Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Mudh Mudh Ke Na Dekh,Mudh Mudh Ke!!

Gong Li giving me one of those looks, outdoes  the sultry Nadira with her long cigarette holder, swaying and singing 'Mudh Mudh Ke Na Dekh'' This is come hither at its best. Sometimes, I park Gong Li on the dining table while I work / slave away. This evening I had an interesting visitor from Vienna - Dr.Edit Schlaffer, Executive Director of Women Without Borders. She is a determined lady on a special mission. Edit has started SAVE  ( Sisters Against Violent Extremism), because she firmly believes the only way to tackle terrorism is by working with mothers and sisters of troubled young people. Youngsters who could be inducted into terrorist organisations ( like in the case of the Boston Marathon Bombers) by agents looking for vulnerable recruits. She believes it is through sensitising mothers  of youth in troubled areas, that  a change of heart will take place. She exhorts mothers to watch out for certain signs ( brooding, alienation, suspicious activities) and then act on them ( talking more to their children, drawing them out, getting them to reveal their inclinations, persuading them to turn their backs on violence)  that transformation will eventually come about. Her husband is a psycho analyst. And they have two wonderful children. Edit is constantly on the move around the world, taking her message to places as far flung as Palestine and Pakistan. She has just returned from a trip to Kashmir, where she spoke to several mothers who have lost their husbands and sons to Jihadis. She's in Mumbai to plan a series of workshops and meetings around the 5th anniversary of the 26/11 attacks. Our brain-storming session went very well indeed. When Edit left, I wondered what has made this affluent, successful, happy Austrian lady invest so much time, effort and money on such a difficult but worthwhile mission. I have supported Women Without Borders for a while now. And happy to do so in future. If you'd like to know more about this initiative, log on to www.women-without-borders.org.


  1. Terrorists thinks themselves as teachers, more as preachers. They think the system is not ideal. The wheels are not turning the right way. They want to create an utopia. But they forget that every individual in this society is a similar human being like them. We are are equal and we all have our rights. One cannot kill other make this society ideal. An ideal society will only result by combinig and reunioun of people to decide how they want to love each other. They should rather teach love.
    Visit my blog too!


  2. Poverty is also the rootcause.
    This is hot summer. Many workers are digging in front of our building. There are some women workers and there are small kids with emaciated bodies, running noses, torn clothes sitting in the hot sun without any shelter. The building watchmen wont allow these hapless people some shelter and water inside. While stray dogs enjoy free movement. A poor man’s life is not worth that of even a dog.
    These kids, if they survive, will become labourers, criminals terrorists and naxalites and can we really blame them?

  3. It is quite an interesting approach. Terrorism is so complicated and varied no international body has been able to reach upon a universally acceptable definition of terrorism. Her approach is on the individual(terrorist) but what about terrorism inflicted by the state upon it's people. AFSPA in J&K is in complete violation of an individual's fundamental rights and oppressive in form. Incidents of it's misuse have often been reported.
    More draconian and oppressive laws are being passed to check rising crime etc. without giving due to presumption of innocence or we might as well invite the British back.

  4. Indeed a great mission(with good intentions and good for all motive). Hope her mission succeeds in making a difference,any degree of change is worthwhile.

  5. A Mother is a child's first teacher. The way in which terrorists do mind-wash youngsters actually need such initiatives from the very beginning..

  6. If they can do , why don't we?
    think about it...

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  10. Wow! Interesting!!! You know what? It's not as difficult as it looks or sounds. The day when an average human being stop teaching a nurse about the definition of loose and tight that's when everything will be clear cut and easy! Trust me on that!!!!! Just as I said zillion times the real world exist only behind the close doors and in btw the walls of an hospitals! The only place where every shades of people happily take refugee without any secrets and gets pampered and treated the BEST! My full support to your friend. I'm proud my entire life will be devoted to healing human creatures!!!! And I'm part of their brigade.

  11. Always a delight to read you. Hopefully, this long term never say die attitude of the noble soul will bring tangible benefits

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