Friday, November 23, 2012

Better believe this!

Okay Blogdosts.... read it.... and react aaram se... but do react!

I am still wondering why I didn't adore Life of Pi? Was I just tired? Should I have kept myself awake with strong coffee and ignored the family sitting next to me , gobbling samosas? It's hard to concentrate on deep, allegorical images when the man to the right is burping noisily through dramatic scenes. Besides, I had forgotten to pick up my 3D chasma. A few early moments were blurred. Not that I wanted to look the tiger in the eye at all. Then I had major problems with Irfan Khan's peculiar accent which went from Denver to Dombivali. It was particularly odd when he spoke about finding 'Gaad' everywhere. What exactly was he looking for? It took me an hour to figure out he was looking for God. Frankly, highly simplistic lines that advise viewers to 'let go'etc sounded plain dumb. And which desi family speaks the way the Patels from Pondicherry ( if you please!) do? Those dinner table conversations were stilted and as fake as Pi's soul searching in the middle of a violent electrical storm. Come on, Ang Lee. India is so much more than a gleaming golden reclining Vishnu floating down a river. Or Tabu playing Yashoda and deconstructing the legend of Krishna as a bed time story.
 Sorry... I wasn't enchanted. I was just bored.


  1. I think the movie was a Brilliant work of visuals, even though the story wasn't the kinds that would keep you hooked on.. But I dont think those visuals could have been a brainchild of nothingness :)

  2. I haven't seen the movie ...yet! Though I have seen the promos and they look visually stunning.

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  4. Shobha De, whenever I read your blog or print interview one thing comes cross my mind. My college sweetheart who loved me to death once said, "it doesn't matter how much you know or good at; {I CARELESS}." And he had openly mentioned/revealed that men don't think much or even bothered to be judgmental when in love, forget about dominating the other party. Perhaps that is what's lacking in those self proclaimed perfectionist- women (asshole's) who comes to work with bruises all over their face. It's so sad when to each has their own version of what's victory! But on side note who cares right??? After all an assumption over the status of other women's men is like worrying about the size of their husband's penis; WASTE! Sadly, I've seen many women do this. I guess this is another bad news of the downfall in some womanhood apart from the ones who liked to be dominated!!!! :(
    PS- Thank god both of us don't even live in the world of "English Vinglish."

  5. Going to see Life of Pi this weekend. Mera review uske baad. I hope Ang Lee does more for the story than the book did. The book was chalega, a bit tedious in parts. It did not move me like it did some others.

    As for 50 shades. I put it away after the first 50 pages. Extremely ghisa pita and how many ways can you do it anyway. I wanted to smack the protagonists early on and tell them to disinfect and put away their toys, get dressed, call for chinese take out, eat and then to start communicating using their brains and words first. It was not an erotic book.

    Looking forward to getting my hands on Sethji, Have told my local library system to get it.

  6. Hi,

    I loved the book & am looking fwd to the movie(haven't seen it yet) as I had already visualised sooo much while reading the book. Ur review makes me wonder but my excitement supercedes all doubts & I hope I find Life of Pi good.
    Also, looking fwd to read Sethji soon...

  7. loved your pic,nice one. dont come across as one but if you say so iam not surprised either most capri's are bit shy type being an earthy sign by nature passive and dont like too much moves.May be moderately shy i have watched several of your interviews and debate shows even when you are talking there is certain slow ryhtm you hear carefully questions put by the interviewer(you dont come across someone in hurry)and answer them in relaxed manner.
    But what i like most about you is your optimistic nature being born under a negative sign(capricorn is negative meaning there is a tendency to look towards the cons first)i am sure you must have worked on your optimistic approach or practically came to a conclusion that its best to be optimistic.
    liked your take on power,style(in terms of style you are my favourite) and changing status of women.yet to watch english vinglish i will the fact that you mentioned.i am very happy about your success ,you manage a family and yet not only pursuing a career but super succesful at that too ...its great and very inspiring!
    yet to finish sethji(delayed due to my exams).Its nice to read your interviews....waiting for more.

  8. Ohh well.. So happy to read your veiws and find out that finally there is someone else apart from me who did not like the film too... Actually, I don't think there was anything to connect with at the first place. Secondly, the spiritual message that the movie intended to pass on, was not powerful or may be effective enough. All I could take away from the movie is that life over water can be very beautiful at times provided it is seen on screen with 3D glasses :-p

  9. i am glad i read ur post just in time.d novel itself bored me...still with e1 raving so much about d movie i thought of giving it a chance...but i guess my gut feeling was pi for me...n am happyy ...thank u
