Sunday, May 13, 2012

Sun Moon Lake and more...

I wonder why more international tourists have not heard of this unique and very picturesque destination in Taiwan (Sun Moon Lake)? I spent two wonderful days at the well designed, luxurious Hotel Lalu ( Lalu means 'sacred' ) on the very edge of the lake, and I was totally blown away. If you ask me this gigantic lake ( and fresh water reservoir, built by the Japanese during the Occupation) is even better than the lake in Geneva. And far, far bigger. It is the size of 103 soccer fields, informed our breathless guide, as we took an hour long boat trip around the Sun part of the lake, which was crammed with tourists from Mainland China. Chiang Kai Shek has built a 9-floors high pagoda on the tallest hill around the lake, as a permanent tribute to his beloved mother. Today being Mother's Day, I thought I should mention it! Happy thoughts floated inside my head, as I watched an 80- year -old woman doing brisk business at her tiny kiosk near the jetty. She sells 'Tea Eggs' that are so delicious and so popular, she has become a legend! Imagine her sales - take a guess... okay, let me tell you. She sells 6,000 eggs a day, at 30 American cents an egg. And no, she doesn't want to sell a single egg more or less. And no again, she doesn't want to part with her secret recipe either - she says she will take it to her grave with her. I tasted one of her 6,000 eggs - and loved it! The appearance is awful - like the egg has been dipped in mud. She uses Assam tea from India to stain and flavour the eggs. What else goes into the heavily guarded recipe, heaven knows, but I can tell you, the egg's wonderful to taste. Oh, I was wearing talented fashion designer Masaba's really clever and most versatile 'Sacred Bull' print jacket for the boat trip. It received a lot of compliments!Mamma Neena must be so proud! And yes,yes,'s Mother's Day, so I had to mention this,too.
After an hour long Spa treatment at the Lalu, I was entirely prepared and perfectly relaxed for my two hour presentation to a sharp, smart and incredibly good looking group of corporate honchos - mainly from the Asia Pacific region of a gigantic international brand. I think my presentation was well received, given the lively questions that the team bombarded me with right after. Then, it was time for a farewell banquet on the rooftop of the Fleur de Chine Hotel. The Sky Bar looked romantic and beautiful, with lilting music being played by a Chinese orchestra. As perfectly chilled Moet & Chandon was served in elegant flutes, and several toats raised, I thought of how fortunate I was to be in such a setting with such inspiring people.
Happy Mother's Day, Blogdosts....


  1. hmm...I must be a masochist...for everytime i come here i indulge in one of the seven deadly sins...envy...n i still love to come here :)

    quite a life you live...

  2. Thanks for your support over the Cool Blogs

    And it's a diversion to a personalized official blog


  3. Love your posts- I really like your posts about the places you travel , your experience -its fun,interesting and informative.
    Happy mothers day-to the dearest" Ma de"-I really admire you-woman with bags of self esteem-I have your pic on my vision board .I respect and look up to you . very happy to be connected to you...lot of love to you.
    Read your column on Vicky donor,well written...i never miss your column and you can count on me as your fan and blog friend!

  4. Love your articles,Shobha being an ex-model,hope you don't mind me asking how tall are you?? Cheers-Shalmali
