Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Chhota sa crisis....

Blogdosts, a couple of months ago, while I was in Cuba, some of you had warned me about my blog doing the disappearing act overnight. For more than a week it was disabled. And just as suddenly, it re-appeared ! I don't know why this should happen. But I am glad it's still there.... albeit with a difference. My 'Visitors' count didn't show for another week. And when it did, it was from zero! So what happened to the 11-lakh visitors who were there earlier? Any answers? Today, the number is approximately 23 thousand (which has happened over a really short period of a month or less). How do I get an accurate representation... how do I retrieve the lost numbers?? This is really important. Please do put on your thinking caps and help me plug this problem.
Am looking forward to watching 'The Artist' tonight. So, you know what you can expect to read here tomorrow night...
Am feeling like a tub, after a late and heavy lunch at Brittania - yup - the famous Irani 'berry pulao' place. It was packed with tourists clicking pictures of a larger-than-lifesize cut out of the royal couple - Willy and Kate! But the sign that caught my attention was a bold one that cautioned, "Do not argue with the management." I relished my pulao even more after reading it, and dared not say it was a bit too greasy.
To counter its greasiness, I walked down the block to the National Hindu Hotel (we refer to restaurants as 'hotels' in Mumbai, thank you!), for the best South Indian coffee in the city. Mukesh Ambani can keep his Matunga coffee joint. My vote goes to National Hindu at Ballard Pier.


  1. Well, I too had the same problem with my blog. I have deactivated it ever since.But I think it has to do with whatever counter you are using. once having reached a particular number it starts from zero. I do not know how to retrieve it though. But don't worry.With the popularity of your blog you will see the same hits again. Hope it doesn't go back to zero then. :)

  2. Check:

    Technical blog very useful. You will learn many technical subjects.
    - Good Day.

  3. I guess you need to write to which is provided by google....i guess they are the only ones who can answer you accurately about your blog gone missing & the numbers reset to zero...

    BTW i was looking forward to your opinions on Paan Singh Tomar & kahani movies...seems like u missed them while u were away on your trip abroad..catch them at home when possible & do write to us..

  4. "Do not argue with the management"... ha ha ha!!! I was under wrong impression that this kind of notices are the speciality of Pune. But looks like Mumbai is not lagging behind!!

    For your blog problems, please contact blogger support. If you are using a third party hit counter, please contact the counter provider for related problems.

  5. I see the visitors count as "1146104". Maybe the problem is fixed now.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  8. I PANICKED WHEN I DIDN'T SEE YOUR BLOG! And that's saying something considering I don't usually panic that easily. BUT I've become so addicted to reading your thoughts that I had to go through a Shobha De Blog withdrawal for a week. So glad to see you're back up and running. I would contact Google regarding your blog problem. That company is practically run by our desis that someone should be able to help you!
