Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Dinanath Batra's Loony Toons

> http://www.ndtv.com/article/opinion/dinanath-batra-s-loony-toons-567124

Isn't it time we protested more vehemently???
An evening spent in the company of well meaning Rotarians, discussing Achchey Din!!!

This appeared in the Asian Age
                   Let them eat Chapattis…
Let’s be super generous! Let’s be fair to Shiv Sena M.P. Rajan Vichare and give him the benefit of the doubt. He claims he didn’t know the name or religious identity of the man into whose protesting mouth he shoved a chapatti. Does that matter ? Had the catering supervisor at Maharashtra Sadan been a Hindu, Christian, Sikh, Buddhist or Atheist, would it have absolved Vichare? The question is redundant. We know the answer. Millions of shell- shocked viewers were left open mouthed when that dreadful footage was telecast ad nauseum across television channels. The belligerence of the act was enough to generate waves of revulsion… regardless of whether Vichare’s victim was a Muslim observing rozas during Ramzan, or not. Such high handedness is pretty common across party lines . It is just Vichare’s bad  luck he was caught on camera indulging in open goondagiri. Some of his illustrious colleagues in Parliament have displayed even worse conduct in public and gotten away with it. But here’s a case that disturbed an entire nation and left Vichare’s patrons not just red faced but resembling stale chapattis themselves.
Assuming Vichare didn’t or couldn’t read the Supervisor’s prominent name tag. Assuming Vichare did not hear the Supervisor’s name being called out by regulars. Assuming Vichare really, really detested the food being served ,can such a vicious attack on an individual be justified?Whatever the explanations in hind sight, given the history of aggressive / uncouth behavior ,one wonders whether this was a stray incident? Attacking those who are not in a position to hit back seems to come very easily to militant members of certain political parties. In this case, an incensed Vichare is seen on video footage, brutally stuffing a chapatti in to the mouth of a vociferously protesting Arshad Zubair. So….  if we are to believe that Vichare cannot see a name tag, does it mean he cannot hear either? Zubair is heard repeating over and over again that he is fasting. Vichare ignores him completely and continues to force- feed the helpless man in the presence of cronies. If this is Vichare’s spontaneous reaction to bad food, it’s worth asking whether he would behave in the same fashion outside his comfort zone ( Maharashtra Sadan),  in which he and the others eat heavily subsidized meals! Given their antecedents, perhaps they would. But I seriously doubt it! Try and picturise Vichare in a posh restaurant overseas, walking up to a snooty maitre d’ with an undercooked chicken leg in his hand and attempting to gag the man with the offensive dish. Within minutes, cops would be summoned and Vichare marched off to the nearest prison.
That doesn’t happen in India. Especially to an M.P. Incidentally, Vichare was also the Mayor of Thane.  Dadagiri comes easily and naturally to our pumped up netas. They obviously believe it is their absolute right to ignore the law and engage in unruly conduct. But the Maharashtra Sadan incident has other ramifications, given the fresh facts that are emerging….  starting with the plot on which it is built, to the substandard construction of the Sadan. Complaints about the poor quality food being served have been registered in the past.  Plus, there have been protests about the presence of M.P. s from other states temporarily sharing the space. Maharashtra Sadan is a tinder box. It is too bad for Vichare that his outburst coincided with Ramzan.
Enemies of the Sena, must be rejoicing secretly, given the turmoil in Maharashtra, with State Elections coming up, and no leadership in sight. At an uncertain time like this, when sensitivities are indeed running high, such an incident is bound to be milked to the hilt by political rivals. Nothing works as powerfully in India as a misdemeanor involving religious intolerance. Even if one were to avoid attempts by mischief mongers to communalise the issue further, the damage has been done. And had the Sena leadership handled the crisis more adroitly when the story broke, perhaps the backlash wouldn’t have been this severe. Since no genuine apology was offered, and no action taken against Vichare , people were justifiably upset.It is to the credit of the affected community that admirable restraint was shown by leaders who could easily have inflamed passions and incited trouble.
Maharashtra is going through one of its worst periods.  The State Elections are likely to witness bloody fights and gutter level politics as parties scramble to gain control over Mumbai  -  possibly the priciest real estate in the world. It is all about the money. One had hoped that if not Uddhav, his son Aaditya, would have sensed the mood of the public and dealt with the situation in a more upfront manner. There is no shame in apologizing when a community’s feelings are hurt. It is the morally correct thing to do. Leadership is about sending out the right message to party workers, and letting them know when  a line is crossed. But what can even a mild- mannered , well- meaning Uddhav do when 15 out of 18 Shiv Sena M.P.s  face criminal charges  ranging from attempt to murder to using dangerous weapons to cause hurt. Under such ominous circumstances, perhaps Vichare’s act of force-feeding a Muslim during Ramzan, does not appear as serious to the party?

