He needs many things if the show has to work - and those include a stylist, script writer and a brand new idea. Salman may have the best vanity van in the business. Maybe they should shoot a very different sort of show in it??
Am off to meet an Aussie lady whose idea of fun is to trek in the Himalayas. I envy her stamina and spirit. I love the idea of trekking. If only there were modern loos en route?? Oh.... I notice the reviews for 'Sex..." are pretty mixed. Love and Labels are what women want, right? I'll let you know after the show. Have advised my husband to take a sleeping pill. He loathes chick flicks. And his idea of sexy footwear for the ladies does not include CHOOS!

Hi Shobhaa,
I do agree that the Salman Show is nowhere close to being called interesting. Vanity Vans and Velvet Jackets apart, he also looked quite disoriented throughout.
Maybe he also needs a couple of sleeping pills so that the next time around, better sense prevails.
expecting to hear more on the lanka trip from you besides the bombshells.
Yes, it was not that interesting but the timing is good considering no big criket and monsoons.
Salman lacks intelectuality and that shows more often now.
A shirtless Sallu would be a great improvement for sure! But i think the main purpose of the show is to show "bad-boy" sallu in a more humane light...and that i think they have achieved!
If i sound liek a die hard sallu fan...sue me...I am! LOL
But seriously, its the same adulation, silly questions, celeb guests et all on all quiz shows....
Mr Bachan, however staid and aloof he may have appeared, did set a hitherto unsurmountable benchmark.
SIGH...I still see 10ka dum, if only to see sallu's dewy eyes!
ok well here i see there are hell lot of people who are against salman and his stuffs done in past.But i would like to let you all people know, lets assume it he's bad boy in bollywood, if thats so why do there are hell lot of fans still supporting him, why are his abundant fans cry or pray to god when he had been in jail? inspite of being such bad ass as u people call him so ? why do people watch his movies ? why is he called the superstar of both classes and masses? well the answer is simple .. you like it or you dont like it but you cant go off from salman khan, unlike any other star *srk* ... there have been obligations salman doesnt know how to act and so only he aint got any awards for best actor. Well answer for that salman doesnt do films for awards he enjoys his way of acting and living so only his fans do.And people go to watch his films only to watch him , well thats the impact of this superstar in indian film industry. And about the show dus ka dum , lemme tell ya its gaining one of the highest trp shows ever in sony television's history ,and thats all because of salman's presence
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