Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wish list : Narendra Modi's Autobiography\ Biography

Guys..... I am vastly amused. What's your take???
This appeared in the Times of India, Baroda, yesterday.
Am watching a marathi film, Mani Mangalsutra , this evening. More on that tomorrow.
I'll be away at the Hay Literature Festival till next week - no laptop. But before I jump on that flight, I'll visit the Tejpal Durga Badi for aarti and bhog , tomorrow being the seventh day of Puja, Saptami. Shall ask the Devi to bless the world. Let there be peace...


Neha said...

Now that is interesting! Can I get to read the article somewhere?

PaSsu said...

Did he write anything before? I think he he writes for himself it will defeat the whole purpose. I would love to read about Modi written by you, De.

चंद्रमौलेश्वर प्रसाद said...

Hay Literature Festival

Thank God it's not gay :)

Anonymous said...

Though not a frequent reader of De articles, coz usually it annoys me. For the first time I'm reading a De article which is not s#x centric.

uthamanarayanan said...

Good,as usual Congress guys jump into the fray of finding fault with something, but as usual Mr.Modi will come out triumphantly and jingling noise of the coins reverberating in the coffers of the publishers.
Waiting to see the book.

Chirag K. Shah said...

Would like to read a book written by you on him.

IceMaiden said...

Mr. Modi... *yawn*

I don't like that dress very much though, I think you could do way better than that :)


Pooja Rathore said...

if u think he should then i think he should ( bcoz u will not say something for the sake of it) hope Mr modi takes your words of wisdom seriously.

तरुण गुप्ता said...

dear shobha ji, i am really upset about this news. i think a biography means to motivate us. Krishna puniya, Sushil kumar, Gagan Narang, and other players/people you can choose for your writing/biography but you like modi than them. would you plz tell me, what are the reason to write on Mr. Modi than others who can motivate better than him. I hope you must rethink about this.

Debu's Blog said...

No...It is right that Mr. Modi must write his biography...whatever it is he is the man of the mass...I don't think that anyone can denies this fact ever...

Theyoginme said...

I think you should write a biography of Mr. Modi. Also please ask for special blessings for your humble and supportive blogdosts in addition to the world...(I know it sounds selfish :)) Hope the book is selling like hot cakes.

rt said...

U want another Mein Kempf!!

Vinay. said...

you are an elegant person. why do you try to look otherwise?

Buls said...

I would like to know his views on Godhra incident and the riots thereafter... is there any justification for what was done to the Muslims? And I am surprised YOU are appreciating this man...
Your words are becoming more and more hollow

Anonymous said...


Please let us know exactly what you have in mind. You cannot be sitting on the fence in some cases, while trying to be polite to a few, handle some with kid gloves....especially the ones who have blood on their hands directly/indirectly.
Agreed the state is flourishing due to their good offices, administration and so on, but they cannot be absolved of their past ommissions/commissions.
Sure you are fully aware that we are in this pitiful/pathetic state, as there is no one who can come out and bell the CAT.
It is not only with Gujarat. The rot is all over the country.
We are so used to glorifying the rich and the powerful, (even the terrorists, rogues...)in spite of knowing how they got there.
One should tread carefully while trying to dole out freebees, accolades to people who are tainted.

Then we ask God to help us. OH!

Pratap said...


You have set the cat amongst the pigeons with that headline - and the blurb that TOI Baroda has been so kind(!) to put in the article.

The pseudo-seculars will be baying for your blood. And you are conveniently heading to the Hay Literature Festival - perfect timing?!

seriously kidding said...

lets hope your wish comes true and also he succeeds in creating one which is incapable of igniting a political stir in the country.this is the least the country can ask from him!

Pooja Rathore said...

hi ma de
i have your book ( shobhaa at sixty) read a few chapters( still reading) i found the book simple , advices simple but require discipline to put them in practice,light and nice book .
some of the chapters are for fifties and sixty it has made me more sensitive towards my mother ( in her mid fifty) i get very angry when she forgets to take her medicine and i thought if i can remember whats her problem now i understand why she forgets things so often i will behave myself in more sensitive way towards her from hereonwards.
I had no idea how people behave when they reach forty,fifty or sixty (nuclear family i dont stay with grand mom or grand paa so no experiance)it will take me another thirty years to reach sixty but your book tells how people feel when they reach fifty ,sixty.. how much they need family.i still have few chapters left will get back to u soon...... thank u for a wonderful book

Praveen said...

Lalith Modi's autobiography will be a best seller, might even beat all the records

Anonymous said...


Missed this out in my last comment.

We are so used to sub-standard performance by a majority of our netas, that if one guy stands out/does his job, which he is supposed to do in the first place, then it is blown out of proportion (hype). Surely he is in that position,if i may say so elected by the people, who have placed their trust in him to do his best for the Country,State and the people who voted for him.
Yes we must appreciate the work done, but making him out to be a god, when all that he is doing is his duty/job. Mind you he is paid for it and we all know how much.

A CEO in a private firm, who does not perform is kicked out.
We should come out with a solution wherin the above is applied/incorporated in our system to do the same with our Netas who do not show the minimum progress in their respective portfolios, and welfare of their respective States.
Here in India, their individual bank balance goes up a hundred fold(in some cases even more) by the end of their term.

If all of us, including you do not carry out our individual work, job, business etc. to the satisfaction of the Fans, BOSS, Clients, one does not have to spell out the results.



HinduBengal said...

Madam Can u Expalin Why Indian Media Kept Mum about Deganga Attacks

amul jikar said...

this is your suited booted bigotry from vadoara of 19th jan 2003 toi sunday article speaking and for once shobha will have to you recall what this suited booted said in 2003 and your reply then and now the autobiography of our beloved CM shri narendra modi. have the guts to reply !!!!!!!!!our views will remain same as in 2003 and for ever but your views change as per times. Good you have realised the strength of gujarat and its present leader. God bless shobhaji!!

THOMAS said...

READ THE BOOK Narendra Modi: The Architect Of A Modern State By M V Kamath (Author), Kalindi Randeri (Author) ;A Man With Mission

RITA said...

Spice up the festivities of your dear ones in Frankfurt and make a precious memory with them by sending fresh flowers and gifts from

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Narendra Modi is only person who had done lots of thing for Gujarat. If Gujarat is one of most developing state of India is only by Mr. Narendra Modi…
I am wish that this journey will continue for next years.
I think that I can help you for getting more information about The
great leader of century.