A pity the rest of the country sees it differently.
This appeared in The Week.....
                              Where’s the fire…?
 I’ll tell you where the fire is – it is raging in our society. And chances of dousing the flames are pretty slim… unless you happen to be as gutsy and determined as Subhangi Iwalekar,the young widow of  34- year- old Fireman Nitin Iwalekar , who stood her ground, demanded her rights, and took on the mighty,  after her brave husband died on duty fighting a conflagration. The horrific incident took place when a glittering deathbox ( read: commercial high rise),covered with glass panels, caught fire in Mumbai last week. Even during that devastating hour of grief, Subhangi had the foresight and courage to ask for what she believed is her right. She had the guts to ask for a written assurance from the authorities that her interests would be protected. She insisted on her husband’s body being brought to the fire brigade’s office, where she publicly and vociferously pressed for her demands. Subhagi clearly – and understandably – did not trust the administration . She refused to take verbal promises at face value. What Subhangi wanted was monetary compensation, plus, a job for herself.  This created quite a tricky situation, since the body had started decaying by then and Subhangi was unwilling to relent. Finally, Chief Fire Officer A.N.Ve rma, handed over a letter promising Subhangi a job at the BMC within a month, and offering 15 lakhs by way of compensation. Her demand was for 50lakhs. The deadlock was broken, albeit, reluctantly from Subhangi’s side. Nitin’s last rites were performed by his two little daughters, led by their feisty mother.
What if Subhangi had allowed her personal grief to consume her completely? What if she had followed society’s diktats and conformed to what is deemed ‘acceptable and appropriate’ conduct on such a tragic occasion? I’ll tell you what: Subhangi and her kids would have been screwed (pardon the expression)..  I am pretty sure community leaders, perhaps even her late husband’s colleagues,tried hard to dissuade her from ‘making a scene’.  Even though, what she did was the right and fair thing. For, had she not pressed for it, she would have been made to run around in circles by an indifferent, callous and lazy administration, for years and years. And she would never have seen the money…. or the job. Who then would have looked after her and her daughters? Certainly not those community leaders, neighbours or relatives – the very people who turned up for the funeral?
It is not easy being Subhangi in our society. We have certain conventions and social rules that need to be challenged, questioned, subverted, thrown out of the window. Not every widow in our unambiguously patriarchal structure has the gumption to stand up for her beliefs and do what Subhangi did. Most are subdued by a harsh, judgmental system that prescribes what a young widow can and cannot do at a time like this. Subhagi would have been expected to wipe off her bindi/ sindhoor, break her bangles and mangalsutra, change out of her colourful saree ,drape herself in white, sit in a corner of her home ( a brand new one she had moved into with Nitin and the kids), weep noisily, beat her chest and stick with female family members, while the men took charge of the proceedings. In this case over 200 mourners were present for the delayed funeral. Guess what? The morning after the night before, Subhangi would have been largely alone with two bewildered children asking for their father. Life would have gone on for the others, like nothing had happened. Harsh but true.
Which is why it is important to acknowledge Subhangi’s actions .She isn’t asking for handouts. It is not charity she seeks. If she is qualified and deserves the job, she should get it. The compensation will be as per the rules. Potentially,Subhangi has more than 40 years ahead of her. Nitin, the sole provider, is no more. He needn’t have died. Mumbai  has many more deathboxes, built without required permissions and safety features. While we discuss the precious loss of one fireman , we are overlooking the ghastly possibility that many more firemen could also have sacrificed their lives in Lotus Business Park, where the fire broke out. Several rules had been blatantly flouted. The swanky commercial complex in which investors like Hritik Roshan owned several floors, did not have a second staircase, nor firefighting equipment that’s in working order! This is a fit case for criminal negligence – but will the authorities act and probe further? Hold BMC officials responsible? Question the builders? Nope. When was the last time that happened? Had Subhangi meekly kept quiet and accepted a handout from the authorities, her public image may have been more ‘sanitised’, but in reality, her life would be over! We must support Subhangi for speaking out, when silence was the safer option.


