I love Shravan with all its rituals. I feel chaste and 'pure', observing strict monday fasts and eating shudh vegetarian for a month. It makes me feel terribly virtuous! But more than that, I enjoy the discipline. This monday, I went to the historic Babulnath Temple at Chowpatty for the evening aarti. I was delighted to see how well organised the whole thing was, with young volunteers to keep the surging crowds moving along briskly in orderly lines. It was just the sight of the pumped up security at the temple premises that disheartened me. Well... this is the real state of the world today. Who knows which crazed person is lurking in the shadows armed with explosives? Babulnath has been a favourite haunt since my college days. It continues to retain its old magic, particularly the darkened lair where sadhus with matted hair play the dumru vigourously and the air is thick with 'that' smoke ( one can get high just by hanging around and breathing!). Post-aarti, appropriately uplifted in spirits, I took my children for a Faraal Feast ( it's a Shravan special), to my all time favourite vegetarian restaurant - Soam. 10,000 calories later, we rolled home, happily satiated - no, 'trupt'! Like I said - I love Shravan. Even if it makes me gain, not lose kilos , while I fast!
I can redo a velenkar in Hindi :) well, the life has made us so scary that a left over bag will scare us.
Another view of Shravan :
श्रावण मासी..... Ode to the Mumbai Roads (with apologies to Balkavi)
From the other side....:-)
Just few days and I will dig into my fav Non veg dishes
Shobha tai.. good to see all your articles/blogs on BMM; and pictures too! It was great to meet with you!
Well, I think I can guess the source of Paithani tunics. There's an exhibition in Pune around Diwali with not just Paithani kurtas, kurtis, but batwas, purses, sling bags and more...
Does Arpana come from my city NASHIK.............?
Paithani tunics are a must see. Need a picture.
And a happy Shravan to you too.
I didn't know you blog :) Good to know...
All these travel stories. Thought I'd accidentally logged into Tripadvisor.
Where's the juice? the spice? the ugly truth, gossip & commentary
The visit was useful. Content was really very informative.
This content really useful.happy shravan to you too
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