why does society imagine that people who may not have full control over their bodies, and could be physically ‘displeasing’ in appearance, do not wish to be a part of such a joyous celebration? Why the stigma? Who would profess love to someone in a wheelchair, when society’s parameters reserve Valentine’s Day for the beautiful and the young exclusively?At ADAPT, one can listen to the stories of those coping with various disabilities and hear their tales of love and longing. Yes, they want to be in loving relationships. Yes, they dream of meeting a life partner and getting married. Yes, they want exactly the same things that ‘normal’ people desire. On this Valentine’s Day, let’s make it an all-inclusive affair. That’s love. True love! And it does make the world go round.


  1. Yuvi has a lot of fans praying for him, he should be left alone but not left out. Lance Armstrong in his book 'it's not about the bike:my journey back to life ' explains how he was left out after being diagnosed with cancer even though he was a world champion at the time. His club instead of providing financial support was insensitive and greedy to downgrade his contract if he did not pass the fitness test. Lance Armstrong made a legendary comeback winning tour de France seven times in a row.

  2. Feel bad for both Bachchan and Yuvi.
    Not because they are celebrities.

    You have not said anything about baby Falak.

    While the two celebrities have crores to take care of their pains, this baby is suffering because she was born in such an underprivileged family.Why do these people produce babies when they cant take care of them properly?

    Bachchan and Yuvi are fighters and they will be okay in a few weeks. Pain, suffering, death spare no one whether one is privileged or poor. No Z category security against these.

  3. very well said Mrs.De..Yuvi doesn't need our sympathy or empathy..he is a man enough to admit and fight with what he's going through..and i am sanguine that he'll do so and emerge victorious with flying colors.It felt lovely and overwhelming when u wrote about love being a right for everyone..and why not?
    Love is for everyone..it's the only expression,which sees no difference,in caste or color, privileged or under-privileged,beautiful or average,rich or poor and the list goes on..who says that if someone is suffering with an incurable ailment,he/she has no right to be in love or feel this pure n wonderful emotion!that's utterly wrong!!..and only a person devoid of feelings,can actually have this kind of point of opinion..and personally i feel that it's great to be able to feel and fall in love..coz,love makes us complete,love makes us human.

  4. it takes a lot to confront the Big C. but having confronted it and won over it, is like achieving the Big O , many times over.

    I love the way, the otherwise scatterbrain, brash pathan of the Dimpled P Team, handled the Media. Guess, now he will come clean from the "Maa Da Laadla Bigad Gayaa" avatar.

    Pain is a great leveller. Prayers with yuvi as he fights the big C.

    I remember what one friend of mine, who won the Zindagi Live award with me for fighting cancer, Neerja Mallik (christened as Chemo Angel) said "You dont need to fight cancer, you need to FACE cancer"


    Mithu Alur, what an amazing lady. yes, it is indeed food for thought. Do people facing mental disorders not experience sexual or emotional feelings. Well they do. And we need to applaud the efforts of family members who put up a smiling face and go beyond their means and societal preconditioning to stand up for their loved ones who are diagnosed with cerebral palsy and other disorder.

    I know of a friend who helps her brother relieve himself of his sexual urges by masturbating for him. She has no guilt or shame. She has no incestual sexual feelings towards him. But she understands his urges.

    yes, that's true love.

    to not accept disorder as ordained.

    To remove the dis from disorder.

  5. Love to you de,nice post filled with love for all!I liked that you wrote about yuvraj my favorite we share the same birthdate and being a Sagittarian I can tell u we are born to bounce back no matterwhat.waiting for your post on Karachi litfest.

  6. With my personal experience[as one of the victims of this disease] I can say that God gives you strength to bear the rigours and ordeals of various operations and subsequent treatments. Only condition is that the suffer is in the hands of understanding close ones.