  1. Very correct ! shivsena party has become notorious for goondagiri and haptagiri.M.P.Rajan Vichare's act was no different from party's ideology. The sad part of the story is that our people in spite of knowing criminal background of netas do elect them again & again. This encourages illiterate party leaders and in turn our already weak democraacy weakens further.

  2. Kudos for your article on Subhangi and bringing it to light.

  3. Firstly, Vichare needs to be sent to a lunatic asylum and given electric shocks till he starts wetting his trousers whenever he hears the word Chappathi.

    Secondly,some 80% of all our buildings - in somewhat down-market areas are death traps - with little or no means to escape when fires break out and also provide little space for fire tenders to reach the spot. Anyone in doubt ought to visit Ekta MHADA, Jan Kalyan Nagar, Malad West in Mumbai - which is a bit upmarket when compared to the hovels in Mumbra - also part of the hinterland of Mumbai. In the latter place, buildings fell like packs of cards ... and yet ... none got seriously punished. The rich can get away with blue murder, exploit the gullible power under the macabre guise of being legally correct and the poor will meekly submit. In the case of the fire-engine brave who lost his life - the poor man lost his life because of the greed of the builder and the corporate greed of those who occupied the floors. I can say it right here and now - none will be punished. It was that poor Iwalekar's original sin of being born poor and working for the government.

  4. Let Subhangi get those Rs 15 lakhs & her job. It would be naive to think that they are Harishchandra avatars who'll keep up their promises. They have just politely removed the 'menace' by their false promises as usual. A letter means nothing for these unscrupulous politicians.

  5. Just watched Times Now....am so happy with the way you responded..not only on the merit on what you said..but the manners you have shown to wait till your turn and to stop when Arnab Interefered...U were the most sensible one there....we wished to hear more from you

  6. To all the 21 year olds,

    Yes you, you with your fresh faced innocence, you with your lack of worldly wisdom, you who cant differentiate between an "accidental" grope and a deliberate pinch. Listen to me..Do not get into arranged marriages. Here is what your "conservative" and "god-fearing" parents will say:
    1) This is our custom, this is how your mother and I married and we have been blissfully married for 30 years
    2) You are getting old (My Big fat Greek wedding recap) get married so that you are able to give birth without worrying about fertility issues.
    3) He is a well-educated boy (the "boy" is a 30-year old womaniser, who is one broken condom away from contracting AIDS)
    4) He is earning 10000000$ and has his own home in London (so now you have become a commodity for sale)
    5) He speaks so well, very few boys are this respectful (One chat on an online website is not enough to judge if he is respectful.)
    6) His family is from our community (His parents may be sadistic attention-seekers, who will drive Mother Theresa crazy, but as long as they are from our community, its all good)
    7) And finally my favourite: He was the only guy, who replied to our online ad on Matrimony.com

    Now that you are aware of the weapons your simpleton parents will use, be ready..To assist you further, I have listed some things you should Do:
    1) If you are working..in a job you enjoy ..Do not quit. A JOB will always be your lifelong friend, soul-mate, pride and joy.
    2)GET A MEDICAL CHECK UP: I mean it. A full inside out medical check-up. For all you know, He could be a SHE
    3) Do not rush into it: Yes he studied in America, Yes he has worked in Germany, Yes he has some second-hand BMW. If your instinct says NO. Something is not right.
    4) Do not be afraid to tell your parents to SHUT UP, If you do not feel comfortable, no one should force you. IT is ILLEGAL
    5) Now that a suitable boy has been selected, the wedding cards printed, the hall booked, your mehendi looks perfect. Your suitable boy confesses " Um..I am diabetic" Before you can say insulin injection...he continues... " I was previously engaged to be married but it was called off".
    CANCEL THE WHOLE BLODDY THING, SLASH THE WEDDING CARDS, CANCEL THE FANCY HALL, SLASH THE 100000-Rs worth Sari...or maybe not...Just because one lying, conniving, manipulative, diabetic has humiliated you doesn't mean another honest, sincere, caring Man wont come along. Look around, he is probably in the next cubicle, thinking of ways to strike a conversation with you and NOT strike at you (against the wall ..repeatedly.)


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